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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Rain and storms alert through April 7


    Posted 05/04/2022

    The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc)  forecasts rain and storms sudden flooding of rivers and possible urban flooding in vulnerable areas until Thursday, April 7.

     Among the areas under this alert are: Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, Veraguas, Ngäbe Buglé region, Los Santos, Herrera, Coclé, West Panama, Panama, Darién, Emberá Wounaan region, Colón, Guna Yala region, and maritime mountainous sectors of the Caribbean and Panamanian Pacific.


  2. Quote

    No covid deaths in Panama for three days

    Posted 03/04/2022

    For the third consecutive day, Panamanian health authorities have  reported no deaths due to Covid-19.

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa),  recorded 159 are new cases on Sunday, April 3.

    A total of 4,641 tests were applied with positivity of 3.4%.

    Active cases total 2,240, of which 75 are hospitalized, 68 in a room, and 7 in intensive care.


  3. Quote

    A frontrunner in the most incompetent mayor title race


    Mayor Fabrega vieing for title.

    Posted 03/04/2022

    The mayor of the capital city must be the most clumsy official in the PRD. He had as decided, unilaterally, to suspend a work –which belongs to the last administration and that is probably the reason for doing so– that has already been 75% completed, depriving entire communities of having a 20-hectare space for their entertainment and recreation: the North Municipal Park.

    In other words, this mayor does not do or allow it to be done. Instead, he intends to put $40 million into a seafood market that no one has asked for and that, to make matters worse, is not necessary, since one already exists.

     So what is the mayor looking for? Because it is evident that he is not thinking about his fellow citizens. His narrow-mindedness does not allow him to think that his decision will generate the loss of money invested; that an opportunity to generate green spaces for citizens, children, athletes, for students of nature will have been wasted. There is no doubt that he is obtuse, stubborn, and lacking in all common sense. Hopefully, the initiative to remove him from the post for useless prospers. Panama has had several incompetent mayors, but this one is already a finalist for first place.  – LA PRENSA,Apr. 3.


  4. Quote

    Private enterprise knocks Unachi sanction


    Posted 03/04/2022

    The National Council of Private Enterprise (Conep) expressed concern about  President Cortino’s sanctioning of the bill through which the rector of the Autonomous University of Chiriquí (Unachi) Etelvina Medianero de Bonagas is allowed to run for a third term. "This law does not pay anything for the development of higher education," the group raised through its Twitter account.

    The presidential sanction appeared  Friday, April 1, in the Official Gazette, and gives Medianero de Bonagas the green light to run for a third term, just as it allows the deans, vice deans, and directors and deputy directors of regional centers to opt for a second consecutive term.

    "Education has never been, nor will it be the star of this government," Panamanian teacher and writer Ileana Gólcher reacted The approval for Medianero de Bonagas to be re-elected "is the height of contempt for the decent Academy in Panama."

    Meanwhile, the Panamanian lawyer and former minister Rodolfo Aguilera pointed out that in Unachi the vote of 800 professors is worth 60% of the vote and that of 20,000 students is only worth 30%. In his opinion, “that is not democracy, it is oligarchy”. He added that consecrating the re-election of the rector promotes the purchase, with salary increases, of the overvalued teacher vote.

    In recent weeks, Unachi professors and students have carried out several demonstrations and closures on the Inter-American highway to demand respect for university autonomy. "No more re-election in Unachi" was the slogan.

    The norm was approved last February 24 in the National Assembly, with 48 votes in favor, five against, and one abstention.

    After the announcement of the presidential sanction of this project, Unachi is a trend on social networks.


  5. Quote

    29 Panama flagged ships hit in Ukraine war - 290 crew hurt


    Posted 03/04/2022

    At least 21 Panama flagged ships have been affected by the clashes that arose after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and some 290 crew members who worked on these vessels have been harmed reports the  Panama Maritime Authority (AMP).

    There are no Panamanians among those affected, but there are many Ukrainians, informed Merchant Marine director of the AMP, Rafael Cigarruista.

    “Since the conflict began, our concern has been mainly the sailors, and their situation on board. In fact, the problem is not only the Ukrainians who are on these ships but the number of Ukrainians who are sailing in different areas aboard Panamanian-flagged ships and who cannot be repatriated or whose salaries cannot be paid via bank because the local banks (in Ukraine) are not operating...”, added Cigarruista.

    Each boat owner must deal with their issues privately, that is, repairs, repatriations, local expenses, etc., explained Cigarruista, after being consulted after more than a month of the armed conflict.

