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Health Care Resources for the Chiriqui Province

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Version 1.96, August 10, 2021

The information contained in this listing of healthcare resources was originally compiled by Mary Lynah many years ago. Beginning August 2017, this resource listing is now maintained by the moderators. Some of the information in this listing is several years old and has not yet been verified by the new Healthcare Resources custodians. If you discover incorrect, outdated, or missing information, please notify us, and we will research, validate, and then post the correct information on this listing for everyone's benefit. We may be contacted by PM (private message) here on CL using the moderator_03 display name, or by regular email to support@chiriqui.life. It is strongly preferred that communications about this listing not be conducted by postings in this forum or in this particular topic.

Please note that not all of the resources listed below are physically located within the Chiriqui Province. Sometimes there are healthcare situations that may require specialized care that is not available in Chiriqui. This listing focuses on the healthcare resources that someone residing in the Chiriqui Province may need, even though it requires travel to Panama City.

There is an emergency assistance service in Chiriqui Province:

There is a medical group in Boquete which will tend to emergencies that can be solved or stabilized here in Boquete, on/off hours, on weekends, holidays, and weekdays at night. The service activates by calling BOQUETE MEDICAL AND ASSOCIATES (BMA) at 6619-7911 (after hours). Patients will be seen at Clinica Alfa by a local physician.

BMA and Keep it Simple Panama have teamed up to offer discounted medical care in Boquete and referrals when appropriate, and a health care advocate service to recommend, find and obtain the best price for health care services (including hospitals) in David. Annual membership fee.  Contact Keep it Simple Panama 6705-9845 or visit Alfa Clinica for program details.


  • Policlinica, This is the Social Security clinic for Boquete. Located across the street from Fire Department. For Panamanian employees, the clinic is open to expats for a fee. Its hours of operation are 7:00 am to 3:00 pm Mondays through Fridays. It has diagnostic equipment like x-rays, EKG and a limited pharmacy. Many Boquete doctors practice there in morning hours. It has an ambulance on the emergency system with the Fire Department and MINSA.
  • Clinica Especializada, 720-2080, 6676-7132 General practice. Across the street from Melo in Bajo Boquete. Previously informally known as "Dr Chen's Clinic", this clinic is run by Dr Josimar Gomez. He speaks excellent English. He is joined by Dr José Valenzuela and Dra Shannon Tuer. All are considered excellent doctors. Prices are slightly higher for appointments in the evenings and on weekends.
  • Clinica Valle Boquete, private clinic, no phone. General practice. Across from the street back of the fire station. 7 AM - 7 PM or maybe 9 PM. Several doctors there at various times, some of whom speak English. Dr Yanko Guillen, especially recommended, M-Tu mornings, Th-F aft and eves. Appts are $7.50, $6 jubilado.
  • Ministry of Health Clinic, Mon - Fri, 7 am - 7 pm, next to Romero.
  • Clinica Jhave Rafah,  is run by  Dra Liliana Boya, family medicine, clinic is in Alto Boquete behind Merca Max, approx 1km south of San Francisco Plaza. 6948-5933Speaks English.
  • Clinica Alfa, Alto Boquete 8:30 - 12 and 1 - 5:30pm Mon-Sat. 720-2434, 6949-5998.  www.boquetemedical.com
  • Clinica Doctores Anguizoles, located on the first floor of San Francisco Plaza, adjacent to the Canista Basica grocery store in Alto Boquete. 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Mondays - Saturdays.  Sunday hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. English spoken. 
  • Centro Medico Cooperativo, on the same road as the Boquete Library, near Ludwig's Car Repair.  M-F 10 am to 6 pm.  Saturday and Sunday 9 am - 5 pm.  6733-3446 General medical treatment.


  • Minsa Capsi, on the road from Boquete to David in Los Anastacios. 7 am to 7 pm daily (7 am - 3 pm on weekends). 776-1975. 

