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Everything posted by Bonnie

  1. I overheard a couple of new residents the other day discussing their horror at having encountered army ants, so I thought I would raise this issue for those who are unfamiliar with them. Army ants are largely harmless (although they DO bite when provoked). They form long columns and obliterate everything in their path. From time to time, they make their way into houses, where they methodically clean all the floors of debris. Once they make it inside, there's no way I know of to get rid of them because there are so many. My housekeeper advises that you should gather up your pets and simply leave the house until they finish their business and file back out, usually in less than an hour. When you return, your floors will be pristine. I had one encounter with army ants years ago. I returned from an errand and found our great room floor totally covered with them. Although I had read about them, I panicked and did all the wrong things. Now, we generally notice them gathering forces outdoors, so we close all the doors and spray the thresholds. If it weren't for the dogs and cat, I would welcome them just to clean the house. Occasionally we don't notice them in time and are obligated to flee outdoors for a while until they finish up.
  2. I saw this several years ago when it first came out. It's a good watch, especially for those of us who live here. There are so many new residents that many probably weren't around during Wild Bill's escapades. What is Wild Bill's status? Anybody know? Last I heard he was still in jail in David. There hasn't been a trial, has there? I also remember some talk about possibly extraditing him back to the States to answer for some criminal activity there. Like so many news stories, this received big play at the time but now has sunk out of sight.
  3. It may be beyond all life support, but there are a number of participants who apparently do not know its shortcomings. When I see the name of someone I know on Ning, I make a point of telling them that there's a better alternative, that CL is locally run, is ad free, and enjoys the participation of Boquete veterans who know the score. I think each of us needs to do our part to spread the word. When I first advise someone to try CL, I also tell them to click on the "Activity" tab when they first sign on. This is what they're used to, so it isn't quite so daunting to make the change. Once they see what CL has to offer, they'll be inspired to become familiar with the site. Eventually, I think, everyone will migrate to CL, but let's help them along.
  4. I would be very interested in seeing a menu. I have no idea what "Mayan Fusion" cuisine is. For that matter, I don't know anything about Mayan food except that I would guess it involves corn and/or chocolate.
  5. With Mark's help, my understanding is that the original post is just an announcement of the new affiliation between the two helplines, providing members of each more comprehensive coverage throughout Panama. Thanks, Mark.
  6. Thank you, Roger. After my experience with my driver's license, I will be taking the original with me for any official business. I use my carnet principally in restaurants, and the chances of losing it there are relatively high.
  7. RT, when you get a new card, you may want to consider having a copy made and laminated. I had my carnet copied at Mailboxes, Etc. Carry the copy with you and leave the original at home in a safe place. To me, the copy looks just like the original. I have never had it questioned except when renewing my driver's license. Sertracen wanted the original. Those cards are easy to lose even if you don't have your wallet stolen. I can't tell you how many times I've nearly lost mine by leaving it in a restaurant, bank, travel agency, etc. And they're an expensive pain to replace.
  8. Miguel came to our house yesterday while I was in David, and my husband bought two pounds of langostinos (which we enjoyed last night). Larry said he was talking about his truck and his health but, because Larry understands little Spanish, I can't report on exactly what he said. Larry said he appeared to be his same old talkative self. It's been six months since he was last here (mid July), and about that same amount of time since his disappearance. I do know that he was in bad shape back in July. Let's hope he has resolved his problems, whatever they were.
  9. You've got to be kidding me. One hundred and ten dollars per person??? Plus booze (except for the champagne toast)?
  10. Interesting, Marcelyn. They do an eye exam at the Sertracen office. You had to have a separate one?
  11. I went to David this morning to renew my driver's license and was turned away because the pensionado carnet I produced was a copy. I knew I had to have the original because the same thing happened to my husband, but I thought I HAD the original. They look exactly the same to me. (This was my fault for not taking both just to be safe. But it seems to me that the computer would have shown that I was duly visa-ed.) I went home to get my original carnet and returned nearly to be sent away again. Because I'm over seventy, I had a doctor's statement attesting to my health, but it bore the name "Bonnie Jackson Williams" while my passport and carnet said "Bonnie J. Williams." I pointed out that the passport number on the doctor's report was the number on my passport, but the woman didn't relent until I produced a U.S. driver's license bearing my full name. Be forewarned. Incidentally, she didn't ask for any information relating to my vehicles although I was prepared with absolutely everything. The good news is that I was in and out (the second time) in under 45 minutes.
  12. I assume you mean Myrna, Dottie. She was Lee's partner/companion at the time of his death.
  13. Read Eric Jackson's explanation of the situation. He has researched and covered all the bases, the ins and outs of the extradition process. http://www.thepanamanews.com/2015/12/will-martinelli-be-behind-bars-by-christmas-the-next-steps/
  14. Much of the new Ning is indeed humorous in the moderators' stupidity and incompetence. But I, for one, draw the line at bottom feeding gossip mongering. Olga knows nothing except what she's "heard" about the status of Mango and the marital status of Craig (not Chris--she doesn't even know his name) and Maureen. But this doesn't stop her from spreading what she doesn't know around, to the detriment and, no doubt, embarrassment of two very fine people. Shame on her.
  15. Under Rules, there is a topic called Forum Specific Rules for Classified Ads. The answer to your question is that you cannot reply to ads on the forum. The ad must contain contact information. See http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/247-forum-specific-rules-for-classified-ads/
  16. I don't understand your post, Pantah. What three options? Funny business on the part of the U.S. State Dept. or funny business on the part of Panama Immigration?
  17. Thanks, Keith. I'm amazed that it's open at all on the 24th and 31st.
  18. I have to renew my driver's license this month. It's been so long that I've forgotten what time Sertracen opens. Can anyone help?
  19. This IS very expensive, but worth it if it secures your safety. Following the series of home invasions, we installed burglar bars so secure that it would take a blow torch to get through them. They were carefully thought out and carefully executed for maximum safety. Three sliding glass doors, one single door, and fifteen windows of various sizes from very small to very large cost about $4000. Based on the above figures from Fuertec, the windows alone would cost about $1000 more if we went with the screens. I thought I would hate the burglar bars, but I don't (although the screens, admittedly, probably are more appealing.) And I can't tell you how much more secure I feel, particularly at night. The death of Joe and the severe injuries to Marion, two friends, really affected me, as it did all of us who knew them.
  20. I continue to be amazed at how JLM is able to find such utterly offensive and incompetent moderators. It makes me appreciate this site all the more. There have been a few start-up pains here on CL, but I'm grateful that Bud and Marcelyn solicit and rely on suggestions by the readership/participants and are unfailingly helpful and courteous (even when some of us are not).
  21. Can anyone provide directions to the ACODECO office in David? Is there anything a person going there should know and be prepared for?
  22. For those of you who, like me, find the duplication of News Boquete posts in CL annoying and cluttersome, Marcelyn's solution works well. When you sign for the first time on a given day, go to the Home page (if you're not already on it) and scroll down to News Boquete under News Feeds/Meeting Announcements. Click on News Boquete, which will take you to that page. In the upper right hand corner, click on "Mark forum read." News Boquete posts in the Activity Stream will disappear. It takes very little time.
  23. Bud, it might help everyone if you would briefly explain the difference between a category, forum, and topic, with an example. I too become confused about these words, which are critical to understanding instructions.
  24. Cableonda was off all day yesterday for us but came back on early in the evening. I'm curious about what may have happened. Whatever it was, they probably had to bring in equipment and/or staff from PC, accounting for the long interruption in service.
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