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A coupling on an intake pipe in the Rio David which feeds various David neighbourhoods flew apart and an under-equipped (highly skilled?) crew from IDAAN has been working on getting it back together all day.

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They finally got some real help.

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Meantime tank trucks with potable water were circulating all day in the affected neighbourhoods.

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Edited by Keith Woolford
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That chain in relationship to the men working on repairs is scary! I've witnessed many instances where Panamans work in a dangerous situation using little or no safety equipment. I admire them but worry at the same time.

Thanks, Keith for these photos.  Your contributions to CL are always appreciated. Where else could we find this timely information!

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Where in David? We have water in El Terranol.

I guess I didn't realize we didn't have water here. We only have a 200 gal reserve tank but with my shower, dishes, toilets being flushed, the gardener cleaning the weed-eater was the last of the water at 3 pm. He didn't get his shower today. :( But we keep big 1 and 2 gallon jugs of water for necessities and we have 5 gallon water we purchase for the hot/cold machine for drinking and cooking. So doing okay here.  

Looks like once again Keith came through with all the good information.  Thanks Keith.

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SINAPROC says 70% of the affected areas should have service by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.  @Sinaproc_Panama: Se espera  reestablecer el suministro de agua a las 7:00 am en un 70% de los corregimientos de Las Lomas, David y San Carlos

Bottled water to be distributed by local governments on the President's tab.  @Sinaproc_Panama: La entrega de agua embotellada sera dada para distribuir con los gobiernos locales @JC_Varela emitio la orden de brindar todo el apoyo.#FTC

Nine trucks tanking around fresh water.  @Sinaproc_Panama: Tenemos 9 cisternas trabajando que han distribuido 57,088 litros de agua tomando en cuenta hospitales,comunidades de escasos recursos #FTC

The Ministry of Education announced that classes are suspended tomorrow in those districts.   @chiriquinotici1: Oficialmente no hay clases mañana en colegios privados y publicos en David Las Lomas y Pedregal. https://t.co/O9OtiISuAz

Apparently, today's repairs were unexpected. To the best of my knowledge, the cause for the original shutdown was to perform work at the big plant in Los Algarrobos.

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Water has returned to our area of Terronal.

I believe it is here in our area of Terronal as well. We don't have much pressure till the storage tank fills, but it's doing that now. Whew! We aren't used to it here. Maybe once a year or so.

Edited by JoJo
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Water Restore to my condo sometime during the night. I would like to thank the workers skilled or unskilled and the politicians I talked to on the phone for showing up and correcting the problem. I take issue with desparaging remarks about the workers and the politicians that showed up and worked and sweated while I was under my A/C and in Boquete. So, I have practiced using the ignore button. These insults have followed us to this website sadly.

Thanks Bud for incorporating this feature.

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