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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    26 wildland species use Panama  “biological corridor”


    Posted 22/05/2022

    The giant anteater, the tapir, or the emblematic jaguar are some of the 26 species of wildland mammals that frequently use the "biological corridor" between the Panama Canal basin and the Portobelo and Chagres nature reserves, east of the country, according to a recent scientific study carried out by the Mammalian Society of Panama (Somapsa).

    A biological corridor is a stretch of jungle that serves as a bridge to join larger areas of vegetation, such as the Portobelo and Chagres national parks, and that during a prolonged period of time the passage or presence of so many wild species has been recorded, speaks highly of the biodiversity that still lives in the Panamanian forests, says biologist Rafael Samudio, director of Somapsa.

    Samudio and his team of scientists have been studying the upper Chagres biological corridor since 2017, supported by the photographic captures of some 80 motion-sensitive cameras, distributed throughout the biological corridor.


  2. Quote

    Significant increase in covid-19 cases - PAHO


    Mask wearing continues to be an effective tool against the spread of the virus.

    Posted 21/05/2022

    Panama is showing a significant increase in new cases of Covid -19 Even higher than what was observed at the same time in 2020 and 2021," said Ciro Ugarte director of Health Emergencies of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), at the weekly conference on the epidemiological situation in the region.

    He said that this seems to reflect that the variants of the virus are more transmissible and that the virus is increasingly given the opportunity to pass from person to person and that it does so more easily.

    According to reports from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the Omicron variant with the BA.1 and BA.2 sublineages is predominant in Panama.

    Ugarte recalled that one of the measures that have proven effective against the new coronavirus, apart from other actions, is the proper use of masks, especially when in contact with other people.

    "Protect yourself, get vaccinated, and protect others, because this pandemic is going to stay with us and it will stay longer if we don't implement those measures," Ugarte stressed.


  3. Quote

    Pensioners call for a mass protest on May 25


    Posted 21/05/2022

    The National Coordinator of Retirees and Pensioners shared on Saturday a video calling for a protest in the Cathedral Square, on Wednesday, May 25, if they do not receive a response from  President Cortizo, to set up a work table that determines the contributions it will receive from the extraction of copper for the Disability, Old Age and Death (IVM) program of the Social Security (CSS).

     Roberto López, president of the group, tells Cortizo that his message in March, when he announced a percentage of income from copper extraction will be used for the (IVM) program.), "has left us a message of insecurity and a feeling of false happiness because it is not clearly defined what will happen with retirement pensions for old age that is contemplated in article 192 of Law 51 of 27 December 2005".

    He added: "There were no details on this important topic, the statements were somewhat ambiguous and it is not clearly explained what will really happen where there are about 200,000 Panamanians who are the most affected and who have pinned their hopes on the increase.

    "The Coordinator hopes that Cortizo will announce an acknowledgment of receipt of the letter until May 24, otherwise they will take to the streets to generate a general strike.

    On March 28, Cortizo announced that 50% of the minimum annual income from the extraction of copper concentrate, of Minera Panama, a subsidiary of the Canadian First Quantum Minerals, will be allocated to  IVM program 20% will be allocated so that no retiree and/or pensioner receives less than $350 a month in their pensions.

    According to Cortizo, the Contract Law project, will be presented to the Minera Panamá company and once signed by both parties, it will be sent to the National Assembly.

    As of December 31, 2021, Panama had 110,675 people who could benefit from the contributions from the extraction of copper concentrate.


  4. Quote

    Lawyer  who preyed on ex-pats guilty  of double murder


    Guilty of killing a Canadian and Panamanian.

    Posted 20/05/2022

    A trial court in San Miguelito found attorney Zoraida Saucedo guilty of double homicide.

    The decision was made known on Wednesday, May 18, at the end of her trial for her alleged link to the murders of Canadian citizen Miomir Kotlica, 62, and the Panamanian Miguel Páez, 27, in San Antonio, San Miguelito, in October 2017.

    Saucedo was also found guilty of falsifying documents and public stamps, to the detriment of the two victims.

    The Public Ministry has requested a sentence of 48 years in prison.

    Sentencing is scheduled for June 15, at 3:00 p.m.

