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Gordon Bakke

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Everything posted by Gordon Bakke

  1. "There is some good value recorded on the old Ning that would be good to be included on Chiriqui.Life." Yeah, probably content added by members that have been banned from or left Boquete.ning.
  2. I have posted many things disparaging of the new .ning. I make no apologies, nor have I ever been contacted by ANYONE who is interested in some kind of collaborative effort toward their demise. But frankly, that is not a bad idea. Thanks, Debbie, we'll get right on that. :-)
  3. Complaining about getting dumped from .ning? No, its more about the loss of an old friend, and about the rude and clueless way the new owners/moderators have behaved. They don't get a pass. People, myself included, are pissed about what these idiots have done, and probably even more about the way in which they have done it. Sure, we can & will all move on - that doesn't mean we forgive these jerk-wads for what they have done.
  4. I think he pretty much has already abandoned, like the rest of us after it became clear that the owners over there haven't a clue. I agree with you - Keith's a good guy.
  5. What name do you post under here on CL? C'mon we KNOW you read all the postings here related to the failed .ning site! If you haven't yet signed up, perhaps we could suggest a few choice screen names for ya.
  6. Well I have to say that the heartbreak of psoriasis, with which I'm well acquainted, beats being banned by the numb skulls at the .ning all to hell.... Will Super Bob, and the .ning girl ever respond here on CL to the destruction they have wrought? Doubt it very much.
  7. I have seen posts by folks who believe we ought to be re-locating, rather than killing this species of snake. This raises a couple of questions; how could one safely do this, and where would one relocate them where these snakes would not pose an equal danger to people and pets?
  8. The best part of that Ambreen post was "Replies are closed for this discussion". Discussion? Lol....
  9. You're right, there has got to be someway we can utilize these monster rainstorms for fun or profit. I'm dreaming of a HUGE slip 'n slide.
  10. Below is an article from a couple of years ago that highlights some of the water problems in the Boquete area: http://boqueteagua.com/en/
  11. It appears that there are still 4 or 5 "trouble makers" on the .ning that have somehow escaped being banned. One wonders what happens when this last vestige of the former .ning gets the ol' heave-ho? Will it devolve into a continuous search for 9" pie tins? Oh, the DRAMA!!
  12. One of the things that bugs the $h&% out of me is people who feel its necessary to accuse others of having too much time on their hands. How about we relegate that phrase to the garbage heap? Not every posting on a group like this is going to be positive, or important. But I DO think its important that people have their say. Interesting that this thread has possibly the most views on the forum so far...
  13. There are, and always will be more important issues facing our community. Fact is, its possible to focus on both the somewhat trivial and the important simultaneously on a forum such as this. I suspect this issue is important to people both in terms of what has been lost, and the way that it happened. A lot of bad feelings toward the current owners of .ning, that will likely settle down over time.
  14. "disheartening"? To whom? That seems to me to be a strange way of characterizing this whole boquetening.com train wreck. And of course, IF the owners had been more open about their identities and agendas, there would be absolutely no need for gossip and speculation. Keith has made it clear that he has no interest in talking about any of this, which is fine in my opinion. I suspect, though, in time, we're going to know more than we ever wanted to about Bob, Ambreen, and the rest of the goofy JLM team. If this topic has no interest to you, why not just skip over it?
  15. That concert was filmed in Tuscany near Bocelli's home. One of the finest concerts you are ever likely to see and hear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3mG7IlpF4I
  16. Aw, c'mon Jay. Kenny is one of those performers who has been the victim of over-exposure. When I was in in HS in Seattle, back in the early 70's I remember members of the HS band coming back from a concert where they heard and raved about a young member of the Franklin HS jazz band. Later I worked with classmates of Kenny's. I've always thought that certain performers are actually better when performing as part of a duet.
  17. Its in some ways hard to let go of the site that Lee created. But these new owners are the most clueless, arrogant people imaginable. I'm done (erased from that site) and I hope you are too. We have a new site here. Let's celebrate that.
  18. Fear and paranoia obviously running amok as evidenced by the need to bounce anyone and everyone who is not a supporter /cheerleader. BN folks have dug themselves a hole that I think it will be tough to get out of
  19. Unfortunate, because there is a ton of accumulated information there, much of which has been provided by former .ning members. Suck it, boquete.ning!
  20. While I realize that some of this discussion revolves around rumor, I too would appreciate an answer to the questions above. And IF there is any truth to an association between this site and boquete.ning, please let me know sooner, rather than later so I can delete my account.
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