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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Disappearance of a least 12 young women raises alarmswomen-dissapearance.jpg

    Posted 01/05/2022

    The disappearance of at least a dozen young women, during the Covid-19 pandemic, has raised alarms for the community and the authorities.

    The community and State security forces are on alert due to the growing reports of missing women between 2020 and 2022. The website of the Public Ministry registers at least a dozen women who have not returned to their homes and it is not known where they are.

    The best known cases in recent months are the disappearances of Anabel Valdivia, 28 years old, in August 2021; Astrid Tugri, 21 years old, in November 2021, and Viviana Gallardo, 17. in November 2021, all in the province of Chiriquí.

    Their relatives agree that the girls left their homes with the intention of getting a job. They had a contact who made them some kind of offer. But they never came back.

    The Minister of Public Security, Juan Pino, assured that they are working together with the Public Ministry to clarify the facts. He does not rule out that there is a network of human trafficking behind these disappearances, but he warned that it is necessary to wait for the conclusion of the proceedings.

    In Chiriquí Stefany Rodríguez , 35. was recently murdered. She had been reported missing since March 3.

    In the rest of the disappearances, the authorities have focused their efforts on locating witnesses who may have seen one of the young women when she left her house. It is intended to establish if they took public transport or if they had a romantic relationship that could be linked to the disappearance.

    Among the reports is that of Elizabeth Reyes Caraquito, 40, living in the La Felicidad neighborhood of San Miguelito, who has not been heard from since March 6.

    A month earlier, on February 1, Maruquel Gómez Gutiérrez , 16, from the community of Cañaveral, Penonomé, disappeared.

    In January, it was reported that the HonduranRina  Stephanie Juárez , who resides in Vista Alegre, Arraiján, is missing.

    Milka Pereira ,16 from Río Gatún, Colón was last seen on September 28, 2021.

    On July 15, 2021, the disappearance of Erika del Carmen Medina ,14, residing in La Chorrera, Panamá Oeste, was reported.

    While almost a year ago, on May 4, 2021, the authorities received notice of the disappearance of Abigaíl Yosira Herrera, 16 years old, a resident of Panama Oeste.

    From the year 2020, there are also reports. On December 22, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the disappearance of Keyla Aguilar, 14, residing in Penonomé, Coclé, was known.

    On January 29, 2020, the absence of Yanelis Tnorio, 20, a resident of  Las Garzas,  was alerted.

    The first 48 hours are key
    Circuit prosecutor Carlos Mares explained that the first 48 hours are crucial to locating the person. As soon as a report of a missing person is received, a folder is opened, the collection of evidence begins to determine the route, locate those places where he could have been, and if he was seen by family or friends.

    The director of the National Institute for Women, Nellys Herrera, suggests that protection actions in the communities should be redoubled, especially for women in a state of vulnerability.

    In October 2021, Herrera met with Attorney General Javier Caraballo, to coordinate inter-institutional actions and improve care for victims of violence.

    Figures from the MP reveal that in the first three months of 2022, femicide cases and violent deaths of women are on the rise when compared to the same period in 2021


  2. Quote

    Cyclist killed by a pickup truck on Sunday


    A memorial to Mónica Licona stands on Balboa Avenue in Panama City.

    Posted 01/05/2022

    Another cyclist died on Sunday morning after being struck by a pickup truck in the Farallón sector, Coclé province.

    Prevention campaigns, for both cyclists and drivers, have intensified in recent years after similar accidents that have claimed the lives of athletes and cyclists in general.

    Sunday’s accident is added to others like the one that occurred in September 2015 when the cyclist and triathlete Mónica Licona died after being run over on Balboa Avenue, in the capital city.

    Another similar event occurred in September 2020 when cyclists Juan Carlos Heilbron and Javier Espinosa died after being run over in El Carate de Las Tablas, Los Santos province


  3. Quote

    Panama on verge of fifth wave of covid-19


    Posted 01/05/2022

    Although hospitalizations remain stable and almost no deaths from Covid-19 are reported, Panama is on the verge of a fifth wave according to public health specialist Jorge Luis Prosperi

    The doctor left a message to the population, especially those over 50 years old: “do not abandon biosecurity measures and look for your third or fourth dose of the vaccine.”

    April ended with a rebound in cases, and a decrease in deaths, compared to previous months. April averaged 378 infections per day, while in March there were 301 cases. Deaths from Covid-19, in March, averaged three per day, in April one death occurred every two days.

    Although both authorities of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and specialists argue that the pandemic is under control because there is no increase in hospitalizations and deaths, at the end of this week they called on the population to comply with biosecurity measures.

    On Friday and Saturday, there were more than 900 new infections each day, something that had not happened since February 22.