    Saucedo is also linked to the deaths of Marianela Vallarino, 46, and Italian Furio Ferrari, 70, whose bodies were found in Las Cumbres, also in 2017





  5. Quote

    Charges mount against disappearances suspect


    Posted 20/05/2022

    The Homicide and Femicide Section of the Chiriquí Prosecutor's Office, Friday, laid charges for sexual offense and deprivation of liberty for José Alberto Atencio, 48, for his alleged involvement in the disappearance of Astrid Tugrí, 24, on October 11, 2021, when she left Tolé in the direction of David.

    This is the third indictment of charges against Atencio related to the disappearance of women in the province of Chiriquí. He will remain in jail while the investigations are concluded.

    Atencio has already been charged with deprivation of liberty and aggravated robbery, after his alleged link to the disappearance of Anabel Valdivia, 28, in the province of Chiriquí on August 8, 2021, and to the detriment of Viviana Gallardo, 17 years old , reported by relatives as missing since November 9, 2021, in the David district.

    Meanwhile, the Homicide and Femicide Prosecutor's Office and the Judicial Investigation Directorate (DIJ) of the National Police continue with the search for four missing women and where they are allegedly linked to Atencio.

    Investigations are also being carried out for the disappearance of the minor Lorena Montezuma Rodríguez, 14 years old, in 2018 and it is not ruled out that the person under investigation may be linked to the case reports La Critica.


  6. Quote

    Rain brings landslide and flooding


    Posted 20/05/2022

    Rain on Friday morning, May 20, left a landslide in San Miguelito, with fallen trees and flooded roads, especially in the districts of San Francisco and Bella Vista. More of the same is forecast for later in the day.

    Malitzie Rivera, head of the Emergency Operations Center, said that the heavy downpour left streets flooded, including  Via Espana, Via Argentina, and Calle 50. Residents of several streets of the San Francisco corregimiento published on social networks that sectors such as 76th Street and Aquilino de la Guardia Avenue were flooded.


  7. Quote

    Martinelli sons get 3-years jail but finger father


    Posted 20/05/2022

    Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares were sentenced to 36 months in prison and two years of supervised release for conspiring to launder $28 million from Odebrecht, but they confessed that their father, former president Ricardo Martinelli gave the orders.

    Since June 2020, the prosecutor's office for the Eastern District of New York has said that Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique received the bribes, for the benefit of a "senior Panamanian official" who, in addition, is a "close relative" of both.  On Friday, it is finally known that the person is Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal reports La Prensa

    All this came to light at a sentencing hearing, convened by Judge Raymond Dearie. The first to identify the "senior Panamanian official" were the lawyers of the two defendants. The prosecution followed, which also confirmed that Martinelli Berrocal benefited from the bribes.

    Judge Dearie, earlier in the hearing had called them "arrogant." The defense replied that they were not arrogant, but "two scared children" who followed their father's orders.

    The brothers appeared before the judge wearing the cream uniform of a prisoner. The two asked to speak and apologized to the Panamanian people, the US government, and their relatives: the mother and sister, and also the wife of Luis Enrique.

    They also complained about the "inhumane" conditions in the Brooklyn prison and asked to be transferred to another facility. For that, they must submit a formal request, in writing.

    $18.9 million seized
    Hours before, Assistant District Attorney Alixandra Smith filed a preliminary order with Judge Dearie to seize nearly $18.9 million, in addition to all "rights," titles, interest, and "traceable" income tied to the crime for which the brothers confessed, last December. Part of the funds is deposited in two accounts at Bank Vontobel AG, in Switzerland, in the name of the companies Diamong Investments Corp. and Waterspoon International Ltd.

    Among the forfeited assets is a beachfront condominium on Miami's Brickell Avenue in the Icon Tower building, which was once the residence of Luis Enrique. The apartment has already been sold for $1.4 million. In addition, the deputy prosecutor requests the execution of the immigration bond that both consigned, after being detained by immigration agents, on November 20, 2018. That bond has an approximate amount of $1million 32 thousand, for each one.


  8. Quote

    Covid-19 active cases quadruple in two weeks


    Posted 19/05/2022

    Active cases of covid-19 have quadrupled in the last two epidemiological weeks, amid the fifth wave of infections reports the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

    The most recent situation report published on May 17— shows that there were more than 6,066 active cases in week 17 (April 24 to 30)  which climbed to 24,653 in week 19 (May 8 to 14), which represents an increase of 306% for every 100,000 inhabitants.

