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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Teachers march on National  Assembly after talks collapse


    Posted 08/07/2022

    Hundreds of teachers protested at the National Assembly on Thursday after their unions decreed an indefinite strike following the collapse of the dialogue table set up by the Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday, in the province of Veraguas.

    The teachers point out that there were no direct answers to their requests about the freezing of fuel prices and the high cost of the basic food basket, and claim that the government "did not come" with proposals. The general secretary of the Veragüenses Association of Educators (Aeve), Luis Arturo Sánchez, explained to the press that the authorities set a condition to lower the cost of fuel,  the elimination of some social programs of the State.


  2. Quote

    Government calls for renewed dialogue with protesters


    Crowd control police confront striking teachers.

    Posted 08/07/2022

    The  Government reiterated the call to resume dialogue with the sectors that are protesting, especially leaders of the National Alliance for the Rights of the Organized People (Anadepo) and other organizations.

    "We call on the leadership of these groups to resume dialogue and avoid further damage to the teaching-learning process of more than 800,000 students across the country," it said in a statement.

    According to the note from the Presidency, "they appeal to the unspeakable political appetites not to intervene to stir up confrontations of all kinds between Panamanians."

    They listed, among other points, that the government, in three years of administration, has had to face 28 months of the pandemic, which produced a reduction in economic activity, an increase in unemployment and, as a result, a drop in people's income and for the government.

    In addition, they indicate that it has been facing for 6 months the effects of the war in Ukraine, which also produced an increase in the cost of fuel and the cost of living for all Panamanians.

    They trust that, by the end of this year 2022, the economic and employment situation in force before the pandemic will be achieved.

    The subsidy to the various transportation sectors has the objective of mitigating the increase in the cost of the products of the basic food basket and the cost of mobilizing the popular sectors and the middle class.


  3. Quote

    Ombudsman investigates possible excessive force against students


    Posted 08/07/2022

    The Ombudsman's Office has launched an investigation to determine if there was excessive use of force by units of the National Police against students, during Thursday protests at the University of Panama. The Ombudsman Eduardo Leblanc Gonzáles said that he has held conversations with the student ombudsman and that he may possibly meet today with the university official. The investigations follow the circulation of a video showing two students inside the university  behind a pilaster, while a projectile detonates near them. The students, closed the Simón Bolívar highway, in rejection of the high cost of fuel and the basic food basket and clashed with police riot units, who responded by launching tear gas and rubber bullets.


  4. Quote

    Construction workers return to the  streets across Panama


    Posted 07/07/2022

    Construction workers returned to the streets again on Thursday, July 7, to protest the high cost of fuel and to demand from the Government of Laurentino Cortizo concrete actions against the high cost of the basic food basket.

    The protests have taken place on the Centenario, Felipillo, Punta Pacifica roads and in the Tumba Muerto.

    The workers have also demonstrated and chanted slogans on the Inter-American Highway, near the 7 de Septiembre neighborhood in Arraiján (West Panama). there were also pickets, in Colón, Veraguas, Coclé, Bocas del Toro and Chiriquí.

    "Down with the high cost of living, down with the drug business, down with the high cost of the basic food basket," the Suntracs workers shouted.


  5. Quote

    Teachers call indefinite strike as negotiations collapse


    Posted 07/07/2022

    The members of teachers' unions who were negotiating with educational authorities in Santiago de Veraguas broke off the dialogue on Thursday afternoon and left the table chaired by the Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos.

    The Minister said that the table is still open to try to resume the dialogue again.

    “We are significantly concerned that they have left the table and decreed an indefinite strike. We are once again sacrificing Panamanian students,” she said.

    Gorday de Villalobos added that children's rights cannot be violated and this will impact their education.

    The representatives of the teachers' associations said that the delegation sent by the government did not present any type of proposal.

    Earlier, the teachers had warned that if the price of fuel is not frozen, they will get up from the table and continue with the indefinite strike measure .

    The head of Education added that teachers would be told why the price of fuel cannot be frozen because if that is done, other subsidies would have to be eliminated.

