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Metropolitan Park of David (EL PAMEDA)

Message added by Admin_01

The name of this planned park is Parque Metropolitano de David (Metropolitan Park of David). Several of the postings in this topic refer to the acronym EL PADEMA. It is our understanding that the correct abbreviation is EL PAMEDA (note the reversal of the last two syllables). Further, "el" is the proper definite article in that it refers to "el parque", which is masculine.



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A little bit of everything.  They show a retiree park, a childrens' park , a restaurant , a functioning replica of the Panama Canal......day time activities and night time lights and fancy colored displays.  Mighty fancy Bonnie.  We'll probably both be dead and gone before it's completed.

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"Mighty ambitious" is a gross understatement. Don't forget the planetarium and the observatory, etc. And no where did I see any parking. Wow.

I almost agree with Brundageba's comment "We'll probably both be dead and gone before it's completed." My version would be "We'll probably both be dead and gone before it's even started, assuming it gets started."

Who is going to pay for this?

I have to say that the ~12 minute animated video was impressive.

No one can fault the Panamanian's ability to dream big dreams.

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2 hours ago, Brundageba said:

A little bit of everything.  They show a retiree park, a childrens' park , a restaurant , a functioning replica of the Panama Canal......day time activities and night time lights and fancy colored displays.  Mighty fancy Bonnie.  We'll probably both be dead and gone before it's completed.

Sorry. I didn't notice that there was a video.

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An interesting twist of fate got Marcelyn and me involved with some dignitaries in the downtown Boquete area, and then again on the roadway between Boquete an David yesterday morning (Friday, January 20th) starting about 11:30AM and continuing at about 11:45AM.

Immediately after finishing our Spanish language class at the church across the street from the construction supplies business in town, we were no more than 50 feet on the street headed toward Calle Principal when what seemed to be a bazillion motorcycle policemen and at least five black SUVs were all around us (mostly behind us). My comment to Marcelyn as we approached the stop sign that faces Parque Central was that there were some dignitaries in town for the Feria. Most likely some ministers and possibly President Varrela.

I was trying to be extra careful because I did not want to hit anything, especially under these circumstances, however at least three policemen on foot in Calle Principal "ordered" me to turn right (which was the direction I wanted to go, as we were headed to David anyway). But there was a policeman on a motorcycle directly in front of me, but a little bit toward the right side of the road. Had I done what the three policemen on foot ordered me to do, I would have hit the motorcycle policeman. Not a prudent thing to do! And so I turned right -- very slowly -- by going around the motorcycle policeman, and started heading out of town, going toward David.

But there they still were behind us with red and blue lights blazing, and horns honking and sirens screaming. I was able to pull over in the parking area of Restaurante Karretera (across from the library), and they passed by us. I then got back on the road and continued our trip to David.

At the Terpel station just to the south of the gymnasium (where the Animales group used to do their clinics) the entourage turned off to the left. Neither of us could see who was in the primary vehicle, but we presumed it to be someone very important. We did not see an ambulance in the line of vehicles, which we have been told is an indicator that it would have been President Varela.

Okay, we are motoring down toward David, and as we are entering Dolega, here comes the caravan again. I am not certain, but believe there were at least 8 motorcycle policemen and five black SUVs, and lo and behold, toward the rear of the caravan was an ambulance. Ah hah, I said to Marcelyn. It had to be President Varela.

Now with this posting by Keith of the above article and the link, it confirms that President Varela was in Chiriqui going between two significant events.

We tried to take a picture using our iPhone, but things were going so fast, and I was trying to be extra careful, so no pictures. But to get entangled twice in one day with a presidential entourage was a first for us. I have to say that they were driving incredibly fast, with lots of lights and noise from the sirens, etc.

I close with the thought that bounced around in my mind after these chance encounters were over: had this happened in the USA with the US president, I probably would be arrested or detained somewhere never to be seen or heard from again.

The Panamanian security officials seemed to be very well trained, and knew exactly what they were doing. They were clear and firm in their directions to me, but there was little that either party could do given the circumstances we found ourselves entangled in. Life happens.

Here is the newspaper article that Keith cited. It is in Spanish, but adds details to this interesting sequence of events.

Varela at park.png

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Panama Good Times article re the Metropolitan Park of David edited.png

Here is the English text in a larger font size for easier reading:


Juan Carlos Varela, President of the Republic of Panama, headed the beginning of the construction work of the Metropolitan Park of David (PADEMA by its initials in Spanish) within the Province of Chiriqui, in its first stage. With an investment of $1.6 million Balboas, this park will allow the recreation of more than 416,873 people, as a result of the decentralization projects developed by local authorities.

"With the Metropolitan Park of David we seek to promote life in family, health, education and culture by providing a space with everything necessary to spend quality time with our loved ones", said the President. Varela added, "This project, which is a reality today, is a result of the decentralization initiatives supported by the government with a budget allocated to the Municipality of David".

The PADEMA will be built in an area of 40 hectares, benefiting the villages of San Carlos, Cochea, Bijagual, San Pablo Viejo, San Pablo Nuevo, Las Lomas, Pedregal, and Guacá, together with other surrounding communities. The first stage of this construction work includes the sanitation of the site, construction of the perimeter fence and access. It also includes the demolition of different buildings currently located in the area.

The PADEMA will be the first of its kind in the region offering a beautiful Botanical garden, as well as new recreation spaces for sports, entertainment and education. Featuring exercise trails, bike paths, playgrounds for children, sports areas including a football field and basketball courts, an amphitheater, a skating park, a park for pets, and more. One of the most important aspects is that all spaces will be built with access for people with disabilities, which will offer a safe place for entire families.

Reference: Page 8 of the April 2017 issue of "The Panama Good Times" newspaper.

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Tender: $13 million in Recreational Infrastructure

In Panama, tenders have been launched for construction of a park in Chiriquí, a sports complex in Herrera and a bicycle lane in the district of Panama.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Panama Government Purchase 2017-1-35-0-06-LV-006886:

"Study, design, renovation, construction and equipment of the Olmedo Sáenz sports complex and a multipurpose court in front of the Claudio Nieto stadium, located in the district of Chitré province of Herrera."

Reference value: $5.548.957.

The deadline for receipt of bids is October 9, 2017. 

See Tender

Panama Government Purchase 2017-5-30-0-04-LV-001176:

"Study, technical design and construction of the second stage of the Metropolitan Park of David (Pameda)."

Reference value: $5.060.943

The deadline for receipt of bids is October 10, 2017. 

See Tender

Panama Government Purchase 2017-0-03-0-08-LV-026686:   

"Study, design and construction of cobblestone sidewalks and bicycle paths and recreational facilities in the Villa Zaita sector, town of Ernesto Córdoba, Panama district, province of Panama."

Reference value:  $2.365.000. 

The deadline for receipt of bids is 28 September 2017.

See Tender



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