    According to Minsa statistics, this epidemiological week (April 24 to 30) 4,934 cases of Covid-19 were reported, which is equivalent to an average of 705 cases per day. This is an increase of 71% if one takes into account that last week (April 17 to 23) there were 413 infections each day.


  4. Quote

    The first scientific expedition to Panama’s unexplored Cordillera de Coiba sets sail

    Low-Res_Guzman 1.jpg.png

    News Release

    Last year, Panama expanded the Cordillera de Coiba marine protected area from 17,223 to 67,908 square kilometers (6,650 to 26,219 square miles). On April 27th, an international scientific expedition made up of researchers and students from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), MigraMar, the International Maritime University of Panama (UMIP), the University of Costa Rica and the Ministry of the Environment will set sail on the first mission to explore the seamounts of this protected area.

    The scientists will conduct daily dives to depths of up to 450 meters, using a manned submarine, and deploy baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVs) several times a day to document the important biodiversity inhabiting the seamounts in the Cordillera de Coiba, located over 60 miles south of the Coiba National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The results of this expedition will help better focus the efforts aimed at the management of the marine protected area.

    With the expansion of the Cordillera de Coiba marine protected area, Panama fulfilled its commitment to protect 30% of its oceans by 2030, an initiative of the Global Biodiversity Framework. This action also improves the connectivity of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor and strengthens the conservation and sustainable use of protected waters between Isla de Coco in Costa Rica, Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Malpelo and Gorgona Islands in Colombia, and Coiba Island in Panama. However, the Cordillera de Coiba seamounts continue to be largely unexplored.

    “The Cordillera de Coiba is the largest marine protected area in the Republic of Panama and it has never been explored,” said STRI marine biologist and member of MigraMar Héctor Guzmán, who designed the expansion and management plan of the protected area together with a multidisciplinary team. “The objective of this expedition is exploration, discovery and learning, since it is the first time that these seamounts have been reached.”

    “I want to salute Hector Guzman and the entire expedition team for exploring this special blue pocket in the ocean previously unexplored by humans,” said Dr. Sylvia Earle, founder of Mission Blue. “Knowing is the key to caring, and with caring there is motivation to take action and protect it. I salute Panama for making the choice to formally protect this Hope Spot and exceed its 30×30 ocean protection goals last year. With the upcoming expedition, we may see even further marine protection for Panama on the horizon.”

    The Cordillera de Coiba, like the Coiba National Park, is considered a Hope Spot by the Mission Blue Foundation, which is led by the renowned American marine biologist and explorer, Sylvia Earle. Today there are 140 Hope Spots around the world: special places that have been identified as critical to the health of the oceans. Hope Spots also have local advocates that Mission Blue supports with communications, expeditions, and scientific advice. In the case of Coiba, it is Héctor Guzmán.

    STRI and the Government of Panama reaffirmed their commitment to marine science during the Our Ocean 2022 conference in Palau, with a view to the Our Ocean 2023 conference in Panama. This commitment is based on a strategy to produce the necessary knowledge to safeguard the oceans and support the people who depend on them, with a focus on understanding and protecting biodiversity and generating evidence that allows decision-makers to chart a sustainable path towards the future. The expedition to the Cordillera de Coiba seamounts is just one example of STRI and MigraMar actions that point towards the fulfillment of these objectives.

    This first exploratory mission is made possible by funding from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Collatos Family Foundation, the Hothem Family, Mission Blue, Re:wild, and the Wyss Foundation.

    The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, in Panama City, Panama, is a unit of the Smithsonian Institution. The Institute promotes understanding of tropical nature and its importance to human well-being, trains students to conduct research in the tropics, and fosters conservation by raising public awareness of the beauty and importance of tropical ecosystems.


  5. Quote

    COVID-19: One death 874 new cases as positivity climbs


    Posted 29/04/2022

    Panama reported one death from covid-19  on Thursday for a cumulative  8,184 deaths and a fatality rate of 1.0%.To date, There are 874 are new positive cases. In the last 24 hours, 7,156 tests were applied for positivity of 12.2%.

    Active cases total 5,242  with 95 hospitalized, 87 in the ward and 8 in ICU.

    According to the  Ministry of Health (Minsa), the places that have reported an increase in cases in the last 24 hours are San Francisco, Rufina Alfaro, Bella Vista, Juan Díaz, and Penonomé.

    Given the increase in positive cases  Health Minister  Luis Francisco Sucre reiterated the call to the population not to let their guard down, to get vaccinated, and to use the mask correctly.

    Sucre said that positivity exceeds 12%, so, although the vaccine does not protect against contagion by Covid-19, it is an effective weapon to avoid serious conditions, since it reinforces the immune system. against the virus.

