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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Amador landfill project threatens Biomuseo icon


    Posted 23/04/2022

     A new landfill in Amador threatens the Biomuseo's place as a visible icon of the country's biodiversity, its mission to protect it and its value as a world-class tourist destination says an Amador Foundation statement.

    Gilda de Ferrer, a member of the board of directors, recalled that the famous Canadian architect Frank Gehry designed the Biomuseo, with the commitment that it occupies a prominent place at the entrance to the Panama Canal.

    This is the only work by Gehry in Latin America and the only museum of biodiversity on the entire continent. For de Ferrer, if they do that filling, the museum would lose all its importance and architectural characteristic as The museum is a great sculpture for all who enter the Canal to appreciate. The project whatever it is goes against everything that is conservation and should be rejected,” she stated.

    In addition, he considers that this megaproject would forever change the geographical configuration of the road and would take away its historical, environmental and social value.

    "The fact that this museum exists in Panama is incredible and it was built with the support of four successive governments, a state project widely supported by its mission to protect our biodiversity," he said.

    In this context, it is considered that the State has the responsibility to safeguard this large investment, which is greater than $100 million, in the face of threats such as the landfill.

    According to the environmental impact study, the landfill will be fitted out for plazas, a theme park, a public beach, hotels, leisure and business areas, and two marinas. The project is called Desarrollo Marítimo Amador and the promoter is the company LGS Panama Tourism Development, SA The company has a concession for the use of the sea in process with the Panama Maritime Authority.


  2. Quote

    Over 7,000 in two days sign to remove Panama mayor

    Posted 22/04/2022

    During the two days of the signature collection process for the revocation of the mandate of the mayor of  Panama, José Luis Fábrega Panama, more than 7,000 people have signed the initiative.

    The goal is to collect 198,920 signatures in 120 days. For this purpose, the Electoral Court (TE) enabled 40 kiosks where citizens residing in the capital district and who appear in the Electoral Register, may sign.

    Those interested can go to the central office of the TE in Ancón; to El Cohete square on Vía Ricardo J. Alfaro; to the Plaza las Américas in Tocumen, and to the TE facilities in front of the Francisco Beckman School, in northern Panama.

    In addition, the User Service Center (CAU) has been enabled, through the platform tribunalcontigo.com, for the registration of signatures through video calls.


  3. Quote

    Complaint against Vice President for misuse of public funds

    Posted 22/04/2022

    A complaint was filed with the Administration Attorney's Office on Friday, April 22, for alleged administrative failure in the management of State resources by the Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo.

    Lawyer Ernesto Cedeño, who filed the complaint, explained that a "partisan political" message from Vice President Carrizo was broadcast through the State Radio and Television System (Sertv) on the night of April 20."This violates the Code of Ethics, in its articles 25, which talks about the proper use of public funds," said Cedeño.

    He said that although the code establishes a reprimand or temporary suspension as a sanction, the message must be forceful: “public assets must be managed as a good father of a family and it cannot be that a partisan political message has been broadcast on a state channel, which is a public good”.


  4. Quote

    COVID-19: No deaths for four days


    Posted 17/04/2022

    No deaths from Covid-19 have been reported since  Wednesday, April 13. There was one death on Monday, April 12, and another on Tuesday 11 for a cumulative total of 8,178 deaths and a lethality of 1.1%. Active cases total 2,469 while those hospitalized add up to 81, (69 in the ward and 12 in  ICU).


  5. Quote

    New covid cases up 8% but fifth wave discounted


    Posted 17/04/2022

    The epidemiological week Saturday (April 10 to 16) closed with 1,836 new Covid-19 infections,  an increase of 8 % over the previous week but doesn’t herald the start of a fifth wave.

    Specialists in managing the pandemic generated by Covid-19 estimate that there could be a slight rebound in new cases in the coming days.

