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Posts posted by Brundageba

  1. 1 hour ago, Moderator_02 said:

    Why are not the companies in the country of Panama that make alcoholic beverage making alcohol disinfection products? ... the necessity of adequate stores for when the quarantine is lifted? ...................A guess. 

  2. Bill and I adopted a new rescue dog as we have been lonely since Flossy died.  Being as how our "shopping time" narrowed down to zip with the COVID thing, we told J and M at the camp to "hand us one". We got a little girl dog we call Weasel because she looks like one.  Short shiny black hair...like a shiny blue-black  horse.   We washed , brushed, groomed an got that hair slick.   

    QUESTION: Since being isolated with this extremely energetic little dog I have swept and dust mopped enough dog hair to stuff a mattress and it keeps given.  What's the answer?...great dog food, vitamins, intellectual doggie stimulation ? ...more brushing.   or learning how to spin yarn out of dog hair and learn how to knit ?!                        Alison


  3. 3 hours ago, Moderator_02 said:

    Here is a related Tweet, but from the Reten_Chiriqui account. According to this source, the driver was in the Bugaba area.  Going further, although somewhat similar vehicles on first glance, it appears to be a different vehicle now that I look more closely.





    Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above Tweet.



    Idiot...had a trunk full of beer and thinks he can just fly through a checkpoint minus any pass.   BUT..is it a case ( as in beer) or case (as in arrest ) ordered by authorities.  Possibly both ? 

  4. I do not follow how a Legal Firm turned procurer of window and window frames...and unfinished laboratories,  becomes the "go-to" shop for necessary ventilators.  I know this is now under scrutiny and will not fly.  But it seems to me there exists some enlarged gonads on this one.   (medical term)

    Alison, nurse 

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  5. Ethics, credentials...  This guy failed the public more than once in that he lacks self control.  That's basic when you are in the legislative body in debates constantly.  Lets hope something positive comes out of this. The situation creates way too much distraction at a time when there should be none. 

  6. NIX the beach project .... that white sand beach project there in PC is a joke.   

    Open general government procurement to the public eye ..... across the board transparency.  

    Come to the conclusion: Hospitals, jails, schools (no text books! Consider that), juvenile detention and rehab. facilities sorely lack

    Provide incentives for the youth that are growing up wild in Panama City to learn a skill in order to support a family rather than their drug habit. Recreation / learning / tech school Centers. 

    Imagine how the money that has been squirreled away by the corrupt in charge might had been better spent to improved this country. !! Pure theft 

    Youngsters entering Medical school here could not pass the admission tests. College grads. Sooo the action taken? ... eliminate the entry exam. 

    wow .... phew! ......... and not much changes. That's what blows everybody away.

  7. On 4/22/2020 at 7:44 AM, Moderator_02 said:

    Example...the wonderful  hospital facility  sitting here in Alto Boquete....unfinished.   Misdeeds have a way of circling around to bite tender parts.  

  8. 9 hours ago, Moderator_02 said:

    Guerrel revealed that CSS has spent more than $ 170 million on similar systems for 11 years, but "they have not solved the problem."

    The CSS $160 million dollar contract.  

    I am confused with what exactly is the service offered for this huge amount of money ( apart from the corruption...I get that part)...What IS "the problem that's never been solved. ?

    Storage and delivery of medicines?   Seems like a lot of money for storage and distribution.

  9. No criticism of you Bud. The job you are doing for all of us here just because you care, is to be commended  !!

     No,  the point I was making is the author's caution "don't be xenophobic" as the people pose no risk as vectors.  This,  "as if"  there's no problem .  One week later it is quite clear there is a problem and it is owned by this country already strained.  Panama.

  10. This last article was written April 7  (before the first one dated April 14).  That Apr 7 article states " no need for xenophobia, the migrants are not vectors ( infected) ". 

    One week later,  ( April 14 ) the  COVID numbers are: 50 isolated as "possible"  and 20 more as positives.  Two migrant camps: 360 people and 1600 people..to total + 2000 people !!! 

    Although increases in illegal border crossings have diminished, Panama now shelters 2000 people that are not this country's citizens.   ( This, done for humanitarian reasons.)   Currently  there is a burden to not only feed and shelter, but to keep these persons free of COVID and as well attend to them when sick with it.    Tall order.  

  11. On April 9,2020 ,  USA leading Cardiology Groups  made public their caution with regard to blanket use of the combination Hydroxchloroquin/Azithromycin for persons having a cardiac history of certain heart rhythm disorders.  There is a  risk factor  of sudden cardiac arrest  for certain cardiac patients.  The AHA source is written in "medical lingo " and  is very clear to any cardiologist as to WHAT to pre-screen a patient for and as well ,what to watch for in the patient if the drug is prescribed.  .

    As a nurse living here, I'd be inclined to make a copy of that AMA CAUTION if ( God forbid)  you ever should get this COVID virus. ................................. Alison , the nurse

    Links for articles:

    Medical Journalist


    American Heart Assoc

    SOURCE: Roden DM et al. Circulation.2020Apr

    8. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047521.

  12. thumbnail.jpg

    “Abril es un mes durísimo, es un mes que todavía vamos a peor”, fueron las palabras finales del doctor Xavier Sáez-Llorens en la conferencia de prensa del Ministerio de Salud (Minsa), Caja del Seguro Social (CSS) y Ministerio de Seguridad (Minseg) sobre el coronavirus.

    " April will be a very hard month.   I will  will get worse.  "  Dr Xavier Saez-llorens , Infection Desease advisor to the Panama Dept of Health

    Stay home as much as you can.  When out , be mindful and careful to distance, don't touch your face.  Organize.  The LESS we are out at all the better.  Tuck in.  We'll be OK.     Alison

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