    He reiterated that the health system in Panama is not saturated, but recommended maintaining biosafety measures since other countries are even experiencing a seventh wave.


  6. Quote

    Climate change will govern future pandemics


    Posted 29/04/2022

    Scientists from Georgetown University have described in Nature magazine a link between climate change and viral transmission that raises the spread of future pandemics due to global warming.

    As Earth's climate continues to warm, researchers predict that wild animals will be forced to relocate their habitats, likely to regions with large human populations, dramatically increasing the risk of a viral jump to humans that could lead to the next pandemic.

    In their study, the scientists made the first comprehensive assessment of how climate change will restructure the global virama of mammals. The work focuses on geographic range changes: the journeys species will take as they follow their habitats into new areas. When they meet other mammals for the first time, the study projects that they will share thousands of viruses. They say these changes provide greater opportunities for viruses like Ebola or coronaviruses to emerge in new areas, making them harder to track, and in new types of animals, making it easier for viruses to jump across a kind of "trampoline." toward humans.

    "The closest analogy is actually the risks we see in the wildlife trade," lead study author Colin Carlson, a research assistant professor at the Center for Global Health Science and Security in New York,

    "We worry about markets because bringing sick animals together in unnatural combinations creates opportunities for this gradual process of emergence, like how SARS jumped from bats to civets, then from civets to people. But markets no longer are special; in a changing climate, that kind of process will be the reality in nature almost everywhere.

     New hotspots
    "Of concern, animal habitats are disproportionately moving into the same places as human settlements, creating new hotspots of indirect risk. Much of this process may already be underway in today's 1.2 degrees warmer world, and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may not prevent these events from unfolding. Another important finding is the impact that rising temperatures will have on bats, which account for the majority of the new shared viruses. Their ability to fly will allow them to travel long distances and share most viruses. Due to its central role in viral emergence, the greatest impacts are projected in Southeast Asia, a global hotspot for bat diversity.

    "At every step," Carlson said, "our simulations have taken us by surprise. We've spent years double-checking those results, with different data and different assumptions, but the models always lead us to these conclusions. It's really an amazing example of how well we can actually predict the future if we try.

    Viruses jumping
    As viruses begin to jump between host species at unprecedented rates, the authors say the impacts on conservation and human health could be staggering.

    “This mechanism adds another layer to how climate change will threaten human and animal health," says study co-senior author Gregory Albery, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biology at the UC College of Arts and Sciences Georgetown.

    "Exactly how these new viruses might affect the species involved is unclear, but it is likely that many of them will translate into new conservation risks and fuel new outbreaks in humans."

    the study suggests that climate change will become the biggest risk factor at the source of disease emergence, surpassing higher-profile issues such as deforestation, wildlife trade, and industrial agriculture.

    The authors say the solution is to pair wildlife disease surveillance with real-time studies of environmental change. “When a Brazilian free-tailed bat makes its way to Appalachia, we should invest in knowing what viruses are accompanying it," says Carlson. "Trying to detect these jumps in real-time is the only way we can prevent this process from leading to more infections and more pandemics."


  7. Quote

    Arms cache heading for Panama City seized


    Posted 29/04/2022

     A dozen AK-47s and 9,499 rounds of ammunition destined for the Clan del Golfo that operates in the border area between Panama and Colombia were seized by the National Police during a Thursday raid in the El Caimito sector, of El Higo, in the district of La Mesa de Veraguas.

    Sources linked to the investigations revealed that one person was arrested in the operation, and three kilos of drugs and 17 chargers were seized.

    According to the investigations, the weapons entered through the border with Costa Rica and were transported to Veraguas, but their final destination was Panama City, where they would be delivered to members linked to the Clan del Golfo, a Colombian criminal group.

    The head of the Veraguas police, Deputy Commissioner Eduardo Arosemena, said that the weapons and the detained person were placed under the orders of the Public Ministry for investigation.

    On the same day, in “Operation Metro, carried out in the provinces of Colón, Coclé, the district of La Chorrera, and the corregimiento of Veracruz, 32 people were arrested, including three policemen, linked to a network dedicated to providing logistical support to Colombian drug traffickers. The network received the drugs from speedboats and hid them in San Carlos and Chame.


  8. Quote

    Guatemala court orders return of Martinelli jet


    Posted 29/04/2022

    A Guatemalan court ordered the return of a small plane seized in 2021 from former Panama president Ricardo Martinelli but the aircraft will still remain under the tutelage of a Property Forfeiture court.

