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  1. Nancy cell 6857-9536 Boquete, Panama
  2. If you would like to receive detailed information about each week's movie, and are not already on our Boquete Film Club email list, please reply to this News.Boquete notice, and we will add your name. Although there is no admission charge, we do ask for donations to pay for the audio and video system, and to help support the venue. The Fènix Cafe is a cafe. Popcorn, sandwiches, salads and other food, coffee and espresso drinks, as well as other non-alcoholic beverages are available. Plus, you can enjoy a beer, glass of wine or a mixed drink while you watch the film. (So please, don't bring your own food and drinks - our venue is a cafe.) ---------- The Boquete Film Club is an informal organization that presents movie screenings at the Fènix Cafe every Monday at 1pm, plus a science fiction film at 5pm on the last Friday of each month. Boquete resident David van Harn is the curator, and the films are typically from all around the globe - the kind of movies that you would see at "art house" theaters. The acoustics of the Hex Room are not the best, but we are working to slowly improve that situation. Movies will be shown with English subtitles. Monday, August 28 @ 1:00pm - Ixcanul (Guatemala - 2016) September schedule: Monday, September 4, Searching for Sugar Man (South Africa - 2012) Monday, September 11 - Aquarius (Brazil - 2016) LINK to trailer - Ixcanul
  3. Panabandas, S.A. 2017 National Band Competition The First Annual Panabandas National Band Competition is being held at the Boquete, Chiriqui Fairgrounds on December 15, 16 & 17, 2017 Panabandas is currently seeking local and national sponsors and donors for this event. 10% of the net profits from the event are being donated to charity. Anyone wishing to sponsor or donate to the event is encouraged to visit our website by typing panabandas.com into their internet address line. Individual donations, not associated with any of our Sponsorship Levels can be made by using the contact information located on our website. All aspects of the event are described on our website, in both English and Spanish. Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you. Below is an image of our logo for the event. M.J. Stone President & CEO Panabandas, S.A.
  4. An audio podcast recording was made of the second in a planned series of Olde Timey Radio Shows. This performance was at the BCP Theater and Event Center on Friday, August 18, 2017. The posting of this podcast also includes program materials and photographs taken during the performance. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to Olde Timey Radio Show, and see the program materials and photographs. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6955-chiriquilife-podcast-15-bcps-second-olde-timey-radio-show/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life -- support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  5. 5-course Mediterranean feast ~ live music ~ belly dancing performances. Come to the Fènix Cafe in the BCP event center this Sunday evening (August 27) for a truly unique Boquete experience. You can buy tickets at the Fènix Cafe or from Baris at the Tuesday Market. Baris is the man selling Turkish food near the rear vegetable area. He is the slim guy whose hair has all migrated from his head to his chin! NOTE: Ticket sales end at 6 PM on Friday. Check out the flier below.
  6. ARF is a small non-profit animal organization dedicated to the rescue, care, foster and adoption of the unwanted and neglected animals in Boquete and the surrounding areas. Please visit our website at http://www.arf-boquete.com/ if you are interested in adopting an animal. You can also help with the financial support of these animals by clicking here http://www.arf-boquete.com/donate.html 100% of our donations go to the animals. Our email address is arf.boquete@gmail.com Please visit and “like” our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/ARF-Adopt-Rescue-Foster-Boquete-Panama-260616740779036/ YouTube: Adopt Rescue Foster ARF Boquete Panama Also, please visit our sister site Pets Want Homes if you are interested in adopting an animal on http://www.petswanthomes.com/
  7. If you would like to receive detailed information about each week's movie, and are not already on our Boquete Film Club email list, please reply to this News.Boquete notice, and we will add your name. Monday, August 21 @ 1:00pm - Garden of the Finzi-Continis (Italy - 1970) Friday, August 25 @ 5:00pm - SyFi Friday - Blade Runner (Director's Cut - USA - 1982) Monday, August 28 - lxcanul (Guatemala - 2016) Monday, September 4, Searching for Sugar Man (South Africa - 2012) Monday, September 11 - Aquarius (Brazil - 2016) Although there is no admission charge, we do ask for donations to pay for the audio and video system, and to help support the venue. The Fènix Cafe is a cafe. Popcorn, sandwiches, salads and other food, coffee and espresso drinks, as well as other non-alcoholic beverages are available. Plus, you can enjoy a beer, glass of wine or a mixed drink while you watch the film. (So please, don't bring your own food and drinks - our venue is a cafe.) ---------- The Boquete Film Club is an informal organization that presents movie screenings at the Fènix Cafe every Monday at 1pm, plus a science fiction film at 5pm on the last Friday of each month. Boquete resident David van Harn is the curator, and the films are typically from all around the globe - the kind of movies that you would see at "art house" theaters. The acoustics of the Hex Room are not the best, but we are working to slowly improve that situation. Movies will be shown with English subtitles for the benefit of those who have hearing issues.
