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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Quote

    OPINION: Time for top judge to resign

    Posted on September 9, 2016 in Panama

    Ayu Prado checking out a globalized world
    Post Views: 116

    THE PERSISTENCE of the presiding judge of the Supreme Court in  leaving   his  important post for banal travel  demonstrates his concept of justice.

    His judicial tourism has forced the vice president of the Supreme Court to present the draft of the judiciary budget to the National Assembly.

    His deputy, an experienced public magistrate , has had to assume his  duties, leaving his own  and increasing  further the workload of scarce public mahistrates  in the country. Remember that Jose Ayu Prado occupies three positions simultaneously in the Court, and that every day is one more day missing for overdue criminal and, constitutional cases, and international procedures that need  his  knowledge.

    If at this point, the lucky traveler does not understand the importance of his duties, he may opt for resignation, and allow justice to function normally.


  2. Quote

    Indigenous confrontation looming

    Posted on September 9, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 177

    THE POSSIBILITY of renewed  confrontation between the government and indigenous communities opposed to the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project seems to be drawing nearer.

    Just two weeks after the government announced the signing of a “peace” accord with indigenous residents, Panama president Juan Carlos Varela, warned on Thursday, September 8  that they  will not be allowed to close highways or assault police.

    He again called for dialogue with groups that oppose the construction of Barro Blanco.

    Varela said that  police  have been beaten and the government has been very cautious in the use of force.

    His  statements were made during a tour of Chiriqui.

    “I’m not going to allow more policemen wounded with stones and sharp objects,” he said.

    Varela  said the government has been very clear that the path is dialogue and will ensure that the roads are open and there is free movement.

    Those who disrespect the police will be arrested, he said.

    Ricardo Miranda,   leader of the Movement April 10, said they do not want dialogue, but cancelation of  Barro Blanco and all other hydroelectric projects affecting Ngäbe Bugle people and land workers

    Miranda said they will continue in the streets because they are defending the Tabasará river.


  3. Quote

    Mizrachi facing money laundering probe

    Posted on September 9, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi flaunting the shirt of his company accused of corruption
    Post Views: 130

    MAYER MIZRACHI, the would be political asylum seeker, will be facing additional criminal investigation on  Monday September 12.

    He will be questioned  by Seventh Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Janeth Rovetto on charges of money laundering, a new case being brought against the businessman who on his return to Panama boasted he was free to walk the streets.

    Mizrachi was detained in Colombia this week, after his pleas for asylum were rejected  and brought to Panama to face charges related to irregularities in a contract his business received from the Government Innovation Authority for encryption technology.

    He was released on $100,000 bond at a hearing Thursday August 8. He was also ordered not to leave the country.

    The new charges are related to the movement of money linked to that contract.


  4. Marcelyn has wanted an engraved metal dog tag for Anouk from the time that Anouk arrived at our place as a rescue dog about six weeks ago. As a stopgap measure, I used our label printing device to make some labels with Anouk's name and our home telephone number, but those tags obviously are not as durable as a metal tag. Marcelyn had read about an upcoming ARF event (October 1st) at which the business "Mr. Dog" (located in David) would be attending and be able to make custom engraved metal dog tags. However, we will not be able to attend that event, and so we made a dedicated trip to David yesterday afternoon (in the heavy rain, duh!) to get a metal dog tag for Anouk.

    I tried to prepare myself in advance for finding the business by doing the usual Goggle search and studying of the maps, etc. However, at my advanced age nothing ever really goes as planned. We ended up parking ourselves in a Romero grocery store parking lot that is across the street from the Felipe Rodriguez tire dealership. We then called Mr. Dog. A male answered, and I tried to talk with him in Spanglish, but that didn't work too well (my fault, not his). Then he turned the telephone over to another person who did speak very good English. Rather than try to give me directions, this second person suggested that I remain in the parking lot, and got the description of our vehicle, gave us the description of his vehicle, and suggested that we wait about ten minutes. What the hey. We agreed. This was a first for us. We thought -- what outstanding customer service!

