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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Call for probe of decisions leading to birth by 8-year-old


    Posted 04/03/2022

    Various organizations, lawyers, activists, and human rights defenders filed a complaint on Friday, March 4, with the Public Ministry (MP), in order to open an investigation to examine "all the actions" that have taken place in the case of the eight-year-old girl who became pregnant after sexual abuse by a relative.

    On Wednesday, March 2, the minor gave birth – by means of a cesarean section – to a boy, who remains in the intensive care room.

    "This is a situation without parallel in the Republic of Panama," said Gilma De León, from Fundagénero, at the MP's headquarters.

    For this reason, De León explained that they are looking for a thorough investigation to be carried out to see if there has been due diligence in the officials who have had to deal with this case, both from the Ministry of Health, as well as from the Santo Tomás Hospital and the Hospital del Nino.

    "I think it is a responsible action to open the possibility of establishing whether our current regulations on the possibility of abortion have been complied with," the lawyer said.

    She stressed that it is “obligatory” that women's organizations take action so that the MP shows that “it may be capable of opening a file” and see if due diligence was given in the case.

    "Citizens and the entire country demand answers, demand forcefulness in the scope and application of justice and demand that, once and for all, no girl or adolescent be forced to give birth, or to be a mother," said a statement of the various organizations.


  2. Quote

    Appalling backlog in sexual assault hearings

    Posted 02/03/2022

    The statistics on sexual assaults in Panama are as appalling as the crime itself. Between 2016 and 2021, almost 37,000 complaints of sexual offenses have been filed. That gives an annual average of just over 6,000 and 17 complaints per day. Such a number of cases has exceeded the capacity of the Judicial Branch, since in the same period, only slightly more than 25,000 hearings have been held, or an average of only 11.4 daily hearings.

    But of those more than 25,000 hearings, only 3,990 have been “resolved”, that is, about 16% of the total cases, of which more than half (56%) have ended in suspension. of the processes or in dismissal or in their prescription. These figures tell us that in Panama there is a huge judicial backlog, with a drag of years in this type of crime.

    The other thing that warns us is that, in addition to the delay, there is enormous impunity, judging by the "resolved cases", many of which have ended in prescription. It is evident then that we have serious problems in guaranteeing people's sexual integrity, given the serious problems we face. And this would explain why, instead of lowering the commission of sexual crimes, they increase with each passing year. LA PRENSA, Mar. 2.


  3. Quote

    Seven Panamanians  in Ukraine opt to weather the storm


    Posted 02/03/2022

    Seven Panamanians in Ukraine have decided to ride out the storm of the Russian invasion while six others have been transferred to other countries Panamanian Foreign Minister, Erika Mouynes, reported on Tuesday, March 1.

    The six Panamanians identified in Ukraine are out of danger, but seven others decided to remain on Ukrainian territory, where a war with Russia is currently being waged said Minister Mouynes on her Twitter account.

    We have articulated with local embassies in Ukraine from other friendly countries to provide permanent support, Mouynes added.

    On February 24, after speaking with the concurrent ambassador to Ukraine, Javier Bonagas, the chancellor announced that six Panamanians who were in Ukraine were out of danger.

    Bonagas, ambassador of Panama in Poland, asked Panamanians who are in Ukraine to contact the diplomatic headquarters in the city of Warsaw at the telephone numbers 0048-22-642-2143 and +48-787-400-352.

    Panama does not have a consulate in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, so the concurrent embassy is in Poland.


  4. Quote

    Panama-flagged ship carrying luxury cars sinks in the Atlantic


    Posted 02/03/2022

    The Portuguese Navy reported Wednesday that the merchant ship "Felicity Ace", which caught fire near the Azores loaded with luxury vehicles, sank while being towed outside the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Portugal, leaving a "small " oily residue stain.

    The Panamanian-flagged freighter sank this Tuesday morning after losing stability about 46 kilometers outside the limit of Portugal's EEZ, in an area with a depth of around 3,000 meters, the Navy reported. The event left floating debris in the area and a "small stain of oily residue", which is being dispersed with jets of water launched by the tugboats. The Directorate for Combating Pollution of the Portuguese National Maritime Authority and the European Maritime Safety Agency are monitoring the stain.