    He added that the balance is directly related to the commercial losses for the owners of the vessels, since the Panamanian registry is concerned about this situation, but it does not generate direct economic losses.

    “The economic pressure is on the owners of the ships and the cargo. These ships all have a daily operating cost, which depends on the freight market and the costs of continuing to operate,” Cigarruista explained.

    Panama has under its registry the largest fleet in the world with 8,558 flagged ships, according to data up to December 2021.

    The AMP has warned vessels on the registry to remain vigilant when sailing in nearby Ukrainian and Russian waters, such as the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.


  6. Quote

    Masks mandatory for Holy Week processions


    Posted 03/04/2022

    The use of masks will be mandatory in the processions that take place during Holy Week the Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa, announced Sunday.

    Even though the Ministry of Health (Minsa) has determined that the use of masks can be dispensed with outdoors during processions “it will be mandatory to use the mask, as well as the safety distance between those who participate.

    The measure is in force throughout the Archdiocese of Panama, which includes the community of Tortí, in the eastern area, to San Carlos, province of West Panama.

    Likewise, Ulloa recalled in his note that "the reception of communion in the hand, the use of alcohol gel, the cleaning of the area used between each celebration, as well as the orderly and agile eviction of the church to avoid crowds" is in force.

    Earlier this week, the Panamanian Episcopal Conference issued a statement highlighting that it is up to the parish priests and their Covid-19 hygiene and health committee to determine the capacity of the churches according to the provisions established by the Minsa and the particular conditions of each community.

    Some religious activities begin, on Palm Sunday, April 10


  7. Quote

    COVID-19: No deaths and ICU numbers fall


    Posted 02/04/2022

    No deaths from covid-19 were reported by not reported by Panama’s Ministry of Health (Minsa) on Friday, April 1, while .new cases are registered The Minsa reported that 6,127 tests were applied and the positivity was 4.8%.

    Since the pandemic arrived in March 2020, the country has accumulated 8,170 deaths from the coronavirus and the lethality is 1.1%.

    Panama has 2,523 active cases nationwide, of which 2,440 are in home isolation. Those hospitalized add up to 83, (75 in rooms and 8 in ICU).


  8. Quote

    US invasion anniversary approved as Day of Mourning


    Posted 02/04/2022

    President Nito Cortizo has approved a law that declares December 20 as a National Day of Mourning. The legislative initiative, which was presented by the president of the National Assembly,  seeks to raise awareness and educate the population about the history of  December 20, 1989, the day that thousands of Panamanian citizens fell after the invasion of the armed forces of the United States

    It was unanimously approved by the plenary session of the National Assembly on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.

    “With the sanction of the law, we settle a debt with the country, to those who fell in that tragic event whom we record with respect, their families and with all Panamanians who feel love for this blessed land," said Cortizo.

    On December 20, the national flag will be flown at half-staff throughout the country, prohibiting the transmission and projection of strident music in all radio and television media.

    It also establishes the prohibition of sale, consumption, and sale of alcoholic beverages throughout the country, starting at 12:01 am on December 20.

    The educational centers of the country must carry out public acts where the causes, motives, and consequences of the events that occurred on that date are highlighted.

    With this law, a mandatory break would be generated since it would enter into Article 46 of the Labor Code where January 9 is already established, and those who work that day will be paid time and half . The IACHR determined in 2018 that the United States "committed serious human rights violations during the armed action, detailing that Washington is obliged to compensate the victims, the vast majority of whom are civilians and non-combatants."


  9. Quote

    Construction workers union and employers in permanent session as strike looms


    Posted 02/04/2022

    Representatives of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) and the Single Union of Construction and Similar Workers (Suntracs) are in negotiations, as they have not reached an agreement on salary for the collective agreement for 2022-2025.

    Meetings have been scheduled for both Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday reports La Prensa.

    Similarly, it is expected that a delegation from Capac will hold a meeting with President  Laurentino Cortizo, in the Presidency.

    This week, Capac reported that it recommended to the companies that belong to this organization that they guide the workers so that they do not join the strike called by Suntracs for April 4,

    Worst moments
     Capac gave 10 reasons for rejecting the protest measure, among which is the fact that "the current state of the economy and the construction industry is going through one of its worst moments in history, due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    The organization stated that the strike decreed by Suntracs undermines the confidence of investors and developers, in addition to limiting the possibility of undertaking new projects.