    Lo and behold in about ten minutes there he was. He came over to our vehicle (I was standing next to our car, but under the parking cover so that neither of us would get wet). He then stated how we would caravan over to their business location, and that if we were to get separated that he would pull over and wait for us.

    We arrived at the Mr. Dog business in about ten minutes, got out of our vehicle, and then did the introductions. The store owner is Carlos, and he is the one who answered our telephone call. It was his son, Joel, who did the escort duty.

    Joel showed us around their store. Marcelyn then described what she was wanting to purchase. Joel pulled out their inventory of metal dog tags, discussed some of the characteristics of them, answered our questions, etc. Marcelyn made her selection, and opted to get two metal dog tags, each of a different style. Per Joel's recommendation the only information to be placed on the tags was Anouk's name and our home telephone number. He then asked that we write down the information so as to be sure that there was no misspelling or transposed numbers, etc. In about five minutes Marcelyn had her two custom engraved metal dog tags. These custom engraved metal dog tags are of good quality, and good value; one was $6.00 and the other was $7.00.

    Mr. Dog is located in Plaza Mallorca in David. I suspect that no one reading this posting will have any idea where Plaza Mallorca is located, so, it is on the original one-way street in David (the street on which immigration had been located many years ago, but somewhat closer to the InterAmerican Highway). There is a Puma filling station on the corner across the street. Also, the radio station "Megamix" is said to be across the street (but I did not see any signs to that effect but I wasn't looking because we were already at the store).

    Here are the front and back of Mr. Dog's business card:

    Mr Dog business card_Page_1.jpg  Mr Dog business card_Page_2.jpg

    The contact information on the card may be difficult to read, so here is the important stuff:

    A Google search turns up a different landline telephone number -- 730-7423 -- so I don't know which is correct, perhaps both.

    Joel relayed a story to us about his tenure with a US restaurant chain from several years prior. He indicated that he had gone through some of their training sessions, one of which was on customer service. That must have been one powerhouse of a training session because customer service was oozing from his every pore.

    You can't go wrong with this place based on our experience. Good location, no parking problems, good selection of pet related items (we didn't see any foods or medicines, however), good quality and value for the prices charged, and great customer service.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Keith Woolford said:

    I'm surprised he was granted bail once he was finally returned to Panama.

    The kid's obviously got good lawyers and deep pockets.

    Did you notice the hair style for his attorney. Almost looks like a Mohawk. I started to write "hair cut" instead of hair style, but it appears to be natural based on advancing age and male baldness.

  6. Can you imagine 8,500 vehicles on one ship??? That seems like a "wow" to my way of thinking.



    World’s biggest car carrier transits canal

    Posted on September 8, 2016 in Panama, Panama

    Post Views: 202

    THE WORLD’s biggest  vehicle  carrier vessel  began its transit of the Panama Canal at 7.21 am at Cocoli  on Thursday September 8.

    The  Hoegh Target, sailing under the Norwegian flag, was built in 2015 specifically to allow it to pass through the new expanded locks.

    The ship, which began its journey in Japan, has a width of 36.5 meters and can carry 8,500 vehicles, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) reported.

    Jorge Luis Quijano, director of the  Authority, said the ship  which began its voyage in Japan, came  from Mazatlan, Mexico, and is heading for  Alabama, United States.

    The new locks were inaugurated on June 26.


  7. Quote

    Security company obstructed fugitive’s arrest

    Posted on September 8, 2016 in Panama

    Mizrachi and his lawyer Silvio Guerra.
    Post Views: 153

    WHILE PANAMANIAN gadfly Mayer Mizrachi is back in his home country to face embezzlement charges, a Colombian security company is under investigation for alleged obstruction of his arrest.

    Colombian immigration officials reported that they will petition the Superintendency of Surveillance of that country to investigate the security company Neostar Seguridad de Colombia

    The petition relates to the detention and subsequent expulsion of  Mizrachi on Wednesday, September 7

    Sources said that when Mizrachi was arrested he was in the back seat of an armored car belonging to the company.

    He was escorted by employees of the company who threatened immigration officials and even tried to run over one with a vehicle.

    Employees of the company also allegedly followed the vehicle carrying Mizrachi to the airport, but did not interfere with his eventual deportation.

