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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Holy Week alert : pandemic is not over – Health Ministry


    Posted 11/04/2022

     The Ministry of Health (Minsa) has reiterated its call to the population to continue with the biosecurity measures to avoid the spread of Covid-19 while warning that the pandemic has not finished.

    With the relaxation of some biosecurity measures, processions and other acts have been scheduled in various religious communities in the country, which involve crowds of people.

    In addition, the movement of thousands of people to the interior is anticipated.

    “We are doing things right and the most important thing is that people are complying with the indications, but we must bear in mind the resurgence of the strains and we have to be careful with that to avoid what has happened to us with the variants and we must not lower the guard”, said Melva Cruz, general director of Health of the Minsa. She stressed that the use of masks is mandatory in closed places and in open spaces where distancing cannot be met.

    “During Holy Week activities, where processions have been allowed, it is important to continue with biosecurity measures,” Cruz said.

    She added that care must be taken that the participants in the activities have the mask well placed and it is advised to continue using alcohol gel.

    Beach activities

    The authorities recommend that when attending beaches and rivers, it is done within the so-called family bubble.

    Also remember to wear the mask in waiting lines, on commercial premises, and in places where it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter from other people.

    Dance activities are allowed but require a QR code or vaccination card for a capacity of 100%.

    Also for a capacity of 50% with due distance and with due notification to the respective Health Region.


  2. Quote

    OPINION: “Not one more”  a government goal for femicides


    Posted 10/04/2022

    The statistics tell us that the problem of femicides is getting worse, that little is being achieved and that they are even increasing. It is a real shame that legislation is not legislated with a heavy hand on this issue, when there are lives that are lost because of indifference, ort little care of the deputies in the issues in which they could make a difference. More speed is needed, greater initiatives to protect potential victims, because their aggressors, in many cases, are not strangers: they are their partners, relatives, close people who take advantage of that, precisely, of proximity. And this is not a new problem, it is an old one, so the debt with these victims could have been paid years ago. But, far from it, during the pandemic the problem increased and aggravated, therefore, it is urgent that the National Assembly be more diligent in this matter, even, the Executive should dedicate more interest than the little that it shows now. “Not one more” should be the Government's goal, but, as always, it is lagging behind, reacting, instead of preventing, and the consequences are irreparable losses and traumas that last a lifetime – LA PRENSA. Apr. 10.



  3. Quote

    Bend the knee to  ex-president or face the judicial consequences


    Posted 10/04/2022

    Until recently, Ukraine was not a threat to Russia. But just because it is where it is, Russia invaded it to force it to act in its interest, and now it is its enemy. Between people, however, things usually work differently. Generally, there must be a pre-existing reason for two individuals to end up as enemies. Except if one of them is Ricardo Martinelli: if he does not anticipate a genuflex attitude on the part of any person who has decision-making power in some important aspect of his political career or his judicial cases, overnight, that person could magically become his enemy. And, as if it were a country, he attacks it, regardless of whether it has declared war on him or not.

    Examples of this abound. Thus, he has sued and/or challenged Isabel de Saint Malo, Farah Urrutia, Kenia Porcell, Baloisa Marquínez, Jerónimo Mejía, Harry Díaz, Eduardo Valdés Escoffery and Juan Carlos Varela. Only in the week that ended Sunday , he challenged the prosecutor Javier Caraballo and criminally denounced the magistrate María Eugenia López Arias.

    The latter is accused of violating the Penal Code, to -according to him- "prevent his rise to the presidential throne in 2024." Why should we be concerned that Martinelli is persecuting public servants who, in the exercise of their functions, have a role in the eventual definition of their judicial and political affairs? Well, among other things, because of the risk that it represents for society that someone who has accumulated so much economic and political power turns into enemies (or friends...), people who are holding positions with powers capable of deciding part of their future. , to in any way remove them from their path. We must be very attentive and look everywhere, because their declarations of war are not going to bring everyone to the same battlefield.