    In the epidemiological week (April 10 to 16), 1,836 new cases of Covid-19 were reported, that is, an average of 262 infections per day. This is a slightly higher figure than last week (April 3-9), when the average was 243 cases per day.

    The trend of one death per day continues, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

    Eduardo Ortega Barría, advisor to the Covid-19 Panama Vaccine Research Consortium, stressed that in the coming days there could be a slight increase in cases since the provision for the use of a mask in open spaces was suspended in the country and due to the Easter activities.

    Even so, he considers that the current situation is positive since there are almost no deaths and few are hospitalized.

    “As long as deaths and hospitalizations do not increase, we are fine. I don't think there will be a fifth wave, but there will be upticks,” he added.

    He stressed that the pandemic is not over, because while there are regions like Africa, where only 20% of its population has been vaccinated, there is still a risk of the appearance of new variants.


  6. Quote

    OPINION: Corruption diversified

    Posted 17/04/2022

    For every step forward, one or two steps back in public administration. The Municipality of Arraiján, in the midst of this pandemic, granted salary increases to officials from the zero circle of the mayor and councilors. This increase is ordered after the Comptroller's Office eliminated transportation expenses, with which local authorities obtained extravagant income of $10,000 or more, and at a time when the Supreme Court of Justice declared illegal the payment of paid licenses for officials with popularly elected positions.

    In other words, while trying to clean up public affairs, local authorities and other officials manage to avoid the prohibitions through tricks that leave much to be desired from their ethics. These raises – deserved or not – have a whiff of politics, especially because of their closeness to the mayor and his loyal councilors.

     These are increases in municipalities that have very limited resources in which it seems to be more important to have a large payroll than to invest in the necessary works in favor of the community. It is a pity that the voracious appetite of politicians has found an echo and welcome in local governments. It is the diversification of corruption. LA PRENSA, Apr.17.


  7. Quote

    A fifth of Panama’s energy use from Green sources


    Posted 17/04/2022

    A fifth of the energy used by Panamanians in the first three months of the year came from clean, non-polluting energy. Electricity production with wind and solar sources represented 20.9% of generation during the first quarter of 2022, according to a report from the National Energy Secretariat (SNE).

    The remaining 80% of the energy came from hydroelectric plants, natural gas, bunker, and diesel.

    Solar energy generated in the first quarter rebounded with higher growth compared to the same period in previous years, even 51% more than the first quarter of 2019, the report indicates.

    The growth is related to a greater number of photovoltaic plants that came into operation this year, among them, the Avanzalia Panama generator, the largest solar plant in the country located in Penonomé, Coclé province, with 120 megawatts of installed capacity and 450,000 d solar panels.

    "The high share of renewable energies in the first months of this year is a clear sign that the energy transition must continue to advance with more force, mainly in times where we see a market characterized by the volatility of fossil fuels,"  National Secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera Staff.

    Federico Fernández, from the Panamanian Chamber of Solar Energy, confirmed that during the summer, sun and wind have been at their maximum and achieved important participation in the generation.

     However, he considers that a lot of work still needs to be done so that green energies have greater participation in the Panamanian energy market.

    "The challenge is to ensure that sun and wind maintain this higher proportion of generation throughout the year and for that, installed capacity must be increased, in which, without auctions or tenders for the network in the panorama, we are lagging behind," he commented.

    And it is that most photovoltaic plants do not have supply contracts with distributors and are subsisting thanks to the sale of energy to large customers, most companies that buy directly from the generator.

    “The increase in a photovoltaic generation is good news, but insufficient to make the energy matrix much cleaner, especially since almost a thousand MW of natural gas come from it,” Fernández reflected.

    “The good thing is that they will soon carry out studies to incorporate batteries into the network and that will facilitate new renewable plants. And on the other hand, the generation of solar energy installed on roofs for self-consumption continues to grow, adding clean energy to the network,” added Fernández.


