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Poultry (Chicken) In Panama: Consumption, Importation, Exportation, and As A Business Sector

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I don't know why I find this interesting. I like chicken, and apparently many others do as well. Non-vegetarians have fish, beef, chicken/poultry, and pork to choose from, but (my opinion here) domestic beef leaves something missing for the palette.

Hmmmm.... Imports increasing and exports declining. The poultry farmers seem to be aware of this trend. Wonder how they will respond?

Not sure I buy into the 40 kilo per capita chicken consumption statistic that is asserted.

Just posting here as "food for thought". -_-



Panama Imports More and More Chicken


The union of poultry farmers reported an increase of 172% on imports of chicken in the last five years and per capita consumption of 40 kilos in 2015. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Prensa.com reports that "...The report, which was presented by the National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama (ANAVIP) as part of its performance index for 2015, reveals that in 2010 a total of 3,445,809 kilos of chicken arrived in the country originating from the United States, compared to 2015 when 9,378,095 kilos were imported, registering an increase of about 6 million kilos of chicken over five years. "

Representatives of Panamanian poultry companies believe that the increase is "unconscionable" and although they are aware that they operate in a free market environment, they believe that "... 'we must also work to consolidate domestic production'" said Luis Carlos Castroverde, president of the ANAVIP.

On the other hand, foreign sales of processed chicken meat products declined between 2014 and 2015, going from $6,108,929 in 2014 to 5,580,749 in 2015, which is a decrease of 8.6%.



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So we would love to buy more fresh chicken, but it seems the suppliers here freeze it before sending it out to retail.

We even went directly to Avicola Athenas in Potrerillos a few times and the attendant brought out the larger quantity we asked for, but from the freezer.

When they bring chicken over to Canasta Basica in Plaza San Francisco it's in frozen lots.

Any ideas besides having hens in the garden?

Edited by Keith Woolford
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Try Super Baru in David.  Jocie swears by their Toledano chicken, says it is much superior to the Athenas stuff.  We tried whole chickens from local Panamanians a short while ago, very disappointing, tough as shoe leather unless it was cooked for many hours.

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It is interesting this news.   MELO has a plant in Panama that is in partnership with Tyson and those chickens are for export.  


In my old days there were some Mini Markets that have live chickens and you ask for the chicken you wanted and they killed then there and gave you a fresh, recently killed chicken.  I do remember that when I was a kid I didnt wanted to go there because I didnt want to see how they killed the chicken.  

I dont know if those markets still exists.

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Finding good chicken is becoming a problem.  I stopped buying the boneless/skinless breasts at Price Smart.  They are unnaturally large (what do they do to those chickens?) and sometimes one in a package will be so fibrous that it is hard to cut when raw and hard to chew when cooked.  Patio chickens, those that run around free, are often so tough they are not edible.  The breasts sold at Romero have this strange layer on one side that is impervious to pounding when you want to flatten them for chicken Kiev or breaded cutlets.  Frozen ones would be OK if they were good.  Any leads on good chicken would be appreciated.  Perhaps boneless thighs are a better choice than breasts?

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Panama: Poultry Sector Figures in 2016

The Panamanian producers' association reports that last year 104 million chickens were slaughtered and total egg production amounted to 654 million.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Figures from the National Poultry Association of Panama (Anavip) indicate an increase not only in poultry production but also in consumption. According to the National Poultry Activity Performance Index 2016, "... per capita chicken meat consumption stood at 90 lbs (41 kg), increasing by 3 lbs per person between 2015 and last year." 

Laestrella.com.pa reports that "...In the analyzed period, the breeding bird population reached 1,711,151 units, the fattening population 18,928,592 units and the egg layers 3,182,856 units, according to figures from the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), disseminated by Anavip.

"... In 2016, 104 million chickens were slaughtered, which is an increase of 5 million compared to the 2015 statistics, when 99 million chickens were slaughtered. Last year, egg production was 645 million units, 32 million more than in the previous year, when 613 million units were produced."



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Panama loves its chicken meat


PANAMANIANS ate   90 lbs per capita, of chicken meat in 2016 up three  pounds per person from the previous year.

The producers’ association reports that last year 104 million chickens were slaughtered and total egg production amounted to 654 million.

Figures from the National Poultry Association of Panama (Anavip) indicate an increase not only in poultry production but also in consumption.

According to the National Poultry Activity Performance Index 2016, “… per capita chicken meat consumption stood at 90 lbs (41 kg), increasing by 3 lbs per person between 2015 and last year.”

