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Flu Shots 2017

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I was planning to do that, but I heard there is a special high dose vaccine (4 times the amount of antigen) for people over 65, because the regular vaccine isn't as protective for older people. I wonder if they have that vaccine. If not, the regular one will have to do.

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  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Flu Shots 2017
  • 2 months later...

Yes, there is a special high dose vaccine for those of us 65 and over.  Apparently our immune systems are not as strong as we age so a higher dose is required to get the desired immune system result.  I had mine today here in CA.   I would imagine it can be found in Panama as well.  Let me know!  I will need that information for flu season 2018!  

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Boquete, across from the Bomberos. Turn to the right when you go in; there will be a windowed desk for registering if you haven't been there before. Then proceed to the back left, to the right of Xray, to the "Adult Consultario" door. Knock on the door and tell them what you're there for.

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