  8. Dear Friends, Clients, and Neighbors, I'm very happy and grateful to share with you the news that Spa Boquete has just received its 200th client review on its Trip Advisor page, as well as a recent notification from the UK-based Luxury Travel Guide that it has been selected as Spa of the Year for 2017 in the Americas division of the Guide. What can I say? A huge and heartfelt "thank you," especially to all my clients, both residents and visitors, who wrote those reviews, and also to Eva Kipp and Anayansi Menéndez for having offered, in turn, a lovely and welcoming home base for the Spa during its 11 1/2 years in Boquete. To celebrate, I'm offering a 10% discount on all Spa services, from now until Wednesday September 13, 2017, to any client mentioning this email. Appointments are available 7 days a week, by calling me at 6493-0486 or via email (kmckinney@bentley.edu). Spa Boquete is a very small, exclusive, highly personalized facility, serving one client at a time, by appointment. Located close to the center of town (a 2 minute walk from the town Park) and just across the street from the Oasis Hotel and Restaurant, Spa Boquete offers a tranquil, beautiful setting facing the Barú volcano and the Caldera River. A private, spacious, enclosed waiting area with free Wi-Fi is available if more than one person visits the Spa for consecutive appointments. Ranked #1 for the past 4 years among Trip Advisor’s 9 listed Spas & Wellness Centers in Boquete, the Spa has received Trip Advisor’s highest ratings and their Certificate of Excellence award every year since 2013. Each guest receives personalized attention, exclusively from a trained professional with 19 years of experience. A graduate of the Muscular Therapy Institute (Cambridge MA), I'm currently one of two accredited Board Certified massage practitioners listed on the U.S. NCBTMB website (www.ncbtmb.org), not just for Panama, but also for all of Central America, sharing that credential with fellow Boquete therapist Allison Tilluma. I invite you to review Spa photos and the 200 (!!!!) client reviews available on Spa Boquete’s Trip Advisor web page. Additional descriptions of services and prices, as well as directions to the Spa, are available on Spa Boquete's website: www.spaboquete.com Best wishes and thanks for your continued support, Kitzie McKinney, PhD, BCTMB
  9. Pilates provides a great work-out simultaneously working on many levels. Through awareness and concentration practitioners think and focus on everything they're doing, not only strengthening the body/mind connection, but reinforcing and stimulating the coordination of the central nervous system. Pilates felt his exercise method strengthened his student's intelligence as more cells/receptors of the brain and nervous system were turned on during and following the execution of his exercises. CranioSacral Therapy is an Osteopathic, therapeutic modality also working with the central nervous system [CNS]. Based on the premise that all our experiences, our thoughts and our tensions are stored and recorded in the cells of our body, it gently assists the CNS to release these tensions and the restrictions they form, thus assisting the total organism toward functioning at a higher, more optimal level. As we age, doesn't it make sense to do whatever we can to enjoy our lives and live most optimally? Isn't our health our highest priority? Come to the Haven - Do Pilates and experience CranioSacral Therapy. Take greater responsibility for your Health and Well-being. You'll be happy You Did! Ongoing Pilates Classes 3 days weekly- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8:30-9:45 a.m. All props provided including small balls, stretchy bands, blocks, magic circles and mats. Do bring your own yoga mat if you have one- to be guaranteed two for when we go down to the floor. All student levels work together; each person listening to and honoring his or her body to determine their degree of motion. Classes can be paid for individually at $8 each, or one of two packages may be purchased. $30 for 4 classes, or unlimited in a month for $72. To experience the benefits of Pilates and to feel as though one is progressing, it is recommended each student attends class at least 2-X weekly. Come Start Anytime! CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment done on a massage table as the client is fully dressed in comfortable,non-restricting clothing.A session is an hour in length. From now through October, Susan Clare, Certified Pilates Instructor and retired Fl. state licensed Massage Therapist with 30 years experience, is offering a free CST session to people residing in Boquete and desiring to experience what it's about. After, the free session, it will be available at a special introductory fee of $30. This Special will continue through the end of October. Interested in knowing more about CST or to schedule an appointment? Email Susan Clare ar suzeclare@gmail.com for more information, including a link to a short, informative video. She"ll be very happy to assist you! Interested in knowing more about the Haven, and all the therapeutic modalities offered? Call 730 9345, or email the Haven at info@boquetespa.com And do know- One need not be a member of the Haven to participate in classes or to partake of spa services. Looking forward to Seeing YOU Soon!