    For example, the presiding magistrate goes directly to the Credentials Commission of the National Assembly, and there is no need to explain what we should expect from that wall. Will the population perhaps have to go to the streets to demand that this endless play of legal terror cease now? We are no longer in those times when we laughed when this man jumped on the beds at carnivals or did pirouettes with Jumbo Man. This stopped being fun a while ago, and we are all paying the price. - Monica Palm, La Prensa.


  4. Quote

    Decisions for political purposes reflected in growing mistrust – business chamber


    Four out of five Panamanians see no job stability.

    Posted 10/04/2022

    Levels of mistrust that have not been seen since the harshest moments of the Covid-19 pandemic, in June 2020 following the lack of accurate actions and decisions for political purposes says  Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap) in its weekly newletter.

    Taking as reference the latest report of the Panamanian Consumer Confidence Index, the Chamber highlights that “The fall is the cry of citizens in the face of a reality that does not give them hope of fulfilling basic objectives such as obtaining a job or saving. For the measurement of March 2022, four out of five Panamanians show distrust about their job stability and, therefore, the expectations about the probability of saving money are similar”.

    The statement underlines that this mistrust is probably reflected in the organized street closures in order to demand the government's attention to resolve demands on drinking water, decent aqueduct and sewage systems, street repairs, communication routes and education. quality.

    The Chamber emphasizes that although the claims of these people are justified and require timely responses from the authorities, they also affect the rights of third parties.

    “Neither the closures nor the inaction of the authorities is admissible. We have to act”.

    It is recalled that the public sector and private companies have worked on actions to achieve socio-economic and sustainable development. In addition, this requires a prioritized and assertive public execution to obtain immediate results.

    “The time of words is behind us. The consequences of inaction are already beginning to be reflected.”


  5. Public alerted as nine charged in on-line  phishing scam


    Posted 09/04/2022

    Nine people have been charged with alleged aggravated cybercrime fraud,  following their arrest in Operation “Ryoshi” which uncovered a network of fraudsters using the phishing technique to empty bank accounts.

    The prosecutor of the Early Decision and Litigation Section of San Miguelito, Cristóbal Fundora, said that the accused managed to steal nearly $20,000

    Fundora explained that this form of fraud consists of people receiving emails from supposed banking entities in which they request an update of the data and then take advantage of the accounts.

    The authorities have called on the population not to fall for this type of deception.


  6. Quote

    Concern over increase in  malaria cases


    Posted 09/04/2022

    The metropolitan health region has expressed concern about the increase in malaria cases as in just 12 epidemiological weeks there are 58 reported cases,  says Catherine Castillo,  regional coordinator of epidemiology.

    In 2021, there were  60 reported cases said the Ministry of Health.

    There are cases in in 24 de Diciembre, Ancón, Juan Díaz, Parque Lefevre, Pedregal, Las Mañanitas, Felipillo, Las Garzas, San Francisco, Tocumen, El Chorrillo, Santa Ana, Veracruz, Pueblo Nuevo, Calidonia and Curundú.

    Castillo said that communications have been made so that the health regions where the patients come from actively search for cases.

    Malaria is a potentially fatal disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes . It is a preventable and curable disease, stresses the World Health Organization.


  7. Quote

    The Darien, a Gap between Hope and Despair


    Posted April 8 2022

    With a bag full of hopes and dreams, Iriana Ureña, a 32-year-old Venezuelan mother of two, arrived at a Migrant Reception Station (ERM) in San Vicente, at the edge of the Darien Gap. The look in her eyes showing the pain of a mother who would do anything to protect her children.

    Iriana and her husband Eduardo decided to take the journey north from Venezuela through the jungle with their two children in search of better opportunities. The decision to leave their country, home, family, friends, and a life’s work to start all over again was a difficult but necessary one for them and many other migrants. They were hungry, dehydrated, and exhausted upon arrival at the station.