    "In the current conditions of the industry, it is more important to preserve existing jobs and not propose exaggerated increases for non-existent jobs," was part of Capac's considerations.

    Suntracs, for its part, has reiterated that, if an agreement is not reached between the parties, they will go on strike starting Monday The leadership, which carried out a warning strike on Friday, points out that it advocates "dignified" salary adjustments to face the high cost of living in the country.

    Its leaders estimate that about 20,000 workers would the strike.


  10. Quote


    Construction workers mount “warning” strike


    Posted 01/04/2022

    Members of the Single Union of Construction and Similar Workers (Suntracs) held what they called a "warning strike" causing traffic congestion at locations across the country on Friday morning, April 1.

    The Suntracs leadership has reiterated that it was unanimously and definitively approved to start the indefinite national strike on April 4. This, if there is no agreement with the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) regarding the salary for the 2022-2025 collective agreement.

    Pickets were carried out on the Inter-American highway, at the height of the 7 de Septiembre neighborhood in Arraiján, and on the Centenario highway in front of Health City.

    Similar demonstrations have been reported in Paitilla, San Francisco, and in the provinces of Colón and Chiriquí.

    “Since September of last year, we have been negotiating the collective agreement. Employers have to make serious proposals,” said union leader Saúl Méndez.

    For Capac, salary levels in construction, even without the proposed increase, are among the highest in the productive sector.

    "Capac has presented sustainable wage offers, with the objective goal of maintaining current jobs and promoting new employment opportunities for the unemployed," said the organization.


  11. Quote

    Attorney General says TE Martinelli ruling unconstitutional


    Posted 01/04/2022

    Javier Caraballo The Attorney General (in charge), pronounced the Resolution of March 22, 2022 of the Electoral Court (TE), which recognizes the validity of the specialty principle of the Panama-United States extradition treaty, in favor of Ricardo Martinelli, as unconstitutional reports La Prensa.

    According to Caraballo, the decision endorsed by magistrates Heriberto Araúz and Alfredo Juncá, of the TE, violates five articles of the Constitution (numbers 4, 18, 32, 142 and 143, numeral 3), given that both issued a statement on an issue "Totally removed from its competency... And this led to generating an erratic motivation for the decision."

    Caraballo's opinion was requested by the magistrate María Eugenia López Arias, rapporteur of the unconstitutionality lawsuit that the lawyer Héctor Herrera presented against the Resolution of March 22, 2022 of the TE, which Juncá and Araúz signed. Eduardo Valdés Escoffery saved the vote. There is another similar lawsuit, filed by Linda Guevara, whose rapporteur is Judge Maribel Cornejo.

    “If the limit of the jurisdiction of the Electoral Court is established by the electoral law, it is obvious that the analysis in that seat of a subject submitted to the ordinary criminal justice, in the absence of the guarantee offered by the right to a judge predetermined by law , the right to bilaterality, the right to equality between the parties and the right to double instance, imply a clear infringement of competition”, Caraballo points out in his opinion, dated April 1.

    Junca and Araúz recognized the validity of the specialty principle in favor of Martinelli, in a ruling in which they decided to maintain the criminal electoral jurisdiction of the former president. The criminal judge Baloisa Marquínez had requested the lifting of Martinelli's jurisdiction, who is being investigated for alleged money laundering in the New Business and Odebrecht cases.


  12. Six hantavirus cases one death


    Posted 31/03/2022

    So far in 2022, six cases and one death from hantavirus have been registered, according to the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health.

    They indicate that, of the six reported cases, five have been classified as hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome and one as hantavirus fever.

    The regions mainly affected by the virus have been: the province of Los Santos, which reports five cases, Coclé with one case, and Herrera, which records one death.

    They reiterate to the population to strengthen epidemiological surveillance, health promotion, and education measures in the community, as well as prevention and control measures for the disease.

    Hantavirus is an acute zoonosis characterized by fever, myalgias, and gastrointestinal disturbances, followed by sudden onset of rapidly evolving respiratory distress and hypotension.

    The disease comes in two forms: hantavirus fever, which is the mild (uncomplicated) form, and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS).


  13. Quote

    Panama  considers fourth dose of covid vaccine  for older adults

    Posted 31/03/2022

    The vaccine advisors of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) are discussing applying a fourth dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against Covid-19 to older adults.

    The national secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Eduardo Ortega Barría, indicated that the issue has been previously discussed and they were waiting for the proposals of the FDA.

