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Panama Now Has a Good Samaritan Law

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What a sad twist of fate.


Good Samaritan dies helping out

Posted on December 7, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 468

A GOOD SAMARITAN  act by  a man who witnessed an accident leading to dozens of  beer bottles falling from a truck led to his death as he rushed to assist the driver recover some of his load.

While helping collect bottles scattered across the road, Fernando de la Cruz, 33,  was struck and killed by a truck carrying tanks of acetylene,” said a  neighbor.

His death brought the total of traffic accident victims this year to 406, topping last year’s toll of 403. Of that total 141 were pedestrians.


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  • 6 months later...

The exemption of liability with certification of First Aid...does Panama offer a certification program?  Are other country's certifications considered?  Would be a shame for deaths to occur because certification was not widespread and non certified people were concerned about litigation and therefore did not provide assistance.

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  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Panama Now Has a Good Samaritan Law

Concern about litigation and so no assistance?  Maybe. My friend was walking her dog in Bajo Boquete when she fell breaking her jaw along with other facial injuries and lay on the ground bleeding into the dirt while crying out "help me, please help me" and in great pain. A gringa stopped, got out of her SUV, stood over and looked down at my friend said nothing and drove away.

My friend's husband got concerned when his wife didn't return home. Went looking and found her still bleeding from the head and face. 

Off to the hospital.

Have to wonder about that woman who stopped and just looked at my friend and then drove away.

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5 hours ago, Marcelyn said:

Concern about litigation and so no assistance?  Maybe. My friend was walking her dog in Bajo Boquete when she fell breaking her jaw along with other facial injuries and lay on the ground bleeding into the dirt while crying out "help me, please help me" and in great pain. A gringa stopped, got out of her SUV, stood over and looked down at my friend said nothing and drove away.

My friend's husband got concerned when his wife didn't return home. Went looking and found her still bleeding from the head and face. 

Off to the hospital.

Have to wonder about that woman who stopped and just looked at my friend and then drove away.

I've never seen anything like this here, Marcelyn. In fact, I've noticed that Panamanians are particularly sympathetic people. For example, when my husband was very ill and was having difficulty getting out of the car to go into Dr. Chin's clinic one day, a Panamanian man came out of Melo's and bodily lifted him out of the car and took him inside. It may be telling that the offending woman in your story was a gringa.

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1 hour ago, Bonnie said:

It may be telling that the offending woman in your story was a gringa.

Absolutely, Bonnie. To pass and leave an injured person in the street is not typical Latina behaviour.

Seems to me it wasn't long ago that a 'good samaritan' also died in a tanker explosion near Almirante.

Edited by Keith Woolford
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