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John R Hampton

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Everything posted by John R Hampton

  1. Performing Arts Pavilion since 1923
  2. Two weeks ago when I was just learning how to use some new gear, I went down to the main Hollywood Beach front to see what was going on. To my surprise there were lots of people and colorful tents involved in some kind of activity near the shoreline. It turned out to be Margaritaville Cup 2016, the resort's first Stand Up Paddle Board (SUP) races. I started filming without any understanding of the event or practical knowledge with the camera. In the end, most of the footage was useless for a variety of reasons, however I salvaged just a bit to give an idea of what the races were like. Before viewing the short 50 second clip here’s their official website (actually gave out $10,000 in cash prizes): http://www.margaritavillecup.com/ If I come back next year and there’s a Margaritaville Cup 2017 I’ll do a better job of documenting the whole thing.
  3. Raccoon - from Wikipedia: As of 2005, Mammal Species of the World recognizes 22 subspecies.[27] Four of these subspecies found only on small Central American and Caribbean islands were often regarded as distinct species after their discovery. These are the Bahaman raccoon and Guadeloupe raccoon, which are very similar to each other; the Tres Marias raccoon, which is larger than average and has an angular skull; and the extinct Barbados raccoon. A fifth island raccoon population, the Cozumel raccoon, which weighs only 3 to 4 kg and has notably small teeth, is still regarded as a separate species.[28][29][30][31] The four smallest raccoon subspecies are found along the southern coast of Florida and on the adjacent islands.
  4. Each morning while here in Hollywood Beach, Florida I have a routine of getting up before day break to go for a long walk on the Boardwalk. Within the first few mornings, near North Beach Park, I noticed that a couple feral cats were hanging around in the breaking daylight. I also saw small piles of kibble that other walkers had obviously left for them. So I started doing the same, although the felines have been coy in coming very close for their offerings or getting too friendly. Today I got to my first spot, laid down the treats and shortly had this customer joining me for a dawn snack. Pleased with our first successful encounter I kept going to the second point where I had always seen a cat or two. Carefully laying down a small handful of snacks I stepped away to see if anything was going to come out of the green sandy underbrush by the side of the path. Then I heard a rustle and a few more partakers ambled out for their early pickings.
  5. Christian advertised his Inspired Solutions right here on CL back on April 9th (just Google it like I did) Anyone could have called Christian in Alto Boquete to find out how long they have been in business. Here's his posting from back then: ________________________________________________________________________________ Inspired Solutions is offering a special on 20% off all jobs of two hours or more from now through the end of April. Inspired Solutions offers a wide variety of services and solutions. We assist with planning, design, integration, and training for all your computer and information technology needs. Computer and Laptop Services Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux / UNIX System updates, configurations, and optimizing Hardware upgrades and repair Security analysis and configurations Mobile and Tablets Apple iOS and Google Android Installation and upgrades Screen repairs Networking Wireless and wired networks Switches and routing configurations Virtual Private Networking (VPN) Home Theater Systems Home Theater design and implementation Movie, Music, and TV show automation Security Solutions Backup Solutions to protect your critical data Network and Perimeter Security Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, Antimalware System / Host based Security Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, Antimalware VPN and Data Encryption Server Services Web Site Design Hosting Services Email Web Sites VPN Custom Software and Development Custom applications for mobiles, tablets, computers, and server services Inspired Solutions has extensive experience in computer, networking, and server systems that allows us to provide a wide range of services and solutions to address all your technology needs. Over 30 years of experience with managing and coding for Apple Macs, and 25 years with both Microsoft Windows and Linux/UNIX. We have provided services to clients ranging from home and home office to global Fortune 10 companies. We offer comprehensive services for computer and laptop systems, mobile and tablets (both iPhone/iPad and Google Android), wireless and wired networking, home theater systems, and server services such as web site and email design and hosting. Contact us today to help you plan, install, maintain, and service all your computer and internet needs. Inspired Solutions Christian 6294-7351 christian@inspiredpanama.com Located in Alto Boquete, near Dorado Shopping Center ** Local references available upon request. **
  6. Sponsored charity events are popular in the US. This ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk was filmed here in Hollywood, Florida this past Saturday. John R Hampton NotSereyus Productions
  7. This was captured over the weekend in Hollywood Beach, Florida . . . with appropriate ukulele accompaniment. John R Hampton NotSereyus Productions
  8. Monica Sanjur has cleaned my teeth for nearly five years and she always charged $40. Last week it became $50 but she is totally warranted in raising her prices. Time marches on . . . just like us.