    Mizrachi arrived in Panama early Thursday to finally face corruption charges after months of attempt to gain “political asylum in Colmbia.

    Earlier in the year a Colombian prison director was suspended when Mizrachi left the jail and   dodged immigration officials.


  8. Quote

    Panama: Penalties for Failing to Provide Tax Information

    A bill being promoted by the Executive branch establishes penalties of between $500 and $10,000 for private entities that fail to provide information as requested.

    Wednesday, September 7, 2016

    From a statement issued by the Presidency of Panama:

    Reaffirming a commitment to protect the platform of logistics and financial services, the Government of the Republic of Panama has approved a bill creating a regulatory framework for implementing the Exchange of Information for tax purposes and other provisions.

    This project -approved today by the Cabinet Council - whose scope includes private and public sources and Panamanian financial institutions, establishes obligations and appropriate monitoring and compliance under the agreements signed by the Republic of Panama and which are in full force.


  9. Quote

    New canal crossing will be toll bridge

    Posted on September 7, 2016 in Panama

    Ramon Arosemena
    Post Views: 93

    THERE WILL BE no free crossing of the new fourth bridge over the Panama Canal with plans already in place to have motorists help pay for the $1 billion project

    Minister of Public Works Ramón Arosemena said Wednesday, September 7  that a toll will be charged to cross the bridge.

    “It is official, and the National Highway Company (ENA) is the only authorized entity by law allowed to collect tolls,” he said.

    He made the  statement while presenting the ministry’s 2017 budget to the National Assembly.

    He said  that the administration and construction of the fourth bridge will be handled by the ministry, but eventually the ENA will be in charge of the structure.

    The bridge project will cost an estimated $1 billion and will  also include tracks for the extension of the Panama Metro.

    There are also plans to expand the highway to Arraiján to eight lanes to improve traffic flow.


  10. Quote

    US funded anti-crime studies questioned

    Posted on September 7, 2016 in Latin America, Panama

    Post Views: 75

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new paper from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) questions the findings of one of the only studies to measure the impact of Central American Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) anticrime programs.

    The CEPR paper, “Have US-Funded CARSI Programs Reduced Crime and Violence in Central America?” by David Rosnick, Alexander Main, and Laura Jung, examines data collected during a Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) study and subjects them to a number of statistical tests. CEPR finds problems with the methodology used and that the study cannot support the conclusion that the areas subject to treatment in the CARSI programs showed better results than those areas that were not.

    “Unfortunately, the study does not demonstrate a correlation between anticrime treatment and actual crime reduction outcomes,” Rosnick, an economist and computer scientist, said. “This is especially important considering ongoing congressional debates over funding support to Honduras and other countries, and the prevalence of crime in pushing people to flee the Northern Triangle countries of Central America.”

    The study by the Vanderbilt University-based LAPOP is, to date, the only publicly accessible impact assessment of programs carried out under CARSI, a US government initiative that has received over a billion dollars in US funding. The CEPR paper attempts to evaluate the success of USAID-funded anticrime programs in Central America under CARSI, and identifies major problems with the LAPOP study, namely, the nonrandomness of the selection of treatment versus control areas and how the differences in initial conditions, as well as differences in results between treatment and control areas, have been interpreted. The paper notes that in the case of reported robberies, if the areas subject to treatment have an elevated level of reported robberies in the year prior to treatment, it is possible that there is some reversion to normal levels over the next year. The LAPOP methodology does not differentiate between effective treatment and, for example, an unrelated decline in reported robberies in a treated area following a year with an abnormally high number of reported robberies.

    The CEPR paper finds that, given these faults with the methodology used, the study cannot support the conclusion that the areas subject to treatment in the CARSI programs showed better results than those areas that were not.

    The paper notes that in some treatment areas, “Statistically, the possibility that intervention had no effect on reported robberies cannot be ruled out.”

    Taxpayer dollars
    “Hopefully more studies will be undertaken to examine how effectively US taxpayer dollars are being used to address very serious issues of crime in Central America,” Rosnick said. “Unfortunately, the only publicly accessible assessment available so far offers very little that’s useful for making such an evaluation.”