    The Portuguese Air Force is sending a C-295 aircraft to the area and the Navy continues to "monitor" the situation, through the Hydrographic Institute, which updates the calculations of the drift of the current slick.

    Onboard the ship are Navy divers and pollution-fighting material, such as ocean protection and containment barriers from the National Maritime Authority.

    Preventively, one of the tugboats is heading towards Ponta Delgada (Azores) to embark "a reinforcement of pollution-fighting material," the Navy reported.

    The "Felicity Ace" suffered a fire on February 16, when it was sailing 170 kilometers southwest of the island of Faial (Azores), and its 22 crew members were rescued unharmed and taken to Horta airport by a Portuguese army plane when the fire started in the cargo hold.

    After controlling the flames, the towing began on the 24th. The ship built in 2005, had departed from the German port of Emden bound for Davisville (United States), was dedicated to the transport of vehicles, and had the capacity to transport a load of 17,000 tons.

    According to information released by the media, it was transporting 4,000 high-end vehicles from the Volkswagen group, such as Porsche and Lamborghini.


  5. Quote

    New cases of Covid -19 continue to fall


    Posted 01/03/2022

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa), on Monday, February 28, reported 4 deaths and 236 new cases of Covid-19, in the previous t 24 hours.

    With these new figures, the accumulated number of deaths from the disease increases to 8,083 and the number of positive cases to 755,498, since March 2020, when the virus arrived in the country.

    To detect new infections, 4,217 tests were carried out for positivity of 5.6%.

    There are 5,559 active cases, of which 5,380 are in home isolation and 179 hospitalized (153 in rooms and 26 in ICU).


  6. Quote

    OPINION: Millionaire political transportistas


    Posted 01/03/2022

    Undoubtedly, politicians are like vultures in search of the opportunities offered by the State. They look for them to make money quickly and hand over fist. To carry out their business, they obtain the capital from the state coffers, usually by way of dispossession. They steal without any control because in Panama impunity reigns as rampant as corruption. Public transport is no exception. Many politicians have seen in these State concessions a business opportunity that they have not missed, as have many natural persons who, in collusion with politicians, have monopolized dozens, hundreds and even thousands of quotas of various types: from taxis to bus routes. Some have become millionaires. From what we have seen, it is necessary that the laws on public transport be reformed to provide stability and avoid hoarding; to regulate the status of the so-called "levers" and to attend to their labor rights; to prevent usury and abuse; to regulate the concessions and be the State the beneficiary and not the usurers; to provide better service to users; to make the routes and their schedules more efficient. In short, much remains to be done and nothing is being done – LA PRENSA, Mar. 1


  7. Quote

    After talks Panama Government lags in execution


    INEXPLICABLE delay in payment for government construction projects.

    Posted 28/02/2022

    Both the private and public sectors have sat down at planning tables such as the Public-Private Reactivation Table and the Bicentennial Pact, but "Despite this, the National Government has shown little capacity for execution,"  said Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Cciap) in it Sunday bulletin.

    The Chamber claimed that "in the construction sector there is an inexplicable delay in accounts payable to contractors."

    The Cciap, said the Office of the Comptroller General must fulfill its supervisory role, "but without becoming a bottleneck in activity." At the same time, the organization pointed out that it is necessary for the State to reactivate public projects and speed up the execution of those that are in process.

    The group also specified that the Tourism Authority of Panama has to execute the Sustainable Tourism Master Plan; while it is up to the Tourism Promotion Fund to execute the international campaign.

    "In addition, the guarantee fund for $300 million with the participation of the Government, private banks and the Inter-American Development Bank must be implemented as soon as possible in order to refinance credits and grant new loans for  the sector,"

    The Cciap highlighted the importance of providing support to micro, small and medium enterprises, through a multi-sector shared risk fund.