    The decision to dismiss the seizure of the plane was made on April 21 by the Ninth Criminal Court for Drug Trafficking, which investigated for the alleged transfer of narcotics, at the request of the United States. However, after finding no, only administrative faults, the Ninth Criminal Court for Drug Activity decreed "the return of the jet-type plane",

    According to the judiciary, the representative of the Public Ministry in the process, Enrique Sosa Ordóñez, "did not oppose the return" of the aircraft "as long as it was as a deposit" because "there is an investigation pending by another prosecution".According to judicial sources, the other prosecutor's office referred to by the Public Ministry is the Domain Extinction, which has an open process to transfer the aircraft to the possession of the State of Guatemala.

    The aircraft, registration N799 RM, was seized on February 26, 2021, at the time Martinelli's wife arrived in Guatemala, where her sons, Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, were in prison, awaiting extradition to the US on charges of money laundering.

    The extradition of both was completed at the end of 2021 and the two brothers remain in prison in the United States.

    The plane was seized at the La Aurora international airport, located in Guatemala City, when several relatives of the Martinelli brothers, in addition to their mother, were traveling to visit them in the prison where they had been held since 2020.

    The Property Forfeiture Law was approved in 2010 in Guatemala and allows local authorities to permanently confiscate assets of illicit origin.


  9. Quote

    Rubén Blades first Latino to receive Harvard Medal of Arts


    Posted 29/04/2022

    Rubén Blades on  Thursday, April 28, became the first Latino to receive the Medal of Arts from Harvard University, during a ceremony in which actor John Litgow participated, and which was enlivened by the Harvard Jazz Club directed by Yosvany Terry.

    Devon Gates, Veronica Leahy and Kyra Teboe had special appearances at the celebration that took place at the Sanders Theater, in  Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Harvard‘s decision dates back to February 2020 when Harvard University President Larry Bacow commented that Blades "has endowed many aspects of his remarkable career with deep humanity and passionate intensity. He is a phenomenal musician, a talented actor, a devoted public servant, and we look forward to welcoming him back to campus and celebrating his many accomplishments in the arts,” he commented, according to the Harvard Gazette

    In that same publication, the director of the Harvard Office of the Arts, Jack Megan, said that "Rubén Blades' dynamic career arc is simply extraordinary." “He is an extraordinary artist - one of the most influential salsa musicians of the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century as well as an inspiring actor and political activist... His generosity, musicality, and activism are models of creativity and commitment to our students and all of us.

    Blades has been the recipient of 17 Grammy and Latin Grammy awards while his contributions to the various musical genres of salsa, rock, pop and jazz are known worldwide. The actor also participated in various audiovisual productions such as the series Fear The Walking Dead and the film Predator 2.

    Previous recipients of the Harvard Medal of Arts included actors John Litgow, Matt Damon, Peter Sellers, and Tommy Lee Jones.


  10. Quote

    Femicides and violent deaths surge in first quarter


    Posted 28/04/2022

    Victims of femicide in Panama increased by 20% and those of violent death by 100% during the first quarter of this year in Panama, compared to the same period in 2021.Between January and March, 6 women were victims of femicide, one more than in the same period of 2021, while 8 suffered violent deaths, compared to 4 the previous year, according to statistics from the Public Ministry (MP, Prosecutor's Office).

    Panama's Law 82 defines feminicide as "causing the death of a woman based on belonging to the female sex, due to discrimination or any other form of violence."

    "Violent death refers to all the homicides of female persons that were not considered femicides, according to the Prosecutor's assessment of the case and the application of Law 82," the MP states in its report, without further details.

    The victims of femicide were between 10 and 14 years old (2); between 40 and 44 years old (2), between 25 and 29 years old (1), and between 70 and 74 years old (1). 50% (3) of these cases were registered in the Caribbean province of Colón, one of the most violent in the country and plagued by gangs.83% (5) of the femicides were perpetrated with a knife and in one case it was not possible to specify what the victim was killed with.


  11. Quote

    Brake failure kills one injures 10


    Posted 28/04/2022

    One person was killed and 10 injured when the brakes of an articulated truck and the driver lost control of the loaded vehicle on the night of Wednesday, April 27, on the Transístmica road, near Las Lajas, in Las Cumbres. The truck collided with five vehicles, including a motorcycle before crashing into a house where a person died after being trapped in the debris.


  12. Quote

    Four security personnel among 32 arrested in drug bust


    Posted 28/04/2022

    A total of  32 people, including three police and one National Sea and Air Service (Senan) were arrested on Thursday during Operation "Metro" carried out by the National Police and the Public Ministry.

    The operation was aimed at dismantling a criminal group dedicated to drug trafficking, for which 30 raids were carried out simultaneously in the provinces of Panama, West Panama (Veracruz) and Coclé.

    The details of the raids were reported by the Attorney General, Javier Caraballo, the First Higher Prosecutor for Drugs, Marta Barrios, and the Director of Judicial Investigation, Commissioner Carlos Valencia.