CLINICA SAN MIGUEL: Potrerillos Abajo

  • Dra Sindy M Ortiz T. Tel: 6759-5981


  • Hospital Chiriqui, David 774-0128  Doctors and specialties at http://www.hospitalchiriqui.com/directorio
  • Centro Medico Mae Lewis, David 775-4616, small hospital, 10 rooms.
  • Clinica Hospital Cattan, David 775-7099, small hospital, 12 rooms.

PUBLIC HOSPITALS (for Panamanians or auto accidents if they don’t know where to take you)

  • Regional Hospital (also called the Social Security Hospital) adults: 775-2162
  • Hospital José Domingo de Obaldia, for obstetrics and children: 775-4222


    • Dr Manuel Espinoza Goldman, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X2245 .
    • Dr Maximo Pinzon, Panama City, 263-7910, cell 6672-1901
    • Dr Alexander Adames, Chiriqui Hospital, 777-8016. 6674-1477. Need appt. Also has privileges at Punta Pacifica Hospital in Panama City. Speaks English.
    • Dr Norberto Javier Calzada, Cardiologos Associados Panama City, 204-8395, 269-0566, ncalzada@psi.net.pa
    • Dr Domingo Correa, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X 2024
    • Dr Franklin Anguizola, Mae Lewis, 774-2453 Speaks English.
    • Dr Jorge Che, Hospital Chiriqui Consultorios #309, Angiograms and Vascular surgery for arteries, veins and lymph. Speaks English.774-0128 X3226, cell 6429-1243. email jorgeche1971@hotmail.com
    • Dr Pedro Escheverria, cardiovascular and endovascular surgery,Hospital Punta Pacific and Clinica Hospital San Fernando,204-8538 office, cell 6670-3335, email pedroemd@gmail.com
    • Dr Chi Shing Man Wan, Hospital Chiriqui, Clinic CINAM 774-1435. Speaks English
    • Dr Jaime Dutary, Mae Lewis, consultations  Mon to Fri  9 to 1 and 3 to 7 (Also, if no quarantine,  Sat 9 to 1)  775-4616 ext 259
    • Dra Monica Sanjur, Boquete, near Biblioteca de Boquete, 720-1152, cell 6748-0006 Speaks English.
    • Dra Luz Barria-Cruz, Boquete, next to Al Punto restaurant, 720-1735 or 6643-5490. Speaks English.
    • Dra Dagmar Rios, Odontolgia General Dentistry, Alto Boquete in Plaza San Francisco, 720-4207, 6068-5138, speaks English, odontosmileclinic20@gmail.com.
    • Dr Guillermo Arosemena, David, 775-1301, implants, root canals, crowns
    • Dra Magalys Luz, David, 777-4887, 6611-1939, across from Revilla Farmacia about 100 yards past Rodelag
    • Dr Franklin Halphen, David, 775-3344, cell 6673-3563, root canals, periodontics, crowns, etc. Good English.
    • Dr Alfredo Spiegel, David, 775-2683, cell 6614-9087.
    • Dr Karina Granada, David, 6675-9025, near Tambu (Tamurelli) Restaurant
    • Dra Vanessa Lambiz, 6676-5704., Hospital Chiriqui. 774-0124 X2412. Fair English
    • Dr Charly Garcia, Avenida Balboa, Panama City. 264-4380
    • Dr Juan Carlo Ortiz Hugues, endodontist, across from Emergency at Hospital Chiriqui. Odonto Advance Clinica, 730-7169, good English
    • Dr  Ana Ventura, 6076-2284  implants, crowns, Odonton Advance Clinica, good English
    • Dra Patricia Morales,  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Chiriqui. 775-2689, 775-2699, 6673-9910. Good English, will perform procedures at Dra Monica Sanjur's office in Boquete as scheduled.
    • Dra Miriam Rodriguez, located in Plaza Mallorca on the Via Rapida in David. 730-2826 6004-0296, speaks some English, assistant speaks good English
    • Dr. Abel Gomez Goff,  located in Oteima Plaza in David. 775-6133. Speaks good English.
    • Dra Deyla Rodriguez de Vergara, Hospital Chiriqui #111, 774-0124 X3056. Can freeze age spots. Skin, hair, nails, facial enhancement 6266-8899. Some English.
    • Dr Armando Mocci, Panama City, dermaclinica@psi.net.pa 269-5222
    • Dra Karen Zapata Montenegro, Hospital Chiriqui 777-8091, Speaks  English.  karenzapata@clinicaflordepiel.com 
    • Dr Hipolito Gonzales, Panama City, Patilla Hospital, 269-5222, 263-7977 central lines to the hospital. Ask for his clinic.