  8. Quote

    Panama, Costa Rica, Dominica at UN condemn Russian attack


    Posted 28/02/2022

    Panama's ambassador to the United Nations, Markova Concepción, called for an end to hostilities and reiterated the position of condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    Concepción's words were given this Monday, February 28, at the extraordinary emergency session of the UN General Assembly, which is debating a resolution condemning Russia’s Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    The statement was made jointly with  Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, as members of the Alliance for the Development of Countries in Democracy.

    "We condemn the use of force and the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, by the Russian Federation," said Concepción in the Assembly.

    She stressed that the Alliance joins what was expressed by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in calling for the cessation of hostilities and the application of moderation and reason.

    In addition, it is stated that all efforts must ensure rapid and safe access of humanitarian aid to those who need it in Ukraine and to protect civilians, including humanitarian personnel.


  9. Quote

    Inquiry into ‘consultation’ process for $40 million market


    Posted 28/02/2022

    The Mesa Ciudadana organization has called on The National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information (Antai) to initiate an investigation into the citizen consultation that was carried out for the construction of the seafood market.

    The public consultation was organized by the Municipality of Panama in November 2020, at the community board of Calidonia and 22 people participated.

    The project of the new seafood market will cost between $40 and $50 million and on February 15 the Municipal Council of Panama approved to call the tender for the construction of the work, which will be located on the Cinta Costera, in Calidonia.

    The organization issued a statement on Monday in which it expresses its rejection of the construction of the new seafood market, a project managed by the mayor of Panama City, José Luis Fábrega.

    Similarly, the organization raises its opposition to the construction of other markets that have been proposed by the administration of the Mayor.

    “We demand that the municipal authorities stop the progress of the process for the construction of the markets until the constitutional provisions and the law are complied with, which support the obligation of prior citizen consultations,” says the statement.

    Mesa Ciudadana asks the municipal authorities to comply with the laws and the Constitution, in relation to the principles of transparency, accountability and efficient mechanisms for citizen participation.


  10. Quote

    Bumper crop of traffic violations on Carnival weekend


    Posted 28/02/2022

    The Traffic Operations Directorate reported that in the 72 hours prior to noon on Sunday 93 traffic accidents and three fatalities were recorded and at least 1,800 speeding tickets were issued.

    The operation of the police authorities, for the dates of the Carnival, began on  Friday, February 25,  the registration of 6,351 tickets was reported for violating the Traffic regulations.

    1,810 infractions were for speeding, 313 for proven drunkenness, 78 for talking on the cell phone, 115 for alcohol breath, 413 for inadequate lights, and 91 for expired licenses.


  11. Quote

    Prisons - Panama’s greatest shame

    Posted 27/02/2022

    Panamanian prisons are our greatest shame. Although they are intended to be the place where people who have committed crimes serve their sentences, the law also mandates that they be rehabilitation centers, so that, once the sentence is paid, they can reintegrate into society. However, our prisons are universities of crime, in which little or nothing is done for the resocialization of inmates. But, in addition to being a place that does not provide an opportunity for rehabilitation, the Ombudsman's Office now paints an even more Dantesque picture for us. Describes, in a recent visit made by some of its officials to the La Joya Penitentiary Center, the lack of minimum conditions for inmates to live in that place, violating local and international provisions on the treatment that prisoners should receive. How can we reduce crime, if our prisons are manufacturers of sociopaths, gang members, murderers, and criminals of all kinds? Falling into one of our prisons is guaranteeing a life of criminal activity from which it is difficult to get out. And the Government and society seem indifferent to such an inhuman situation. - LA PRENSA,  Feb. 27.


  12. Quote

    Five Panama girls under 14 became mothers for the second time


    Panama protesters on hearing the news of an 8-year-old mother. The sign reads "Your silence is my fear."

    Posted 27/02/2022

    In 2020 some 392 girls under the age of 14 conceived their first child and the in the last 16 years, some 305 had a second child before turning 15 years old, five of them in 2020, according to figures from the comptroller’s office.

