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Barriles Archeological Dig

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Edna will be the speaker at the BCP Tuesday meeting. Get all your questions answered.

Tuesday, Jan. 12 – Edna Landau, owner and tour guide for Sitio Bariles will talk about the history and discoveries made at her archeological site. Barriles (known also as Sitio Barriles or by the designation BU-24), is one of the most famous archaeological sites in Panama. It is located in the highlands of the Chiriquí Province of Western Panama at 1200 meters above sea level. It is several kilometers west of the modern town of Volcán.

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Dear Chiriqui Lifers,


Please remember that Edna's efforts to preserve and promote Sitio Barriles represent a private passion little-supported by formal research organizations -- some of which, she has maintained, have basically stolen artifacts from the site to be put on display in Panama City museums without any compensation to Edna's family whatsoever for their own exhaustive research, development, and protection of the site over the decades.

I believe it was ten or eleven years ago -- I'm uncertain as to the exact time-frame -- Edna's Son was involved in a horrible head-on automobile collision which left him severely and permanently injured and disabled. I frankly have no idea if he survives to this day, but I do know that Edna credits mythological healing properties to the energies prevalent at Sitio Barriles and she has held profound certainty that these powers were the primary influence in her Son's survival and whatever degree of healing that occurred after his accident. I would hope to hear that Edna's Son survives to this day, and that all is well for Edna and her family.


Cynics are quick to dismiss allegations that Barriles is as source of some ill-defined "Power". There have been many anecdotes about significant historical anthropological influences from purported far-flung and "unlikely" visitors from Africa and the Orient, shamanistic practices, ritual healing, phenomena considered physically improbable, artifacts found from distant cultural sources (including ORO!!), magic, and even extra-terrestrial visitations. Individuals may argue and debate about these and other considerations until they're blue in the face, and who cares? All I know is what I personally observed and sensed and felt during the course of several visits there, and I thought it was really, really cool. I'll confess to skepticism about the assertions that "water runs uphill", but, hey! I'm just a plumber! Who knows? All I know for sure is that Sitio Barriles is quite beautiful -- and serene. Perhaps the near proximity to Rio Serena ... ?


I hope that visitors to Sitio Barriles will be aware of the enormous significance of their generous contributions to Edna and her family, which help not only with their personal welfare, but also help ensure the preservation of this crucial resource.





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My word !!! How have the planets aligned for Wryawry to write a long and serious post?? !!

A little more information about the Landau family. First of all, unfortunately their son passed away about a year ago.

The Landau family were one of the pioneer families in this area. They are French which again testifies to the great cultural diversity we enjoy in Boquete. The Boquete branch of the family owns the Fundadores Hotel. The word "Fundadores" means "Founders".

I don't remember his first name but the man who owns the Fundadores was with a group of men who literally carried a Model A car across the great divide to Bocas del Toro along the path today known as the Pianista Trail. I think this was a barroom bet but they were all young, foolish, and strong and they did it. There are photos of this event blown up to large scale in the Fundadores Hotel.

Maybe it wasn't a Model A -- more likely a 50's model car.

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