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Keith Woolford

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Posts posted by Keith Woolford

  1. 12 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

    I hate to rain on the parade, but this article from today's NYT is pretty sobering:


    Well, it was a big blow to the U.S. contracting ego when Bechtel wasn't given this contract so I'm not surprised that some negative press is emanating from that direction.

    To my mind, the following unvalidated allegation in the article is such a 'stretch' as to cast doubt on the credibility of the author's other statements.

    "On top of that, just as it was about to solicit bids, the canal authority received some frightening news in November 2007. Jonathan Harris, a geologist working for the authority, reported that Panama’s earthquake risk was far greater than previously believed. By his assessment, the area is vulnerable to earthquakes of up to 8.0 magnitude, according to a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

    So serious is the risk, Mr. Harris warned, that his consulting company “prohibits any of its employees working in Panama from living above the first floor in any building,” according to the cable."

    The expansion job is probably far from perfect, but it's done and appears to be functional. No doubt it will take some time to work the bugs out, as is normal with the inauguration of any newly designed operation.

    New revenues will commence, and that's what really counts for Panama.

    The NYT might consider an article about the U.S. ports that haven't modernized and are scrambling to accommodate the post-Panamax ships that the expanded Canal will carry.



  2. The latest communication from the Ministry of the Health is that 680,000 doses of vaccine were received yesterday and have been distributed to Health Centers across Panama.

    Where there are shortages, priority is being given to people in high-risk groups ie: under 5 and over 60 years of age.


  3. This is a short summary of the "Water Works" project which has now commenced in downtown Boquete.

    January 2015

    Government seeking Proposals for New Water & Sewage Systems for Boquete

    The National Council for Sustainable Development ( CONADES) issued an invitation to tender for the design and construction of aqueducts, treatment plants, and wastewater handling in Boquete, Chiriqui.

    In accordance with the statement of objectives published in PanamaCompra, it is a tender to which has been placed a reference price of $25 million.

    Those who are interested in participating in this tender should submit their proposals the next February 10, so they will have 32 days to prepare documents.

    "The drinking water supply system of the district of Boquete is carried out through three rural aqueducts, which are: Los Ladrillos, Valle Escondido, and Alto Quiel.

    This system covers the districts of Los Naranjos, Alto Boquete and Bajo Boquete. The rest of the water supply systems in this territory are administered by JAAR's.  There are six in Jaramillo, two in Los Naranjos, two in Palmira and one in Caldera", explains the document.

    "It is of particular concern that currently there is not a crude water treatment system by which cannot be predicted or control the factors with the potential for contamination, which may cause health problems in the population. The distribution is made by gravity through tubing ,in the majority PVC, with a regular chlorination. There are also lines of asbestos cement, a material that is now banned for domestic use. In some areas of Boquete there are irregularities in the supply, a situation that is mainly due to the fact that there is no systematized and structured distribution system, lack of control and maintenance on the network. In view of this it is necessary to evaluate the driving lines by the low efficiency and effectiveness that are distributed," adds the statement of objectives.

    This evening it is expected that the president of the Republic himself, Juan Carlos Varela, during a visit to the Feria de Flores in Boquete, will announce the news to the inhabitants of this community.

    The work shall be ready in 730 days (two years) once the work formally begins.

    Below is a table with the scope of the project, according to the statement of objections published.


    June 2015

    The project was awarded to Constructora Urbana s.a. or CUSA and surveying began.

    September 2015


    Last Saturday after an important meeting held with the residents of the Santa Lucia Neighborhood, Ing. Carlos Santamaria CONADES, Elisha Miranda (Aproccosa) and Ing. Municipal Ernist Gonzalez carried out an important inspection to the actual sources for the current Irrigation aqueduct in El Salto.

    The tour was carried out in sectors of El Salto and Volcancito in order to have a better reference of the project that will be appended to the Municipal of the aqueduct of Boquete in which they are looking for the best options to resolve the lack of water in the neighborhood.

    In the opinion of the Ing. Manuel Soreano, who has already endorsed project and has asked for a period of 60 days to conduct a design study that will then be discussed with the inhabitants of the Santa Lucia neighborhood.

    Volcancito and El Salto distribution were always part of the project and the area of Santa Lucia was appended.









    December 2015

    The main contractor CUSA set up headquarters near the entrance to Valle Escondido.


    June 2016

    Saw-cutting and asphalt degradation for trenching begins.