    The cases hide abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics seen by them as something normal says a La Estrella investigation.

     The Sex Education Law is still pending but the reality that Panama is experiencing is reflected in the data published, through the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). The figures correspond to the administrative records of public health facilities (Ministry of Health and Social Security Fund), private clinics and offices of the Civil Registry (Electoral Court).

    The most recent case is that of an eight-year-old girl who was raped and is in her 25th week of pregnancy. The abuser is in custody and has already been charged with rape since December.

    The general fertility rate revealed that in the country there were 64.1 live births per thousand women of childbearing age when comparing the data with the previous year, a decrease of 4.5% was observed; On the other hand, the global fertility rate establishes a ratio of 2.1 children per woman, an indicator that decreased 4.4% by 2020.

    In relation to the age of the mother, 15.9% of live births correspond to mothers under 20 years of age. , and for the districts of Panama and San Miguelito, 2.8% and 0.8%, respectively.


  13. Quote

    Panama’s response to the invasion of Ucraine


    Posted 27/02/2022

    Panamanians know firsthand the pain and terrible scars of foreign invasions. Despite the enormous sympathy that has been generated in world public opinion, the heroic resistance of the people and government of Ukraine to the brutal Russian aggression, our country has some constitutional and institutional limitations that should frame the Panamanian response to the situation writes Rodrigo Noriega in La Prensa.

    First of all, there is the neutrality of the Panama Canal, to whose regime the Russian Federation adhered. This means that Russian-flagged ships can cross the Panama Canal without any restrictions unless they represent a threat to Panamanian navigation or security.

    With respect to the other possible jurisdictional spaces in which Panama could act against Russia, these actions would be limited to what is established by international norms and Latin American diplomatic practice.

    That means that a decision is needed from some multilateral organization to which Panama belongs, for example, if there were a decision from the United Nations Security Council, that would be binding for Panama, as well as similar decisions from the Organization of American States and others.

    The restriction that the authorities of different countries have imposed on Russian banks and financial institutions to exclude themselves from the SWIFT system, would be fulfilled in Panama not by instructions from the Panamanian banking authorities, but by referral from the banking correspondents that exist in our country.

    No Panamanian national authority can by itself freeze or confiscate Russian property or assets in our country. If a country, or an international organization requests it, the decision would need to be based on the applicable international agreements and not simply on an international diplomatic request.

    Fighting organized crime money laundering is not the same as freezing the funds of Russian natural or legal persons who could perfectly well be innocent of their government's responsibility.

    If at some later date the international community qualifies the acts committed in Ukraine as war crimes or crimes against humanity, Panama would have the responsibility to cooperate in the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of those responsible for such conduct.

    What can be done
    The country can participate in numerous diplomatic initiatives to promote the withdrawal of Russian troops and an internationally supervised truce.

    Panama cannot send agents of the Public Force because it does not have armed forces by constitutional prohibition. On the other hand, it can send police, the National Civil Protection System, firefighters or medical personnel as auxiliaries for the rescue and reconstruction tasks in Ukraine, once there is an international framework that serves as an umbrella for such a situation.

    In turn, Panama must avoid any shipment of weapons, explosives, ammunition, or equipment of any nature intended for military operations in Ukraine, since this would directly involve us in the conflict.

    The most important thing we can do at this moment is to express our repudiation of the violence and express our solidarity with Ukraine.

    Support diplomatic efforts to achieve peace and remain vigilant that our country is not used by the parties to this conflict. If necessary, the government of Panama could accept Ukrainian refugees, which at the moment does not seem to be necessary due to the great European solidarity.


  14. Quote

    Second Free Zone fire destroys textile warehouse


    Posted 27/02/2022

    A fire in the Colon Free Zone on Sunday, February 27  destroyed a textile warehouse in France Field.

    The alarm was recorded at around 2:00 am and Firemen personnel from the Panama Canal Authority battled the flames for over five hours to prevent the spread to other buildings.

    There was also the support of and tank trucks from the National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers.

