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  1. AMIGOS DE ANIMALES SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC The last one of the year - this will be big! We need you! CLINIC: Sunday October 29, 2017 WHERE: The Animales Clinic in Alto Boquete FOR RESERVATION and you must have a reservation: contact Magaly at 6563-8686 or boqueteanimales@gmail.com TO VOLUNTEER: contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com please let me know if you can come in the morning, afternoon, or all day. Once again, we are asking that anyone who can, to please bring a dish to share for our clinic lunch.
  2. AAC/HOSPITAL COOPERATIVO MEDICAL DISCOUNT PLAN ONE DAY ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITY Boquete Hospice and Health is hosting the Boquete Health Fair on Sunday, October 22, and Alto al Crimen is pleased to have been asked to participate. We want to be able to give you information, but even better is the fact that we have decided to open enrollment for the Alto al Crimen / Hospital Cooperativo discount medical plan for this Sunday ONLY. What would make better sense for a Health Fair? The next scheduled open enrollment season will be from mid-December to mid-January. For those not familiar with the plan, Hospital Cooperativo in David offers a membership medical discount plan with discounts ranging from 20% to 50% on hospital procedures, hospital rooms, pharmacy, medical doctors’ fees, other health professionals’ fees and emergency room fees. All of the discounts are greater than the Panamanian law requires for jubilados, and they all apply to any members, whether or not eligible for the jubilado discount. A full description of the plan will be available at the Alto al Crimen table at the Health Fair in the Arco Iris building in the Boquete fairgrounds (feria). We will also have English translations of the contract available for review and maps showing the location of the hospital. Cost for the plan is $150 per year for the first member of a household and $125 per year for others in the same household. However, enrollments this Sunday will be for 14 months so that memberships will be up for renewal in January 2019. Fees will be $175 for first member and $150 for other members in the same household. Payments may be made by cash, local checks or US checks. ID card issuance will be delayed about three to four weeks for US checks. The fees include cost of the plan and a modest donation the Alto al Crimen, allowing you to register for the AAC Bilingual Emergency Hotline. There is a separate contract for each person enrolled, and each requires a copy of the person’s cedula (preferred) or residency card or passport. Please bring copies with you, and, if possible, also bring exact change if you will be paying cash. We’ll try to have some limited change, and if necessary will be able to do photo scans of identification, but things will go faster and smoother if you come prepared. If you missed signing up for good medical care for very low prices back in January or July, this will be your chance to become a member without waiting longer. ‘See you at the Health Fair!
  3. Hi everyone We would like to confirm that the new property tax law has been approved (Law 66 of 2017). The Government will be regulating and establishing some rules for most of the procedures during the next year, however, it is important to advise the community that there is a Moratoria or period of grace to pay property taxes with no interest and fines. Therefore we encourage the community to review the properties and if there are pending debts to request the benefit of the moratoria. We have helped successfully two clients already to get this benefit which is valid until December 2017. We wil be at the Boquete Tuesday meeting on Nov. 7 to talk about this tax law, see you there. Un cordial saludo, / Best regards, Juan Gabriel Contreras Sánchez Attorney at Law and Licenced Realtor / Abogado y Corredor de Bienes Raíces. Boquete: Don Vidal Building, second floor, Office #1, Boquete, Chiriquí, Panamá. Panama: Trump Ocean Club, second floor, office wing, Punta Pacifica. Tel: (507) 730-9113; Cel: (507) 6611-9678 Skype: contreraslawyer; www.lawandrealty.net