    • Dra Dalila Mirones, Clinica Alfa/Boquete Medical and Associates, 720-2434, 6949-5998. Wednesday mornings in Boquete only by appointment. Dra Mirones treats all skin conditions including skin cancer, skin tags, keratosis, rosacea, and skin allergies. She also has an office at Mae Lewis Hospital next door to Dra Luz Vizuette. 730-1952.
    • Dr Alvaro Candanedo, Hospital Chiriqui, 777-8011, 774-0128 X2024. Walk in starting at 3:00PM.
    • Dr Carlos A Beitia, Centro Medico Paitilla, Panama City, 6614-6448 cabeitia@hotmail.com, 269-3387, 206-2458
    • Dr. Mario Grenald Rios, Centro Medico Mae Lewis and Hospital Chiriqui, good English skills, Mae Lewis office direct 775-4311, via Mae Lewis switchboard 775-4616 X319, cell 6227-0068, http://guias21sa.com/dr-mario-grenald-rios/
    • Dr. Teofilo Camilo Gozaine, Hospital Chiriqui, excellent English, graduate of Creighton University Medical School (Nebraska), Practiced 11 years in the US.  6675-3268. Is also available by appointment at Clinica Alfa on Thursday afternoon from 12:30 - 5:00 pm. (720-2434, 6949-5998). Performs sinus endoscopy, laringoscopy, nose-bleeding coagulation, tympanometry (detects liquid in middle ear), head and neck excisional biopsy, hoarseness study and treatment, vertigo study and treatment, speaking impairments. Dr. Gozaine also has a lot of experience treating skin cancers.
    • Dr Álvaro Pachon Burgos, office in Mae Lewis, 775-4176, cell 6615-2440 or 6714-7784. Diabetes specialist. Speaks good English.
    • Dr Enrique Mendoza, San Fernando Hospital Clinic, Via España, Panama City, Phone 308-6300 (central number) Speaks English and French. drenriquemendoza@gmail.com
    • Dr Carlos Abadia, Hospital Chiriqui, 1st floor, 774-0128 X3056 or 3085, cell 6616-8406, specializes in Colon/procto problems, laproscopy, good English. carlosabadia17@hotmail.com
    • Dr Jack Rodriguez, Hospital Chiriqui,  cell 6480-2811, excellent English
    • Dr Enrique Fernandez, Mae Lewis Hospital, Asillo verde #10, Mon – Fri- 3:30 pm to 6 PM, in order of arrival, Speaks some English, 775-5566, 775-4616
    • Dra Velkys Betia, Mae Lewis Hospital, 775-4616, cell 6690-2236. Also liver specialist. Make sure she understands that she has to handle the insurance forms
    • Dr Jose Mendez, Consultorios Medicos Patilla, Pimer Piso, No 118, Panama City. 263-7977, 269-5222, direct 206-2594***
    • Dr Rimsky Sucre, Clinica Einstein, Panama City, 264-7110, Via Argentina, El Edificio Einstein #57
    • Dra Luz Vizuette, Chiriqui and Mae Lewis Hospitals, 775-4616 X298, cell 6612-4293. 2D Mae Lewis Hospital, lucyvizuette24@hotmail.com
    • See also Dr Tobon, Internist.
    • Dr Carlos Montero, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X2245.
    • Dr Luis Harris Zamora, Mae Lewis Hospital, hematology and internal medicine, after 3:30 pm in order of arrival, Mon,Wed, Fri only. 775-4616, cell 6674-2499.
    • Dr Cesar de Gracia, 775-6666, Hospital Cooperativo in David
    • Dr Nestor Sosa, infectious disease expert and director of Hospital Gorgas in Panama City.
    • Dr Blas Camaño, infectious diseases, tropical diseases, venereal diseases, HIV, other complicated infections (fungal and bacterial), and parasites. Offers IV and IM antibiotic treatments as appropriate. 720-2434, 6949-5998. Appointments available at Clinica Alfa Mon-Fri between 4:00 to 5:30. Dr Camaño's wife is his on-site English translator at Clinica Alpha.
    • Dra Digna Virginia Diaz, Specialist internal medicine and Master of aesthetic medicine. Excellent English skills. Patients by appointment only, 6615-6740. For appointment, call between 12 pm- 7 pm, all days.  Home visits may be available. Excellent English. Available days in Boquete: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 2:30 - 5:30 at Clinica Alfa/Boquete Medical and Associates. 720-2434, 6949-5998. She sees patients at several other locations, so she will tell you where your appointment will be. Drivers License and Handicap certificates, Death certificates, Botox, fillers, plasma (aesthetic use), skin biopsies, skin tags, cauterization of keratosis, spider veins, vascular nevus. Pre-operative cardiovascular risk evaluations. Vitamin and Cellular therapy.