    Panama approved on February 18 or a fourth dose for immunosuppressed patients over 16 years of age, three months after their third dose

    Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biological Evaluation and Research, said they have determined that the known and potential benefits of a second booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine with any of these vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks in these vaccines.

    In addition, it said that the evidence considered for the authorization of a second booster dose after primary vaccination (two doses) and the first booster dose included data on safety and immune response provided to the agency, as well as additional information on the efficiency presented by the companies.

    In making the decision, the FDA relied on safety surveillance data provided by the Israeli Ministry of Health on the administration of approximately 700,000 doses (second booster) of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, administered at least 4 months after the third dose in adults 18 years of age and older (about 600,000 were 60 years of age or older), and there were no safety concerns.

    In the statement, the FDA also cited data from a study of 154 health care workers, whose antibody levels, including against the Delta and Omicron variants, rose two weeks after receiving the fourth dose.

    The data emerged from a study published this month by Israeli researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine , which concluded that three doses of current-generation messenger RNA vaccines further boost the immune response generated. That is, three doses boost immunity levels, the fourth dose restores antibody levels to where they were shortly after the third dose.

    The FDA authorization comes two weeks after both companies filed for approval of the second booster dose.


  14. Quote


    Electoral reform forum questions shield for Martinelli ruling


    Posted 31/03/2022

    The Citizen Forum for Electoral Reforms on Wednesday, March 30, questioned the decision of the plenary session of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to maintain the electoral jurisdiction of former President Ricardo Martinelli and advocated the elimination of that legal figure that only “serves as a shield for candidates and elected authorities to prevent them from facing justice.”

    In a statement, the Forum pointed out that the best evidence is that it only serves to shield " the legal cases that have been hindered and sometimes dismissed due to the abusive way in which this figure is used."

    It also indicated that it has witnessed the "foolish and contradictory position" of the TE regarding the ruling on Martinelli's jurisdiction.  “It  analyzed issues that are not within its competence and that completely distort the original meaning of this jurisdiction, which has had and will have serious consequences for electoral political institutions."

    The plenary session of the TE, through a March 22, resolution signed by Heriberto Araúz and Alfredo Juncá,   agreed to suspend a decision of the Second Administrative Electoral Court that, a month earlier, had ordered to lift the criminal jurisdiction Martinelli election. Judge Eduardo Valdés saved his vote


  15. Quote

    Call for town hall to demand resignation of Panama mayor


    Mayor Fábrega

    Posted 31/03/2022

    Members of the Citizen Consultation Movement went on Thursday, March 31, to the Municipal Council to present a memorandum in which they make a formal request for an open town hall to demand the resignation of the capital's mayor José Luis Fábrega reports La Prensa.

    Mayor Fábrega says that there was already a process to remove him from office

    Luis Pinedo, of the movement, said the councilors must respond to the request within a period of five days. The memorial is accompanied by more than a thousand citizen signatures.

    He explained that the purpose of the town hall, which the mayor and the 26 corregimiento representatives are required to attend, is for citizens to ask questions of local authorities.

    If the citizens feel that they are not offered the answers about projects in the communities, they can request resignation, as established by law.

    “I am of the opinion that Mayor Fábrega almost has a favor because what comes to him with the revocation of his mandate is much heavier,” he said.

    This week, the Electoral Court rejected an appeal filed by Fábrega against the request for a revocation of his mandate.


  16. Quote

    Four Bills With Disastrous Consequences

    Posted 30/03/2022

    Four bills rest on President Laurentino Cortizo's desk, the sanction of which would have disastrous consequences for the country.

    There is, for example, the one that would allow the re-election of the controversial rector of the Autonomous University of Chiriquí, Etelvina Medianero de Bonagas, whose muscle among the deputies has been in evidence.

    In addition, the project that modifies the rules for the revocation of the mandate of the deputies awaits sanction –or presidential veto–. If sanctioned, they would not be exposed to losing their seats for taking, as a bench, decisions other than the guidelines of their respective party. In other words, the process that Democratic Change follows 15 of its deputies would, theoretically, be without effect. With this decision, Cortizo, at a stroke of the pen, would make another suit tailored to the political interests of those who from the Legislature allow him to govern.

    All this without counting the project that modifies the structures of the patronages that serve health entities and the one that has to do with the nationalization of the historian career. How long will the president allow the political whims of co-partisans and allies to hijack the country's interests? If he expects that we have forgotten the consequences of him when he signs these bills, he is sorely mistaken – LA PRENSA, Mar. 30.