    “The road was not easy, I felt that our lives were in danger. It was challenging because we saw very ugly things along the road, things that I would never think I would see in my life,” said Iriana.

    According to statistics from Panama Migration Services, nearly 134,000 people, 80 per cent of whom were Haitians, risked their lives through the dense jungle in 2021. This is a record number of people crossing the 10,000 square mile rectangle of trackless jungle, rugged mountains, turbulent rivers, swamp, and deadly snakes that spans both sides of the border between Colombia and Panama. Today, the journey through the gap is made more perilous by criminal groups and smugglers who control the region, often extorting and sometimes sexually assaulting migrants.


  8. Quote


    Panama Canal Proposes New Toll System, Raising Transit Costs


    Posted April 8 2022

    The Panama Canal Authority proposed a comprehensive restructuring of its toll system on Friday, which would increase rates charged on cargo such as vehicles, oil and gas and soybeans that cross the waterway as ocean shippers rake in record profits.

    The changes would reduce the current structure to fewer than 60 tariffs from 430 now and focus on vessel capacity and fixed tariffs per transit. Ships would also pay different fees depending on which sets of locks are used, according to a statement from the canal authority.

    A liquid petroleum gas carrier transporting 46,000 tons of propane through the canal’s expanded locks, for example, would pay $5.20 more per ton by 2025, representing roughly 0.9% of each unit’s final market price. Oil tankers carrying 450,000 barrels of crude through the original locks would see an increase of $0.20 per barrel, boosting final market unit price by 0.4%, according to the statement. Car carriers, chemical and LNG tankers and vessels carrying bulk such as grains and coal would also see higher tariffs, affecting market prices by roughly 0.1% to 0.7%.


  9. Quote

    Slowdown in infections means closure of covid hospital


    Posted 08/04/2022

    The slowdown in the transmission of Covid-19 has had a positive influence on both hospitalization and deaths, due to the reduction in the incidence of serious cases says the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in a report published on April 5.

    The report details that in the last week (March 27 to April 2) one of the lowest historical averages of the pandemic was reached as an average of one death per day, with several days without deaths and with a maximum of three deaths.

    Epidemiology data from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and PAHO show that in the last week a total of seven deaths were registered.

    From week 9 (February 27 to March 5) a progressive decrease in deaths is observed, with a reduction of 70.8% in the last two weeks, going from 24 deaths in week 11 (March 13 to 19) to 7 in the last two weeks.

    Hospitalizations, in week 13 (March 27 to April 2), in the ward and in intensive care units (ICU/semi-ICU) decreased by 18.2% and 15.4%, respectively, compared to week 11 (March 13 to 19).

    The daily average admissions to the room went from 113 in week 11 (March 13 to 19) to 83, varying between 66 and 90; Likewise, a reduction in the average number of patients in the ICU/semi-ICU was observed, going from 16 to 12 in week 13, with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 admissions to said service. The decrease in hospitalizations led authorities to suspend services at the Covid Hospital, enabled in the City of Health, as of April 15.

    CSS reports, on April 6,  show that there are only 2 patients with Covid-19 in the facilities.


  10. Quote

    World Bank predicts Panama growth  at 6.5% this year


    Government turnkey projects are expected to fuel growth.

    Posted 08/04/2022

    The World Bank predicts that Panama will grow 6.5% this year, which represents one of the highest growth rates for the region, and for 2023 and 2024, growth for Panama of 5% in both years.

    The growth trend of the economy will continue in the coming years, after the strong contraction of 17.9% in 2020, as a result of the restrictions imposed by the Government to contain the pandemic. The drop was partially offset in 2021, with a growth of 15.3% caused by the lifting of restrictions and increased economic activity.

    The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama estimates that this year it will be possible to recover the level of gross domestic product (GDP) prior to the pandemic. One of the Executive's commitments to achieve this convergence is the activation of construction through projects awarded under the turnkey model, and with a repayment scheme of 50% halfway through the work and the remaining 50% upon completion.

