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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. Sorry Bonnie, the 'tasa unica' is the fee to the government. The resident agent fee goes to the resident agent, who is usually your lawyer.

    One lawyer I have on a Fundacion doesn't charge a resident agent fee.

    Contrarily, the lawyer I have for a Corporation I bought charges a fee, but only collects it every few years, and we negotiate a bit.

  2. This is good news, imo, because it indicates advancements in health care in the country.

    Panama’s 1st heart transplant a success

    THREE MONTHS, after Panama’s first heart transplant,  the recipient  is stable  and has not rejected the new organ.

    At a Tuesday, June 7 press conference, Social Security doctors  and specialists who did the operation reaffirmed the success of the procedure.

    They said the recipient, a 51-year-old woman,According to, a cardiologist at the University of Utah, the organ is being closely monitored to ensure the organ is not rejected.

    So far six biopsies have been done and all signs are pointing to the operation being a success.

    Jose Nativi-Nicolau a cardiologist at The University of Utah explained that the biopsies are sent for examination so the University, which has an agreement with Panama,.

    Cardiologist Temístocles Díaz said that the patient who received the transplant can participate in activities, such as walking for 30 to 40 minutes a day.

    Two people are on the waiting list for a heart transplant.


  3. Lawyers, of course, are extremely unhappy with these decrees as they eliminate the need for legal services for some people so they are challenging the validity of the decrees.


  4. To my mind, this is a very important issue as the kids of today are the future of our tomorrows.

    Students suffer from Depression, Bullying

    A survey has found that 11.6 percent of the student population in Panama suffers from depression and another 19.7 percent suffer from abuse and bullying.

    The survey was done by the Gorgas Memorial Institute and surveyed students in 8th grade.

    It was carried out in 46 public schools and involved 3,619 students.

    Girls were more likely to suffer from depression, as almost 70 percent of those who reported feeling depression were female.

    In addition, cases are higher in indigenous area.

    With regard to the abuse and bullying, the study indicates that 2 of every 10 students are victims of bullying.

    Male students are twice as likely to be victims of bullying, though women are far likelier to be victims of verbal abuse. This abuse is mainly delivered by their own classmates.

    Aldacira Meza de Bradshaw, one of the researchers on the project, said that this is something without precedent in the country and shows that both depression and bullying are a reality.

    The causes of both problems are multifactorial, but mainly "is reflection of the problems within families."

    Meza Bradshaw pointed out that young people growing up in an incomplete family are more likely to suffer from depression.



  5. When people don't attach their real name to a communication, they demonstrate a lack of credibility which, imo, is not worth responding to, much less supporting.

    My preference is for the 'truthful identity' policy in place on chiriqui.life and Facebook which eliminates shadow boxing.





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  6. ETESA launches Radiosonde in Chiriqui to measure state of the atmosphere

    The director of Hidromet and the Ambassador of Panama to the Organization World Metererológica, Edilberto Esquivel, indicated that this practice strengthens the quality of the services provided meteorological and climatological, contributing to the safety and security of people and property, and the welfare of the community.

    To improve the knowledge of the weather conditions, prevent adverse climatic events and optimize the measurements of the forecast of the time, the Electric Transmission Company S.A. made the release to the atmosphere of a radiotracer in the Meteorological Station of David.

    Ivan Barría, general manager of the company said that the electronic tool will be launched daily to the atmosphere with the help of balloons that are used to measure atmospheric parameters and transmit them via radio waves to the station of David in Chiriqui.

    Barría stated that the radiotracer also transmits information of temperature and barometric pressure. "Information is processed for then represent it in a thermodynamic diagram," he said.

    For its part, the director of Hidromet and Ambassador of Panama to the Organization World Metererológica, Edilberto Esquivel indicated that it strengthens the quality of the services provided meteorological and climatological, contributing to the safety and security of people and property, and the welfare of the community.

    "It is a proud as a Panamanian belong to Etesa, a company that grows, is innovative and that believes in the state-of-the-art technology and in the education of its people for the service of the region and the world," reported Esquivel.

    The radiotracer will allow to face the enormous challenges posed by climate change.

    This appliance helps weather forecasts to have greater accuracy so that we will be able to improve the early warning before adverse events, this will help the forecasts in early warning, which also benefits the Fire Brigade of Panama and the National System of Civil Protection.




    The device is called a Radiosonde - I found a decent explanation here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiosonde

    Seems like they are Weather Balloons which are equipped with a small computer.



  7. On 5/30/2016 at 9:30 AM, Pederhaney said:

    Just reporting a tweet sent out.  If my translating skills are decent, apparently all the effort and energy and time and money spent on community/area security has been well spent.


    Reten_Chiriqui (@RetenChiriqui) tweeted at 7:32 AM on Mon, May 30, 2016:

    Hoy, se llega a #60 días sin homicidios en #Chiriquí, al parecer las acciones que desarrolla las autoridades y policía esta funcionando.



    Well, that didn't last long.

    One of three men who apparently had been poisoned was found dead down in Remedios on Thursday.


    Last night a Taxi driver was murdered in El Valle de Las Lomas just outside of David.

    He was killed in the same Taxi cab in the same area as another Taxista just last November , only seven months ago.


  8. Price Controls Limiting Investment

    This article is from Panama America, a Ricardo Martinelli owned media outlet, so the slant is critical of the current government's Price Control policies.