  8. Quote

    Justice  of Peace charged with rape of a minor


    Posted 17/04/2022

    A Justice of the Peace is in preventive detention charged with carnal abuse of a minor, in the form of aggravated rape.

    The hearing was held on Holy Saturday, April 16 and, according to reports from the Public Ministry, the alleged act occurred on Holy Tuesday, April 12, in the district of Muna in the Ngäbe-Buglé indigenous region.

    According to the prosecution, the official presumably abused the minor through violence and intimidation, for which he was taken to the hearing before a guarantee judge.

    Right at the guarantee control hearing, the Municipal Personería was able to order the most severe precautionary measure, of provisional detention while the investigation lasts.

    Kathy Hernández, personera  of Tolé, supported before the Judge of Guarantees, elements of conviction that accredit the criminal case and the presumed link with the accused, which allowed the requests to legalize the arrest, the imputation of the criminal charge and the application of the most serious precautionary measure, in this case, provisional detention, when considering the seriousness of the act and the risk to the victim and her next of kin


  9. Quote

    2,328  tickets issued in 24 hours


    Posted 17/04/2022

    A total of 2,328 traffic violations were placed in the last 24 hours, nationwide. Of the sanctions, 52 were for proven drunkenness, 846 for speeding, and   75 for inadequate lights, reported the Traffic Operations Directorate of the National Police.


  10. Quote

    No Covid-19 deaths for second consecutive day


    On Thursday, March 14 for the second day running no deaths from Covid-19 were recorded in Panama, by the Ministry of Health (Minsa). Health teams detected 364 new positive cases after the application of 5,767 tests, reflecting a positivity of 6.3% There are 2,648 infected people, and 85 hospitalized and 10 in the Intensive Care Unit.

    Posted 15/04/2022


  11. Quote

    Blinken’s Panama visit will include corruption talks


    Posted 15/04/2022

    US Secretary of State Antony  Blinken will be in Panama on April 19 and 20, to participate in the Ministerial Conference on Migration and Protection and high on the agenda will be corruption.

    Blinken will be "co-host the meeting of foreign ministers from 20 countries to discuss collaboration on safe, orderly, and humane migration throughout our hemisphere."

    With him, Blinken will be the Secretary of National Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. the undersecretary of the Department of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian A. Nichols; and a high-level team of regional experts.

    Blinken will meet with President  Cortizo, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Erika Mouynes, He also has on his agenda meetings with representatives of multilateral development banks, international financial institutions, and international organizations.

    Round table
    Also on his agenda is a round table with regional civil society leaders focused on transparency and anti-corruption efforts, a growing challenge for democracy and economic stability in the hemisphere," says a State Department press release.

    Blinken is one of the people closest to the US president, Joe Biden. He has been his attorney for over 20 years. He was Deputy Secretary of State of the United States from 2015 to 2017 and between 2013 and 2015 he served as Deputy National Security Advisor under  Barack Obama. In 2021, in the middle of a tour of Ecuador and Colombia, he claimed that his country had focused too much on tackling the symptoms of organized crime, such as homicides and drug trafficking, and too little on the root causes. He promised that they would correct "that imbalance."

    He also highlighted a greater effort by the Biden administration to fight corruption in the region giving as an example the refusal of visas to officials involved in bribery.


  12. Quote

    Martinelli brothers  will be sentenced at same hearing


    Posted 15/04/2022

    The sentencing of Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares will no longer be on May 13, as was announced last December. Now it will be on May 20, in the same hearing that was already scheduled to communicate the sentence of his brother Luis Enrique. Both are arrested in Brooklyn for conspiring to launder bribes paid by the construction company Odebecht.

    Judge Richard Dearie of the Eastern District Court of New York announced the decision on Friday, April 15. Previously, Dearie rejected a request from the brothers to advance the hearing and hold it in the week beginning April 25

    Martinelli’s two children remain in the federal detention center in Brooklyn, without bail.

