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Ministry of Health versus the H1N1 Influenza Virus

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Flu death toll climbs to 27, with 1,177 sick

Posted on June 20, 2016 in Alerts, Panama

Post Views: 19

FOUR MORE deaths attributed  by health authorities  to the H1N1 influenza virus, bringing the number of fatalities in Panama to 27.

The news follows confirmation from officials that 175,355 people were vaccinated over the weekend  as health  clinics remained open across the country and 500 staff were on hand to administer shots to anxious people, some of whom had lined up through Saturdat night

According to the officials, the total number of cases of acute respiratory infections has  increased to 1,177. Some  355 people remained hospitalized on Monday June 20.

People considered to be vulnerable, including children under five and adults over 60, pregnant women and patients with chronic diseases are given priority in receiving vaccines.

The government has announced  plans to purchase 1 million additional doses.


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This is the link to the Press section of the Ministry of Health website, where the latest communications are published concerning the H1N1 Flu and other Health issues in the country..


I read somewhere else that the Ministry had declared an Epidemic in Chiriqui and that's just not the case.


Edited by Keith Woolford
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The latest communication from the Ministry of the Health is that 680,000 doses of vaccine were received yesterday and have been distributed to Health Centers across Panama.

Where there are shortages, priority is being given to people in high-risk groups ie: under 5 and over 60 years of age.


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29 H1N1 flu deaths confirmed

Posted on June 23, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 63

HEALTH OFFICIALS   confirmed on Wednesday, June 22 that the death toll related  A-H1N1 flu virus has risen to 29.

To date 1,422  have been hospitalized, of which 406 patients remain under care.

Since April 22, 205,000 doses of influenza vaccine have been given to citizens in the country.

“There is a large percentage of the population which has been vaccinated” saidGeneral Health Director Itza Barahona de Mosca

The official called for the population not  yet vaccinated to be patient and reiterated that a million additional doses have been purchased.


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Flu deaths reach 31

Posted on June 24, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 36

THE (H1N1) INFLUENZA  virus has claimed another two lives bringing the total of fatalities to 31, while fueling a massive vaccination program . The cause of an additional case has yet to be confirmed by Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (ICGES)

Dr. Nestor Sosa) speaking at a press conference said that “since April 21,   1,371341 doses of influenza vaccines have been administered.

From June 1  1,546  patients have been hospitalized with  Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Of this figure, 1,158 patients were discharged and 388 remain under medical care in various public and private hospitals .

The Ministry of Education (Meduca) began implementing the vaccine program for preschool children attending state schools on Thursday June 23.

Some schools have abandoned classes, with teachers saying that students have not been vaccinated.

“The Social Security (CSS) and the Ministry of Health will continue to provide vaccination daily, Monday through Friday, through quotas and give priority to the vulnerable population,” said Sosa who mentioned the acquisition of one million extra doses of vaccines.

The vulnerable groups are considered as children under five years of age, adults over 60, health workers and people with chronic illnesses.

Health authorities who describe the outbreak as an “alert” and not an epidemic, recommend avoiding crowds, frequent hand washing, avoiding kissing and hand shaking. In case of flu symptoms visit the nearest health center or hospital.


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  • Administrators

Admin_01 note: This topic now is the merged result (composite) of two separate but related topics regarding the H1N1 flu issue in Panama. The first three postings in this topic were the ones merged into the larger topic.

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A (H1N1) Flu death toll reaches 39

Posted on July 1, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 36

THE DEATH toll in Panama’s A (H1N1) influenza outbreak has risen to 39 reports the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The Ministry released the information on Thursday July 1.

It also reported that  6.728 million doses of vaccine against influenza have been administered.


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H1N1 flu deaths reach 42

Posted on July 5, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 59

THE H1N1 INFLUENZA virus has claimed 42 lives across the age spectrum as three more patient died over the weekend.

Two of the news deaths were reported in Arraijan, while the other was of an infant in the Comarca Ngäbe Buglé. The child died at the José Domingo De Obaldía Hospital in Chiriquí.

Health official Néstor Sosa said that a total of 2,187 people have had to be hospitalized due to respiratory infections caused by the influenza epidemic.

Of these, 366 remain in hospital.

Monday, the government received another shipment of 200,000

vaccines. The  Ministry of Health  reports that 1,647,597  vaccinations have been administered.


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Flu deaths reach 50, but cases shrinking

Posted on July 8, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 32

THE DEATH toll from the Panama A (H1N1) flu epidemic reached 50 on Friday July 8, but the Ministry of Health says the number of  cases appears to be decreasing.