    Panama is recovering from the crisis caused by the pandemic, as is Latin America as a whole. After a 6.9% rebound in 2021, the region's GDP is expected to grow 2.3% this year and an additional 2.2% in 2023.

    Higher taxes
    “These modest projections place regional growth among the lowest in the world at a time when the region faces great uncertainties, such as the possible appearance of new variants of the coronavirus, an increase in inflationary pressure and the war in Europe, which threatens the global recovery,” according to the World Bank.

    The Washington-based agency calls for reforms to be put in place in favor of growth in infrastructure, education, and innovation, and for the most important investments to be financed through more efficient spending and higher tax revenues.


  11. Quote

    Striking lab technicians seek  CSS response


    Posted 08/04/2022

    After five days with no response from the government, striking clinical laboratory technicians and assistants continued their protests on Friday, April  8 at the premises of the Social Security Fund (CSS) in Clayton to demand respect for their work and their rights.

    "We are in the CSS premises expressing our feelings and that we receive to the petitions that have been submitted to the competent authorities, but it seems that there is no will," said Oriel Moreno assistant laboratory technician.


  12. Independents and new party create political waves in Panama


    The launch of the Independents Coalition in Parque Urraca.

    Posted 07/04/2022

    In the   May 2024 elections,  voters tired of the non-delivery of election promises will have the chance to turn to new independent coalitions and new political parties with anti-system, anti-corruption, and "new politics".

    In recent days, two different events have shaken the public agenda. On the afternoon of  Tuesday, April 5, a group of young people announced the creation of the Vamos coalition, led by independent deputies Juan Diego Vásquez and Gabriel Silva.

    Two days earlier, on Sunday, the movement “Another Path “(Otro Camino) a political party in formation led by former independent presidential candidate Ricardo Lombana, held its first internal elections to elect 313 national leaders.

    The signs of change come at a time when the traditional parties are facing disenchantment due to the lack of credibility and trust. According to the Citizenship and Rights 2021 survey, published by the International Center for Political and Social Studies (CIEPS), political parties are among the least credible Panamanian institutions. Only 24.2% of those surveyed value them positively.

    "Today a new chapter is being written in the history of independent candidacies in Panama," Silva said during the coalition's presentation at Parque Urracá. He added that they are looking for "decent, honest, hard-working and prepared" people to apply and be part of the coalition.

    "We need to take over the National Assembly, we need to take over the local governments and we are going to do it in 2024.".

    The current Assembly has an independent bench for the first time in its history made up of Vásquez, Silva, Edison Broce, Raúl Fernandez and Adan Bejerano. It is not ruled out that Broce and Fernández will later join the coalition promoted by Silva and Vásquez.

    Critical voices
    After the three years of the Cortizo administration, the independent deputies are the main critical voices of the government. The independent caucus, with the marked exception of Bejerano, most of the time, tends to oppose controversial bills, while other opposition caucuses are divided or support the steamroller of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).

    The political scientist and researcher, Juan Diego Alvarado, told La Prensa the importance of political parties in Panamanian democracy, “They are the building blocks, for better and for worse,” he said. In 2019, although the free candidacies for the Presidency generated more support than ever, as Lombana obtained 18.8% of the total votes, Alvarado explains that free candidacies have always been an option.

    However, 2019 also showed the limitations that candidacies have to organize. For Alvarado, this will be one of the main challenges of the independent candidacies, to be able to permeate other sectors of the population, far from the capital city, urban areas, and university or academic circles.

    “Both (Vamos Coalition and Otro Camino) are manifestations of the tension that exists between people's disaffection with the parties and the articulation of an independent political identity with the structural imperatives that force you to organize yourself to achieve better electoral results,” Alvarado said.