    "We are not going to allow these units to tarnish the good image of the Institution, we are purging," said Commissioner Valencia, confirming that the uniformed officers apprehended are two 2nd Corporals. and a second lieutenant".

    This group had modus operandi,  telephone communications, and meetings to receive the drugs coming from Colombia, through speedboats and fishing boats. They hid the drug between San Carlos and Chame.

    Boat owners, fishermen, police and members of the Bagdad gang made up the group dedicated to drug trafficking, whose investigation began in May 2020.


  13. Quote

    Cortizo demands speed-up in Children’s Hospital construction


    Posted 27/04/2022

    After touring the construction site of the new Children’s Hospital on Tuesday, April 26, and learning that progress is only 1.5 percent  President Laurentino Cortizo told the company in charge of the project to work more quickly.

    The president said that "it is a work that the Panamanian people have waited for more than nine years" and added: "I am interested in this project progressing well and, as an international company, I demand speed in the project."

    For its part, the company in charge of the work indicated that they currently have 60 workers on site, which, in the president's opinion, is insufficient to advance.

    During the inspection, the director of Health Infrastructure, Carlos Candanedo, indicated that the tour "is to validate and demonstrate what, through the assurance inspection by the Ministry of Health, is carried out day by day."

    The initial stage of the project, piloting, is 69% complete, which is important to continue with other activities such as excavations and meet the schedule.

    The work, with an initial budget of approximately $443.8 million to be built on Balboa Avenue, was awarded in February 2021 to the Spanish consortium Acciona Construcción, SA The project includes building and equipping the hospital, the parking building, and the restructuring of the gardens.

    The work is expected to be partially received in 2024. The initial stage will be the main building with 20 floors and 6 basements for specialized care.


  14. Quote

    President warns of new  surge in covid cases


    Posted 27/04/2022

    President of Laurentino Cortizo, warned during a cabinet meeting in Capira on Wednesday, that it is not good that there is a notable increase in the positivity of Covid-19 cases at the national level.

    The president stressed that although the number of hospitalized is not increasing, the positivity of infections has skyrocketed.

    Cortizo stressed that it is important to continue with the campaign so that people get vaccinated and get the doses they need.

    “It is important that every time we go out in the media we emphasize that positivity is skyrocketing at the national level and that is not good,” Cortizo told government officials during the Cabinet Council session.

    The president expressed that there is a sense of security in the population and that the issue of the pandemic has passed, reiterating that the percentage of positivity is increasing considerably.

    “If we go, for example, to the number of people in the ward or in the ICU [hospitalized], we are not seeing that increase that gives us those yellow lights [alert], but the contagion is increasing,” Cortizo said.

    According to the figures reported by the Ministry of Health, (Minsa) on Tuesday, April 26, 744 new infections were registered, for positivity of 9.9% but even as he spoke Minsa was registering a further surge with 845 new infections and positivity of 11.2%.

    In the country, no more than 700 cases were registered in one day since last February 24, when there were 787 cases.

    The Panamanian scientist Paulino Vigil-De Gracia highlighted on his Twitter account that there are signs of the possibility of a fifth wave of the coronavirus.

    This Sunday, April 24, positivity was 6.3%, then on Monday, April 25, it was 7.08%, and this Tuesday, April 26, it was 9.9%, and Wednesday 11.2%.


  15. Quote

    Panama justice slammed in US human rights report


    Ricardo Martinelli exonerated in illegal wiretapping case.

    Posted 27/04/2022

    The legal process that exonerated former President Ricardo Martinelli of illegal wiretapping in a second trial on November 9 a decision condemned by many prominent members of civil society was highlighted in the 2021 Human Rights Report of the United States Department of State regarding Panama.

     It alluded to the lack of criminal convictions in corruption cases which, according to the document, supports the widespread public opinion that the judicial system is susceptible to corrupting influences both internal and external, and that most of the allegations of manipulation in the justice system are related to the influence of political actors and.

    In terms of corruption and lack of transparency, it was concluded that this continues to be a serious problem in the Executive, Judicial and Legislative bodies, as well as in the security forces.

    In this sense, some judicial cases were named, such as New Business where 25 people are accused of using $43 million in public funds to buy a local newspaper group and the accusation against former presidents Martinelli and Juan Carlos Varela, and three former ministers for corruption related to the Odebrecht case

    They also mention the scandal after journalists found that a private clinic clandestinely administered Pfizer vaccines and charged for it, when at that time they were managed by the Ministry of Health.

    Similarly, it was indicated that there were no developments in the 2020 investigations by the Public Ministry related to the alleged overpricing paid by national government institutions for ventilators and the purchase of used ventilators to treat covid-19 patients.