    The document specifies that this increase in active cases originates at the expense of the increase of between 112% and 520% in eight provinces: Herrera, Panamá Oeste, Panamá, Los Santos, Chiriquí, Coclé, Veraguas and Darién.

    Hospitalizations rising 
    The country registered a significant increase in hospitalizations in the last two weeks. The PAHO document details that in week 17 there were 95 admissions to hospitals and that for week 19 the figure increased to 175, that is, an increase of 84.2%.

    The increase in hospitalizations in the ward went from 84 in week 17 to 148 in week 19, while in the ICU it went from 11 to 27, in the same period.

    Jorge Luis Prosperi, a public health specialist and member of the Health Advisory Council, said that for five consecutive weeks there has been an increase in cases, and that hospitalizations are on the rise.

    As of May 17, there were 224 people hospitalized for covid-19 (189 in the ward and 35 in the ICU), according to the Ministry of Health.

    Prosperi said it is worrying that active cases continue to trend upwards and that more than 28 days ago the country left the safety zone of 5% positivity in laboratory tests. It is currently 21.9%.


  9. Quote

    One dead  25 injured in triple traffic incident


    Posted 19/05/2022

    An accident with a fatal victim and more than 20 injured, was recorded on Thursday in Juan Díaz, near the El Chimborazo restaurant when  a taxi collided head-on with a Metrobus. The driver of the taxi was killed.

    According to Major Ángel Delgado, from the Panama Fire Department, 25 people were injured, 24 of

    with minor injuries. The bus driver was seriously injured.

    Witnesses to the event, the drivers of the taxi and another  sedan had been arguing about the

    road, and there was a collision between their vehicles, and  the taxi collided with the Metrobus

    Ambulances from various entities cared for the injured, including several students.


  10. Quote

    Martinelli brothers never acted in good faith - prosecutors


    Posted 19/05/2022

    Less than 24 hours before Judge Raymond J. Dearie sentences the brothers Luis Enrique and Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares, the US prosecutor's office sent a letter informing him that they never cooperated in good faith with the investigation process.  “ Defendants did not engage in the cooperation process in good faith, failed to disclose key information, and ultimately sought to use their privilege, wealth, and power to thwart the investigation and avoid taking responsibility for their actions in the United States”, says the letter from the Prosecutor’s Office signed by Alixandra Smith, Michael Culhane Harper and Michael Redmann.


  11. Quote

    Errant lawyers get slap on the wrist


    Prosecutors leave court after third adjournment.

    Posted 20/05/2022

    The preliminary hearing for the "New Business" case, for the alleged purchase of Grupo Editora Panamá América (Epasa) with public funds, was again suspended and postponed to the alternate date between July 4 and 6 due to the absence of media dozen lawyers. The Third Liquidator Court for Criminal Cases, in charge of Baloisa Marquínez, sanctioned lawyers Basilio González, Rodolfo Palma, Joaquín Roger and José María Castillo with $100 for not attending the hearing and not presenting a formal excuse.While the lawyers Gladys Quintero and Alfredo Vallarino presented a disability.


  12. Quote

    Electoral Court removes  Martinelli’s shield


    Posted 19/05/2022

    The plenary session of the Electoral Court (TE) agreed to the request of the National Directorate of Electoral Organization and declared the suspension of the criminal electoral jurisdiction of former president  Ricardo Martinelli, in his capacity as president of the Realizing Goals (RM) party.

    This was recorded on the morning of this Thursday, May 19.

    The plenary session of this court is made up of magistrates Alfredo Juncá, Heriberto Araúz and Eduardo Valdés Escoffery. The edict also bears the signature of Myrtha Varela de Durán, general secretary of the TE.

    It will be necessary to wait at least 24 hours –until this Friday– for the decision to be executed, the parties being notified.

    In the ruling, the magistrates indicate that, just as the TE plenary session ruled in 2016, “if the electoral process has been stopped or suspended and the calendar interrupted, there cannot be any type of electoral jurisdiction, since its nature is intrinsic to an ongoing process”.