    • Dr Alcibiades Arosemena, Internal Medicine and Respiratory Disease. Hospital Chiriqui, 2nd floor, Consultorio #4, 774-0128 X3126, cell 6124-2035
    • Dr Llerana, Mae Lewis Hospital, 775-4616.
    • Dr Julio Osorio, Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Intensive Care, Hospital Chiriqui, Clinic CINAM 774-1435, cell 6693-4642
    • Dra Ligia Gonzales, Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Mae Lewis Hospital, 775-4616 X315, cell 774-5515. She can certify you to get a driver’s license at the age of 70
    • Dr Mario Giron, Hospital Chiriqui, office hours from 3PM, 774-0128 X2150. Cell 6625-5723 and 6116-7221. He speaks English, but the receptionist does not. Also certified in internal medicine, but practice is nephrology.
    • Dr Eimir Perez, Hospital Chiriqui and Panama City, 774-0128, cell 6619-4223. Neurosurgeon.
    • Dr Valderrama A, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X 2200, 777-8080, cell 6450-4735.
    • Dra Evelia Gomez Wong, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurophysiology, Clinica San Fernando Norte, Panama City, 305-6355
    • Bixby Tapiero, available during the day Mon-Fri by appointment at Clinica Alfa, 720-2434, 6949-5998,  by appointment at Clinica Especializada 720-2080 or by appointment at Hospital Mae Lewis 777-2325. Excellent English.
    • Jaclyn Castillo, available afternoons Mon-Fri by appointment at Clinica Alfa, 720-2434, 6949-5998, management of diabetes, dislipidemia, gastritis, gluten intolerance, reflux. Does not speak English, but there is a translator at the clinic.
    • Dra Irma Araya, Hospital Chiriqui, 777-8024, and at Clinca Alfa/Boquete Medical and Associates next to La Reyna on the main street in Boquete. Mondays through Fridays by appointment only. 720-2434, 6949-5998. Pregnancy control, menopause, sexually transmitted diseases. Fetal Doppler, Bartholin's cyst drainage, cauterization of papillomas. Speaks good English.
    • Dra Rubis Perez, Hospital Chiriqui, 777-8076, cell 6614-8332, laparoscopy, very good English
    • Dra Yosiy Montes, 774-0128. Some English, Hospital Chiriqui in the tower.
    • Dra Ida Sam Rojas, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X3085, 6561-1022. Spanish only but has English speaking assistant.
    • Dr Ariel Guerra, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X 3062. Speaks English.
    • Dr Tomas Arias, Hospital Chiriqui, 777-8024  Speaks English.
    • Dra Roxana Salcedo  777-8019, 6617-0660 Hospital Chiriqui, Speaks English.
    • Dr José Fabrega, excellent English, Hospital Paitilla Consultorios Medicos, next to Multicentro Mall, 263-7977, 269.5222, also 263-7977 ext 2358 or 2359
    • Dr Adriano Young Leon, Hospital Mae Lewis, 777-2324 or 775-4616, specializes in cataract surgery. Comes to David twice a month.
    • Dr Augosto Arosemena, Patilla Hospital, PC, office 206-2424, speaks English www.eyedoctorpanama.com
    • Dr Marino Rivera, 774-6600, Spanish only.
    • Dr Miguel Wong, 229-2967, 6729-7060, comes to David on weekends.
    • Dra Sonia Gordon, Mae Lewis, 777-4171, 775-4616 X 319 or 317.
    • Dra Mitzi Arias, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128. 
    • Dr Roberto Vasquez, Consultorios Medicos Paitilla, 6th Floor, Panama City, 206-2569 (Direct), 269-5222 (Central) 
    • Dra Ana Victoria Paz, Retinal Specialist, Consultarios San Fernando, PC, 6618-4337 cell, 264-5155 office, 261-9440 fax
    • Dr Edith Perez de Lopez, Hospital Punta Pacifica, Panama City, Retinal Specialist, 204-8434 or 203-6086, cell 6612-2453. She speaks English, staff not so much. Has retinal CT scanner. retinayvitreo2020@hotmail.com