Laestrella.com.pa reports that “…In the analyzed period, the breeding bird population reached 1,711,151 units, the fattening population 18,928,592 units and the egg layers 3,182,856 units, according to figures from the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), disseminated by Anavip.



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Consumption of Chicken Meat Up in Central America

Annual per capita consumption of chicken meat in Central American countries increased from 19.8 kilos in 2008 to 25.9 kilos in 2016, and growth was driven mainly by Panama.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The upward trend in regional chicken meat consumption has been steady in recent years, growing from 814,000 tons in 2008 to 1.2 million tons in 2016. 

Last year, 85% of the volume of chicken meat consumed in the Central American countries corresponded to local production, while about 15% was imported from the United States. 

Between 2008 and 2016 annual per capita consumption of chicken meat in countries in the region increased from 19.8 kilos to 25.9 kilos, and growth was driven mainly by Panama.

In 2016 Panama had the highest annual per capita consumption, with 43.8 kilos, followed by Costa Rica with 35.8 kilos, Guatemala with 24.4 kilos, Honduras with 22.9 kilos, Nicaragua with 22.5 kilos and El Salvador with 18.3 kilos.

Last year, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama accounted for approximately 61% of regional chicken meat production, while the remaining 39% was produced in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador.



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Panama: Poultry Industry Could Grow 5% in 2017

The Panamanian Aviculturists Association expects to close the year with a 5% growth, with around 4 million chicken units more than those produced in 2016.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Carlos Castroverde, president of the National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama (Anavip), based his estimate on the general stability shown by the price of chicken in the local market. "... 'the price has remained stable in recent years compared to other products such as meat, a factor which is important in consumers decision to buy'."

See : "Chicken meat consumption grows in Central America"

Elcapitalfinanciero.com reports that " ...Francisco Ameglio, manager of Hacienda Trofarello, a company located in the village of Las Yayas, in La Chorrera, dedicated to fattening chicken, agrees with Castroverde's argument when he thinks that this product is the most economical type of protein on Panamanian tables. This consumption behavior has allowed production on his farm to double, since he previously delivered 3.5 million pounds of chicken per year to the market, and currently provides almost 7 million pounds per year."

Figures from the "Market Snapshot of Chicken Meat" report by CentralAmericaData show that at the regional level, in 2016 Panama was the country that registered the highest per capita annual consumption, with 43.8 kilos, followed by Costa Rica with 35.8 kilos, Guatemala with 24.4 kilos, Honduras with 22.9 kilos, Nicaragua with 22.5 kilos and El Salvador with 18.3 kilos.



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  • 6 months later...
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Poultry Market Figures in Panama

In 2017 the contribution of the poultry sector to the Panamanian economy amounted to $373 million, which represents an increase of 26% compared to the figure registered in 2016.

Friday, May 25, 2018

According to data from the National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama (Anavip), in relation to 2016, last year egg production grew by 8% and chicken meat by 4%, and the activity was concentrated mainly in the provinces of Western Panama, Veraguas, Coclé, Colón, Los Santos and Chiriqui.  

See "Figures on the chicken meat market in Central America"

Regarding the competition facing local production, Luis Carlos Castroverde, president of Anavip told Prensa.com that " ...'The country is still importing, although in smaller quantities, frozen chicken that is sold as fresh in the local market, an unfair practice that threatens the industry and consumer health.' "

The article adds that according to Anavip statistics " ... Panama is the third country in Latin America with the highest consumption of chicken meat.  In 2017, per capita consumption stood at 92 pounds (41.7 kilograms), two more than those reported in 2016.

According to figures from the Market Snapshot of Chicken in Central America, prepared by CentralAmericaData, in 2016 Panama was the country in the region that recorded the highest per capita annual consumption, with 43.8 kilos.

See Anavip indicators.



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Poultry Market Figures in Central America

During the last year, 70% of imports of poultry for fattening, poultry for breeding and processed meat were made by companies in Guatemala, Panama and Nicaragua.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

From the "Poultry Market in Central America" report, developed by the Trade Intelligence Department of CentralAmericaData:

In 2017, 20% of regional imports of poultry for fattening, breeding and processed meat were in six companies. In the case of Costa Rica, three companies represented 40% of the country's purchases last year.

Regarding purchases by country during 2017, in Panama four companies imported 47% of the total and in Guatemala seven companies represented 20% of the imports of the poultry products concerned.

Regarding the main suppliers of the regional market, the report explains that seven companies represented 21% of total imports made by Central America last year.

The report details that, among the main markets of origin of imports from Central America, the U.S., Chile, Canada and Germany are the most important.