  10. Price Correction: $375 for 10 week Resident Course at Habla Ya (instead of $450) For more information and to sign up please visit: https://www.hablayapanama.com/blog/2017/08/50-off-spanish-lessons-for-panama-residents-yearly-expat-course-2/ How to sign up? If you don't know any Spanish, just let us know by filling out this form and saying so or by calling us, 720-1294 (Boquete), 757 - 7352 (Bocas del Toro) or 394 - 8326 (Panama City), and tell whoever answers the phone: help, I don't know any Spanish! Make sure to leave your telephone number and email so that we can get back to you as soon as we can confirm there is a group for you. If you do know some Spanish, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and complete our Placement Test! Also make sure to leave your telephone number and we'll call you to schedule an oral interview to confirm your Spanish level. After that, we just need other students of your same level to also sign up! Julio J. Santamaria B. Habla Ya Spanish Schools julio@hablayapanama.com +507 - 730 - 8344 - Boquete: Central Avenue, Los Establos Plaza 20-26 - Bocas del Toro: G Avenue and 9th Street, Isla Colon - Panama City: Le Blue 2A, 1st Street, El Carmen https://www.HablaYaPanama.com Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | Follow us on Twitter TripAdvisor Reviews | News, Contests & Discounts What's it like to learn Spanish in Panama? See for yourself! - Bocas del Toro by the Beach - The Mountains of Boquete - Trendy Panama City This e-mail message contains confidential and/or privileged information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. Any use, distribution, copying of this message, or the taking of any action based on it is strictly prohibited. Please consider the environment before printing this email.
  11. The Boquete Birders Group announces a Boquete Backyard Birdwalk for new comers, visitors and new birders. It is an easy walk of about 2-3 hours through the back streets of Boquete Village. Join us and learn about our local birds. Bring Binoculars if you have them. Tuck an umbrella in your backpack in case of rain. Sorry, no dogs allowed. * R.S.V.P. Required Boquete Backyard Birdwalk DATE: Friday, August 18, 2017 LOCATION: Plaza Los Establos Gazebo (not in the Park) TIME: 7:45 am (Ends about 11:00 am) R.S.V.P. to Lin Hall
  12. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of another audio podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts". These podcasts are produced by Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber, and basically are conversations with the "movers and shakers" in the Chiriqui highlands area. (Note: "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts" is a different series from the "Chiriqui.Life Stories" audio podcasts that are produced by Michael Schwartz and also published on CL.) The subject of this podcast is the VA pension benefit called "Aid and Attendance", as presented by Betsy Barbeau. The Aid and Attendance pension benefit is a VA administered benefit that was first enacted by President Dwight David Eisenhower in the 1950s. Aid and Attendance is a benefit that the VA doesn't readily tell veterans about. This posting documents that meeting, including the contact information, the presentation materials, pictures, and an audio recording of the presentation and the Q&A session. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to Betsy's podcast about this VA pension benefit. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6905-chiriquilife-podcast-14-bcp-tuesday-talks-betsy-barbeau-discussing-va-pension-benefits-called-aid-and-attendance/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life -- support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life --
  13. If you haven't yet, be sure to tune in on Friday at 10 am for our ExPat oriented radio show. After our one hour show, stay tuned for Mike Webber's Strange Brew music hour. That gives you 2 reasons to..... You can Listen Up! in many ways.... On your radio at 103.3 FM (Radio Chiriqui) On your TV at CableOnda channel 861 On our computer at http://radio.garden/live/david/radio-chiriqui-103-3 If you miss this show, or want to revisit any of our past shows, go to www.listenupboquete.com and click on the Past Date Shows link at the top of the Home page. Thanks for all your support of Panama Red Rum and our show. AND, next time you're eating on the terrace at Big Daddy's Grill, check out our new display case on the corner of the bar! Thanks Chris...