The epidemic has so far resulted in 2,266 people being admitted to hospitals, 2,000 of whom have since been released.

Health official Néstor Sosa said that despite the increase in the number of deaths, overall the number of cases appears to be decreasing, and officials think the epidemic is coming to an end.

However, he stressed that people should continue taking measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

The ministry has vaccinated some 1.7 million people.


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This is interesting.

Flu shot effectiveness for 2015-16 disappointing, data shows

Flu shot protects better than last year, but not good enough, experts say

By Kelly Crowe, CBC News Posted: Jul 10, 2016 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 10, 2016 9:16 AM ET

It's the time of year when experts crunch the numbers to see how well the flu shot worked. The result? Better than last year, but still not good enough.

"Overall, just shy of 45 to 50 per cent," said Dr. Danuta Skowronski of the BC Centre for Disease Control, who presented the data to the Global Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness meeting at the World Health Organization last week. 

"That's lower than we would like to see, but it's an improvement over the previous year, because it couldn't be worse, frankly"

In 2014-15, the flu shot offered essentially zero protection against the circulating influenza virus of that season. Back then, the prevailing strain was H3N2. 

'It's an improvement over the previous year, because it couldn't be worse, frankly.'  - Dr. Danuta Skowronski, BC Centre for Disease Control

This year's main circulating virus was H1N1, which flu watchers will remember from the pandemic of 2009-10.

Skowronski said the vaccine was well-matched, but overall, the protection was disappointing.

"We would like to see it higher than 50 per cent," she said. "Previously we have measured H1N1 protection closer to 60 or 70 per cent, so we would like to know why now it's lower."

Made-in-Canada protocol reveals vaccine weakness

Experts used to believe the annual flu shot protection was much higher, around 70 to 90 per cent. But not anymore. Those early estimates were based on industry-funded clinical trials that were extrapolated to apply across all ages and flu seasons.

"It was a blanket assumption that is simply not true," Skowronski said. 

That assumption changed dramatically, after Skowronski and colleagues developed a protocol that revealed the true picture of vaccine efficacy. It's called the test negative design (TND) first piloted in Canada in 2004.

"The test negative design has opened our eyes to all kinds of variables that we were blind to for years. We were flying blind," said Skowronski. 

The TND system tracks people who show up with flu-like symptoms at several hundred doctors' offices across Canada. Doctors take a sample from every patient for lab testing. They also record whether the person got the flu shot. That simple protocol reveals how often the flu shot fails. 


In April, The Lancet published a meta-analysis of test negative design studies, now used globally, and cited Canada as the pioneering group.  

"It is no exaggeration to say that the TND has transformed our understanding of the variability in influenza vaccine protection — by season, by subtype, by age group, by vaccine product," said Skowronski.

'There's no use promoting a vaccine that isn't working well.' - Dr. Danuta Skowronski, BC Centre for Disease Control

The good news is the data is more reliable. But the bad news is that experts now realize the flu vaccine protects only about half of the time.

"Our public health goal is to minimize the serious health problems association with the flu," said Skowronski. "There's no use promoting a vaccine that isn't working well. The only way you can do better is to recognize the problem in the first place."

This year's data also shows that only about a third of Canadians got the flu shot, about five per cent less than last year.

"That's not a surprise coming out of a year where effectiveness was so low. That had to have an impact," said Skowronski. 

Flu shot paradox 

Scientists also once again observed the paradox that previous vaccination against the flu seemed to lower protection.

The so-called "Canadian problem" was first identified by Skowronski's team during the H1N1 pandemic.

So far, scientists have not been able to explain why people who get the shot with no prior vaccine exposure seem to have better protection than people who get the shot year after year. 

This year's Canadian data also reveals a trend, observed in the U.S., that the flu mist vaccine is not working.

The mist, made with a live, but weakened virus, was originally believed to be more effective in children and less upsetting than getting a needle.

But last month a U.S. expert panel advised doctors to stop using it, after it performed poorly for three years in a row. 

As for a recommendation about whether people should still get the flu shot if it's only working half the time, Dr. Skowronski said it is strongly recommended for elderly people and for those who are immunocompromised. 

"For people at high risk of serious complications of influenza, like hospitalization or death, the stakes can be especially high. For them, a 50 per cent reduction in risk compared to if they had not been vaccinated is a very important." she said.
"They are strongly recommended to receive the vaccine."

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Flu cases falling as death toll reaches 52.