    Luis Enrique, 40, and Ricardo Alberto, 42, pleaded guilty on December 2 and 14, 2021, respectively, to one count of conspiracy to launder $28 million in bribes from Odebrecht, for the benefit of a "high official of the government of Panama”, between the years 2010 to 2014.

    The name of the "senior official" has not been released, but it is known that he is a "close relative" of Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique reports La Prensa.


  13. Quote

    FBI provided data leading to laundering bust


    Posted 15/04/2022

    Judge Wilber Castillo ordered the detention of four people allegedly involved in a money-laundering organization, which operated from Chiriquí and with possible links to an organization that was dismantled in Costa Rica.

    While three other people were ordered to be notified periodically before a court and prevented from leaving the country.

    The group made up of five men and two women were brought before the judge on Thursday, April 14, at a hearing requested by the Specialized Prosecutor's Office against Organized Crime in the province of Chiriquí.

    The suspects were apprehended in the early hours of April 12 through multiple raids carried out in the districts of Boquete and David, where cash, high-end vehicles and firearms were seized.

    A 48-hectare farm valued at $450,000 was also seized. There was a herd of 50 cattle on the property.

    Three r Costa Rican citizens apprehended in the action were deported to Costa Rica since they were requested by the Judicial Investigation Agency because they belonged to an alleged money laundering network.

    Prosecutor Antonio Nicolau Nicolau explained that this group is allegedly linked to the head of an organization that was defragmented in Costa Rica.

    He revealed that this investigation was carried out with the support of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which in August 2021 provided data on the case.


  14. Knowing that there are many old ex-pats in the area who may have old animals, I thought I'd pass along this email regarding CBD for animals.  The Realm of Caring who is sponsoring the article is an excellent source of information regarding the impact of cannabis on humans as well as animals and stays up to date on the latest research regarding medical cannabis.


    Pet owners rejoice!  Early research has shown CBD is an effective treatment for multiple pet health conditions.

    The discovery of the same endocannabinoid system in animals as humans has opened the door to new treatment options for pets. If you have a mobility impaired pet who struggles with joint pain, arthritis, or inflammation, then read our latest blog as we discuss current research and safety to help you determine whether CBD is right for your furry friend.

    Realm of Caring Blog

  15. Quote

    Panama mayor heads to Supreme Court to block recall bid


    Mayor Fabrega wants to hold on to his office.

    Posted 13/04/2022

    Panama mayor Panama José Luis Fábrega has filed a lawsuit of unconstitutionality before the Supreme Court against the Electoral Tribunal (TE) for admitting a request for the revocation of his mandate.

    The appeal was filed by attorney Carlos Carrillo, on behalf of Fábrega, arguing that the decision adopted violates several articles of the Constitution and therefore should be revoked.

    According to the appeal presented on Tuesday, April 12, the Constitution only establishes the revocation of mandate in the case of corregimiento representatives, but not for mayors.

    Judicial Branch sources told La Prensa that the lawsuit was filed in the office of Judge José Ayú Prado after the distribution was made.

    The lawyer Roberto Ruiz Díaz presented on February 22, before the TE, a memorial to request the revocation of the mandate of Mayor  Fábrega.

    According to Ruiz Díaz, the petition is based on the lack of transparency in Mayor Fábrega's management, the absence of citizen consultation for the implementation of projects with an impact on the community, administrative irregularities, and the management of the budget.


  16. Quote

    An end to shameless double-dipping?

    Posted 11/04/2022

    The impudence and complicity of both the Comptroller and the deputies who allowed the shameless payment of paid licenses to corregimiento representatives, alternates, mayors, and deputy mayors has fortunately found its end.

    A ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice has determined that this figure creates jurisdictions and privileges and, therefore, is unconstitutional. In other words, for a long time, the existence of a caste was allowed for which the rules of the game were different, for the simple fact of acting in favor of the political interests of the deputies. Once again it is demonstrated that the loyalties of the deputies are neither with the country, nor with the voters, but with themselves and with those who with the same self-confidence help them remain in power to continue doing their thing.