  11. Quote

    Wannabe jetsetter deported to Panama

    Posted on September 7, 2016 in Panama

    "big shot" grabbed by big team
    Post Views: 128

    THE ROPE has finally run out for wannabe jetsetter  Mayer Mizrachi  who has been thumbing his nose at Panamanian justice for months as he has sought political asylum in Colombia.

    He was arrested Wednesday, September 7  in Bogota by Colombia immigration officials.

    He was transferred to Immigration headquarters for formal notification of his impending expulsion.

    He was expected to be deported to Panama the same day or Thursday.

    Mizrachi was arrested while riding as a passenger in the back of an armored vehicle.

    He tried to flee, but an immigration patrol car intercepted the vehicle to prevent his escape.

    His lawyer asked that his client be granted permission to leave the country by his own means, but immigration authorities turned down that request.

    Mizrachi referred to the incident on his account on the social network Twitter.

    He claimed his expulsion from the country is illegal.

    He faces charges in Panama related to a government contract that allegedly contained irregularities.

    He was originally arrested in Colombia on an Interpol warrant, and was later involved in a jail “release” that led to the prison boss being fired

    Meanwhile his father Aaron, brother-in law of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, is  also wanted  on an Interpol Red Alert.

    He fled the country in August last year on Martinelli’s private jet.


  12. Quote

    Ex-police chief jail term upheld

    Posted on September 3, 2016 in Panama

    Gustavo Perez
    Post Views: 223

    THE FORMER  Panama Police Director who early in his preventive detention complained of claustrophobia, will have  five years and four months  behind bars  to adjust.

    The appeal of Gustavo Pérez against his sentence for the illegal possession of weapons has been rejected

    That sentence had been handed down by the 10th Criminal Court.

    In a decision issued July 17 and released this week, Judge Secundino Mendieta ratified the sentence applied December. 2, 2015.

    Pérez’s lawyer, Holland Polo, had appealed the sentence saying the raid that led to the weapons being found was illegal.

    The raid was conducted as part of the investigation into the former police director for illegal surveillance during the administration of President Ricardo Martinelli.

    The claim was rejected because the court ruled that it should have been presented before the case was adjudicated.

    Perez is still awaiting trial on the spying charge which could earn him up to another 20 years jail time.


  13. Quote

    Canal fallout from shipper bankruptcy

    Posted on September 6, 2016 in Panama

    The last Hanjin vessel to transit the Canal
    Post Views: 174

    THE EUPHORIA  generated by the opening of the Panama Canal expansion  has been muted by the bankruptcy of the world’s seventh  largest shipping company.

    The country is   bracing for the fallout from the demise of Hanjin Shipping, a  major user of the Canal.

    Hanjin represents 1.2 percent of the transits through the Panama Canal. In addition to impacting the Canal revenues, the bankruptcy will also impact Panama’s ports and maritime service providers, and down the line the money the Canal Authority (ACP) pumps into the government’s coffers, and could lead to some revisions to the Finance Ministry’s rosy projections

    Some 45 ships of the 100 owned by Hanjin, mostly container ships, are located in different parts of the world.

    They have lost access to international ports after declaring the suspension of payments.

    After asking for bankruptcy protection, Hanjin stopped accepting new orders and almost all of its assets were frozen.

    The Guardian newspaper reported that the company will not be allowed to upload or download containers until they show they can pay dock workers and other fees.

     Government bail out
    As a measure to avoid the impact on South Korean exports, the government of that country announced that it will spend $57 million to pay 457 contractors of the company.

    This is expected to help continue the flow of electronic and household appliances manufacturing in that country.

    The South Korean government also created a working group to examine the effect on South Korean exports.

    The bankruptcy is an additional blow to South Korea’s image, coming within days of the recall of Samsung’s lastest Galaxy smartphone.


  14. Quote

    Panama to Import Packaging for Eggs

    The union of poultry farmers will be importing egg cartons because of local shortages caused by a fire in the only factory making this type of packaging in the country.