  17. Quote

    Judge named for constitutionality lawsuit on Electoral Tribunal ruling

    Posted 30/03/2022

    Judge Maribel Cornejo Batista is the rapporteur of the unconstitutionality lawsuit filed by lawyer Linda Guevara González, against the decision of the Electoral Court (TE) to maintain the electoral criminal jurisdiction in favor of former president Ricardo Martinelli  reports La Prensa.

    The lawsuit was presented by Guevara, in her own name and representation, was assigned to Cornejo's office on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 29.

     José Blandón, president of the Panameñista party , announced that this group will also present a similar lawsuit next Monday.

    Guevara's lawsuit asks that the Resolution of March 22, 2022, signed by Heriberto Araúz and Alfredo Juncá , magistrates of the TE, be declared unconstitutional, which suspends a decision of the Second Administrative Electoral Court that, a month earlier, had ordered to lift the jurisdiction Martinelli electoral prison. Judge Eduardo Valdés saved his vote.

    Araúz and Juncá's decision prevents Martinelli from being prosecuted for the New Business and Odebrecht cases.

    The claim of unconstitutionality is based on the fact that Araúz and Juncá do not have jurisdiction to decide on the validity of the principle of specialty contained in the bilateral extradition treaty between the United States and Panama , agreed in 1904.

    The Department of State of the United States - a country that extradited Martinelli in 2018- stated two years ago that the principle of specialty was no longer applicable to Martinelli, given that the former president had incurred the exception grounds described in the 1904 treaty.

    In his saving vote, Judge Valdés warned that it is "totally inadmissible" for the TE to delve into the substantive analysis of the application of the specialty principle.


  18. Quote

    Supreme Court should fire TE judges who let ex-president off the hook - analyst


    Posted 30/03/2022

    For analyst José Eugenio Stoute, the ruling of the Electoral Court (TE) that grants criminal electoral jurisdiction to former President Ricardo Martinelli has two extremely serious implications reports TVN.

    The first is that magistrates Alfredo Juncá and Heriberto Araúz allegedly committed the crime called "prevarication "that occurs when a ruling is issued, knowing that it is against the law in the sense of having ruled on the principle of specialty.

    He stressed that both magistrates knew that because magistrate Eduardo Valdés Escoffery had made a presentation explaining why the Electoral Court could not give an opinion on it because that is not the responsibility of the institution.

    "I think that the Supreme Court of Justice should remove them from office, investigate them and condemn them in an exemplary manner," said the analyst, indicating that the actions of the magistrates cast a cloak of impunity over the former president.

    He stressed that the two magistrates knew that the principle of specialty to which they referred does not exist and it was not their responsibility to issue a ruling on it.

    “This is so serious that the Odebrecht case and New Business arose before the party existed, which means that you can rob a bank today and then found a political party and say: you can't judge me, that's the way it is. what has happened here is very serious,” said Stoute.

    He argued that the blow that has been given to the democratic credibility of the country is total, assuring that it is worthless for Araúz to leave his post in December because the damage has already been done, and what is happening is very serious, especially because if The Electoral Court does not have the full confidence of the citizens, it does not work, it is not a guarantor of the electoral results.


  19. Quote

    US offers $5  million reward for info on beneficiaries of bribery scandal


    Posted 29/03/2022

    The United States Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of  Investigation (FBI) announced that a reward of 5 million dollars is being offered for information on the Odebrecht case.

    The United States seeks to find those who benefited from and allowed the bribery scandal of the Brazilian construction company.

    In a statement from the Treasury Department, that they are seeking information leading to the seizure, immobilization, forfeiture, or repatriation of bribes or assets linked to bribes paid by Odebrecht and Braskem SA.

    Individuals who provide information may be eligible for the US Department of the Treasury Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Program.

    They point out that Odebrecht is a global construction conglomerate based in Brazil, which admitted in its plea agreement with the US Justice Department that it paid $788 million in bribes to government officials in 12 countries, including Angola, Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Mozambique, Panama, Peru and Venezuela between 2001 and 2016.

    Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, sons of the former President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, are detained in the US after pleading guilty to money laundering, of bribes paid by Odebrecht.


  20. Quote

    Cold front  will bring rain  and instability to the isthmus


    Posted 27/03/2022

    The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) reported that it maintains a surveillance warning due to the approach of a frontal cold front with a slow movement in the central region of the Caribbean basin of the country.