    This is how the disgusting vicious circle that our Creole politics has become works. But the list of privileged officials who receive paid leave while they are appointed in other institutions is much longer, so now it remains to be seen, how long will they continue to violate our Constitution? –  LA PRENSA, Apr. 11.


  17. Quote

    Light and shadows on the Panama horizon

    Posted 13/04/2022

    Little by little, the country begins to normalize its activities, abruptly interrupted by a pandemic that seems under control, although it is not over yet. It is, therefore, good news, which is reflected in the Government's current income, which even exceeds what was budgeted for the first quarter of this year, as well as the exercises of immediately previous years.

    This gives relief to an economy that continues to suffer the consequences of the pandemic and represents hope for thousands of Panamanians who lost their jobs, who became informal or who saw their income reduced.

    However, the way in which the Government spends the funds that are so hard to obtain is worrying. In the years of the pandemic, it has been notorious that the Government has not made the slightest effort to execute a cost-containment plan; we saw how each year the national budget increased, balanced with the contracting of debts that add up to billions of dollars; that the State payroll increased, responding to mostly clientelistic criteria. We hope that this injection of fresh money is used sensibly and not as campaign funds for the 2024 race, in favor of the ruling party. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 13.


  18. Quote

    Minister defends  distribution of  Scientology booklet by security personnel


    SENAN personnel distributing booklet.

    Posted 13/04/2022

    The Minister of Public Security, Juan Pino, defended the morning of this Tuesday, April 12, the distribution of a "guide based on common sense to live better", promoted by the Church of Scientology, a religious movement condemned for fraud, founded by Ron Hubbard.

    Although Pino maintains that the brochure -titled "Road to Happiness"- "didn't cost a real" and would have been a donation, it bears the logos of the National Government and the Minseg. The plan, according to the minister, is executed by Commissioner Clovis Sinisterra, who directs the Ministry's Comprehensive Citizen Security Plan.

    The brochure has been distributed at least since last February, in facilities such as the Tocumen airport, by personnel from various entities that make up the public force.

    Hubbard is an American writer of science fiction and fantasy books, but he is famous internationally for being the founder of the Church of Scientology reports La Prensa.

    "It's nothing political, it's nothing religious... it's something about rescuing values and that will be used in prevention," because values must be rescued, Pino emphasized. The booklet includes an entire chapter devoted to sexuality, promiscuity, and fidelity.

    The minister accepted that it was a mistake to distribute this type of material to travelers passing through the airport. "That was already corrected... It was not for the scenario of distributing it at the Tocumen airport," he added.

    When asked about the criticism and the debate that arose in the country due to its distribution, he indicated that “there is no debate, read it so you can see. There is nothing political or religious there.”


  19. Quote

    Eruption of loan sharks and hired killers operating in David


    Posted 12/04/2022

    National and provincial authorities have been invited to a meeting to counter an eruption of loan sharks charging exorbitant interest in David, Chiriqui, says the city’s Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture.

    The influx of foreign lenders “dangerously mixed with the hired killers is affecting the locals in the informal sector and represents illegal competition with previously established companies,  said  Chamber  president Camilo Brenes

    The invited ministers are: Rodolfo Aguilera, (Public Security) Augusto Arosemena (Commerce and Industry) and Milton Henríquez(Governmsnt) as well as the mayors of Barú, David and Bugaba, and the governor of Chiriquí, Hugo Méndez.

    Brenes assured that the illicit activity is entrenched in the informal economy, offering money with high-interest rates for those Panamanians who later cannot comply.

    "We run the risk of losing the social peace of the community, and that is why this meeting is important," said the businessman.

    He added that they also hope to raise this situation with the mayors because in Chiriquí there are a large number of businesses dedicated to this activity, which operate as restaurants and shops.