    Monday, September 5, 2016

    From a statement issued by the National Association of Poultry Farmers in Panama:

    The National Association of Poultry Farmers in Panama (ANAVIP) believes that it important to communicate to our valued customers and consumers that as a result an unfortunate fire which occurred recently in the facilities of Moldeados Panameños. S.A. (MOLPASA), the packaging plant that supplied all egg producers in the country has gone out of operation indefinitely.  

    Faced with such a dire situation and circumstances, there may be limitations in the supply and availability of packaging in which we usually sell this product mainly in the presentations of 6, 12 and 18 eggs. 

    To address this serious and unexpected event, we are making intense efforts to normalize the situation as soon as possible, through an urgent import of packaging used and consumed by the national poultry industry. 


  15. Marcelyn and I were in David late afternoon yesterday. We made a point of stopping by the Box Shop to learn more about it and to be sure of its location. Disclaimer: we are not displeased with the mail forwarding services that we use in Boquete. However, we have been asked by some of the CL members if we can get more information about the Box Shop.

    We met the owner/operator, Dario Samudio. He spoke good English and answered our questions. We asked for a brochure or business card, but he indicated that he had none. Then we explained that we operate a website, and he went to his car and retrieved a brochure that he said was never published for customers/potential customers -- for reasons which he chose not to disclose. Here is that brochure:

    The Box Shop.jpgAfter looking over the brochure, we asked a few more questions. His hours of operation are weekdays 9:00AM to 6:00PM. Saturdays is 9:00AM to 2:00PM. His email is info@boxshopdavid.com. His personal cell phone is 6799-4595. His website is www.boxshopdavid.com.

    We also learned that there are no monthly service charges. You pay only $2.50 per pound for your incoming shipments, plus a $0.25 service fee per item (we understood that fee as his 'cost recovery' for getting the shipments from PC to David).

    We were informed that customers need to be careful about what the actual chargeable weight of a package is. There are two weights. One is the actual (physical) weight itself -- something you get by putting a box on scales. The other weight is a "size adjusted" weight. Dario showed us a package -- rather large, about 1 foot by 1 foot by 4 feet dimensions -- but the size adjusted weight was to be 33 pounds. Its actual weight was only four pounds. Apparently all of the freight carriers do this. This adjustment is not something that the Box Shop does on its own; this is how all carriers assess the chargeable weight of a shipment. I am aware that UPS and FEDEX, etc., do have size adjusted weight. There is no way to get around this "adjustment". In other words, customers need to understand everything about their shipments before they execute a purchase.

    Now for the shop's location: from the brochure you can see that it is in Plaza Comercial San Francisco, Local #15, in David. That plaza is literally in front of, and across the street from Panaderia Mara Pan.

    Here is my best way to describe the location: while in your vehicle in front of Hotel Ciudad de David (which is a major landmark in David), you will be on a one-way street. Go to the first intersection, which has a stop sign. Do NOT turn. Go through the intersection for one more block to the next intersection; also a stop sign. Then turn left at that intersection (that is a two-way street, so be careful), and go about 2/3 of the way down that street. Plaza San Francisco will be on your left, immediately across from Panaderia Mara Pan. That street is the one that not only has Panaderia Mara Pan, but also the Copa Airline office, the street that is between Hotel Nacional and the Bomberos, and at the far end on the McDonalds/police prison street intersection where the Mitsubishi dealer is located.

    I took a couple of pictures to help those unfamiliar with the street names, etc.

    2016-09-05 16.29.46.jpg 

    The entrance to the Box Shop in David.










     2016-09-05 16.33.07.jpgMeet Dario Samudio.

















    2016-09-05 16.48.47.jpg

    The Mara Pan business that is directly across the street from the entrance into Plaza San Francisco in David. This picture was taken from our car as we were exiting Plaza San Francisco in David.














    2016-09-05 16.52.29.jpg

    This is a view looking down the entrance of Plaza San Francisco in David. (I keep saying in David so that people will know I am NOT talking about Plaza San Francisco in Alto Boquete.)