Posted on July 12, 2016 in Panama

Over 1.7 million vaccinations
Post Views: 30

THE A (H1N1) influenza death toll has risen to 52 and  297 people are still hospitalized, many of them in Intensive Care Units (ICU).

The figures were released Tuesday, July 12, by the Health Commission for Coordination and Communication.

According to the report, over 80% of deaths were  registered in people with risk factors and other associated complications.

Many of them died after a prolonged period of hospitalization in ICU

The total cumulative cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) cases requiring hospitalization is 2,476, of which 2,179 patients have already been discharged.

At the close of the epidemiological week 26, for the second consecutive week, the commission announced that a decrease in flu cases and SARI was recorded.

“This decrease takes us further away from the epidemic area, we left the warning area and we are in the security zone. If this trend continues we will have shortened the duration of flu season this year for at least four weeks “said the document.

The report says  that since April 22 to date 1,736,526 doses of influenza vaccine. have been administered,

The facilities of the Social Security Fund and the Ministry of Health will continue to provide vaccination, Monday through Friday, through quotas, giving priority to the vulnerable population, those over 65, children under five and those with chronic complaints.


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  • 2 weeks later...

H1N1 death toll climbs to 60

Posted on July 22, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 48

THE DEATH TOLL from the A(H1N1) influenza virus in Panama, thought to have been on the wane, has risen to 60 said the  Ministry of Health (MoH) on Friday July 22.

The deaths occurred in public and private hospital facilities.

The MoH reiterated that more than 90% of deaths have occurred in people with risk factors and other associated complications,  many of them died after a prolonged period of hospitalization in intensive care units

The total cumulative cases of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) that have required hospitalization is 3, 061 patients, of whom 2, 783 were already discharged.

Meanwhile, 278 patients remain hospitalized.

The MoH said that that since April 22, over three  million doses of influenza vaccine have been administered  in all health regions. On Thursday 360,000 doses were distributed  to all health regions.

The Ministry  called on all people who have not yet been vaccinated to attend ahealth center or nearest polyclinic, because with the rainy season and temperature changes there is increased susceptibility to the disease and complications.


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Vaccination slashes flu season to 5 weeks

Posted on July 28, 2016 in Health, Panama

Over 1.7 million vaccinations
Post Views: 26

PANAMA’S Flu season which normally lasts 12 weeks was cut down, to only five weeks this year, largely due to a massive vaccination program of over two thirds of the population.

However, people should not let their guard down said Gorgas Memorial Institute Director Nestor Sosa

There were 61 deaths blamed on the flu. And the epidemic left a large number hospitalized, but most of them have been released.

The specialist said that the vaccine applied in the country protects people against three viruses: A (H1N1) influenza B and H3N2.

Influenza B and H3N2 are two viruses that still not have entered the country this year, but it could be an issue in the future.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Prologue: The topic of H1N1 flu is coming up again. Rather than tacking more replies on the earlier topic (see http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/2477-ministry-of-health-issues-h1n1-health-alert-on-june-1st/) that discussed the flu epidemic in Panama from earlier this year, I am opting to start a new topic.



Killer flu virus to increase in September

Posted on August 21, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 93

THE HIN1 FLU which killed 64 people earlier in the year will be back in Panama  between September and October, according to the  Ministry of Health (MoH).

The Director of Health, Itza Barahona de Mosca, the arrival of new cases  will  be because of increased rainfall and mosquio activity and because influenza viruses, includingH1N1 circulate all year.

Barahona de Mosca, , asked the public to remain vigilant and those who have not yet been vaccinated should report to a health center of the Ministry) or Social Security Fund (CSS) Deputy Health Minister, Eric Ulloa, on August 11, asked the Budget Committee of the National Assembly  for  approval of $5.6 million.Of this amount, according to Ulloa $1 million to be used to provide supplies and equipment to health regions to treat people hospitalized with influenza AH1N1.


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  • 11 months later...
  • Moderators

Moderator comment: They're back....



Three deaths from H1N1 virus


THE AH1N1   virus claimed three lives in Panama in July in spite of a $10 million dollar investment in vaccines and a massive promotional campaign by the Ministry of Health (Minsa). None of the victims had been vaccinated

Itzel de Hewitt,  head of the Ministry’s Integral Care Program made the announcement on Friday, August 11.

Those who o died were a nine-month-old baby, from Bocas del Toro, and two adults over 58 years one from  Tortí, in the district of Chepo, and one from  Panama.City.

These are the first three deaths from  AH1N1 in 2017, said de Hewitt and said the deaths should not have occurred because Panama this year has the tetravalent vaccine that covers two types of influenza A and two of the B.