  4. We are very happy and proud, we were able to bring this new and unique experience to our community. It was a big effort from both organizations with the support of the community, residents, businesses and institutions. We have received many comments about the wonderful time it was had: great food, beer, wine, sweets, ice cream. Lots of thumps up! They love the different bands and DJ......People were dancing and singing along .......what a great time. Under the positive points: We delivered a unique event that is being talked about in Boquete and David. Everyone who came from David had fun and positive comments. I also heard from friends from David, who could not come. They were so sorry they didn't come after they heard comments from the ones who came. We were able to unite the community. We had such good mix of Panamanians and foreigners. This so positive. To be able to have our community dancing, eating, enjoying themselves..... makes all worth it! We also had some not too happy comments, of course no event will please everyone. We look at these comments in a positive way as they all had one common denominator......the music was too loud. Most people love loud music, many would like it lower. We learned that we need to find a happy medium. Also we need to add a bit more "Um papa music". Everything else was GREAT! We do not have the final figure yet.......it will come soon. We do want to give a huge THANK YOU! to the community for the support we received from : The Municipality and the Mayor of Boquete The Fair Ground Patronato Supermercado Baru Garden Inn Heaven Spa Price Smart Skate World Sugar & Spice El Pianista Milan Italiana Restáurate Novedades La Reyna Jackie Jeffers Pilar Esquivel. VENDORS: Emma's Truck, Frank Big Daddy, Chris and Justin. The Boquete Brewery, Mort's Bakery, Bertie. Tito's Ice Cream Linda's sweets To all our wonderful VOLUNTEERS THANK YOU!!! As always, we had some very dedicated people who were working constantly weeks before the event. They also came early to open the event, stay the whole time and close the event. From: Rotary Club: Ralph Day, Betsy Day, Lucie Connor and Jim Mc.Callum. From ACCB: Linda Hart, Joe Hart and Edie Baxter. Thank you so much. Yolanda Vega. Organizers : CLUB ROTARIO DE BOQUETE AND ASSOCIATION OF CHARITY OF BOQUETE. Replay to : ytvega@gmail.com
  5. In 2017 resolve to be a BVB supporter! Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Buenos Vecinos de Boquete Newsletter October 2017 “Boquete Has Heart” An Upcoming Charity Event On Saturday, January 13th, 5-8 pm Buenos Vecinos de Boquete and Amigos de Animales Boquete will sponsor an event at the Animales Event Center in Alto Boquete. Admission tickets of $10, including a complimentary drink, will go on sale next month. This fun-filled event will feature hors d'oevres, a cash bar, and casino games. There will be raffles, silent auction tables, and the evening will culminate in a live auction featuring items valued at $500 or more. One of these live auction items is a seven-night seven-day stay for two at Villa Kokolishi, located in the Kralendijk district of Bonaire. The small island of Bonaire located in the Dutch Caribbean is well-known by diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. Villa Kokolishi is a modern and well-appointed apartment situated poolside and a short walk from the beach, dive shops and restaurants. It includes ground transportation to and from the Bonaire airport. This amazing vacation destination valued at $952 has been donated by Gijs and Hanny Hoogerkamp of Potrerillos Arriba. See more information at www.bonairediveapartments.com Art Object Raffle Tickets Available at the BVB Table on Tuesday Morning Markets Buenos Vecnos de Boquete is selling raffle tickets for two beautiful pieces of art. We are selling raffle tickets for a gorgeous decorative jewel bowl designed and made by Germaine Sturtz. Also being raffled separately is one of Sylvette Day's coveted wall hangings. Buenos Vecinos de Boquete has a table at the Tuesday Market where you can purchase the raffle tickets. The tickets are priced at 1 for $1 or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held on October 31st at the Tuesday Market. You don't need to be present to win. All proceeds from the ticket sales will be used to purchase no n-perishable food for over 100 deserving Buenos Vecinos clients. Come on down and buy your tickets!! We Appreciate..... Romero's Super Mercado in Boquete for allowing us to once again collect food and cash donations during our most recent food drive. We also thank the generous shoppers who gave BVB enough in combined donations to support two families for a whole year. And also..... The Amigos de Boquete Foundation and founder/administrator Phillip McGuigan for the recent delivery of 400 boxes of MannaPack, a vitamin and mineral enriched rice and soy product. And to the intrepid band of helpers who unloaded the thirty-pound boxes for transfer to our storage unit. This remarkable donations will provide monthly inclusions of MannaPack to all of our families for the next twelve to fourteen months. Family of the Month October 2017 Julia knows how to live with adversity. As a child she suffered burns that are visible even today. It prepared her for what was to come when she became a mom to Misael. Little four-year old Misael was born with cerebral palsy and other health issues that have stunted his growth. But Julia and his stepdad Luterio meet the challenges that come with with round-the-clock care for a CP child. They also provide love and support for their