    On April 24, RM held internal elections to choose the directives of the secretariats of Youth and Women, but the two lists that competed agreed that, due to "irregularities", it was necessary to hold new elections.

    The elections were held despite the fact that there were two attempts by the RM leadership to postpone them until after May 19, when the hearing for the "New Business" case resumed which is followed by a total of 46 defendants - among them the former president for alleged money laundering.


  13. Quote

    Heavy rain threats trigger yellow alerts


    Posted 19/05/2022

    In the face of increased rains with the high probability of flooding. and landslides. the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) raised the preventive alert to yellow In the provinces of Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí and Veraguas, and the Ngäbe Buglé region.

    It adds that according to weather forecasts and analyses, Tropical Wave No.1 is located over the national territory and "keeps interacting with low-pressure systems (areas of easy development and propagation of clouds) associated with rains and storms".

    The Directorate of Hydrometeorology of the Electricity Transmission Company SA, (Etesa) predicts daily rainfall accumulations between 60 mm and 150 mm in coastal areas and low-lying areas and from 160 mm or more in the mountainous and maritime regions of the country. 

    In the provinces of Coclé, Colón, Darién, Herrera, Los Santos, Panama, and West Panama, and in the Guna Yala and Emberá Wounaan regions, the green alert decreed  Wednesday by Sinaproc is maintained.

    The institution asks the population to take precautions in case of floods, landslides, falling trees, and flooding of rivers and streams.


  14. Quote

    Tocumen Airport ranked best in Central America


    Posted 18/05/2022

    Tocumen International Airport is positioned as the "Best airport in Central America and the Caribbean", according to the satisfaction survey carried out by the consulting firm Skytrax, within the framework of the World Airport Awards 2022.

    The study includes surveys in more than 550 airports, based on the satisfaction of millions of users with the services offered by each aerodrome; It takes into account a total of 39 sections in relation to access, public transport, comfort, and cleanliness, or safety, among other aspects.

    "We feel very honored by the recognition, but it is also a commitment to continue improving. We are aware of our weaknesses and we are working on them," said Raffoul Arab, General Manager of the terminal.


  15. Quote

    New Business case resumes without Martinelli


    Ricardo Martinelli

    Posted 18/05/2022

    The preliminary hearing of the alleged money laundering ”New Business” case will resume on Thursday without its star defendant former president Ricardo Martinelli- and the brothers David and Daniel Ochy.

    The process is against 21 people – including three of them – for the purchase of  Editora Panamá América, SA   (Epasa) allegedly with public funds, a case known as New Business.

    Sources from the Judicial Branch reported that after the ruling issued by the Electoral Court (TE) on March 22, which maintained Martinelli's electoral criminal jurisdiction, the third criminal court liquidator, in charge of Baloisa Marquínez, decided to separate the former ruler of the main process until the Supreme Court of Justice resolves two claims of unconstitutionality filed against the TE ruling.

    The Ochy brothers, who were not notified for the first hearing date on January 27, the court also decided to separate them from the process and set June 16 as the first date for their preliminary hearing. The alternate date would be July 14.

    In addition, a challenge filed by Martinelli against Marquínez is pending, an appeal that is in the hands of the first liquidator judge, Agueda Rentería, who has stated that she will resolve it once the issue of Martinelli's electoral jurisdiction is defined.

    The former president's defense also denounced Marquínez for abuse of authority and excess of functions.


  16. Quote

    Gasoline prices rocket - diesel falls


    Posted 18/05/2022

    Another major surge in gasoline prices will kick in on Friday, May 20, when the 95-octane will go up 15 cents a liter, to $1.42.  The 91 octane will rise 13 cents per liter to $1.33. Meanwhile, low sulfur diesel will decrease by 6 cents to $1.39 per liter.


  17. Quote

    Panama woman boxer cruises to World Cup final


    Posted 18/05/2022

    Panamanian boxer Atheyna Bylon qualified for the final of the 75-kilogram category of the 2022 Elite Women's Boxing World Cup, after dominating French fighter Davina Michel in the semifinal.

    Showing her experience and better range, Bylon won the favor of all five judges in the fight that took place at the Basaksehir Sports and Youth Center in Istanbul, Turkey.

    Bylon will dispute the gold medal against the Canadian Tammara Thibeault, on Friday, May 20.