  16. Quite unexpectedly this past Sunday (September 3rd), Marcelyn and I found ourselves in Volcan to take care of some business. The decision was made about 11:30AM, and 30 minutes later we were in the vehicle heading west. We opted for the "shortcut" through Potrerillos, which normally is about a one hour drive in good conditions. However, it was raining very heavily, and so it took more like 1.75 hours to arrive in Volcan.

    We took care of our business matters, and then decided to have a Mexican cuisine lunch at Burricos. If you have not eaten at Burricos, then you don't know what you are missing. Not only good food, good service, etc., but then in the middle of munching down our food, there was a cabalgata (horseback riding, turned into a parade). We estimate a minimum of 50 horses involved, all decked out in their finest attire. Some horses had braided tails, and some had red socks on their feet. A loud band in an open bed truck led the entourage. Lots of people were along the roadway viewing the festivities. The waitress at Burricos indicated that this is typically a monthly affair, and just part of the culture of their community.

    As we were leaving the area, the horses had turned around and were coming back into town for a repeat parade. Many people had apparently come early, parked their vehicles along the roadway, kind of "tailgate party" style.

    They obviously like their horses in that area.

    Here are two pictures I took with our iPhone:

    2016-09-04 14.35.14.jpg 


    2016-09-04 15.01.02.jpg

    • Upvote 1
  17. Marcelyn and I made an unplanned trip to David yesterday (Monday, September 5th) to take care of some business matters, and stopped by PriceSmart just prior to leaving David. Wow, get ready for a shock, folks. Many items (not all, but many) have been relocated. For instance, the pet items are no longer in the far rear, left corner of the warehouse. Same aisle, but now close to the front wall of the store. Vitamins, etc., in a totally different area. There has been a LOT of rearranging in that store. You might want to plan extra time on your next visit so that you can locate things. They ain't where they used to be.

  18. Quote

    Corruption raids net 6 cops, narco boss

    Posted on September 5, 2016 in Panama

    Cops move in on Vista Hermosa
    Post Views: 202

    THE CRACKDOWN  on corruption in Panama’s security organizations and among politicians continued over the weekend, netting senior cops and a top drug trafficker.

    At least five police officers and a leader of a major drug trafficking network were captured in operations carried out  by the newly created anti-corruption agency GIA and the Public Ministry.

    Those arrested included a deputy commissioner, a second lieutenant and a captain.

    They come on top of action on Friday against Commissioner Gregorio Alvarado for alleged links to gang members.

    He has been detained and removed from his post..

    Wednesday, in Colón, police arrested Francisco Salaza, a lieutenant in the aeronaval service Senan. Also arrested was PRD politician Jaramillo Hidalgo.

    Over the weekend police also arrested Héctor Moisés Murillo a Panamanian who has been identified as the leader of a major drug smuggling ring.

    President Juan Carlos Varela said he created the GIA to specifically address the problem of corruption within politics and security agencies linked  to assisting criminal activity, specifically drug trafficking.


  19. Quote

    Panama Papers scandal hits World Bank nomination

    Posted on September 5, 2016 in Panama

    Soria (left) hats with Maiano Rajoy in Parliament.
    Post Views: 130

    Panama Papers scandal hits World Bank nomination

    THE MOSSBACK FONSECA scandal has raised questions about  the proposed appointment to the World Bank.of Spain’s former  Minister of Industry, José Manuel Soria,

    Soria resigned in April after being named  in the “Panama Papers”

    The decision has sparked angry reactions against the government of the Popular Party (PP whose image has deteriorated for its  involvement in numerous cases of corruption uncovered in recent years.

    On Saturday, Sep 3,  the Socialists and the leftists called for  urgent explanations  in Parliament by the Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos.

    In a statement issued late Friday, the Ministry of Economy announced that it has selected the  former minister of the conservative Popular Party to occupy one of the 25 seats of executive directors  of the World Bank, based in Washington.

    The text referred to  his “extensive experience” and his “history of public service.”

    The period of office runs from next  November 1  to 31 October 2018.

    It  is a position that Spain shares with Mexico, Venezuela and five Central American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua).

    The statement points out that the candidacy of Soria and the other executive directors proposed should be voted by the 189 governors of the World Bank.