    • Clinica Yee, a family of ophthalmologists who specialize in surgery, retinology, cataracts, 230-0005, Panama City
    • Dr Ruben Orillac, Ophthalmologist in Panama City. His partner is Dr. Ernesto Calvo. Clinica De Ojos Orillac-Calvo, Balboa Plaza 201-202, phone 269-7475; 269-7476; 269-7477
    • Dr Miguel A. Molina, eye surgeon in Chiriqui Hospital. 6670-2121, 774-0128 drmiguelmolinavega@gmail.com Speaks English.
    • Dr Juan Petrocelli, Hospital Chiriqui, Tower 3, Office 4, speaks English, Appts 6876-5556, 6568-3335.
    • Dr Eric Tortosa, Hospital Chiriqui, etortosa@yahoo.com, 6612-6484. Very good English.
    • Dr Arkel Gonzales, Ortho and trauma, specialist in feet and ankles. Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X3226, Mae Lewis, 775-3125 x255  http://handstotoes.com/doctores/dr-arkel-gonzalez/ Speaks English.
    • Dr Donaldo Baez. Speaks some English. Trauma, orthopedics, arthroscopy, joint replacement, knee surgery. Hospital Chiriqui 777-8085 or 774-0128, Centro Medico Mae Lewis 774-4600 Cell: 6618-7534, dabaez@hotmail.com
    • Dr Victor Rivera Man, Consultorio #6, Hospital Chiriqui, 777-8037, 6619-7497, personal cell 6618-4010. Good English.
    • Dr Martin Solis Giron, alternatives to surgery, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X3125
    • Dr José Moreno, specializes in feet and ankles. Swiss trained, excellent English. 204-8587 Punta Pacifica Hospital in Panama City
    • Dr Juan Carlos Pretto, shoulder specialist, alternatives to surgery, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X3226, Mae Lewis, 775-3125 x255 http://handstotoes.com/doctores/dr-juan-carlos-pretto-escartin/ Speaks English.
    • Dr Ceferino Gonzalez, critical care, knee specialist, management of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X3226, 6618-6042. Speaks English.
    • Evelio Camaño, trauma surgery, knee replacements, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 x2235. Not much English, but daughter is excellent real-time translator.
    • Dr Luis Cuesta, orthopedic surgery, Friday mornings only at Clinica Alfa by appointment. 720-2434, 6949-5998. Ingrown toenail, Hyaluronic acid to treat knees, joint infiltration. Electrocauterization.
    • Dr Luz Vizuette. Specializes in geriatric care and can prescribe narcotic pain relievers 6612-4293, Mae Lewis Hospital. Speaks excellent English.
    • Dr Bruna C. Chin at Mae Lewis and Regional Hospital. 775-4616.
    • Dr.  José Jaen, Pediatrician, Afternoons Wed-Fri at Clinica Alfa by appointment. 720-2434, 6949-5998. Does not speak English, but there is a translator on-site.
    • René Estribí, 720-2434, 6949-5998 rene.estribi@gmail.com Social Security Clinic in Boquete, The Haven, and also at Clinica Alfa Monday - Friday only by appointment. 720-2434, 6949-5998. Speaks good English. Offers tape therapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation for pain management, post-op, lumbosciatica, scoliosis, rehabilitation, and strength therapy.
    • Johana Pitti, House calls in Boquete, teaches Physical Therapy and works for MINSA. johapitti@hotmail.com 6469 6434
    • Jennifer Jimenez, speaks English, 720-3174, 6281-4827 email: chiriquivalleypt@gmail.com. Licensed Physical Therapist: Practices in patients' homes or local area gym. Post stroke neurological recuperation and Aqua Therapy.
    • Clinica de Terapia Fisica y Rehabilitación, Bajo Boquete (adjacent to Clinica Especializada) has two licensed physical therapists:
    • Dr Roberto Tribaldos, Patilla Hospital in Panama City, phone 206-2594, cell 6613-4410. Also practices in David at Chiriqui by special arrangement.
    • Dr Luis Crespo, Punta Pacifica Hospital, 1st floor, Room #163, excellent English, does reconstructive  surgery, breast surgery, highly recommended. 204-8481 or 204-8552
    • Dr Lorena, on Main Street in Bajo Boquete. Also available at The Haven.  Speaks some English WhatsApp 6843-8122
