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Everything posted by Penny

  1. This is a game played by several restaurants. They make a lot of one menu item, put it on the chalk board as a "SPECIAL" at the regular price and then feel justified in not giving the discount. Chef Craig from Ruinas and most recently from Seasons was good at this ploy. I got soured on Seasons when I ordered their special rib dinner which wasn't on the menu but I was believing it couldn't be much more than the Rock charged for a rib dinner. Well, it turned out to be $29 and no discount was allowed.
  2. This has been an ongoing problem with Seasons and Sandeep Lal, the owner, needs to know about it and correct it. Email him at slal@lucero.com.pa
  3. Brandy Take the appliances to the recycling center across from Restaurante Polsada. Theoretically, they will pay you the scrap metal value but I just donate them and am glad to get rid of them. Alternatively, if you put them out in front of your house, someone will usually pick them up for parts or for the scrap metal value. This has always worked for me.
  4. This was funny the first time I saw it years ago. It's even more hilarious now -- especially if you've had a recent experience dealing with the bureaucracy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXWZ3uAEKsw
  5. Every year I search for this form and can't find it. I googled it and opened what I thought was the official IRS form. After spending several hours filling it out (I have 7 bank accounts to report) I got to the end and found out it was a private service and they wanted $185 to email it in. There was no way to save or print the form. I need to know the link to the official IRS form. Why do they make it so difficult????
  6. Today is the big ceremony for the inauguration of the construction of the new Panamonte Bridge. They have multiple heavy machinery and a big canopy tent with chairs set up underneath. I believe President Varela will be there for the ceremony. They've laid down a cement pad for the approach to the bridge. I'm so happy !!!!!
  7. Personally, I like the one-lane bridges. Gives you a chance to yield and then wave to your neighbors. Who can't afford 20 seconds out of their day?
  8. Steven Many people care about your situation. Trish Daugherty is the UK Warden and her email is triciajdaugherty@hotmail.com. However, like Bonnie said about the U.S. embassy, there is very little they can do about Panamanian law. Good luck with this. If you decide to just walk back across the border, I will come and pick you up. Email me at pjbarrett@aol.com A little additional information -- apparently some border immigration people are telling folks they have to stay out of Panama for 30 days before being allowed to return.
  9. What would happen if you flew into Tocuman? I don't think they're looking for border hoppers there and also, how could they deny you entry when you're already standing on Panamanian soil. I think that's what I would do.
  10. until

    Everybody should witness this event at least once. We would always stake out a place near the end of the parade route. By that time most of the riders and some of the horses were drunk. There are beautiful horses in Panama -- high steppers which I think they call paso finos.
  11. In addition to incompetent and dishonest lawyers, there is also the problem that many older people no longer have fingerprints that can be taken with the old ink roller method. I even know some folks who have made multiple attempts at digital fingerprints only to have that method also not work. I know two of the attorneys that Twin Wolf entrusted to get him resident status and I can certify that they were both incompetent. It is true that this change seemed to be abrupt to many. However, those who follow the local news, the forums, and the yahoo groups have known for quite a while that Panama was about to tighten up the border hopping loophole.
  12. If we lose Dan Porter to Colombia because of this SNAFU, we will have lost a valuable member of our community.
  13. What a screwed up mess. I feel horrible for them. About six months ago there were a lot of signs that this was coming. At that time I urged my neighbor (and tenant) to apply for her pensionado visa. Luckily she followed the advise and now has her temporary card.
  14. I just read an old post on Ning written by Steve Walker. Steve said he had been doing the border crossing every 90 days for 10 years to reset his tourist visa and drivers license. It seems to me that this is the perfect example of what Panama is trying to prevent.
  15. I know Steven and Michelle but don't know what kind of visa they have. I think knowing this information might explain a lot about this situation.
  16. The memorial service held on Wednesday was memorable with lots of people sharing stories about Gary's wild adventures.
  17. Too lazy to research this myself so am asking the community. How do I change my social security deposit from one US bank to another US bank?
  18. Judy and John are correct. When you have a temporary visa waiting for your permanent visa, you need to buy a multiple entry visa for $100 from immigration. This is just a large stamp in your passport which allows you to exit and enter the country.
  19. Everybody (including Panamanians) have to renew their cedula every 10 years. This is a routine process and is in place because the government want's a current photo on your national identification card. It seems to me that Panama has every right to decide what qualities they want in their resident visa holders. Many permanent tourists don't get visa status because they can't meet the requirements set by the Panamanian government. These are quite often the folks who come here without sufficient resources to take care of themselves in case of a medical or other emergency. They run up huge bills at the local hospitals and then disappear into the night.leaving the Panamanian citizens to foot the bill. All sovereign nations have a right to control their immigration -- even the United States.
  20. Gene has an assistant who has done some plumbing work for me. His name is Lalo and his number is 6436-5850. Lalo speaks some English.
  21. Article 4 of Law 6 of 1987 states that the beneficiaries of this law will prove their entitlement to its benefits by showing: 1. Cedula of personal identity. 2. Jubilado or Pensionado card. 3. Resident visa. This means that you must be a legal resident of Panama and not a tourist or illegal.
  22. My former Spanish teacher was also a linguist who loved studying the root derivation of words. She said that the word "pendejo" literally means "pubic hair" but is used loosely to mean A**H***. I think the word came into the English vocabulary when the former president of Mexico called George Bush a "pendejo". My favorite Spanish translation service agrees with me: http://www.spanishdict.com/translate/pendejo
  23. It's a common misconception that the restaurant can deduct the discount amount from their taxes. What actually happens is when a restaurant sells a $10 meal for $8, they only report the $8 income. Actually, many smaller fondas and restaurants pay no income taxes. You have to have gross sales of $30,000 per year before you're liable for income taxes. Restaurants that don't pay income taxes, take the hit from the discount. The tourist visa person who demands the discount should be informed of the law. This is the true definition of an "Ugly American". What an A*H* (pendejo in Spanish).
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