    Security forces
    The report also refers to corruption, and the lack of accountability in the security forces continued.

    In this sense, it is pointed out that the public security forces did not have an impartial investigative entity for internal investigations.

    “The absence of clear standard operating procedures allowed officers discretion in each case. The lack of regular audits of operations to monitor efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and transparency contributed to the problem,” the report details.

    Regarding freedom of expression, including for members of the press and other media, it is indicated that the government generally respected this right, but journalists and the media observed that criminal and civil lawsuits for defamation and slander continued, which they considered “a threat” to freedom of expression and freedom of the press.


  16. Quote

    Mayor’s tantrums underscore  recall movement

    Posted 27/04/2022

    If the mayor of the capital city had enough neurons for elementary reasoning, he would realize that his marches, protests, tantrums and his inexhaustible pride only feed the desire of the citizens not to see him in office anymore. His most recent public appearances have been to challenge the electorate –the one who put him in the Mayor's Office and who can give him a farewell kick–, instead of showing more humility and elaborating a plan to win back the will of the population.

    His attitude seems to be that of a child craving a toy that he will not receive or that of a teenager who was punished by taking away his cell phone. Neither tantrums can change someone's mind. On the contrary, it makes the decisions stand, because it becomes a challenge to the authority, which in this case is not him, but the people who elected him.

    That is the authority, the sovereign, but his fatuity makes him blind and deaf. So we just have to thank him: thanks for maintaining his pedantry, the one that has put him where he is now. His pathetic attitude is the fuel that feeds the fire that will consume him. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 27.


  17. Quote

    Suspicions over Martinelli party ‘irregularity’ claims

    Posted 26/04/2022

    The electoral process carried out by Ricardo Martinelli's party – in which there are complaints of alleged irregularities – has aroused suspicions at a time when the boss of that group faces calls for trials in which he prefers not to be present, for which he uses of the electoral jurisdiction, a tool that allows him to be away from the courts of justice that has been of great benefit to him.

    Political analysts are beginning to suspect that the denunciations of alleged acts against the election process this weekend in Realizing Goals is just a distraction, in order to extend the period of electoral jurisdiction, in this case, in favor of Martinelli, and thus delaying the legal proceedings in which he is involved. If this were so – that everything is part of a strategy – the electoral jurisdiction must be reviewed once again to avoid, precisely, this type of use, since it is increasingly delegitimized, and constitutes a clear abuse of justice, something that the Electoral Court should not allow, although lately it seems complicit in this type of use of jurisdiction. The least that these theses deserve is a thorough investigation, which clarifies what many think about what happened – LA PRENSA, Apr. 26


  18. Quote

    Copa Cargo introduces  new plane after record year


    Posted 25/04/2022

    Growing demand has led the Copa company to introduce to Copa Airlines Cargo, an aircraft with the capacity to transport 21.7 tons per flight, thus expanding its operations and enhancing the region's connectivity in the area.

    “Due to the growing demand in the region, Copa Airlines has seen the opportunity to expand Copa Airlines Cargo services and deepen our participation in this competitive market, taking advantage of the advantages offered by the 'Hub of the Americas', located in the Tocumen International Airport in Panama City," said Copa Airlines' senior cargo and courier director, Jaime Álvarez. The company incorporates into the Copa Airlines Cargo service an exclusive cargo aircraft model Boeing 737-800BCF with the capacity to transport 21.7 tons per flight, with which it is projected to "increase the kilos transported by 50% versus 2021 ", a record year with 30,000 tons transported, the company said.

    Álvarez explained, "it is a plane from the Copa family converted into a freighter by Boeing itself, with the latest technology, for a freighter plane." The aircraft registration began operations on March 28 with weekly flights to Central America, Santo Domingo, and Havana, the company said. It is being evaluated soon to operate to other potential destinations that are part of the more than 70 of Copa Airlines' commercial passenger routes.


  19. Quote

    Colombia to lift mask mandate on May 1


    Ivan Duque

    Posted 25/04/2022

    The Colombian Government announced on Monday that as of May 1, the use of the mask in closed places will not be mandatory in municipalities that have more than 70% of their population fully vaccinated against covid-19 and the vaccination card  will not be required in mass activities.

    The Colombian president, Iván Duque, said that the measure to eliminate the use of face masks will not be applicable in health services, nursing homes, public transport and closed spaces in schools. and other educational institutions.

    He also reported that as of May 1, the vaccination card will no longer be required in public and private events of a massive nature, a measure that will also be applied in other places such as bars, pubs, museums, libraries and cinemas.

    "All biosafety measures will also be repealed, with the exception of those that concern health systems and services," said Duque.

    For international travelers, the Colombian head of state said that it is advisable to "arrive in the country with complete vaccination schedules."