    Among the areas under surveillance are: Darién, Colón, Guna Yala region, East-North Panama, Veraguas, Coclé, North and West Panama, Ngäbe Buglé region and Highlands, Chiriquí.

    These atmospheric conditions will cause instability in most of the Panamanian isthmus, generating rain and electrical activity, the entity warned.

    The notice will be active until March 30.


  21. Quote

    In search of an Electoral Judge with integrity


    Posted 27/03/2022

    On December 5, 2019, María Eugenia López Arias -together with four substitute magistrates- took office as a member of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ). That day, the President of the Republic said: “You are here for your merits. owing to the Constitution and to the laws of the country. They are absolutely not owed to anyone else.”

    As the facts have shown that in electoral justice there are those who do not understand the same thing, the Supreme Court has the opportunity to show the country that that challenge from the president two years and three months ago will prevail. Panama does not have to continue to exist in spite of its institutions, but thanks to them, and that the Court, which is competent to hear aspects such as the application of the principle of specialty, be the one that pronounces and not those who have taken that attribution by assault.

    This year, the CSJ is responsible for appointing Heriberto Araúz's replacement, who ends his term as magistrate of the Electoral Tribunal in November. The Court has a responsibility to ensure that the new judge has the necessary integrity to carry out that position with dignity. Just as opportunity is a fundamental factor in perpetrating fraud, it is also a fundamental factor in improving – LA PRENSA, MAR. 27.


  22. Quote

    Judicial terrorism under Cortizo


    Posted 28/03/2022

    The recent statements by President Laurentino Cortizo are those of a novice. At this point, he still does not have a clear plan for what his government will do about the progressive increase in fuel prices, something that is not surprising, given the uncertain course of his government after two years in office. He is not even capable of adopting a clear position on the ruling of the Electoral Court that maintains electoral jurisdiction for Ricardo Martinelli.

    What does the president really mean when he says that his government has strengthened the institutional framework? It is under his administration that state bodies have managed public funds and then have systematically refused to be held accountable. Added to this is the fact that he has allowed judicial terrorism to prevail, especially against the media, journalists, and opinion-makers. His government has not even made an attempt to promote legislative reforms to stop it. And, as if that were not enough, having had the possibility of vetoing the electoral reforms in order to eliminate once and for all the abuses that are committed under the pretext of the electoral criminal jurisdiction, he did not do it, rather, he supported it with his sanction. Apparently, the institutional framework is as important to him as the well-being of citizens. Except for the members of the PRD and their political accomplices. – LA PRENSA, Mar. 28.


  23. Quote

    Ex-Supreme Court judge outraged at jail sentence for his lawyer son


    Posted 28/03/2022

    Oydén Ortega Durán, magistrate of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice until March 2019, published an “open letter” to express his “outrage at the unfair sentence” that his son Oydén Ortega Collado received: five years in prison for influence peddling.

    "He is paying the price of having a father who in all his public positions dared to act with courage and independence in the face of political and economic powers," said the former magistrate Ortega.

    The letter circulated Saturday, March 26, one day after Ortega Collado and Claudia Purcait, who was assistant to Judge Ortega Durán in the Criminal Court, were sentenced.

    Purcait was sentenced to four years in prison, which was commuted to a payment of $5,000. The judges specified that the son and assistant of Judge Ortega received money in exchange for manipulating a ruling, in a dispute over some land in Chiriquí. The businessman who made the payments reached a collaboration agreement with the Public Ministry and gave his testimony in court.

    The former magistrate was also denounced for these events, but the National Assembly - which has the power to prosecute magistrates - filed the complaint reports La Prensa.


  24. Quote

    Panamanian Justice has a long way to go


    Posted 26/03/2022

    The Judicial Branch announced yesterday the sentence to five years in prison for the son of a former magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, accused of selling rulings. Illicit was proven and a case was exposed. But is he the only one? Given the dubious references that our Supreme Court of Justice has, it is more than unlikely that this is the only one. So much so, that in this case the father of the condemned man was never tried, despite the fact that he was denounced in the National Assembly. And it is a disastrous coincidence that, while this sentence was being handed down, a decision was issued in the Electoral Court to prevent, precisely, that a former president of the Republic be prosecuted by ordinary justice, thanks to the fact that two of the three magistrates issued a ruling that saves him from it. Panamanian justice has a long way to go. – LA PRENSA,  Mar. 29.


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