    The creation of the political party Movimiento Otro Camino Panamá has generated criticism. Although Lombana received historic support in the 2019 elections, as he capitalized on the discontent that existed over the handling of public affairs by traditional parties, he argues that he created the party to compete "on equal terms." Promotional videos, detail that a party "is the most appropriate vehicle to establish democratic leadership throughout the country and to establish the principles that unite us."


  13. Quote

    Martinelli files “persecution”  complaint against Supreme Court president


    María Eugenia López Arias

    Posted 07/04/2022

    Alejandro Pérez, from the team of lawyers of former President Ricardo Martinelli, filed a criminal complaint on the afternoon of  Thursday, April 7, against the presiding magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, María Eugenia López Arias , for the alleged commission of crimes against the administration of justice and against public servants.

    Pérez bases his complaint on alleged pressure from López Arias to alter the calendar of the hearings and set the date of the trial followed by Martinelli, for the punctures case.

    He also accuses her of "accelerating" procedural phases and of ignoring stages of legal and regulatory procedures with the intention of continuing with what he called a "persecution" against Martinelli.

    The lawyer pointed out that these alleged actions affect Martinelli's electoral chances in the presidential elections of May 2024. The former president, on several occasions, has proclaimed that he "has" to win the said election.

    The punctures case says La Prensa is the name commonly given to the unauthorized interceptions that were carried out by the National Security Council (CSN) in the last two years of the Martinelli government (2012-2014). For these events, two former directors of the CSN were sentenced to 60 months in prison each, but Martinelli was acquitted last November.

    Pérez maintains that Judge López Arias has ignored the application of the specialty principle in favor of his client. The United States Department of State has said that this principle is not valid for Martinelli, but on March 22, magistrates Heriberto Araúz and Alfredo Juncá, of the Electoral Tribunal (TE), decided otherwise. This decision has been sued for unconstitutional and Araúz and Juncá are sued for alleged excess of functions.

    It is not the first time that a Martinelli lawyer has taken action against López Arias. A year ago, the complaint for alleged "manifest enmity."


  14. Quote

    Parades, fairs, discos  return to  Panama life

    Posted 07/04/2022

    Panama moves one step closer to post-pandemic normality with the publication on April 6  of an Executive Decree that allows the holding of craft, cultural, agricultural, and commercial fairs, as well as dance events, discos, and live music, and cantaderas.

    The decree, carrying the signatures of President Cortizo and the Minister of Health in charge Ivette Berrío, indicates that during these events all biosecurity measures ordered by the Covid-19 pandemic must be complied with.

    The QR code or vaccination card with a complete scheme must be presented at the entrances of the events and comply with biosecurity measures, such as the use of masks, no handshaking and physical distancing.

    Parades of carts, allegorical cars, bands, and the like are also allowed with delegations limited to 50 people, who must comply with the due distance between one delegation and another, keeping self-care measures such as the use of masks etc.

    The Ministry of Health, together with the security forces, will ensure compliance with the established measures.


  15. Quote

    Another criminal complaint against Tribunal’s Martinelli ruling


    José Alberto Álvarez,

    Posted 06/04/2022

    The president of the Country Party, José Alberto Álvarez, filed a criminal complaint with the Attorney General’s office against the magistrates of the Electoral Court (TE) Heriberto Araúz Sánchez and Alfredo Juncá for abuse of authority and violation of their duties as public officials who recently ruled in favor of the electoral criminal jurisdiction that benefits former President Ricardo Martinelli.

    Álvarez also requested the separation of their position as magistrates of the TE while it is investigated. He explained that they have conclusive evidence that will accompany the complaint filed.

    He said that the two magistrates exceeded the limits assigned to them by the Constitution and the law. He also asks the Attorney General, Javier Caraballo, to accept the complaint and send it to the Supreme Court that they can be removed from office while it is investigated. The document indicates that the warning and the opinion that magistrate Eduardo Valdés gave in his saving of votes was clear, punctual, and categorical when pointing out the evident excess of functions in which the denounced magistrates incurred when deciding the application of the principle of specialty coming from the Extradition Treaty signed between the Republic of Panama and the United States at the time they signed the resolution of March 22 the  Court had no jurisdiction to resolve a situation that is the power of another jurisdiction, in this case, the criminal judicial authority.


