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Everything posted by Bud

  1. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/september-storm-warnings
  2. Siempre, great use of imagery to provide directions. What kind of tools did you use to create the annotated JPG? And where did you get the image (from Google?)?
  3. Their business name is Casa Decor Boquete. Their name here on CL is @Casa Decor Boquete. We have no first hand experience with that business or the owners, but two friends had positive things to say about them. One comment was that she seems to have good "design sense" (their phrase). I have no design/decorator brain cells, so don't ask me what that phrase means. Hope this helps a bit, although I think you are more interested in their successes at selling things.
  4. I added the highlighting of the "Boquete SETI" connection. http://www.universetoday.com/130515/aliens-strong-signal-detected-sun-like-star-verified-seti/
  5. http://panamaadvisoryinternationalgroup.com/blog/news-from-panama/community-in-the-water-i-am-free/
  6. http://www.newsroompanama.com/business/panama-4/big-canal-user-declares-bankruptcy
  7. http://www.flkeysnews.com/entertainment/arts-culture/article97599572.html
  8. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/drug-raid-nets-politician-border-patrol-officer
  9. The tragic loss of a family was also reported in Newsroom Panama at http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/migrant-family-drowned-darien.
  10. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/70-court-rooms-new-system-kicks
  11. Food for thought for the many singers, songwriters, performers, musicians, etc., in the Chiriqui highlands area... http://www.newsroompanama.com/entertainment/art/musical-spotlight-panama
  12. Restrepo insists that the service should be regulated by laws regulating private transport. That law, passed in 1956, covers services such as chauffeurs. Uber authorities also appeared before the National Assembly Transportation Committee on Wednesday. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/ubers-future-rests-attt
  13. Marcelyn and I had to make an unplanned trip to David about 12:30PM yesterday, and so we decided to stop at Plaza San Francisco on the way to David for some lunch. It had been a long time since dining at The Garden, which is at Plaza San Francisco. However, when we got there we found every table taken, and more waiting. That is really good news for The Garden. And so we went to Zum for lunch. Same great service, great food, good prices. We had the goulash with green salad and papas fritas. It seems that Boquete has a lot of good eateries now. And the Plaza San Francisco area has three of them: (a) Mort's Bakery, (b) Zum Emsländer, and (c) The Garden. You can't go wrong in the Plaza San Francisco area.
  14. We agree with Penny. Zum has been a place for consistently good food, good service, and good prices. What more can one ask for in a restaurant? For Simon, welcome to Boquete and the restaurant business, even if under less than desired circumstances. The whole community is missing George.
  15. The purpose of this post is to provide a link and the essence of some of the information that is posted around the Internet. For those who may not know the background here, Don Winner operates (or did operate?) a website called Panama-Guide that focuses on Panama. That is a paid subscription website. Here is a link to that site: http://www.panama-guide.com/. Disclaimer: what I write hereinafter are not my words, but rather assertions by others related to Don Winner and his website. Don Winner and that website are not without controversy, in that there are web postings (on sites other than Panama-Guide) to the effect (again these are not my words, but rather excerpts from various postings around the Internet) that it is a "scam", a "fraud", that Don Winner is a "compulsive liar", and that his associates are under investigation for "defrauding" newcomers in Panama, sometimes of sums of money larger than $100,000.00 USD. On the positive side, Don Winner is credited at times with being a good investigator/investigative reporter. As best I can tell as of this date, Don's last posting on his website was June 18th, 2015. I am not a subscriber, and so there may be postings of a later date that I am not able to see while in "lurk mode". You get to decide for yourself what the truth is. If any of you have more definitive information, please post here.
  16. Keith, Your comment focuses on the reason this topic was added this morning. I have talked to too many old timers who are very reluctant to see any kind of militarization rekindle itself in Panama. "Old timers" in this context refers to Panamanians for the most part. They want nothing more to do with Noriega or his ilk.
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