    • Dr Yanko Guillen, General Physician and Occupational Health, Clinica Alfa, Boquete, 720-2434, 6949-5998. Primary care and follow-up. Health control and health certificates, death certificates, and makes house calls. MAPA (24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring), EKGs, electrocautery for superficial lesions, and capillary glucose (for diabetes). Speaks good English. Monday through Saturday (except for Wednesday) 3:00-5:00 pm. Walk-ins welcome.
    • Dra Liliana Boya, Clinica Jhave Rafah, Boquete 6728-3098. Primary care and follow-up. Family medicine. Speaks good English.
    • Dra Sue King Loo, Clinica Alfa 720-2434, 6949-5998. Primary care and follow-up, obesity and overweight treatment, high blood pressure treatment and management, health certificates, annual health checkups. MAPA (24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring), EKGs,  and capillary glucose (for diabetes). After hours phone: 6619-7911. Speaks good English.
    • Dr Josimar Gomez, Clinica Especializada, Boquete 6676-7132, Primary care and emergency care.  Speaks excellent English. Also Dr José Valenzuela and Dra. Shannon Tuer at this same clinic location.
    • Dra. Nelly Quiroz, Clinica Alfa, Monday to Friday only by appointment (rotating schedule). 720-2434, 6949-5998, General physician and Master of Diabetes Management. Diagnosis, control and prevention of complications associated with diabetes. Can provide Health Certificates and Death Certificates. EKGs, electrocautery for superficial lesions, and capillary glucose (for diabetes).  Speaks good English.
    • Dra. Shannon Tuer, Clinica Especializada, Boquete 720-2080 6507 4299, excellent English
    • Alma Rivera, Psychologist, available at Clinica Alfa Mon-Fri by appointment 720-2434, 6949-5998. Treats anxiety, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, phobias, stress management.
    • Adalena De Leon, available at Clinica Alpha Mon-Fri by appointment 720-2434, 6949-5998. Treats anxiety, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, phobias, stress management.
    • Dr Vejarano, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0218.
    • Dr Ramon de Aguilar Alvarado, Mae Lewis, 775-4616 X 316, cell 6674-6141.
    • Dr Waldemar Oliveros, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X3224, 775-5155 
    • Dra Xiomara Nunez, 774-2453
    • Dr Rafael Rodriguez, Pacifica Plaza in David. Affiliated with Todo Salud. 730-4290 Speaks very good English.
    • Dr Humberto Juan Serrud,  Hospital Chiriqui, Consultario 17,  Cell 6770-2537
    • Dr Jamie Bravo, Sonogram and X ray.
    • Dr Generoso Guerra, Calle 53 in Panama City 340-9977 or 9978, 263-3283 fax X2000, 2003, 263-3464
    • Betty Landis, 6540-7016
    • Dr Samuel Cattan, surgery and internal medicine, 775-4616, Mae Lewis Hospital.
    • Dra Jossary Prieto, general surgery, Chiriqui Hospital 6151-7808
    • Dr Erick Miranda Rivera, 775-4616 X257, surgery and coloproctology
    • Dr Mariela Hustado, general surgery and bariatric surgery, Hospital Chiriqui 774-0128 X3126, 777-8071. Dr. Hustado is also available at Clinica Alpha Wed-Fri by appointment only 720-2434, 6949-5998. Laproscopic Deep tissue biopsies (thyroid, adenopathies, muscle, breast) Gall bladder stones, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, hernias. Bariatric surgery will be performed at hospitals in David. Limited English.
    • Dr Arias, Hospital Chiriqui, 774-0128 X2035
    • Dr Marta Sanchez, 777-2588. Speaks English. Chiriqui Hospital. 777-2588 or 774-0128 X3134
    • Dr Enrique Aleman, Consultorios Medicos Paitilla 3rd Floor, Panama City 263-2795, 206-2477 (appointments)
    • Dr Don Manuel Guerrero Montza, primarily works out of Centro Medico Mae Lewis, but has started a monthly consultation access at Clinica Alfa in Boquete, excellent English, 775-4616, 774-1073, doernis@cwpanama.net