    "Those who do not have complete schemes or are not vaccinated will require a negative PCR test that does not exceed 72 hours. An antigen test that does not exceed 48 hours may also be presented," he said.

    The president pointed out that despite Colombia's progress in the fight against the pandemic, whose numbers of infections and deaths have dropped to the levels of two years ago, when covid-19 arrived in the country, it is necessary to take other measures.That is why the health emergency in the national territory will be extended, from May 1 to June 30, which allows the Government to take extraordinary measures if necessary.

    Vaccination progress
    Duque explained that all these measures are taken based on the progress of the National Vaccination Plan."We have more than 83% of Colombians with at least one dose, and we are just a few days away from reaching 70% of the country with a double dose," he explained.

    According to the president, of the 50 million Colombians, more than 11.2 million also have a booster dose.

    The coronavirus pandemic has so far left 6,091,343 infections in the country and 139,778 deaths, according to figures from the Ministry of Health.


  20. Quote

    Shanghai lockdown affecting Panama and Latin America


    Posted 26/04/2022

    With the latest outbreak of coronavirus in the city of Shanghai, strict confinement has been put in place as part of China's "Zero Covid" strategy,  triggering delays in the logistics chain in the largest port by volume of containers.

    In 2021, the Shanghai terminal represented 17% of China's container traffic and 27% of the Asian giant's exports. It is among the most important in international trade, and now thousands of containers are piling up, putting additional pressure on global supply and Latin America's inflation crisis.

    There is already talk that at least 20% of the container ship fleet is trapped without being able to unload its cargo. According to Vessels Value, a provider of maritime data, the waiting time for ships in the port of Shanghai is around 50 hours.

    The tail end for Panama is imminent and for the president of the Panama Industrial Union of a (SIP), Luis Frauca, in the next two weeks delays will begin to be perceived in the arrival of merchandise from China.

    For the industrial sector, the delay could exceed five weeks, which will affect the availability of goods such as construction materials, supplies for the industrial sector, electronic equipment, clothing, and footwear, among others.

    According to the Comptroller General, the price of some materials used in construction, such as electrical wire and steel rods, increased between 19% and 40% during the first quarter of 2022.

    Carlos Allen, president of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac), described the situation of the port of Shanghai and the shipment of cargo to Panama as complicated. “It is the most important port in the world and has reduced its capacity by more than 35%. and is going to affect the construction materials that are imported, in terms of price and availability”.

    Allen indicated that steel, tiles, electrical products, and special fire-fighting systems are among the materials imported through Shanghai.

    Information published by Janus Henderson, a British global asset management group, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, solar panels, electronic components, and textiles top the list of products that are exported through the Shanghai terminal.


  21. Quote

    Beer prices will rise on May 1


    Posted 26/04/2022

    Relaxing with a beer on Labor day will cost more as that’s the day the Cervecería Nacional will be increasing the price of its products.  The justification for the increase, according to  Cervecería director, David Crespo, is due to the inflationary escalation that has impacted almost all sectors of the economy, and the brewing industry does not escape this reality and has suffered increases in the cost of raw materials used to manufacture its products, in addition to the import costs of its global brands “Therefore, we inform you that, as of May 1, our local brands, specifically our can brands will have a price increase. Crespo urged its clients to take advantage of the rest of the month of April, the current promotions in both national and imported brands; and ensure their inventories before the celebration of the holiday on May 1.


  22. Quote

    RM Party seeks to provide armor for its founder


    Posted 26/04/2022

    Fights, claims, and brawls were the scenario, at the internal elections of the Realizing Goals (RM) party on  Sunday, April 24  reports La Prensa.

    RM is a party founded by former President Ricardo Martinelli, and on Sunday held elections to choose its authorities from the Women's and Youth Secretariats.

    Until Monday afternoon there was no official report of who were the winners. Mariela Jiménez, candidate for the Secretariat for Women, and Oliver Dawkins, candidate for the Secretariat for Youth, in a statement, assured that due to the "seriousness of the irregularities and inconsistencies," it is "obvious" that "new elections must be held in a significant number of places.

    “There is no question of this need. The president of the Elections Commission (Alma Cortés) has expressed that over 25.000 people could not vote”, said the note.

     Cortés assured that some 25,000 people could not vote because the tables were not ready. Candidates for the different positions stated that personnel related to the payroll occupied space inside the voting centers, which is not allowed by law.

    On Monday at noon, at the party's headquarters in Plaza Carolina, a place that previously housed the Cambio Democrático party, also founded by Martinelli, there was no one. Outside there were remains of garbage and the iron doors of the premises were closed with a padlock.