  14. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of another audio podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts". These podcasts are produced by Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber, and basically are conversations with the "movers and shakers" in the Chiriqui highlands area. (Note: "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts" is a different series from the "Chiriqui.Life Stories" audio podcasts that are produced by Michael Schwartz and also published on CL.) The subject of this podcast is the PanaBandas project. PanaBandas is the brainchild of Michael Jason Stone ("Stone"), and is to be an annual, national-level band competition held in the Boquete area. The central idea behind PanaBandas is twofold: (a) to motivate Panama's youth to be involved in music, and thus move away from drugs, gangs, and similar lifestyle options, and (b) to expose Panama's young musical talent to an international audience via a first prize of a recording studio session. This first PanaBandas competition is to be held at the Boquete Fair Grounds on December 15-17, 2017. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to the PanaBandas story as told by Stone and Nan. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6897-chiriquilife-podcast-13-an-interview-with-the-management-of-the-panabandas-project/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  15. https://youtu.be/ybLfZQi1lJk
  16. The owners/administrators of the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website are very pleased to announce the release of another audio podcast in the series that is called "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts". However, this podcast is unique. These podcasts are produced by Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber, and basically are conversations with the "movers and shakers" in the Chiriqui highlands area. (Note: "Chiriqui.Life Podcasts" is a different series from the "Chiriqui.Life Stories" audio podcasts that are produced by Michael Schwartz and also published on CL.) The subject of this podcast is Elba Maria De Las Mercedes Landau del Cid, with the short version of her name being Elba Landau. She is known to family and friends simply as Elba, and she is joined in this English language podcast with her long time friend, Maria Boyd, in case of language issues. There is a bit of coincidence in how this podcast got scheduled, and some differences in how it is being published from the typical CL audio podcast. Price Peterson, a very long time resident of this area, was recently the recipient of an award that was presented at the Biblioteca de Boquete. In a conversation with Price shortly after that ceremony, I (Bud) had an interesting dialogue about the comments made by Carlos Enrique Landau; Price's response was that the Landau family is quite large and contributed significantly to Boquete during the early 1900s. Price then suggested that we interview Elba Landau (a cousin of Carlos Enrique Landau) because she is very knowledgeable about the history of Boquete. And so we set out to interview her. Elba lives in Bajo Boquete. Marcelyn and I would check for her presence at her home as we were running errands in town. We finally connected, and she graciously accepted our invitation to participate in a podcast recording session. Among other achievements in her life, she taught piano and that included living for a period of time in the US, and that was when and where she learned the English language, however, she a bit shy about admitting to such bilingual skills. To help Elba feel more comfortable about the language issue, we included one of our neighbors, Maria Boyd, who has known Elba for many years; they consider each other to be good friends. Thus this podcast came to be scheduled. Given the length of the recording session (not planned, but it just happened that way), we have decided to break Elba's podcast into segments based on the time period involved or events discussed. This podcast with Elba and Maria is the first segment. This podcast consists of Elba's recollections about Bocas del Toro and the Boquete areas of more than 110 years ago. Her grandfather arrived in the Bocas del Toro area from Germany in the early 1900s, and then her grandfather and father (aged twelve at the time) moved from the Bocas del Toro area to Boquete in 1915. Elba is a long time resident of Boquete, having been born in the family residence in Jaramillo Arriba. She has never married, but has a large extended family and many friends, has traveled quite a bit, and is passionate about certain issues, especially the environment. Again, note that the content in this podcast consists of Elba's recollections; there may be historical inaccuracies. But regardless, it is still interesting information. Podcasts are premium content on CL, which means that you need to be a registered member of CL and logged in. Membership on CL is free, so if you are not already a member, then register and listen to Elba share her recollections. If you are NOT already a registered member of CL, then first access CL at Chiriqui.Life and click on the "Sign Up" icon at the upper right area. Then wait for your registration to be finalized (you will get an email to that effect). If you already are a registered member of CL, then and only then may you access this podcast at: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/6885-chiriquilife-podcast-12-an-interview-with-elba-landau-and-her-recollections-of-the-early-history-of-boquete/ Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners/Administrators of Chiriqui.Life -- support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
  17. Www.HolisticPanama.Com It is a Pleasure to be in Service to the Boquete Community ! Holistic Panama Services Natural Medicine and Holistic Health on a High Level Coming out of Deep Training , Thorough Knowledge , and Functional Principles that Absolutely Work when Applied ... Is your Health Condition still a Mystery to you ? Its not a Mystery Anymore .. The Body Needs Certain Basic Natural Requirements to Function Well , and any Deficiencies in these Necessary Requirements Will Begin Over Time a Disease Process .. At the Same Time There are Many "Interferences" to Healthy Functioning that your Body is Challenged with in this Modern World .. What are your Deficiencies ? ... What Kind of Interferences do You Yourself Have.... ? Do you Want to Find Out ? We do Comprehensive Holistic Health Examinations to Get to the Real 'Root' of your Health & Wellness Issues .. Then We Guide, Direct, and Assist Your Recovery Process ... Health is Real Work and an Amazing Journey.. Make Sure You are Moving with it ! ~ Holistic Panama ~ Holistic Health Evaluations Natural Medicine Homeopathy Vibrational Healing BioResonance Natural Detoxification Programs Vega Testing Ayurveda Education & Training Programs And More ... As Always , We are Really Happy to Provide the Local Community With Holistic & "Solution" Based Medicine that Is Truly Functional and Completely Natural Please Check out our Website and Get in Touch if you have any Further Questions or Just Want to Make Connection ~ Many Blessings In Health & Spirit ~ Www.HolisticPanama.Com 6377 9291 WhatsApp 6377 9291 And you Can Sign Our Email List for Discounted Savings on Sessions ! Much Love Boquete ! ~ See ya Soon ~
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