other two children, two-year old Nina and six-month old Carlos.The family lives in a rented room for a dollar a day and their sole income is from the work that Luterio can find at nearby farms. The work opportunities are, unfortunately, inconsistent so the family is grateful for the food assistance they receive from Buenos Vecinos each month. And they look to the Handicap Foundation (FPI) for help with some of their medical expenses, with physical therapy and social/emotional support. Together BVB and FPI address the critical needs of those who most require our help. If you would like to help families like this and the efforts of Buenos Vecinos de Boquete, we would appreciate your donation of any size. It is important for you to know that we are a small all-volunteer force with no administrative or overhead costs. Every dollar of your donation goes to the purchase or storage of food for our clients. Buenos Vecinos de Boquete's wholesale purchase power enables us to furnish our clients more food than they could purchase on their own in the store with the same amount of money. When you make that important decision to help feed the less fortunate in our community, you have truly become a “good neighbor”. When you donate $360 a year or $30 a month (about the cost of a daily latte), you will become a Coconut Foundation member as an acknowledgment of your concern and generosity. Donate Online: http://www.buenosvecinosdeboquete.com/how-you-can-help We use PayPal for easy and secure transactions. If you prefer to donate by cash or local check, please contact Louise Orr panamaleo@gmail.com for arrangements. Thank you! Like and Share our BVB Face Book Page Learn more and see additional photos at our Face Book page Buenos Vecinos de Boquete. Please Like our page and Share the contents with your friends and families. To learn more about Buenos Vecinos visit our website at www.buenosvecinosdeboquete.com Copyright © 2017 Buenos Vecinos, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Panama, yyyy Potrerillos, PA
  6. Thank you so much to our friends who help us in the organization of the BINGO DOG CAMP : Nairn Cutten , Nancy Halbert who cooked a delicious lasagna, Harry Halbert , Beth Abrahams, Ruby McKenzie , Ken Becky Campeau , Zoey Quimby , Jacky Champ!! and our friends who donate Sharon Szotak , Wendy Burton , Laura Viquez , Ivan Salazar Pereyra , Doris Paredes Duque , Ana Gabriela Ortiz , Stéphane Olga Goulet Lanctot , and ALL THE PEOPLE who arrived to the event and had a nice moment for us. This event is dedicated to our rescued dogs and cats. We are glad to say it was a complete success!!! We could create finally our PAYPAL account and if you want to donate for our small project,here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/helpanimalsboquete Facebook: Javier Madge Y Magaly Bustamante
  7. You may have noticed that for the past two days there have been no police running the checkpoint at Caldera Road. Alto al Crimen has received information that two police officers in Panama Province were shot at a similar checkpoint, and extra precautions have been ordered. Considering the small number of police officers in the Boquete District, extra officers are not available to be assigned to the Caldera Road checkpoint for security purposes We hope this matter can be resolved soon because implementation of the checkpoint at the urging of Alto al Crimen has resulted in a significant reduction in numbers of burglaries and home invasions in the Boquete area. Alto al Crimen has been working quietly on a project to build a garita (guard shack). An arcitect is working on an appropriate design. There is no government budget for the project. This is still tentative, but if you would be willing to make a donation of money or materials for this project, please contact Tom Counter, AAC Vice President, at 6422-6532. or email studiotomaspanama@gmail.com We are not asking for the actual donations at this time because we need to develop more information, but your commitment for the project would be very helpful. Alto al Crimen will monitor the checkpoint situation and provide more information when we have it.
  8. Thank You Friends of Boquete! You made the 1st annual Oktoberfest a success. We are thankful for effort of our 30+ volunteers who worked very hard to provide you food and beverage service and may other much needed positions. Thanks to the Police Dept. and Fairgrounds for their support. A big Thank you to our vendors Chris and Justin at Big Daddy's (for your over the top promotion and support), Ricky at The Brewery, Leslie at Skateworld, Bertie at Mort's Bakery, Tito's Ice cream for the kids, and of course, Frank with Emma's truck for the fabulous food. Thank you again..... ACCB (Asociación de Caridad de La Comunidad de Boquete) Linda"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil...................it has no point!"
