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I have not a clue how you can give someone a reputation...like Wryawary.  His reputation speaks for itself, and eloquently I might add. Anyway I suppose I will figure it out in time.


PS.  I just added that comment to up the ante on my posts so as that some day I will become a legit  "member" and not just a mere newbie. ( kiddin).  Oh look ( I'm editing my post )  I graduated to a "novice" !...wow, I'm stoked

Edited by Brundageba
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I have not a clue how you can give someone a reputation...like Wryawary.  His reputation speaks for itself, and eloquently I might add. Anyway I suppose I will figure it out in time.


PS.  I just added that comment to up the ante on my posts so as that some day I will become a legit  "member" and not just a mere newbie. ( kiddin).  Oh look ( I'm editing my post )  I graduated to a "novice" !...wow, I'm stoked

Access to the "reputation" buttons is in the bottom right of each posting. Take note of the up pointing green arrow and the down pointing red arrow. Reputations (as currently configured) can go in both directions.


Just curios.... what is the purpose of limited ''likes'' ...?


The daily limit of 5 reputations is based on prior experience where "flamers" started abusing such a capability. There is no inference in that prior sentence that anyone on this website has (so far, at least) abused the reputation functionality.

If any of you feel extremely disadvantaged by being limited to five reputations per day, please respond to this post and I will reconsider.

Thanks for your continued support. It truly is appreciated.

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I have not a clue how you can give someone a reputation...like Wryawary.  His reputation speaks for itself, and eloquently I might add. Anyway I suppose I will figure it out in time.


PS.  I just added that comment to up the ante on my posts so as that some day I will become a legit  "member" and not just a mere newbie. ( kiddin).  Oh look ( I'm editing my post )  I graduated to a "novice" !...wow, I'm stoked

What if you're the victim of a 'bum rep'?  My post disappeared.

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What if you're the victim of a 'bum rep'?  My post disappeared.

Should readers presume that you are referring to some other website removing your content?

For the record, Chiriqui.Life has removed no posts.


PS.  I just added that comment to up the ante on my posts so as that some day I will become a legit  "member" and not just a mere newbie. ( kiddin).  Oh look ( I'm editing my post )  I graduated to a "novice" !...wow, I'm stoked

For Alison: you are a "legit" member of Chiriqui.Life. Happy that you are stoked.

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No problem, it was a response to a statement by Alison and had a red flag. Perhaps she removed the statement and the response went with it.

Keith, regular members cannot edit or delete content that has been posted after a five (5) minute grace period expires. In other words, from the time a posting is submitted, the originator has five minutes to rethink what they have posted, and either edit the content or delete it entirely. After the five minute grace period has expired, no regular member can do anything with their posting other than be responsible for what they have posted. Administrators and moderators, on the other hand, have a full tool chest of editing, deletion, hiding, moderating, locking, etc., tools available to them.

I repeat from my earlier post: "For the record, Chiriqui.Life has removed no posts" (as of this message). Not exactly sure what happened in your case, but know for a fact that regular members cannot edit or delete anything after the five minute grace period has expired.

As long as the website's Guidelines and Terms & Rules are complied with, then the content will remain untouched and it will not be deleted. At the risk of being repetitive, CL has not deleted anything.

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Based on advice from trusted advisers about reputation ticks, the limit on the number of reputation ticks that can be used per day has now been raised to 15 'likes', and 15 'unlikes'. Effective immediately. The number of 'likes' and 'unlikes' have been split apart, so you really get a net total of 30 reputation ticks per day.

Previously this limit was a net total of five reputation ticks per day. Now it is 15 positives and 15 negatives.

Hopefully most people won't need 15 'unlikes' in a day, or even close to that.

Appreciate your feedback in helping Chiriqui.Life be user friendly and supporting your needs. Keep it coming. And have a great day!

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