    It was the second fire recorded in the week in France Field. The earlier blaze consumed an appliance warehouse.


  15. Quote

    Warning on plastic surgery abroad


    Posted 26/02/2022

    With two Panamanians “fighting for their lives” in health institutions in the country, as a result of complications from plastic surgeries performed abroad and an investigation underway by prosecutors into the recent deaths of two women who also underwent procedures outside the country the Panamanian Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (Apcper),  has issued a warning.

    "Plastic surgery procedures should only be performed by a qualified and certified plastic surgeon, with experience in the procedure to be performed and in a hospital or clinic certified by the Ministry of Health."

    Plastic surgery, including cosmetic procedures, should not be considered lightly or trivially. These are surgeries and procedures that require a "high degree of training," usually six years or more after medical school.

     The association emphasized that it is not only the surgery that is important, but also the preoperative evaluation with the plastic surgeon and the subsequent follow-up.

    Misleading promotions

    Finally, a call is made to the population not to get carried away by misleading promotions, especially those that offer to travel abroad with all-inclusive plans. On the contrary, it is requested to investigate the professional who will provide the service. "Failure to do so can endanger your life," stresses the group.


  16. Quote

    Ukrainians in Panama join worldwide protest


    Posted 26/02/2022

    A group of Ukrainians living in Panama protested in front of the Embassy in Albrook on  Saturday morning, February 26, against Russia's invasion of their country. The group shouted “Save Ukraine! and “Putin stop the war!”

     Similar demonstrations have been replicated throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Argentina, where more than 300,000Ukrainians reside.

    It is estimated that more than 115,000 people have crossed the border between Ukraine and Poland, where eight refugee centers have been established.


  17. Quote

    Panamanian jockey wins world’s richest race


    Wiggy Ramos

    Posted 26/02/2022

    The Panamanian jockey Wigberto “Wiggy” Ramos led the exemplary Emblem Road to victory on Saturday, February 26,  in the $20 million Saudi Cup  considered the richest in the equestrian world.

    "This has been great and more so at my age," said Wiggy, 53.

    He commented that “now I can say that I can retire with my head held high”. "Let's enjoy it and see what happens," he added.

    The American horses Country Grammer and Midnight Bourbon were behind the one ridden by the Panamanian. Country Grammer placed second, while Midnight Bourbon was third.

    The Panamanian is based in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).  The 1800 meters race took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


  18. Quote

    Decrease in main indicators, but pandemic fourth wave continues


    Posted 25/02/2022

    Although there has been a decrease in the main indicators of the pandemic –such as deaths, hospitalizations, and positivity- the fourth wave of covid-19 in Panama has not passed says Melva Cruz, national director of Public Health of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), who called on the population to maintain biosecurity measures such as physical distancing, use of masks and frequent hand washing. In addition, the official urged the population  to get the vaccine against Covid-19, "since there is a significant percentage of people lagging behind in immunization against the virus."

    She explained that to estimate the end of the fourth wave, the Rt (retransmission) must be reduced below 1; positivity is less than 5%.

    The epidemiological report from the Minsa on  Thursday, February 24, reveals that in the last 24 hours 11 people died from Covid-19, which brings the accumulated number of deaths to 8,058.

    There were 787,  new infections detected after applying 8,631 tests, which showed positivity of 9.1%. The total number of cases since March 2020, when the pandemic arrived in the country, is 753,694.


  19. Quote

    Lawmakers ignore 7,000 annual sexual crimes against children


    Posted 25/02/2022

    The recent case of the rape of an 8-year-old girl who, moreover, was impregnated by her perpetrator – a close relative of hers – reveals the serious state of our society. The National Assembly is cross-armed on sexual education and has been tremendously permissive in situations like these, since there is little protection for victims, not to mention that education, in general, has been degraded to the point that we have a schooled society, but of questionable quality, lower with each passing year.