  16. Quote

    Four-day week  proposal to counter rising  fuel costs


    Posted 06/04/2022

    Francisco Carreira-Pittí, president of the Unity Movement, has delivered to the Ministry of Labor (Mitradel) a proposal that seeks to reduce the working week to four days. A measure with which it is intended to respond to the rise in fuel prices.

    Pittí explained in a statement that the initiative is based on the global instability in the supply of fuel and the increase in price, which is not expected to decrease.

    The proposal consists of reducing the working week from five to four days, working an additional two hours during the four days a week to complete the 40 hours, and having an additional day off, either Friday or Monday.

    According to the proponents, the measure would lead to a reduction in fuel costs of 20% weekly, which depending on the distances and consumption would be a savings of between $20 and $40 per week.

    Pitti clarified that the proposal would be of a temporary nature and does not intend to nor can it be applied to all economic activity in the country.

    It must begin first in the public sector and its dependencies and then extended to economic activities that can be reduced to 10 hours a day for four days.

    “The proposal is applicable to government entities, including the judiciary and companies related to said activities that normally work 40 hours per week. Those activities that work 48 hours a week require the consideration of other measures, such as implementing work at home, which was acceptable during the pandemic.”

    The president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (Conep), Rubén Castillo,

    "This is a thorny issue, but we believe that we can at least offer a point of view so that labor relations can be regulated in a context that is different from the one that gave rise to the Labor Code," Castillo said.

    He explained that, before the pandemic, there was already talk of an idea of grouping the working day in such a way that workers could have more days off at the end of the week if they worked more than the traditional 8 hours. "This would have to be discussed with the sectors," Castillo said.


  17. Quote

    Fuel prices continue skyward


    New fuel prices from Friday, April 8: 95 octane gasoline will rise two cents to 1.21 cents per liter. 91 octane will rise two cents to 1.17 cents per liter. Low sulfur diesel will increase by one cent, to 1.22 cents per liter.

    Posted 06/04/2022


  18. Quote

    Three US authorities cite Panama corruption

    Posted 04/04/2022

    study on corruption prepared by the Council of Lawyers for Civil and Economic Rights – a program of the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice of the New York Bar Association – concluded that in Panama “the anti-corruption regulatory framework is insufficient”, and that “there is a lack of prevention mechanisms, regulation of conflicts of interest, domain extinction”, to which is added “the existence of very weak sanctions”. For its part, the rating agency Fitch Ratings indicated that in Panama the governance indicators on the control of corruption are weaker than in other countries with a similar level of risk rating, which weakens the sovereign risk profile. In turn, the Morgan Stanley bank concluded that "the main governance problem in Panama is corruption" and its permanence on the gray list of the Financial Action Task Force, which it is due to deficiencies in preventing and prosecuting money laundering. Three organisms conclude the same: our problem is corruption. It is not the supposed legal insecurity or political persecution, as Ricardo Martinelli says. Foreign investment will not come to the country because criminals do not go to jail. End of story. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 4.


  19. Quote

    Irregularities in gold mine public forum claims environmental center


    Posted 05/04/2022

    The Center for Environmental Impact (CIAM) denounced possible irregularities in the convening of a public forum to analyze with the community of the Remance corregimiento, in Veraguas, the details of the environmental impact study (EIA) that was carried out in order to reactivate a gold mine in the area.

    According to CIAM, the call for this event did not respect "the rights of citizens" and the notice of the call was published just four days before the forum in that period the residents of the communities had to analyze a summary of more than 100 pages.

    In addition, the promoter did not guarantee sufficient transportation to reach the site, even though the publication said it would be provided, said a CIAM  statement.