  20. Quote

    Attempt to advance sentencing of Martinelli's sons foiled


    The sons of former president Martinelli are detained in a Brooklyn prison. Luis Enrique left, and Ricardo Alberto.

    Posted 12/04/2022

    An attempt by the sons of former president  Ricardo  Martinelli to advance their sentencing hearing after pleading guilty to money laundering has been blocked by the prosecution because they are still reviewing “relevant information” from Panama and Guatemala.

    Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares are in a New York Federal prison.

    In a note sent on Monday, April 11, to Judge Raymond J. Dearie of the Eastern District Court of New York, the New York State Attorney's Office and the Fraud and Money Laundering Assets Recovery criminal divisions of the Department of American Justice, said they oppose the request presented by the lawyers of the Martinelli Linares, last Friday.

    The note, headed by prosecutor Breon Peace, points out that the manifesto of the Panamanian government is still under analysis so that it is recognized as a "victim of crime" in the restitution of the $28 million in Odebrecht bribes that were laundered by Luis Enrique and Ricardo Alberto, through the US financial system.

    The petition was formally communicated on December 10, 2021, to the United States Department of Justice by the Office of the Attorney General, in its capacity as the central authority of the Republic of Panama for the United Nations Convention against Corruption and fulfilling its obligation constitutional right to defend the interests of the Panamanian State.

    Luis Enrique's allegation regarding his presumed membership in the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) is also being studied. The two brothers were elected alternate deputies in May 2019, but they never took office.

    The US government is gathering information on the circumstances of the year and a half that the Martinelli Linares remained detained at the Mariscal Zavala military base in Guatemala, awaiting extradition.

    Delaying tactics
    Over that time the two detainees filed several appeals, in different courts, to avoid being handed over. Now, their lawyers claim that the 18 months they were in Mariscal Zavala be recognized as time served in the sentence that Judge Dearie will dictate.

    The defense attorneys intended to advance the sentencing of their clients for the week beginning Monday, April 25 until May 6.

    Therefore, the reading of the sentence remains on the originally established dates: Ricardo Alberto's on May 13 and Luis Enrique's, on May 20.

    Luis Enrique, 39, and Ricardo Alberto, 42, pleaded guilty on December 2 and 14, 2021, respectively, to the charge of conspiracy to launder $28 million in bribes from Odebrecht, for the benefit of a “ high official of the government of Panama”, between the years 2010 to 2014, whose name has not been released by the New York prosecutor's office. However, it is known that that high official is also a close relative of the Martinelli Linares.

    In Panama, former President Martinelli and his two sons are charged with bribes paid by Odebrecht. The preliminary hearing will be from July 18 to August 5, but the former president will not appear -for the time being-, since he enjoys criminal electoral jurisdiction.


  21. Quote

    Attorney-General confirms return of prosecutors after  dismissal of complaint


    Javier Caraballo

    Posted 12/04/2022

    The acting Attorney General Javier Caraballo confirmed Tuesday, that the return of prosecutors Ruth Mocillo, Zuleyka Moore, Adecio Mojica, Tania Sterling, and Nahaniel Murgas, to their work as investigative officers occurred after his office decreed a dismissal provisional version of the complaint filed by the former Minister of Education Lucy Molinar.

    Caraballo, when questioned by various media, reported that a provisional filing of the investigation was made, after not finding evidence that would prove criminal conduct.

    He explained that the case had the testimony of the protected witness Euro 14, who in a hearing revealed alleged pressure to testify against high-ranking officials of the Ricardo Martinelli administration, but the witness pointed out that no prosecutor intimidated him or forced him to declare in a certain way.

    Caraballo said that Morcillo returned to the anti-corruption prosecutor's office; Moore (who was in a prosecutor's office in San Miguelito) was sent to the sexual crimes section; Mojica went to the San Miguelito homicide prosecutor's office; meanwhile, Sterling is disabled due to ill health. While Murgas was designated in the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, a section of crimes against property.