    The limitation of new investment and the development of new businesses are some of the consequences that the extension for a further six months of price control measures could bring to the Panamanian economy,

    So have indicated some businessmen, who highlighted that the measure has created a distortion in the market, a situation where the Executive was already requested to eliminate.

    Despite the rejection of some sectors of the economy, the extension of this measure - to control 22 products in the basic basket family (CBF)- was announced by the President of the Republic himself, Juan Carlos Varela, during a meeting held with the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP).

    The President Varela that what they are reported analysing are the themes of the margins that were a little stiff, especially in those products that are a little similar.

    The governor added that if there is a product that is in the basket, but the brand is imported with a higher cost, is the possibility of relaxing the step in this direction.

    One of those who reacted to the announcement of the extension was the president of the CCIAP, Jorge Icaza, who insisted on the removal of the control of margin and a review of the measure of price control, taking into account factors such as inflation, which led to the opening of the same, fell by 0.6% to April, according to data from the Office of the Comptroller General.

    The President of the Industrial Union of Panama (SIP), Ricardo Sotelo, is also delivered to the extension of the measure, and stressed that this type of measures limited levels of investment and develop new business on certain activities in the country.

    He added that when producers and entrepreneurs understand that there is no incentive for an activity or is regulated and there is the claim that eventually the state does have some kind of inherent, they also limit on developing it.

    Sotelo emphasized that the decision to extend this measure is overtly political and that the same what will continue to create will be greater distortion in the market.

    He added that at the conceptual level as guild, have always been against the measure, the circumstances by which the President Varela took the decision to implement it, which was to lower the cost of the Basic Family Food Basket (CBFA), have changed radically and it makes no sense to continue with this measure.

    Until April, the CBF has a cost in Panama and San Miguelito of $305.39, amount which reflects an increase of 1.27, in relation to the previous month, according to the last measurement made by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

    For its part, July The Lastra, president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), pointed out that they are maintained with the same position that the extent of price control had a genesis, an effect and that already are actually saw their results.

    The Lastra commented that, despite this extension, the same should be deleted, as it is right that the markets to flow under the concept of free supply and demand.

    He added that the gains of the entrepreneurs who invest in Panama and pay their taxs are based on the profitability of their operations and to restrict them by means of a tariff imposition, enterprises cannot meet the great burden that this represents.

    For its part, Olmedo Estrada, president of the College of Economists of Panama, noted that the extent of price control has not fulfilled the expectations of the population and it is not used in conjunction with the economy being in the country, which is market.

    He stressed that this collides with the free market economy that is lived in the country, added that this extension which will bring will be greater "anxiety" and "concern" in the country, because it is already clear that the savings promised $58 is not giving.

    Estrada emphasized that should be searched for other alternatives to offer the Panamanian population best products with many best prices.

    For his part, Pedro Acosta, President of the National Union of Consumers of Panama (Uncurepa), emphasized that the prolongation of this measure which demonstrates is that free competition does not work.

    0.6%  - Inflation in the country until the month of April, according to records the Comptroller General.

    58  -  Dollars is the savings that is promised


    Translated by freetranslation

  9. More than 4 million dollars has been allocated for the ceremony of inauguration of the expansion of the Panama Canal, as the organizers of the Authority of the Panama Canal and Ministry of Foreign Affairs have indicated.

    So far, only 10 heads of State of the 70 that were extended the invitation have confirmed in writing their attendance at the opening ceremony. Among those who have confirmed are leaders of Kosovo, the Prime Minister of Portugal, Chile, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Taiwan and Jamaica.

    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Miguel Hincapié, yesterday said at a press conference, giving details of the inauguration, that former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, canceled his attendance at the ceremony because of agenda contraints; however, he noted that invitations have been sent to several authorities of that country.

    United States is the first user of the Panama Canal, followed by China, however, both countries have not yet confirmed their attendance.

    Mr. Hincapie said that some countries will not have a presidential representation, but will send commission.

    He indicated that this situation occurs, because Presidents need to be invited with long time in advance, and it was only recently that the date of inauguration was confirmed.

    He stressed that According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a dinner for the leaders and special guests has been organized, wich will count on with the participation of about 300 people and will cost more than 300 thousand dollars. A cocktail has also been planned at a cost of 535 thousaned dollaras, for which the participation of 3,000 people is expected.

    They are also in charge of the transfer, lodging, for both State leaders and delegations. In the provice capitals, some activities so all Panamanians can participate in the event has been organized, which will have a cost of approximately 300 thousand dollars.

    According to the Authority of the Canal of Panama (ACP), they have a budget of $ 3 million, at the moment, for the activity.

    Mario Gotti, organizer of the inauguration activity on the part of the ACP, indicated that Panamanians have five ways to participate and be witnesses of history.

    For this purpose, there will be celebrations in the provinces, also they may follow, through social networks,  the live transmission of the transit of the vessel that will last approximately between 10 and 12 hours then there will also be tours thorigh the new locks as well as they may also participate in the event in person.

    He said that on June 11, the ACP will begin delivery of 5,000 tickets in the Atlantic area to attend the opening ceremony in the locks of Agua Clara.

    On 12 June 15 thousand tickets in different points of the capital city will be distributed so that the general public is able to attend the ceremony in the Cocoli locks.

    In Colon, the tickets will be distributed in the Armando Dely Valdés Stadium. Meanwhile, in Panama City they will be distributed in the Rod Carew Stadium, Rommel Fernández and Albrook Mall.



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