  4. Panama National Tourism Convention:

    an Op-Ed piece from LaPrensa by Hernán G. Posada R


    As a way to unite efforts between private enterprise and the Government today, Tuesday, begins the First National Convention of tourism, where the most important segments of the guild of tourism in our country will meet, with the purpose of designing plans, projects and goals that involve most of the services providers, such as the Association of Airlines in Panama (ALAP); the Panamanian Association of Hotels (APATEL); the Panamanian Association of Tourism Operators, among others, which together with the Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) will achieve and create mechanisms that project nationally and internationally, in an effective and direct manner, our country as a preferred tourist destination.

    By bringing together in a single place to the protagonists of the industry, the media and the experts we can count with a fruitful discussion of ideas and experiences that enrich, innovate and strengthen the varied offer of Panama.

    Today no one is unaware of the importance of tourism as a source of income, so important that surpasses what we collect for the transits of the Canal, which makes perhaps in the industry more profitable and important of the country, and that irrigates money to all socio-economic levels, so that forums such as this First National Conventional Tourism, emerges as the ideal scenario to raise solutions, suggest ideas and listen to the opinions of those who directly or indirectly we are related to the present and the future of tourism in Panama.

    The specialist press, together with social networks linked, play an important role in the dissemination, promotion and orientation of our tourist destinations nationally and internationally, given its permanent connectivity and exchanges with their colleagues in the world and particularly in markets where Panama wants to position itself or grow.

    The reach agreements, find solutions, integrate proposals, put aside differences and egos, find paths that lead us to work together with specific objectives and common causes for the general benefit, without doubt must be the foundation on which to build the fundamental pillars of the success of this first convention and those which may come.

    This first National Convention of tourism is an excellent opportunity which we expect out concrete actions, fast and executables in the short, medium and long-term foster, promote and sell in the best way this beautiful and diverse destination that is Panama, for the benefit of the industry and of those who invest with confidence in it, for the State coffers that quite the need, but above all for each and every one of those who with heart, faith and hope working and believe in the present and the future of tourism in our country.



  5. This is the link to the Press section of the Ministry of Health website, where the latest communications are published concerning the H1N1 Flu and other Health issues in the country..


    I read somewhere else that the Ministry had declared an Epidemic in Chiriqui and that's just not the case.


  6. Two minors were shot the other evening through the window grilles of their rented home near the cemetery of Dolega. The oldest child, a boy of 15, died from his wounds. A 12-year old girl was hit in the arm and survived.

    The mother's ex-paramour has been accused and is being held. He had previously been charged with attacking Mom with a knife.

    This tragic crime clearly has it's roots in a personal domestic dispute, and shouldn't be misconstrued as a home security issue.

    I'm more concerned about how an individual such as this was able to get his hands on a firearm.



  7. Now we know.

    Health Minister replaced after soccer jaunt

    PRESIDENT Juan Carlos Varela  moved quickly this week to replace Minister of Health Francisco Javier Terrientes, as social media and political commentaotors  pounced on the man who, in the midst of the H1N1 health crisis,  left his post to attend a  Copa America  soccer game in Chicago.

    The influenza outbreak which he has refused to call an epidemic,   has led to 18 deaths and nearly 700 patients hospitalized as the country struggles to obtain sufficient vaccine to continue the mass immunization program with health centers working overtime to cope.

    Terrientes submitted his resignation to the Cabinet Council on Wednesday June 14, His resignation was   described as “ for professional reasons”

    His successor Miguel Mayo was announced the same day.

    The ex-Minister cleared his desk on Thursday He was followed to the exit door by his. deputy.

    Minister of Agricultural Development Jorge Arango, also resigned on Wednesday, but his departure from government  office will likely be short lived.

    His  resignation will be effective July 1. Varela said he will seek to appoint him to another position as he is one of the most respected producers in the agricultural industry.He will be suceeded by Enrique Carles

  8. Anyone noticed the new street signs being erected lately?


    Actually Avenida Central used to be called Avenida de los Fundadores but that's a lot to put on a sign.

    Calle Central begins at the Revilla intersection unlike many other Central American cities and towns where Calle Central starts at the main park or or square.

    photo by C. Crawford

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  9. Adding to the joy of confusion and ensuing road repairs caused by the Water Works project is the reconstruction of the Centro Educativo Básico General Josefa Montero de Vásquez.

    This school is located on Avenida A Oeste and the project has a long way to go.

    Map of Centro Educativo Básico Gral. Josefa Montero de Vasquez, Bajo Boquete, Panama



    Right now the site is a sea of mud which big haulers carry out to the street with them. Good area to avoid.


  10. In Canada, we used to joke that there were only two seasons, the first being winter and the second being 'road construction'.

    We may be in for a long one of the latter here in Boquete.



    The 'water works' project has had crews surveying and assembling gear for the last six months.


    The project is headquartered to the south of Valle Escondido.


    Now they've begun with road cuts and asphalt degradation in preparation for trenching.




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