    The official explained that these relocations of prosecutors are due to the new management system implemented in the Public Ministry to optimize human resources and speed up investigations.

    The complaint filed by Molinar against the prosecutors –for the alleged commission of the crimes of simulation of a punishable act, slander in legal proceedings, among others– was based on a statement made by Abraham Williams, also known as the protected witness Euro 14, who collaborated with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutors in the cases of alleged corruption detected in the extinct National Aid Program (PAN) and that would have been perpetrated during the five-year period 2009-2014.


  22. Quote

    The privileged life of the Martinelli sons in a misnamed prison for the wealthy


    Posted 11/04/2022

    Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, sons of former president Ricardo Martinelli are in  a New York Federal prison awaiting sentencing in May, after being extradited from Guatemala to the United States.

    The brothers pleaded guilty to money laundering and prosecutors have asked for jail terms more than 15 years  while the defense asked the judge to recognize in their sentence the time they spent deprived of liberty in the 'Mariscal Zavala' prison in Guatemala.

    Luis Enrique Martinelli, "Kike", was detained in Guatemala from July 6, 2020 to November 15, 2021, that is, about 16 months. His older brother, Ricardo Alberto, “Rica”, spent almost an additional month in Guatemala, and was transferred on December 11.

    In May, each one, separately, will know his sentence, after having confessed their participation in a money-laundering scheme through which millions of dollars received as bribes from the contractor Odebrecht were laundered in the years in which their father was President of Panama.

    Prosecutors have requested a sentence of more than fifteen years for each. The lawyers representing the brothers argue that they should not receive more than two years in prison and that the time they have already spent in detention (16 and 17 months in Guatemala, plus the four or five months they have been in New York) are recognized. In other words, they would already be released.

    The defense attorneys, in pleading for a more lenient sentence, have slipped in an argument to take into account the harsh conditions that inmates normally go through in Central Amercan prisons, known for their overcrowding and violence, in centers mixed with gang members, drug traffickers and highly dangerous detainees.

     But, was not the experience of the sons, while delaying the extradition process with an infinity of legal resources, extending a process that normally takes between six and eight months, to twice as long reports La Prensa.

    An investigation carried out by this medium, together with journalists and a dozen sources, reveals another reality.

    After fighting against extradition, delaying the hearings, and even seeing how the Guatemalan authorities seize the family's private plane after an escape attempt  foiled, they were extradited to the United States, but not before making it clear that In Latin America, not all prisons are the same, nor is it that all prisoners are treated the same.

    The military complex, which houses the misnamed "Marshal Zavala Prison", is today a military operations center, the residence of the Minister of Defense, an explosives warehouse, the military chaplaincy, and a training center with a landing strip.

    A tour inside the prison that shows the privileges of 'high profile' inmates and social status”, headlined the newspaper Prensa Libre of Guatemala in a report dated February 21.

    "The prison offers comfort, luxury, and privacy but only for those who can afford it," says the article, explaining that originally the military complex had ceded space to the Ministry of the Interior to install a "maximum security prison" within its perimeter.

    This space ended up being an oasis for white-collar criminals, politicians, and prisoners with high purchasing power where the brothers for $25,000 a month each could bring in a designer from Miami to remodel their extensive quarters, and order liquor. Wines and food from local restaurants, party with visitors, and even have access to prostitutes

    If they receive the sentences requested by prosecutors life behind bars will not be the same.


  23. Quote

    At least 12 injured in multiple vehicle pile-up


    Posted 11/04/2022

    At least a dozen people were injured in a multiple  rush-hour collision that occurred on Monday, April 11, on the Boyd Roosevelt highway, near Ciudad Bolívar leading to massive traffic congestion

    According to police reports, the incident was triggered by the failure of a  dump truck’s brakes.

    At least 10 vehicles were involved including several that overturned. The injured were treated by paramedics from the Single Emergency Service (SUME-911).


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