The infant died due to influenza type B, a strain covered by the current vaccine, he explained. “With an investment of $ 10 million, at this point, there should not have been any deaths,” Hewitt said.

According to Minsa data, 63 cases of influenza have been reported and more than 1.3 million doses of vaccine have been administered against the virus, which, in 2016, killed 64 people, and a national health alert was declared.

To prevent more cases health authorities are asking those who have not been vaccinated to do so now, especially the priority groups, children under 5, pregnant women, adults over 60 and patients with chronic  illnesses.



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  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Ministry of Health versus the H1N1 Influenza Virus

Seems like there is no reason for seniors in our expat community to get the shot if it is not working half the time.  I have never had a flu shot simply because the shots contain last years flu virus' and  it is my understanding that many of these virus' mutate and adapt making the shot obsolete.

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4 minutes ago, MarieElaine said:

Seems like there is no reason for seniors in our expat community to get the shot if it is not working half the time.  I have never had a flu shot simply because the shots contain last years flu virus' and  it is my understanding that many of these virus' mutate and adapt making the shot obsolete.

What makes you say it's not working half the time?  "These are the first three deaths from  AH1N1 in 2017, said de Hewitt and said the deaths should not have occurred because Panama this year has the tetravalent vaccine that covers two types of influenza A and two of the B." The point is that those who died hadn't been vaccinated. As to the composition of the vaccine, do you know something that the World Health Organization doesn't? http://www.who.int/influenza/vaccines/virus/recommendations/2017_18_north/en/

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Obviously I am not a medical professional but the Canadian studies are downgrading success rates of flu vaccines in general and this is upsetting to me.  I assumed this meant the H1N1 as well.  If this new vaccine is for type A & B is an improvement,  I suppose time will tell.  Doe's anyone know if these flu virus' mutate and adapt like other virus'?

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11 minutes ago, MarieElaine said:

Obviously I am not a medical professional but the Canadian studies are downgrading success rates of flu vaccines in general and this is upsetting to me.  I assumed this meant the H1N1 as well.  If this new vaccine is for type A & B is an improvement,  I suppose time will tell.  Doe's anyone know if these flu virus' mutate and adapt like other virus'?

Of course the flu virus, like all viruses, has the capability to mutate. That's why the WHO makes specific recommendations for specific flu seasons. Neither am I a medical professional, but I trust the WHO to know more about this than I do. I also know that the flu can be deadly for the elderly and the infirm, so I think it's irresponsible to suggest on a public forum that there is no need to get the vaccination.

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9 minutes ago, MarieElaine said:

Only my opinion of the situation which I believe works for me.  Everyone needs to evaluate their own situation.  Where does one go in Boquete to get the vaccine, do you know Bonnie?

I respect anyone's right to their own opinion, but I dislike the dissemination of misinformation that can impact the health of others.

Both the flu vaccine and the pneumonia vaccine are available free of charge at the public health clinic (Centro de Salud) across from the bomberos.

Edited by Bonnie
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Flu vaccines are an attempt to manipulate one's auto-immune system. This is dangerous territory, since there is no way to know all of the potential side-effects, including possibly very debilitating ones. Different humans have different responses, and one's responses also change over time. The US Center for Disease Control has published information stating that flu vaccines can be ineffective and/or counterproductive.

It is also recognized that the political lobby known as "Big Pharma" is one of the more powerful such lobbies active in influencing all of the relevant organizations. There is a lot of energy in the promotion of the benefits of vaccines, not so much in informing about their risks. It is therefore reasonable to think that there may be more misinformation on the "pro" side than on the "con" side.

In my view, it is not at all irresponsible to question publicly that flu vaccines are a universal, risk-free boon. Some thoughtful folks avoid them for what may be very sound reasons.

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3 hours ago, Bonnie said:


Of course the flu virus, like all viruses, has the capability to mutate. That's why the WHO makes specific recommendations for specific flu seasons. Neither am I a medical professional, but I trust the WHO to know more about this than I do. I also know that the flu can be deadly for the elderly and the infirm, so I think it's irresponsible to suggest on a public forum that there is no need to get the vaccination.

I have received flu vaccines and had no ill effect.  I have also had the flu in years when I didn't get the vaccine , a disease I never want to get again.  It's terrible.  So far the scientific studies (you all know what those are, the ones with provable evidence) have debunked all the misinformation and alarms from the anti-vaxxers, who are even telling people not to vaccinate their dogs and cats.  I wonder how they will feel when they watch their pets die of distemper.

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