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Everything posted by Brundageba

  1. I used to look at the classifieds but it is now a total pain in the tail to use. I just don't open Boquete.Ning anymore.
  2. When you look it up on-line the official day is Wed the 9th. I just found another site that said it will be officially celebrated on Monday the 7th. BUT hey, this is Panama so it may be a very loooong weekend.
  3. Wow.....that person must have an enormous amount of time on their hands. Quite a detailed dissection of driving. One comment read: " Stay home, problem solved" . I had to laugh.
  4. Been there done that...they know, and we are told they are busy with other issues that apparently take precedence. For some folks tanks are empty for lack of pressure enough to restore what is used. If you do not have a tank , you do not have water now for several weeks. For those that do have tanks it's a stain on the water pumps and as well a challenge in the recycling of water. The water I use to wash clothes I catch and wash the floors with then use what's left to flush the toilets and the rest to water a plant or two.
  5. Thanks. We'll take along the photos of the ruptured pipe ( one of three in Brisas) exhausting enough water to supply the entire flower fair daily. It is an enormous amount of water and the biggest one supplies a fire hydrant & all the homes in the lower portion. I guess the pressure has been amped up in order that what water does get through the ruptured pipe that some tanks get filled slowly over night. We are told the City is busy with other repairs that take priority. This is the 4th time ( I've lost count) this same pipe has been repaired. Some residents have collect a fund to repair it themselves. I do not believe this is a good idea. It is a difficult repair and one the city should attend to. A water fountain and a river....and off the side of the canyon a waterfall.
  6. Yes. Makes me nervous when my husband trusts the other driver will stop at these intersections where he has the right of way. I just don't trust the other drivers. He wants to mount my seat facing backwards. ....no I think he'd rather put me in the trunk.
  7. Brundageba

    Time of harvest

    From the album: Brundageba's Photo Album

    Our one coffee tree is ready for picking. Maybe we'll have one pot this year!
  8. Lutein (FloraGLO® 15mg. AND Zeaxanthin 4.75 mg in combination Recommended for eye health by my ophthalmologist. These are two vitamin supplements that promote eye health and that pass the blood barrier into the vessels of the eye. You can find this on Amazon and other places that sell vitamin supplements. Much cheaper than buying it at the Hospital Chiriqui pharmacy !
  9. With all this post holiday traffic, how can two cars be going so fast as to demolish the front ends of both...especially in this location?
  10. From the album: Brundageba's Photo Album

    Dec 22, 2018 from Brisas
  11. Brundageba

    White hawk

    From the album: Brundageba's Photo Album

    Brisas canyon December 2018
  12. Seems like closing the hiking path would be a good idea until this weather lets up a bit...if it does. That's brutal
  13. The store needs a public address system so they can make announcements: "Attention attention would Mr Citadel South Carolina please come to the office to collect your door prize..." ( You can make up the rest of the story from there.) My vote: The rotten tomatoes the store discards could be used in a public tomato toss . My hunch is some Panamanians would weigh on that one.
  14. Horrible. Bill and I noticed a lot of horrendous speeders weaving in an out of the traffic on the Boquete/David highway. One passed a police car. Police in that car I guess were not designated traffic police. Puzzling.
  15. You inspire us. Good work ! Congratulations Brandy. You have my vote
  16. Senior living ( independent living, assisted care) does not exist here. Who takes care of you here when you can no longer care for yourself? Now Bill and I have cared for a Ngobe family here and they swear they will attend to us in our old age.....they are hand to mouth, dirt poor. Should we need a trip to the doctor they might be able to flag down a cab. It's not something we would elect but still out there I guess. For us (like so many getting older here,) it's knowing when to pull the plug. An Independent Living facility would be our choice back in the USA. We're looking for one in Florida close to the surf (laughing) that has a good selection of boards for us to use.
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