    • Lola Braxton, David, $8 per hour, good medical translation skills, 6607-9423
    • Maribel Malbonado, Administration Finance, 774-0128 or 6679-0059
    • Elsa Herrera, Patient Assistant, 775-4616. She speaks English.
    • The contact person at Hospital Punta Pacifica now is Brenda Warner de Gibbs. Her direct phone line is 204-8246, e-mail bwarner@hpp.com.pa. She speaks English well and is very helpful.
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4 hours ago, Rich said:

As a newcomer to Boquete , it would be very helpful to know in what city these doctors practice.

I just looked at the list. It's clear to me in every case whether the location is Boquete, David, or Panama City. Just in case you don't know, Hospital Chiriqui and Hospital Mae Lewis both are in David. What ambiguities do you see?

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I will  soon have a cataract removed. I had consultations with two doctors, Dr. Young at Mae Lewis and Dr. Petroncelli at Chiriqui Hospital. I liked them both, but I decided to go with Dr. Young. The following reason had a big impact in deciding on Dr. Young over Dr. Petroncelli:

Before a cataract removal at Hospital Chiriqui, the anesthesiologist requires all sort of blood tests, an EKG, chest X-ray, etc. Get real! I previously had a cataract removed (in Panama City at Patilla Hospital) and none of that nonsense was even mentioned. Same at Mae Lewis. Chiriqui Hospital is now just all about money. I hope to never step foot in that place again!

Re the orthopedists on the list, I had knee surgery by one listed who speaks excellent English. He's an incompetent, arrogant butcher. After $6,000, he made my knees much worse than they were before the surgery. I won't post his name publicly but contact me privately if you want to know.


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Personally I would never have a cataract removed in David unless the doctor came up from Panama City.  Even then I would get lots of referrals.  The best I've heard about is Dr. Augosto Arosemena, Patilla Hospital.

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10 hours ago, JudyS said:

Personally I would never have a cataract removed in David unless the doctor came up from Panama City.  Even then I would get lots of referrals.  The best I've heard about is Dr. Augosto Arosemena, Patilla Hospital.