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Improved Poultry Production in Panama

The poultry farmers' union reports that in 2018 the gross value produced by the poultry sector, which includes chicken meat and eggs, totaled $390 million, 2% more than in the previous year.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Figures from the National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama (Anavip) detail that last year the production of chicken meat was 110 million birds, while egg production totaled 704 million units.

You may be interested in "Poultry Market in Central America

Regarding the good numbers in the industry, Luis Carlos Castroverde, president of Anavip, told Prensa.com that "... Despite the good times they are experiencing, the authorities are being asked to provide better supervision of imported poultry products."

Castroverde added that "... In the country continues the unfair practice of some importers who buy frozen chicken in the United States and sell it in the local market as fresh. With this dynamic, in addition to deceiving the consumer, the health of the buyers and the health of the country is put at risk."

Another relevant data provided by poultry farmers was that in 2018 the consumption of meat per capita totaled 93 pounds, and in the case of eggs, was 169 per person.



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Disminuye consumo de pollo

El cierre de restaurantes y hoteles por la pandemia ha impactado directamente la producción avícola. En 2020, la Anavip registró 94.8 millones de sacrificios de pollos, es decir, 15 millones de unidades menos que en 2019.
 Wilfredo Jordán S. 
10 ene 2021 - 12:01 AM
El consumo per cápita de pollo en Panamá se calcula en 170 unidades, uno de los más altos de la región. Archivo

La industria avícola no ha dejado de producir proteína cárnica para abastecer la demanda nacional durante lo que va de la pandemia. La Asociación Nacional de Avicultores de Panamá (Anavip) aseguró que el sector continúa como uno de los más dinámicos de la economía. Sin embargo, sí ha tenido un impacto en la producción de aves, porque hubo una reducción en el consumo por el cierre de hoteles y restaurantes.


En 2020 se sacrificaron 94.8 millones de pollos, aproximadamente 15 millones menos que en 2019, cuando se reportaron 110 millones de sacrificios, informó Luis Carlos Castroverde, presidente de la Anavip.

Se trata de un promedio de entre 7 y 8 millones de pollos que se consumieron por mes el año pasado. Antes de la pandemia, el sacrificio de pollos para el consumo nacional era de entre 8 y 9 millones de unidades por mes. Es decir, ha habido una disminución en el consumo de más de un millón de pollos por mes.

En promedio, la actividad avícola tiene una población de 20 millones de pollos de engorde, 3.4 millones de gallinas ponedoras y 1.8 millones de gallinas productoras. De estos tres segmentos, el de mayor movimiento es el de pollos de engorde, ya que su ciclo de vida, desde que nace hasta que se consume, es de aproximadamente 40 días.

Debido a la paralización de la economía por la pandemia, el consumo en 2020 regresó a los niveles de hace cinco años. Los meses de más bajo sacrificio fueron mayo y junio, en los cuales la economía se mantuvo cerrada para controlar el contagio del coronavirus, según cifras de Anavip.

“Afortunadamente, no hemos tenido ninguna interrupción en la producción en las granjas y las plantas, y la comercialización se ha mantenido en operación, guardando las medidas establecidas por la cuarentena”, dijo Castroverde.


FAO prevé caída en producción de carne

La producción mundial de carne en 2020 descenderá a 333 millones de toneladas (en equivalente de peso en canal), es decir, un 1.7% menos que en 2019, según la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación (FAO).

La contracción se atribuye a la disminución de la producción de carne de cerdo, en los países asiáticos por la enfermedad viral de la peste porcina africana (PPA), pero también de carne de bovino en Estados Unidos y Australia. En cambio, se prevé un aumento de la producción mundial de carne de aves de corral.

La industria avícola genera aproximadamente 10 mil empleos directos, pero hay una serie de actividades que giran a su alrededor que producen otros miles de empleos.

“No ha habido mayor afectación en los empleos, y se han mantenido, porque las empresas han seguido funcionando, a pesar de que sí hemos tenido esa baja significativa en restaurantes, hoteles y franquicias, que es un segmento de bastante peso en el portafolio de ventas”, agregó el empresario.

En cuanto al precio del pollo a los consumidores, durante los últimos cinco años ha habido una disminución. El más económico es el pollo picado, que se consigue en el comercio a aproximadamente un $1 la libra, según el registro de la Autoridad de Protección al Consumidor y Defensa de la Competencia (Acodeco).

Comparada con el precio de la proteína de bovino o cerdo, la de pollo es más accesible. Desde 2017 hasta 2019, creció el consumo de carne de pollo y cerdo, pero la de res disminuyó. En 2020, con la Covid, siguió creciendo la demanda de carne de pollo, la de cerdo se estancó y se mantiene la caída en la carne bovina, dice Aquiles Acevedo, presidente de la Unión Nacional de Productores Agropecuarios de Panamá (Unpap).