  9. AT THE TUESDAY MARKET ONE OF A KIND JEWELRY. QUALITY JEWELRY. GREAT PRICES. NO MIDDLE MAN. Only Natural Semi Precious Stones and Natural Pearls. Using Sterling Silver Clasps, Crimps, Rings. Hooks etc. ALSO VINTAGE JEWELRY AND MORE. SPECIAL: ONE OF A KIND NECKLACES STARTING AT $20.00.- (While they last). Variety of One of a Kind Earrings Starting at $12.00.- Choose from Natural stones, natural Pearls, Sterling Silver and more. Variety of gorgeous bracelets. Are you the type of person who wants exclusive jewelry that makes you Unique and classy? that is what I offer at affordable prices right here in Boquete. I am inside the hexagon room on the right side. This week Natural Tanzanite Necklace and earrings. Tanzanite Energy is used to heal and balance the throat chakra. higher instuition and communication.......I only have one available. BE TIMELY FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO EVERYONE! The Jewelry Lady ( Yolanda) Please replay to: ytvega@gmail.com
  10. Coloring Day Workshop - Adult Coloring Don’t miss this super fun class. Boquete Library Friday - Oct 20 - 2pm There is a material fee of $10 You can audit for free You must register by replying to this email - space is limited. Amazing Benefits of coloring for adults and why you should join the adult coloring craze. What once was an activity that kept so many of us entertained as children, is now resurfacing as a trend adults are coming to love. Therapeutic elements parents sought to keep their children calm or entertained before dinner, are now being applied to adults, to help distract them from the daily pressures of life. Here are the top 7 benefits of coloring for adults: 1 Your brain experiences relief by entering a meditative state 2 Stress and anxiety levels have the potential to be lowered 3 Negative thoughts are expelled as you take in positivity 4 Focusing on the present helps you achieve mindfulness 5 Unplugging from technology promotes creation over consumption 6 Coloring can be done by anyone, not just artists or creative types 7 It’s a hobby that can be taken with you wherever you go Coloring books intended for adults are not the average book they feature a higher quality of paper, intricate designs, and a wider selection of themes. You will get to choose 5 different drawings for the 10 plus high quality books that Sandra has. You get the actual high quality pages from the books. Just like meditation, coloring also allows us to switch off our brains from other thoughts and focus only on the moment, helping to alleviate free-floating anxiety. It can be particularly effective for people who aren't comfortable with more creatively expressive forms of art. Participants who are more guarded find a lot of tranquility in coloring an image. It feels safer and it creates containment around their process. Now let’s get scribbling! Boquete Artworks Follow us on our web site BoqueteArtworks.com to catch the latest news from us! P.S. If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, please hit reply and write "unsubscribe" in the subject line. We'll remove you from our list right away.
  11. I have used Sergio Arauz for apx 8 years. He worked in the service department of one of the dealerships in David before getting his university certified car mechanic degree. He comes to my house for oil, filter changes etc and able to correct more involved repairs but may have to take car to his David shop. Always brings purchased itemized supply receipts and labor pricing is very reasonable. He quoted me $500 less than Toyota for a major mechanical repair. Email is sergio_arauz@hotmail.com & he will translate into Spanish. 6689-3776 feel free to call me for more info. Jayne Ferrell 6577-8936
  12. Save the Date!! Knowing that there are several people out there caring for friends and family who have disabilities, temporary or permanent, and that they often feel alone and in need of support, on Nov. 13, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. there will be a caregiver support networking meeting at the library. We will discuss the needs of caregivers and develop networking relationships. Reply to plei0002@usfamily.net
  13. WE ARE ROLLIN’ INTRODUCTORY OFFER until November 30th, 2017 $30.00 per hour I am pleased to announce my new business venture. My name is Leivys John, some of you may know me as I worked for a local computer company for 3 years, prior to that I worked for 5 years in Panama City as a computer technician and repair specialist. I will be pleased to help you with your computer problems, either on site or in my workshop. I can work on laptops, tablets. Ipads, smart phones, apple, mac and android, etc, for residential or business networks. My colleague and I can also check, repair and replace security systems. If it hums, beeps or clicks – I provide reliable and timely computer support. References available on request. CALL US WE WILL COME TO YOU! 64796502 -Leivys John Caballero Castillo
  14. 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, October 17 – Dr. William Oates is a Boquete resident and an amateur sommelier (“a trained and knowledgeable wine enthusiast and connoisseur”). As a retired physician he is interested in the healthful benefits of moderate wine consumption. He will talk to us about what wines are available in Panama at a good value. The presentation may include a blind taste test by audience members. Tuesday, October 24 – Dr. Theo A Cope has recently relocated to Poterrillos area with his wife Shery, after almost 20 yrs. living in China. Theo holds a PhD in Psychology and is certified as a Psychotherapist who has taught at many universities in China and practiced counseling and therapy since 2000. The talk “Maintain your mental health by attaining balance” will be based on the models and principles of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (out of Germany), the dominant approach which Theo utilizes clinically. He