    The boxer is the first Panamanian athlete in that discipline to win more than one medal, since in the Jeju World Cup in 2014 she won the title in the 69 kg division.

    Bylon has three victories in this world competition and with her pass to the final has secured the silver medal.


  18. Quote

    Colón protestors will cold shoulder meeting with Cortizo


    Posted 17/05/2022

    Representatives of the United Coalition for Columbus (CUCO ) reiterated that they will not attend the meeting agreed for today, Tuesday, with the President, Laurentino Cortizo.

    Edgardo Voitier, the spokesman for the group, said they will not attend the meeting agreed with the President or seek alternatives to the provincial situation with respect to health, housing, employment, and other issues.

    He pointed out that the proposals that the business associations will present on job creation and others are the same ones that they delivered to President Cortiz a few months ago.

    "When the National Government wants to start a concrete and serious dialogue. We are willing to talk to get out of this crisis in Colón," he stressed.


  19. Quote

    Returning confidence reflected in Tocumen stats


    Posted 17/05/2022

    Tocumen International Airport handled 1,243,475 passengers in April, an increase of 787,211 over the same period in 2021.

    Raffoul Arab, General Manager of the airport said: "The reduction of mobility restrictions and the recovery of passenger confidence to travel are key measures for the recovery of the air transport industry."

    The figure represents a significant increase in passenger movement compared to last year, due to the global increase in vaccinated people and the sanitary measures applied by different countries, added Arab.

    In the month of April Tocumen maintained its direct connections to 78 destinations, through 20 airlines.

    The mobilization of passengers through Tocumen in April 2022 is led by users from South America, which represented 46%, North America 29%, the Caribbean 10%, Central America 10%, and Europe 5%.


  20. Quote

    Canal Authority signs stalled collective agreement


    Posted 17/05/2022

    A negotiation that had been stalled for more than two years ended on Monday with the signing by the administration of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) of a new collective agreement with the Non-Professional Workers Negotiating Unit for the period 2022-2025, a negotiation that had been stalled for more than two years.

    The new agreement with this unit, the largest in the Canal and which affiliates about 83% of the workers, establishes a first salary increase of 3.5% for 2022, which will take effect from the 13th payment period that begins on June 19.

    For the year 2023, the salary adjustment will be 1.75%; for 2024, 1.75%; and by 2025, 2.0%. This salary adjustment will benefit both permanent and temporary workers, who are covered under the Negotiating Unit for Non-Professional Workers, the administration stressed.

    The Non-Professional Negotiating Unit, a name inherited from the US administration, includes part of the administrative staff, as well as electricians, welders, technical trades, and artisans.

    There are about six negotiating units in the Canal and other collective agreements are yet to be defined.

    According to the most recent report of the entity, about 8.000 people work in the Canal.


  21. Quote

    University students and staff battle riot police


    Posted 17/05/2022

    A group of students, teachers, and administrative staff from the University of Panama (UP) clashed with riot police after closing the Transistmica highway for six hours on Tuesday, May,17.

    They were protesting the increase in the basic food basket and fuel prices.

     The Transístmica and Manuel Espinosa Batista roads were closed until 6:00 pm when the clashes ended allowing vehicular traffic to resume.


  22. Quote

    US First Lady visits Panama on eve of Americas Summit


    Jill Biden

    Posted 17/05/2022

    The US First Lady Jill Biden and her daughter Ashley Biden will travel to Panama Ecuador, and Costa Rica from May 18-23, on the eve of the Summit of the Americas, which will be hosted by the United States and will take place in Los Angeles June 6 to 10.

    Jill Biden's visit to Panama will be on Friday, May 20, and Saturday, May 21, when she meets with the

    Panamanian first lady, Yazmín Colón de Cortizo, at the Presidential Palace.

    The first ladies will visit a local school to learn more about the “See and Hear to Learn” program organized by Yazmín Colón, which offers vision and hearing exams to students, and glasses and hearing equipment as needed.

    On Saturday, May 21, Jill Biden will visit Hogar El Buen Samaritano, a shelter that welcomes and offers

    care to those living with HIV/AIDS an organization linked to the Catholic Church.