    The State urgently needs reforms in this matter to really offer help and protection to the victims of abuse. The existing and updated data is terrifying; 7,000 annual complaints of sexual crimes: that represents an average of 20 a day, that is, almost one sexual assault every hour. This is a serious problem in which the Government does absolutely nothing, not to mention the fact that such a number of complaints far exceeds the capacity of the Public Ministry and the Judicial Branch to process them, creating a judicial backlog. In short, sexual assaults are increasing and the Executive does little to reduce them, more than just pointing out the problem is urgent while these cases overwhelm the capacity of the Judiciary – LA PRENSA, Feb. 25.


  20. Quote

    Panama-flagged ship attacked by Russian Navy


    Posted 25/02/2022

    International media reported t on Friday, February 25 that Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukraine's at the UN posted on his Twitter account that a Panama-flagged ship was among those attacked by the Russian Navy in the Black Sea.

    Kyslytsya did not specify the number of ships attacked or the damage caused by the Russian military attacks.

    In the last few hours, Russian military forces tightened their siege on the city of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. According to international news agencies, this Friday there were fighting in some neighborhoods of the city.

    The Russian offensive against Ukraine has left more than 100 dead and some 100,000 displaced, according to official Ukrainian figures reported by AFP.

    On Thursday, the Government of the Republic of Panama stated that it "deeply regretted" the recent events in Ukraine, which "contravene the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations ."

    "Panama, as a country that advocates dialogue and international law, urges to resume the paths of negotiation and diplomacy that renew hope for peace, security and stability," the statement said.

    Maritime alert
    Meanwhile, the Merchant Marine Directorate of the Panama Maritime Authority  (AMP) urged all Panamanian-flagged ships to avoid transiting through Ukrainian and Russian waters in the Black Sea (located between Eastern Europe and Western Asia) and the Azov Sea. (located northeast of the Crimean peninsula, between Russia and Ukraine).

    In the case of those ships with a Panamanian flag that are in Ukrainian ports or in transit through those regions, they were asked to be under maximum surveillance, that is, to increase security measures.

    With situation that is occurring between the Russian and Ukrainian governments, the administration recommends all owners, operators and captains of Panamanian-flagged vessels to exercise extreme caution when operating in these areas, the entity stressed.


  21. Quote

    Way cleared for two Martinelli laundering trials


    Posted 25/02/2022

    The cases of New Business and Odebrecht followed by former president Ricardo Martinelli bear no relation to the electoral process of the Realizing Goals (RM) party ruled the second electoral administrative judge, Edmara Lilibeth Jaén when lifting Martinelli's electoral criminal jurisdiction.

    Jaén agreed to the request submitted by the third criminal judge, Baloisa Marquínez.

    Marquínez made her requests after on January 28, at the beginning of the preliminary hearing in the New Business case, Martinelli's defense argued that his client enjoyed criminal jurisdiction, due to internal elections in RM.

    The Second Administrative Electoral Court agreed to the request to lift the electoral criminal jurisdiction of the former President (2009-2014) so that he responds to the accusation of alleged money laundering in the cases of New Business and Odebrecht.

    In the resolution, dated February 23, Jaén specified that no elements have been found that prevent her from removing the shield since the Odebrecht processes, opened in September 2015, and New Business, started in February 2017, have not been instructed or used to hinder the electoral contest that is currently taking place within the Realizing Goals Party (RM), of which Martinelli is president.

    Another of the arguments used by Judge Jaén is the fact that a relationship cannot be attributed between the electoral process to choose the secretariats of Youth and Women of RM, with the facts contained in the files of New Business and Odebecht, since they are not aimed at interfering in the electoral contest of the party.

    The judge does not raise it, but the elections arose in the middle of the process, according to documentation that rests in the Electoral Tribunal (TE). The RM board of directors, chaired by Martinelli, approved the election schedule on January 5, 2022, when it was already known that the alternate date for the hearing of the New Business case would be from January 27 to 31, 2022.

    To support his arguments, Jaén cites a ruling of the TE of January 24, 2018, in which it is established that "the lifting of the jurisdiction will be viable when the summaries that are instructed do not constitute a judicial mechanism to persecute the citizen by reason of their participation in the electoral process.