    Dodging trial
    The new elections proposed by RM would extend Martinelli's criminal electoral jurisdiction, and in turn would allow him to avoid the hearing for the New Business case, scheduled for May 19. The third liquidator judge of criminal cases, Baloisa Marquínez, was forced to suspend the procedure because Martinelli invoked the electoral jurisdiction, and then asked the Electoral Court (TE) to remove the armor, but the magistrates Heriberto Araúz, and Alfredo Juncá denied this petition alleging that Martinelli is protected by the principle of specialty.

    Both Martinelli and Cortés had already asked the TE to postpone the elections. This would allow them to lengthen the electoral calendar and, therefore, extend the jurisdiction.


  23. Quote

    Supporters of mayor Fábrega hold rally


    Colon mayor Alex Lee and Panama mayor Fabrega.

    Posted 26/04/2022

    Panama mayor, José Luis Fábrega , held a rally in Plaza 5 de Mayo on Tuesday afternoon, April 26, to protest the possible revocation of his mandate.

    “Today, the Electoral Court betrayed democracy. He turned his back on the town and forgot about the town. Today I tell the Court that it is not possible for an individual, who does not even appear in the yellow pages, to have more power than the people who elected us and who are here”, said Fábrega on a platform, accompanied by several mayors and representatives corregimiento, such as Alex Lee de Colón.

    Dozens of people gathered from 4:00 pm in the vicinity of the Hatillo building, headquarters of the Mayor's Office of Panama, in Calidonia. From there they marched to Plaza 5 de Mayo to meet with the mayor

    Some of them carried banners with messages of support for Fábrega. "Gas tank, with you to the end," read one .


  24. Quote

    Mayor struggles to stem recall tide


    Posted 24/04/2022

    While Panama’s mayor, José Luis Fábrega, claims that he is not worried about the movement to remove him from office his actions in the Electoral Tribunal (TE) and the Supreme Court speak louder.

    In a new request submitted to the TE, he asks that his "activists" be present at the points where they are collecting signatures reports La Prensa. Fábrega wants them to act as  “watchdogs”. 

    Support rallies
    On Tuesday, April 26 in Porras Park, at 4:00 pm, supporters of the mayor are planning a rally against the recall. The next day, the Association of Municipalities of Panama will hold a march "in defense of the municipal system" from Plaza 5 de Mayo to the headquarters of the Electoral Tribunal, starting at 4:00 p.m.

    In a  brief, presented on April 8 by the lawyer Juan Carlos Pérez, from the mayor's legal team, he also asks about the forms of verification of the people who sign the petition.

    Although the TE hasn’t given an official response to the request, the position of the Tribunal has already been supported by the National Directorate when Fábrega, appealed the decision in the first instance of giving the green light to the revocation process.

    Desperate measures
    Roberto Ruiz Díaz, the proponent of the recall process, said that these are “desperate measures” since the referendum stage is not yet in progress.

    At least 198,920 signatures must be collected in 120 days for the TE to call a recall referendum. The signature collection process began on April 20; there are already more than 10,000.

    On Friday, the TE announced that the progress reports on the collection of signatures will be published every Monday, starting on April 25,

    If 198,920 signatures are achieved and once they are validated, the TE will have to announce and organize the referendum in a period not exceeding three months.

    Fábrega was elected in 2019 as the standard-bearer of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), along with his running mate Judy Meana (from Molirena), with a total of 173,289 votes.

    Since the beginning of his administration, Fábrega has been involved in controversy from his attempt to build a beach in the Bay of Panama, to the defense of the mobilization expenses of the municipal authorities and the construction of a new multi-million-dollar Seafood Market.

    On April 12, Fabrega filed a claim of unconstitutionality before the Supreme Court against the resolution, which admitted the request for revocation. The central argument is that in the case of local authorities, the Constitution only establishes the revocation of the mandate of the corregimiento representatives, but not of the mayors.


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    Covid pandemic is not over and  use of masks recommended


    Posted 23/04/2022

    Covid-19 variants of concern continue to circulate and we could see “a resurgence of cases and deaths at any time," the use of masks remains  a recommended  measure  said Ciro Ugarte, Director of Health Emergencies at the weekly conference of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

    The advice comes despite the fact that in some countries the incidence of Covid-19 has a downward trend.

    Since March 28, in Panama, the use of masks in open spaces or places is not mandatory, although the Health authorities recommend using them in case of crowds. The standard remains in force indoors.

    “The recommendation is still valid. In any scenario, the use of masks is still recommended, ”said Ugarte.

    He reiterated that this protection measure against the virus can be taken voluntarily, but as long as there is a close relationship with early detection and response mechanisms." The recommendation is that personal protection should be applied in all situations," said Ugarte.

    “I want to reiterate, the Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet.”


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