La carne de res dura 30 meses en producción para poder consumirla, contra la de pollo, que el ciclo de producción es de 40 días. “Son más de mil días que hay que esperar para consumir la carne de res, uno de los factores que influye en su costo de producción”, afirma Acevedo.

Añade que para la alimentación humana es necesario consumir ambas proteínas, pues una tiene nutrientes que no tiene la otra. “En lo que sí hay que estar claro es que en Panamá ha bajado el precio al productor de res, pero no al consumidor”, reconoce Acevedo. Al productor se le ha rebajado 27% en la carne de vaca y 24% en la del macho. “Eso no se está reflejando al consumidor, solo al productor. ¿Dónde está quedando esa plata?”, cuestiona Acevedo.

Hace dos años, la carne de res en pie se pagaba aproximadamente a $1 la libra al productor; ahora, el ganadero recibe 80 centavos, dijo.


Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article.


Decrease chicken consumption

The closure of restaurants and hotels due to the pandemic has directly impacted poultry production. In 2020, Anavip registered 94.8 million chicken slaughters, that is, 15 million units less than in 2019.

Wilfredo Jordán S.
Jan 10, 2021 - 12:01 AM
Per capita chicken consumption in Panama is estimated at 170 units, one of the highest in the region. Archive

The poultry industry has not stopped producing meat protein to supply national demand during the pandemic so far. The National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama (Anavip) assured that the sector continues as one of the most dynamic in the economy. However, it has had an impact on poultry production, because there was a reduction in consumption due to the closure of hotels and restaurants.

In 2020, 94.8 million chickens were slaughtered, approximately 15 million less than in 2019, when 110 million slaughters were reported, reported Luis Carlos Castroverde, president of Anavip.

This is an average of 7 to 8 million chickens consumed per month last year. Before the pandemic, the slaughter of chickens for national consumption was between 8 and 9 million units per month. That is, there has been a decrease in the consumption of more than a million chickens per month.

On average, the poultry business has a population of 20 million broilers, 3.4 million laying hens and 1.8 million producer hens. Of these three segments, the one with the greatest movement is that of broilers, since their life cycle, from hatch to consumption, is approximately 40 days.

Due to the paralysis of the economy due to the pandemic, consumption in 2020 returned to the levels of five years ago. The months with the lowest sacrifice were May and June, in which the economy was closed to control the contagion of the coronavirus, according to Anavip figures.

"Fortunately, we have not had any interruption in production at the farms and plants, and the commercialization has remained in operation, keeping the measures established by the quarantine," said Castroverde.


FAO foresees drop in meat production

World meat production in 2020 will fall to 333 million tons (in carcass weight equivalent), that is, 1.7% less than in 2019, according to the United Nations Food Organization (FAO).

The contraction is attributed to the decrease in the production of pork, in Asian countries due to the viral disease of African swine fever (ASF), but also of beef in the United States and Australia. By contrast, global poultry meat production is expected to increase.

The poultry industry generates approximately 10 thousand direct jobs, but there are a series of activities that revolve around it that produce thousands of other jobs.

“There has been no major impact on jobs, and they have been maintained, because the companies have continued to operate, despite the fact that we have had that significant drop in restaurants, hotels and franchises, which is a segment of considerable weight in the portfolio of sales ”, added the businessman.

Regarding the price of chicken to consumers, during the last five years there has been a decrease. The cheapest is minced chicken, which is commercially available for approximately $ 1 a pound, according to the registry of the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco).

Compared to the price of beef or pork protein, chicken protein is more accessible. From 2017 to 2019, the consumption of chicken and pork meat grew, but that of beef decreased. In 2020, with the Covid, the demand for chicken meat continued to grow, that of pork stagnated and the fall in beef continues, says Aquiles Acevedo, president of the National Union of Agricultural Producers of Panama (Unpap).

Beef lasts 30 months in production to be able to consume it, against chicken, the production cycle is 40 days. "There are more than a thousand days to wait to consume beef, one of the factors that influences its cost of production," says Acevedo.
He adds that for human consumption it is necessary to consume both proteins, since one has nutrients that the other does not. "What we do have to be clear about is that in Panama the price of beef producers has dropped, but not the consumer," Acevedo acknowledges. The producer has been reduced 27% in beef and 24% in the male. “That is not being reflected to the consumer, only to the producer. Where is that money remaining? ”Acevedo asks.

Two years ago, live beef was paid for roughly $ 1 a pound to the producer; now the rancher gets 80 cents, he said.



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