    Regarding the argument of Martinelli's lawyers in the sense that the former president would be protected by the principle of specialty contained in the extradition treaty between the United States and Panama, Jaén said that she cannot rule on something that is beyond her competence.

    Roniel Ortiz, from Martinelli's legal team, announced an appeal against Judge Jaén's decision, which must be resolved by the full Court.

    Ortiz alleged that Jaén did not take into consideration that Judge Marquínez had violated due process by not suspending the preliminary hearing on January 28, after being notified of her client's appraisal.

    According to him, Marquínez exceeded her duties by combining (in a single request) the lifting of Martinelli's jurisdiction at Odebrecht and New Business


  22. Quote

    Electoral Tribunal removes Martinelli shield


    Posted 24/02/2022

    The Second Administrative Court of the Electoral Tribunal decided Thursday, February 24, to lift the electoral criminal jurisdiction of former Panama president Ricardo Martinelli.

    The request was made on February 2 by the Third Criminal Court Liquidator, where the New Business Case is being handled. Martinelli’s defense in yet another  stalling move, announced that it will appeal the measure.

    The hearing of the New Business Case was suspended on January 28 when the former president presented a certification from the Electoral Tribunal confirming that he enjoyed electoral criminal jurisdiction.

    Martinelli's lawyers will have two business days to present the appeal before the Electoral Court.

    The plenary session of the court will decide whether or not to uphold the decision of the Second Administrative Court.

    The New Business Case

    The case involves the acquisition of a media company that publishes Panama America and La Critica with funds allegedly diverted from Government projects by members of Martinelli’s inner circle.
    Within the investigations of the case, the Public Ministry found bank information that details the use of an offshore bank account to receive and group money, whose origin was related to activities related to crimes against the Public Administration. "In order to hide the alleged illicit origin of the money, a group of companies was acquired, including the media," the ministry said. And he adds: "In this financial operation, it was possible to identify money from the State that was entered, in an unusual way, into the financial system, to later distribute it among other natural and legal persons that were finally grouped together to integrate the money from the purchase of those companies. "


  23. Quote

    Panama remains on EU list  of non-cooperative countries

    Posted 24/02/2022

    The Council of the European Union (EU) kept Panama on its list of non-cooperative countries and territories for tax purposes, in an update of the list published on February 24.

    In addition to Panama, the list includes Fiji, Guam, US Virgin Islands, Palau, Samoa, American Samoa, Trinidad and Tobago, and Vanuatu.

    "The Council regrets that these countries and territories continue not to cooperate for tax purposes and invites them to collaborate with the Code of Conduct Group to resolve the problems detected," said the European body in a statement, which added that in the list or annex I “Only those countries and territories that have either not engaged in a constructive dialogue with the EU on tax governance, or have not fulfilled their commitment to introduce the necessary reforms, are listed.”

    The Council noted that Panama is not rated as broadly compliant by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes with regard to the exchange of tax information upon request and that the country has an alien source income exemption regime that is harmful.


  24. Quote

    Immoral and illegal appointments

    Posted 24/02/2022

    The embarrassing way in which the Assembly approved in the second debate the bill presented by Raúl Pineda (PRD) to legalize the indefinite reelection of the current rector of the Autonomous University of Chiriquí (Unachi), warns us that the deputies don’t, care a damn public opinion. Above all, there is maintaining a network of immoral and even illegal appointments in many cases. According to an independent deputy, the rector was lobbying in favor of the bill, but she did not go to the plenary session to answer about its supposed virtues.

     Bedroom agreements, that is what has the core of the initiative. The President of the Republic will surely soon have in his hands –for sanction or veto– this monstrosity, which only seeks to benefit people from his party, who receive –once again– income for work that they do not do. The ruler will have to decide whether to support the scoundrel or reject it. And while this is progressing, the one who seems to have sunk into a hole is the comptroller, whose greatest merit is to do nothing. Not even in the dictatorship was there a comptroller so accommodating and good for nothing – LA PRENSA, Feb. 24.


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