  23. Quote

    International  shame as identity of Panama big fish hidden


    The Martinelli brothers were arrested in Guatemala while allegedly Panama-bound to face "justice"

    Posted 16/05/2022

    Four days before the sentencing in New York of the sons of former president Ricardo Martinelli for money laundering in the Odebrecht global corruption plot there is " international shame " that Panama and their administration of justice have not yet been able to bring to trial locally those responsible for the diversion of millions of dollars destined for public infrastructure works reports La Prensa.

    Former comptroller Alvin Weeden, who was one of the first to file a complaint with Odebrecht -in September 2015- to initiate an investigation into the use of the local financial system in illegal activities said: “ happily the long arm of justice is working somewhere in the world ”. But it is unfortunate since another jurisdiction has had to do it. “With this week's sentence,  the prosecutors' investigations do not end, since the next one would be the unnamed   senior official.”

    Former Attorney General, Ana Matilde Gómez, described as " a national shame " the fact that the Martinelli Linares have pleaded guilty to the crime of laundering bribes in favor of a " senior official ". of the Panamanian government, that is a close relative ” and that in Panama not even the preliminary hearing could be held. “ The equation is almost perfect or almost complete. For whom could the children launder money if they did not hold public office? ”, Gómez said.

    Lawyer Carlos Ernesto González says Article 24 of the Constitution reads: “ The State may not extradite its nationals ...” For González, this case questions the efficiency of justice. Although there are some justice operators in Panama who try to do their job, the mechanisms to guarantee the impunity of the corrupt remain intact. “ The problem is not that there is corruption, which can happen anywhere in the world, the problem is that it is not punished ”.

    From Monday, July 18 to Friday, August 5, the Third Criminal Court of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, plans to hold the main preliminary hearing of the Odebrecht case. There are 62 defendants, including former presidents Ricardo Martinelli and Juan Carlos Varela.

    The big question
    The former Accounts Prosecutor, Guido Rodríguez, does not expect the name of the " senior official " to be revealed at Friday's hearing. Although it is clear in Panama who is the big fish, the question is still hanging around. He cited an article by the singer Rubén Blades, published on January 16, 202, in which, questioning Martinelli, he makes the following reflection: “ His two sons have already accepted his corruption, admitting to being guilty of accepting bribes, laundering and hiding money, and act as illicit intermediaries. There is only one more question to be clarified: Ricardo Martinelli, are you that high-ranking official and close relative? ”.

    The Martinelli rothers, admitted to having laundered at least $28 million dollars in bribes (now prosecutors say that this figure could be doubled), have tried to minimize their participation by claiming that they actually had a role as. “ peripherals ” in the scheme.

    Their father is not only protected from eventual extradition but -for now- he cannot be prosecuted in the New Business money laundering cases, whose hearing begins Thursday, May 19.


  24. Quote

    Over 16,000 sign  initiative to recall Panama mayor


    Posted 16/05/2022

    The Electoral Court reported on Monday, May 16, that until 4:00 pm a total of 16,011 signatures had been collected in support of the revocation of the mandate of the mayor of Panama, José Luis Fábrega. The collection of signatures began on Wednesday, April 20, and the proponents of the initiative must collect a total of 198,920 signatures within a period of 120 days.


  25. Quote

    Tear gas and pepper spray used to clear Colón protestors


    Posted 16/05/2022

    On the eighth day of the strike in the province of Colón riot police used tear gas and pepper spray to disperse protesters, calling on the government to respond to their demands.

    After nearly eight hours of  road closures, there were clashes between crowd control agents and bus carriers who kept the roads closed from the early hours of the morning

    The leaders of the province announced that they await confirmation by the Executive Branch on the presence this Tuesday of the President of Laurentino Cortizo, for the second meeting in order to specify the actions to reactivate the economy of the province.

    The president met with the groups last Friday, but the leadership reported that no concrete answers were given.

    Alternatives to the increase in fuel prices, repair of public works, and employment opportunities are among the demands of the organizations.

    Teachers reiterated the call to the parents not to send the students to the campuses and plan to carry out a walk from Calle 10 Central Avenue to Calle 16 entrance of the city of Colón.

    The public transport service, on nine routes, remains paralyzed and people have to walk to reach their destinations.

    Meanwhile, businesses have reinforced their doors as a security measure, and groups of National Police crowd control agents can be seen in different parts of the province.


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