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Everything posted by BlueBird

  1. Whskyman here is a possible solution to your problem so you won't be annoyed: Activity All Activity I sometimes use this approach when I don't need to know the background or previous postings on a certain topic. Works for me. Guess it is sort of like just reading the headlines in a newspaper. Good luck.
  2. ZIKA and other health problems (malaria, hepatitis, etc.) could be caused by black water which is sewage and human waste from toilets. Bet the medical staff in David is going to be busy taking care of patients.
  3. IMO "rumor" such as the one listed here causes more confusion than solving a problem. I appreciate how postings on this web-site (Bud, Keith, Newslady especially) list the source for what is re-published here.
  4. De-clawed?? Hopefully an indoor only cat.
  5. Automatic? Or does customer have to request the discount before ordering food at Colibri?
  6. Maybe I missed something? Why the postings on pot holes in the Delays in Customs category? Is the message that Customs is a pot hole? Need help to understand.
  7. So why don't you get the locals (with all the answers) to sign up and use CL? Their input would help with integration.
  8. Don't publish notices of business and charity events if the information is not complete (who, what, where, when, and why rules for advertising). Use a template showing required information when posting these events. Refuse to publish events if information is incomplete. Mi dos centavos.
  9. Thanks for this post Penny. I'll remember to never order a restaurant's SPECIAL offer. This habit sounds like a scam to avoid following the discount law. Not certain how restaurants get by with this behavior, but now I know their "game".
  10. I am new to Boquete and I'm confused about this discount discussion. Why would a restaurant play games with their menu pricing? And why wouldn't a restaurant allow a discount? Don't they have to follow the law? Which restaurants should I avoid?
  11. Maybe my English is not good but why do you and Judy S. say men on this forum and business owners blam the victim for bad judgmet. i do not understand.
  12. I agree with Keith. Didn't read into previous postings that several men on this forum assumed this woman was foolish.
  13. Boquete sounds like a scary place. I'm reading an earlier post about all the robberies and break-ins that occurred last year and now wondering what "adequate security" is. How can someone (Marion) have "adequate security" but have young people enter her home and shoot and stab her? I have second thoughts about my parents moving here.
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