    900 opposed
    “During the March 28 event, some 900 people expressed their opposition to the reactivation of the mine, which operated until the end of 1990.

    The objective of providing clear and concise data on the impacts of the mining project in the region was not met,” the environmental group highlighted, and  "the measures proposed by the study to mitigate these impacts" on the environment were not explained.

    On April 2, it was reported that leaders of the communities of the village of Remance, in San Francisco, Veraguas, and representatives of NGOs, met with the Minister of the Environment, Milciades Concepción, to discuss the controversy over the mining project.

    After the forum, those interested in the subject have seven days to present their arguments about the study. However, the Ministry of Environment will have the last word on the approval or not of the EIA.

    CIAM insisted on the need for a frank and democratic dialogue that allows the citizens of the country to decide if we really "want to be a mining country" or bet on "activities that seek sustainability."

    The consultants of the promoter Greenfield Mining stated in the EIA that "seeking" to reduce the possible impact on the environment, the project proposes the use of areas previously affected by mining works in the 1990s.


  20. Quote

    Lawyer gets go-ahead for mayor’s recall process


    Posted 05/04/2022

    The Electoral Court (TE) has authorized the lawyer Roberto Ruiz Díaz to begin procedures for the revocation of the mandate of Panama Mayor  José Luis Fábrega.

    The resolution  authorizing the collection of signatures is signed by Nilza Delgado de Fernández, regional director of the Electoral Organization of Central Panama, and Katiana González, ad hoc secretary

    Ruiz Díaz must collect 30% of the Electoral Register of the district of Panama, that is, 198,920 signatures to support his request.

    After this authorization, the Electoral Tribunal, through the Training Department of the National Directorate of Electoral Organization, will also coordinate the training of Ruiz Díaz and his activists for the process of collecting signatures.

    Ruiz Díaz, who submitted the request to begin the recall process for Fábrega, recalled that signatures needed to be collected to make the recall effective.

    He explained that the resolution of the Electoral Court was sent to the Electoral Prosecutor's Office and Fábrega was notified, who has the right to file an appeal with the National Directorate of Electoral Organization.

    On March 12,  Fabrega filed an appeal and on March 30, it was reported that the Directorate rejected the appeal.

    The decision was made by Valdés, director of the Electoral Organization on Monday, March 28. The official ordered that the "corresponding procedure" continued.


  21. Quote

    Training for mayor’s recall activists underway


    Posted 05/04/2022

    The lawyer Roberto Ruiz Diaz who filed the request to revoke the mandate of Panama Mayor José Luis Fábrega, attended on Tuesday the first day of training by the Electoral Court for the activists who will collect the signatures.

    There are 198,620signatures that must be collected, and in a period of two weeks, the activists must be trained reports TVN Noticias

    He recalled that those who wish to sign can go to the Electoral Tribunal, make use of the entity's kiosks, or

    through the website that will be open from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, Monday through Sunday.

    If the required number of signatures is achieved, then a referendum will be called where people will vote whether or not they want Fábrega to remain in his position.

    There are 120 days enabled for the collection process to be completed.


  22. Quote

    Final hours agreement voids construction strike call


    Posted 04/04/2022

    After six months of talks, the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) and the construction workers union (Suntracs) reached an agreement on the salary for the 2022-2025 collective agreement early Monday, April 4, just hours before a strike call for 20,000 workers which would have seriously hampered Panama’s post-pandemic recovery.

    The Suntracs leadership reported that the salary adjustment consists of $0.28 cents over four years for the general assistant, $0.32 cents for beginners and $0.40 cents for the qualified worker. This increase represents 6% more than the current remuneration and will come into force in July.

    "The understanding prevailed that we are all Panamanians, that we understand the reality of our country that is in a process of recovery and economic reactivation," said the Minister of Labor, Doris Zapata, after signing the agreement.

    Conversations between Capac and Suntracs for the signing of a new collective agreement have been going on for six months, but no agreement has been reached. The parties even declared themselves in permanent session over the weekend and it was not until early Monday morning that they reached an understanding.