Dr. Young comes from Panama City twice a month to operate at Mae Lewis. My first cataract removal was done by a doctor in PC, office in Patilla Medical Center and performs surgeries at the place Keith mentioned. Supposedly a professional in his field also. I have NEVER, NEVER been pleased with the lens he put in. (The doctor wasn't Arosemena.) Plus it was a big hassle. He wanted to examine me after 10 days. It would have been such a hassle to go back and forth from Volcan in such a short time that I just stayed in PC for the 10 days. Never again.

Dr. Young comes highly recommended. The only drawback is that he doesn't speak English.

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Because he only comes to David a few weekends per month, there are always many other folks waiting to see Dr.Young.

He does not see patients by time of appointment, but in order of arrival, and works marathon sessions while he's here.

I would advise anyone to go early and take a book.

Edited by Keith Woolford
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Another drawback to using a surgeon not stationed where one lives is the potential need for immediate follow-up care. My husband had a cataract removed a week and a half ago by a surgeon in David. While the surgery didn't go badly, neither did it go perfectly because, according to the surgeon, the iris was too contracted. This required a return visit  and additional medication to combat inflammation and swelling. While cataract surgery complications are relatively rare, I would want my doctor to be available should they arise.

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That practice many doctors here have of not scheduling appointments and doing first come, first serve is very hard on fragile patients who can't endure sitting and waiting for hours.  I wonder if there is a way around that.  Even getting there early isn't a guarantee.  It seems that everybody gets there early.

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3 hours ago, H Gene Lawrence said:

If it means anything to anyone about eye surgeries in Panama, a Panamanian Doctor fiend of mine went to the states for eye surgery(cataracts) , because of the serious blindness some folks (19) during a short time in Panama.

H.G., if this story is true, the details need to be shared for the protection of others.

Is there a Ministry of Health report or other reliable source of the information?

Edited by Keith Woolford
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On 10/3/2016 at 9:34 AM, Lily said:

Does anyone have any information about a place in David where I can buy / repair hearing aids?  Thank you!

There is a hearing center associated with Hosp. Chiriqui.  They test hearing and sell hearing aids, so they can probably get them repaired too.

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  • Administrators
On 1/2/2017 at 9:20 PM, JudyS said:

There is a hearing center associated with Hosp. Chiriqui.  They test hearing and sell hearing aids, so they can probably get them repaired too.


On 5/7/2017 at 2:51 PM, Charlotte said:

There is a hearing aide company, third floor of Chiriqui Hospital.  Had mine fixed there, Dad's hearing test done.  

If someone can provide more specific information about hearing aid services (anywhere in Panama), then please either post here or send a PM to @Admin_01 so that this information can be added to this health care resource listing. By "more specific information" I am referring to name of the business, contact information, website (if any), hours of operation, location, etc.

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No personal experience with any of these businesses but here are a few listings.


DAVID: Calle 3 era Oeste, Ave H/I Norte, Barrio Manuel Quintero Villa Real, Detrás del Nuevo Banco Nacional de Panamá.
Telefax: (507) 774-7101
E-Mail: zuleymis.ortega@calasapanama.com 
Contacto: Licda. Zuleymis Ortega





Centro Auditivo Widex Clínica Cattan
Frente al antiguo Hospital Jose Domingo Obaldía
2do Piso, 1er Consultorio a la derecha
David, Chiriquí, República de Panamá 
Telf: (+507) 7757099 / 7753553 
Celular:(+507) 64083145





Los audífonos que tenemos para la venta son: Alera 5, Crisp, Enzo, Verso 7, Linx 7, Enzo 7, Verso 9, Linx 9, Enzo 9.


  • Hospital Chiriqui. Local #305 y #306. 

Teléfonos / Correo Electrónico 


Edited by Keith Woolford
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  • Administrators

Several postings in this topic have been split off into a new topic. The subject transitioned into a discussion of health care resources that might accept direct payments from insurance companies. Those postings are more appropriately placed in the Insurance forum, and therefore may be found at:


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