    Soria left the interim government of Mariano Rajoy in April when his name surfaced as manager since 2002  of a firm domiciled in the tax haven of Jersey in the leaked documents  fom Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.

    The decision has been lambasted by the centrist Citizens, who this week agreed to an unsuccessful investiture agreement with the President of the outgoing government Mariano Rajoy, including anti-corruption measures.

    ” Rajoy, unashamedly … proposes a  minister who resigned for having money in tax havens” said  the leader of Citizens, Albert Rivera, in an election rally in Vitoria before the Basque regional elections September 25.

    He added that “the PP will have to give explanations of the inexplicable in Congress.”

    The socialist leader Pedro Sanchez said from Galicia that in view of this, “Rajoy has no remedy,” and accused him of being the “principal responsible for corruption cases that embarrass the whole of the Spain and the Spanish”.

    “They have no shame. The punishment of Soria for his roles in Panama, a place of luxury in the World Bank. A total  provocation,” he wrote on Twitter.

    Maria Dolores de Cospedal, general secretary of the PP, argued that Soria is “the most suitable person” for his profile  as an economist and his experience.


  20. Quote

    Fire causes egg carton shortage

    Posted on September 5, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 112

    EGG CONSUMPTION in Panama has climbed  13.9 percent to 63 million in 2015 , but delivery to supermarket shelves is threatened by  lack of cartons.

    On August  29 fire a  destroyed the Moldeados Panameños (Molpasa) factory in Tocumen.

    The company produced 100 percent of the cardboard egg cartons in the country.

    The National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama (Anavip) is implementing a contingency plan  due to the destruction of a large number of the cartons in the  fire.

    Anavip Executive Director Maria Lavinson said that egg cartons are now being imported until a local source can be developed.

    “To deal with this serious and unexpected event, we have made intense efforts to normalize the situation as soon as possible through the urgent import of packages,” she said.


  21. Quote

    Ex-minister’s court hearing adjourned

    Posted on September 5, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 61

    A COURT  HEARING scheduled for Monday September 5 for former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino was suspended  because  the court  has yet to review a motion for dismissal,

    Ferrufino is charged with offenses against public administration. over the purchase of a Toyota Land Cruiser in 2013, at a time when he still has presidential ambitions and believed he could rely on then president Ricardo Martinelli as his mentor.

    Ferrufino also faces two other cases, one for unjustified enrichment and another for corruption.

    He remains detained at the Department of Judicial Investigation in Ancón.


  22. Quote

    Regulator takes over insurance company

    Posted on September 5, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 92

    PANAMA’S  Superintendency   of Insurance has taken administrative control of Seguros Confianza, holder of four percent of the 62,158  policies  it sold in the local market this year.

    The decision was made “to safeguard the interests, goods and values of policyholders of the company, as well as ensuring the safety of the industry,” said the regulator.

    It added that the action was taken to ensure the reserves exist to cover the policies should the company decide to liquidate voluntarily or negotiate the transfer or sale of the portfolio to another company.


  23. Quote

    Funds short accusatory system kicks in

    Posted on September 4, 2016 in Panama

    Post Views: 66

    THE LONG awaited accusatory penal system came  into force on Friday Sep 2, after a widely criticized  opening “celebration”

    The first cases included a homicide and the gunning down of two men in Colon.

    Meanwhile the  State Commission for Justice warned that the First Judicial District, does not have the necessary resources to function properly.

    The main concern of the commission is centered on the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Imelcf). It said the agency urgently needs funds to hire more experts who will be summoned to testify in trials.

    Imelcf Director Humberto Mas requested $77.6 million for this year, but received half that amount.

    The commission said the agency needs money to hire experts, modernize equipment and adapt its facilities.

    Appointments questioned
    The commission also noted that the Supreme Court hired 931 new staff members without following the judicial career act, which has called the validity of the appointments into question.

    Supreme Court Chief Justice José Ayú Prado has defended the appointments, saying they needed to be made quickly so the new system could be implemented.

    He added that the appointments are temporary and will be subject to review before they are made permanent.

    President Juan Carlos Varela has pledged to support the new system with the appropriate resources.


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