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Everything posted by Penny

  1. Does anybody have a good phone number for Dr. Molto, plastic surgeon practicing at Chriqui Hospital? He's not listed in the Health Care Resources. Thanks
  2. Bonnie You're using the same lawyer I used last year. He makes it all go very smoothly. Don't worry. We did the whole thing in the Tribunal Electoral office. No trip to immigration necessary. But . . . that was then and this is now and this is Panama (TIP)
  3. After several attempts to get Union Fenosa to come out and check out the transformer in my yard that was making small explosions, I finally called Rodny Direct and gave him the pole number. I swear, Union Fenosa was there within an hour and Rodny stayed on the phone with them directing them to the correct address. Worth every penny of the $80 I pay for this service every year.
  4. This might be the most interesting (and controversial) topic we've ever had at the Tuesday Talks. 3 guys who are eminently qualified will discuss the pros and cons of the GMO products in Panama. Yes, Virginia, there are "pros". Dianne Heidke will moderate and will bring her pepper spray and tazer to control the protesters. 10:30 this morning (Tuesday) in the BCP theater.
  5. Brandy I voted my little heart out. What was the final tally and how many votes separated Rubi from the winner?
  6. This is not true. Used vehicles sell in Panama for quite a bit more than the blue book price. This has been true since I came here in 2003.
  7. Bud These folks fled to Peru years ago. In fact I think General Bert may be dead. And, as you know, The Bajareque Times has long ceased to exist. And Chiriqui Libre is not a newspaper, it's a yahoo group with almost no moderation started by a Volcan resident named Reggie. You've been hoodwinked.
  8. I pay two internet bills and two electrical bills every month at the office kitty-corner from Revilla Drugstore. What you need to know is that this is not a Union Fenosa office, just a place that contracts with them to accept payments. For anything more complicated than that you have to go to David to the Gas Natural office.
  9. Does he have his own tools? Like a rake and a weed whacker?
  10. Brandy I just keep the voting site open in one of my browser tabs. After it counts down to zero, you have to do a screen refresh and then can vote again. Is there somewhere we can go to see the voting count for each of the contestants?
  11. Charlie the Banana Eating Dog, has disappeared. Last seen, Alto Jaramillo at Finca Luz, Friday 11/11 at 3 PM. No sign of him, anywhere. If you have seen him, please call 6636-8663 or PM me here. He is about 20 pounds and has a gimpy back leg. We are searching and hoping...
  12. I'm dealing blackjack. Bets range from $100 to $1000 (play money, of course)
  13. I don't think Boquete will be well served by having the disgruntled street protestors moving here. They probably wouldn't like our torn up streets anyway.
  14. I need to contact WAYNE ARNOLD and/or FRANCES EDWARD. Her Social Security checks are coming to me. Any information as to the whereabouts please contact: Larson Rimkeit 6675 9100 FirstCaPro@hotmail.com Thank you
  15. I was really sad when I heard this news yesterday. This restaurant has long been one of my most favorite places. I ate breakfast there every Saturday morning and usually at least one other meal during the week. The place was unbeatable for their service, their delicious food, and their reasonable prices. If it's true that Simon wanted to fire the entire staff, he made a major mistake. Those ladies were not only great servers but great cooks as well. I assume Simon paid George something for this restaurant and he is now going to walk away from it. What a waste !!!!
  16. There are many varieties of Spanish and Greek olives at the new Casa de jamon store in Alto Boquete.
  17. I have bought English muffins in the past at Felipe Motta. Not cheap but back in the day that was the only place that carried them.
  18. Phillipe Motta has moved from Plaza Terronel to a stand alone store on the old Boquete road.
  19. I have a "droid box" which has many, many options for movies, tv series, etc. However, I only use it to watch USTV Now. It's been a long time since I've had any freezes and the system is working great. I watch the CBS evening news and then two episodes of Modern Family every night.
  20. Can you ask your contact to start carrying these two items again: 1. Pepper jack cheese 2. Chicken stock in cans
  21. Dottie The camera is sitting in the office of the Handicap Foundation. I'll stop by there this afternoon and get you all the info.
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