    Carlos Allen, president of Capac, stated that the union's negotiating committee evaluated the entire situation in the country, highlighting that the worst economic and health crisis is being experienced.

    In addition, that they should reach that number in the salary adjustment that will not weaken the companies or affect the industry.

    “After a long negotiation with the union, we reached a salary agreement, and the clauses that were needed, for the benefit of the industry and what it can support,” Allen said.

    The agreement that we have just signed covers 20,000 workers, who represent 20,000 families and naturally improve their conditions for the next four years," said Suntracs leader Saúl Méndez.


  23. Quote

    Panameñista Party files lawsuit against tribunal’s Martinelli ruling


    Panama Supreme Court

    Posted 04/04/2022

    The president of the Panameñista Party, José Isabel Blandón, has filed an unconstitutionality lawsuit against the ruling of the Electoral Court (TE), which maintains criminal jurisdiction against Ricardo Martinelli.

    Blandón described this ruling as a legal bomb since, in an issue of electoral jurisdiction, the TE went on to resolve issues that correspond to the Supreme Court of Justice, such as the principle of specialty.

    He argued that the Panameñista Party has been clear in opposing the electoral criminal jurisdiction as it was raised in the last Electoral Reform, but that beyond whether or not the Electoral Criminal Jurisdiction fits, what worries them is the attitude of the magistrates of the Court Electoral that come to see issues that are not their responsibility and calls into question the credibility of an institution that has been fundamental in Panama’s democracy.

    Lawyer Porfirio Batista, Prosecutor of the Panameñista Party, explained that the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal (Alfredo Juncá and Heriberto Araúz) committed an outburst and exceeded their functions since they resolved a criminal matter and their jurisdiction is clearly Electoral since the principle of specialty It is the jurisdiction of the ordinary criminal courts.

    “They have to deal with the issue that if the person whose electoral jurisdiction is intended to be lifted is within an internal process and that this process could affect their internal aspirations, but what happens is that here there are two processes that we all know as the Odebrecht and New Business Case that began investigations in 2015, so getting to know the background on all old case the specialty principles does not correspond to the Electoral Court, ”.

    This is the second claim of unconstitutionality against the ruling of the Electoral Court that maintains the electoral criminal jurisdiction of Martinelli.

    The first was presented by the lawyer Héctor Herrera, whose action has already been formally admitted by the Judicial Branch.

    The Supreme Court of confirmed that the rapporteur in the process is the president of the Supreme Court María Eugenia López who in her capacity as rapporteur, admitted the lawsuit of unconstitutionality presented by  Herrera.

    In their Resolution of March 22, 2022, Araúz and Juncá considered Martinelli's defense argument valid, who alleges that he enjoys the protection of the specialty principle, established in the 1904 Extradition Treaty with the United States. Judge Eduardo Valdés Escoffery saved his vote.

    Speed challenged
    On, April 1, the Attorney General (in charge), Javier Caraballo, warned that the Resolution of March 22 violates at least five articles of the Constitution. Caraballo's opinion is in a document that he sent to Judge López Arias, as part of the processing of Herrera's lawsuit.

     Alfredo Vallarino, Martinelli's lawyer, questioned Caraballo's "speed" in answering the query made by López Arias. According to him, Caraballo answered the query in less than a day.

    "I challenge the Supreme Court to present me, in 100 years, an appeal of unconstitutionality that has been admitted, distributed, and distributed to the Attorney General of the Nation and answered in less than a day," Vallarino emphasized.


  24. Quote

     Transition to rainy season began mid-March


    Posted 05/04/2022

    Panama City woke up on Monday with heavy rain, which is part of the transition process from the dry to the rainy season. The Electric Transmission Company (Etesa), reported, that the process of transition from the dry to the rainy season began in the second half of March and analysis shows that the transition process will last until the second half of May.


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