  9. We have used T-Mobile for 5 years and rate them very highly. They are the most progressive US telecom carrier when it comes to embracing new technology, the internet and non-contract smart phone solutions. I think their prices are very reasonable since "al la carte" is always more expensive than the main meal. Lots of locations in most states but just check the geo-coverage of where you want to use them. They offer an awesome WiFi mobile hotspot (Samsung 4G-LTE) which we take everywhere with us when we travel in the US to connect up our iPads. Haven't used Zipsim but wouldn't hesitate to try it.
  10. We have been satisfied with Airbox Express on several large, heavy items classified as "surface freight" (via ship) when we were in no hurry.
  11. Have you tried just sending yourself an email with an attached photo(s) from your iPad? Once you open that email on the Windows PC you then "download" the photo(s) to where ever you want.
  12. A smart place, extensive menu, many price points, helpful staff, well appointed, deserve to succeed.
  13. Larry is an outstanding photographer - - - we're fortunate to have him here in Boquete. Here's his website: http://larrywilkinsonphotography.zenfolio.com/
  14. Our son who lives in the U.S. (and is also a British citizen) posted this on his Facebook page: Firstly, it was the working classes who voted for us to leave because they were economically disregarded and it is they who will suffer the most in the short term from the dearth of jobs and investments. They have merely swapped one distant and unreachable elite for another one. Secondly, the younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors. Thirdly and perhaps most significantly, we now live in a post-factual democracy. When the facts met the myths they were as useless as bullets bouncing off the bodies of aliens in an HG Wells novel. When Michael Gove said "the British people are sick of experts" he was right. But can anybody tell me the last time a prevailing culture of anti-intellectualism has lead to anything other than bigotry?
  15. Significant generational differences much like the political scene in the U.S.
  16. Our daughter, who is also a British citizen living and working in Belgium, posted this on her Facebook page: I believed whole heartedly in regional integration as a driver for peace. For the past decade I have worked with regional institutions across the world (ASEAN, COMESA, SADC, ECOWAS, EAC, EAEU, CARICOM) on activities to build stronger regional communities. While much of this work has focused on the economics of integration, underlying it all is peace and stability. I have had frank conversations with leaders from nations in and out of war who ask in exasperation "how can we work together, we are just too different, we don't even speak the same language!", I have proudly pointed to the successes of the EU, built from the ashes of two horrific world wars and centuries of continental conflict. In a world where knee jerk reactions prompted by invented realities, religion, and bigotry still reign free, institutional mechanisms that bring people to a table to discuss their differences and find commonalities are even more vital to our humanity. I cannot believe the people who voted to leave truly understand the impact this will have on the psychology of peace building and development around this globe of ours.
  17. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/where-the-papers-got-their-name/2016/04/09/f088582e-fcf8-11e5-813a-90ab563f0dde_story.html?wpisrc=nl_rainbow
  18. Also, the likelihood of this David Metropolitan Park being built is about the same as the completion of the Nicaragua Canal.
  19. Y u m m y R e s t a u r a n t J a m Baru Jam (7:10) https://youtu.be/fAYuPfb09VY Mike's Jam (9:12) https://youtu.be/BV3y2ncz_hs Sabor Jam (17:08) https://youtu.be/nxrxPAnC5PU The Rock Jam (13:24) https://youtu.be/lBJsmtFvmec Check out Sabor Jam (marker 12:11 to 13:46) where Curtis Salgado plays & holds a single note on his harmonica for a minute and a half ! BJBF 2016 14 Videos 2+ hours Viewing Time YouTube Channel: NotSereyus John R Hampton
  20. Shakura Unplugged (13:36) https://youtu.be/_sVyYqJ_j4U John R Hampton NotSereyus Productions YouTube Channel: NotSereyus
  21. Next four videos from Sunday's performances at Valle Escondido Rigoberto Coba (5:57) https://youtu.be/VxmSVy_2xO8 Marshall Keys (11:44) https://youtu.be/fEqBwBxMcsA Tommy Castro (13:16) https://youtu.be/FS2IMeEi_bY All-Star Band (16:50) https://youtu.be/5lCpCSKiR_4 John R Hampton BJBF Cinematographer Cinematography ~ Design
  22. Here are the Valle Escondido performances from last Saturday. Sunday's shows will be available next week followed by the BCP 'Unplugged' concert & Jams at Mike's, Sabor & The Rock. YouTube Links: John Carney (8:48) https://youtu.be/puwbHXWY0aY Scott Ambush (9:42) https://youtu.be/EgB58qsyRm0 Ronnie Baker Brooks (10:06) https://youtu.be/SbUs2iuit98 Curtis Salgado (13:04) https://youtu.be/6jhOuNTNCMc John Hampton BJBF Cinematographer Cinematography ~ Design YouTube Channel: NotSereyus Boquete Panama
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