had worked the last 3 years in International SOS/Raffles Medical Group in Beijing as a therapist as well as provided training for international companies. Tuesday, October 31 – Keep It Simple Panama Tuesday, November 7 – Attorneys Lourdes Miranda and Juan Contreras will explain the benefits of the new property tax law that is about to be approved. They will show the new tax rates, with samples of calculation of property taxes of the current law vs. the new tax law. Also, information about the property tax moratorium included in such law will be presented. Tuesday, November 14 – John Wolff, organizer, promoter, and all around jefe of the Boquete Jazz and Blues Festival.and other team members will make a presentation of the 2018 lineup and new venue. They will present the festival schedule and answer questions about the 2018 festival and the future of the Boquete Jazz Festival. Tuesday, November 28 --- Panama Independence Day. No meeting. Tuesday, December 5 – Boquete Medical Associates Tuesday, December 12 – The Peace Corps in Chiriqui. Four volunteers working in our province will talk to us about how the Peace Corps works and what is their main goal here. They will also explain a little bit about their different projects, development work and everyday life in their communities. We will have Enid assigned to the Volcan area, Matt in Gualaca, Tony in Celmira, and Laura in Puerto Armuelles. Bring your questions for the Q&A at the end. . Tuesday, December 19 Tuesday, December 26 Tuesday, January 2 -- Jason Boss on cryptocurrency. In a world that is changing ever so much, today’s buzz word is cryptocurrency. When it comes to alternative forms of currency, unless you have a very experienced advisor, you will be burned. This talk will focus on what cryptocurrency is, what it can do for you, what coins are right for you, where you can begin, and how you can safely store your currency. All of this information will be provided by someone who has been in the crypto game since its start in 2008. This is the expert advice you want in this new school digital age. Tuesday, January 9 – Judi Smith is the owner of the International Clinic of Biological Regeneration (www.icbr.com). She practices Cell Therapy...an anti-aging treatment, developed by Dr. Paul Niehans. Judi has clinics in both Nassau and Mexico. There is free admission to this talk. Tuesday, January 23 – Dr. Ted Harrison, Boquete resident, will present a talk on the medical research study his team did in Boquete last Spring. Tuesday, January 30 – Sandra and Lloyd Cripe on “Birding as a hobby.” To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, Facility Manager
  15. Our new rescue dog is MIA! Scraps (who doesn’t quite know his name yet) has wondered down towards Villa Escondido, we believe. Our property on El Salto is just above the amphitheater area & runs clear down to the property line of Escondido. He was last seen wandering to the slope in that direction about 2 hours ago. He has gone in that area before (we’ve only had him less than 2 weeks), but always came back. We have been calling for him regularly with no response. He is black & tan with distinct scars on his muzzle & nose, floppy ears with a cut in one of them. Please call us if you see him….he is very friendly & easy to catch. Kristine & Chris Crispel 6918-1808
  16. ARF is a small non-profit animal organization dedicated to the rescue, care, foster and adoption of the unwanted and neglected animals in Boquete and the surrounding areas. Please visit our website at http://www.arf-boquete.com/ if you are interested in adopting an animal. You can also help with the financial support of these animals by clicking here http://www.arf-boquete.com/donate.html 100% of our donations go to the animals. Our email address is arf.boquete@gmail.com Please visit and “like” our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/ARF-Adopt-Rescue-Foster-Boquete-Panama-260616740779036/ YouTube: Adopt Rescue Foster ARF Boquete Panama Also, please visit our sister site Pets Want Homes if you are interested in adopting an animal on http://www.petswanthomes.com/
  17. Próximos eventos en la Biblioteca de Boquete: ENTRADA GRATIS Descargue el Programa del concierto de Clarinón aquí o visite nuestra página web para mayor información: www.biblioboquete.com PROGRAMA - PDF PROGRAMA - JPEG Disfruta de sana diversión junto a tus amigos y familiares en éste divertido show: ¨Payaseando el Mundo¨ TOTALMENTE GRATIS www.biblioboquete.com
  18. It's Vacation Time for The Garden Restaurant and Country Store in the Plaza San Francisco. We'll be taking a 2-week break beginning this next Monday, October 16th and will be returning on Monday, October 30th. It's been a fun and exciting first year for the restaurant and have some new plans and extended hours for the coming new season. Look forward to seeing you soon at The Garden.
  19. Www.HolisticPanama.Com In Humble Service for those of you That want to take the Power of your Health & Wellness in Your Own Hands To Solve Your Problems & Overcome your Challenges Using the Finest of Holistic & Natural Modalities - The Way its Meant to Be ! This Work is For You .. Get in Touch , Let Holistic Panama Show you What's Possible .. ~ Holistic Panama ~ Holistic Health Evaluations Natural Medicine Homeopathy Vibrational Healing BioResonance Natural Detoxification Programs Vega Testing Ayurveda Education & Training Programs And More ... Holistic Panama is Really Happy to Provide the Local Community With Holistic & "Solution" Based Medicine that Is Truly Functional and Completely Natural Please Check out our Website and Get in Touch if you To Ask Questions or Just Want to Make The Connection ~ Many Blessings In Health & Spirit ~ Www.HolisticPanama.Com 6377 9291 WhatsApp 6377 9291 And you Can Sign Our Email List for Discounted Savings on Sessions ! Much Love Boquete ! ~ See ya Soon ~
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