    Prior to the meeting, the minister indicated that the result of the learning recovery process continues to maintain alarming levels in terms of basic subjects, so, taking this into account, the idea is to be able to reach mediation in order to maintain dialogue, but with schools open.

    "We are waiting for the different proposals from the sectors that are going to participate," said the minister.

    The Minister of Security, Juan Manuel Pino, urged the teachers' unions to use dialogue as a way to resolve national problems and avoid confrontations.

    "The solution to these problems is dialogue, no confrontation in the world ends well, there are always damages," he stressed.

    In various parts of the country marches were held on Thursday, by teachers and different sectors that demand, among other things, the freezing of fuel prices reports TVN.


  6. Quote

    University students and administrators close Transístmica highway


    Posted 07/07/2022

    A group of students and administrators from the University of Panama (UP) went out to protest at noon on Thursday, July 7, against the government and closed the Transístmica highway. They join a growing number of people taking to the streets from transport workers and teachers and the construction industry to denounce the government's lack of responses to the problems faced by citizens such as the high cost of the basic food basket, the constant rise in fuel prices, as well as medicines.

    http://University students and administrators close Transístmica highway

  7. Quote

    Construction workers protest  fuel and food prices

    Posted 06/07/2022

    Members of the National Union of Workers in the Construction and Similar Industries (Suntracs) held a new day of protest on the morning of this Wednesday, July 6, in various parts of the country.

    Construction workers have called for a fuel price freeze, as well as responses to the rise in the basic basket of food and medicine.

    Closures were reported on Avenida Balboa, the Inter-American highway, near Howard, and in the neighborhood of 7 de Septiembre, in Arraiján. Other workers concentrated in the area of Nuevo Arraiján, Panamá Oeste.


  8. Quote

    Azuero teachers gain support as they rally on day 3


    Posted 06/07/2022

    For the third consecutive day, teachers from the provinces of Herrera and Los Santos gathered in the vicinity of the bridge over the La Villa river, to demand the freezing of fuel prices for the entire country. There were no clashes with the police units, as occurred on Tuesday when at least 22 teachers were arrested after the disturbances. The groups of teachers this time were accompanied by parents, taxi and school bus drivers, as well as agricultural producers and dump truck drivers.


  9. Quote

    Independent bench seeks Assembly nepotism  probe 

    Posted 06/07/2022

    The independent bench of the National Assembly requested on Wednesday, July 6, for the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information (Antai) to carry out an inspection process to detect possible faults to the Code of Ethics, specifically nepotism.

    They also asked him to investigate the central government spreadsheets. The deputies Gabriel Silva, Juan Diego Vásquez, Edison Broce, and Raúl Fernández based their request on the fact that Law 13 of 2013 empowers Antai to sanction officials who commit violations of the Code of Ethics.

    They recalled that there are regulations that prohibit officials from engaging in acts of nepotism.

    The request comes a day after a complaint was circulated indicating that deputy Adán Bejerano, who recently resigned from the independent caucus, allegedly had relatives named on the legislative payroll.


  10. Quote

    Panama  confirms first case of monkeypox


    Posted 05/07/2022

    Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre confirmed on Tuesday the first case of monkeypox in Panama. The Minister said that it is a 30-year-old man who had contact with a traveler from Europe ".Minister Sucre explained that it is a 30-year-old man who had contact with a traveler from Europe, where the contagion could come from. "The person in Europe called  and told him that he could be infected."In the morning, of Monday, July 4, this person went to the clinic of the Gorgas Commemorative Institute for Health Studies, where he underwent a test that gave a positive result. "

     Sucre said that the person remained isolated at home and today he was transferred to the San Miguel Arcángel hospital.He said that once the case was detected, Minsa activated traceability and possible contacts to contain the spread of the virus. He said that the patient is fully established, physically and very well, and does not have any type of complications. “He is going to be given support treatment, which is a symptomatic treatment to control the symptoms of fever and other discomforts.”

    He stressed that there is no reason to be alarmed, "we can be calm, the Ministry of Health with the Gorgas Memorial Institute maintains epidemiological surveillance, traceability of the individual, and genomic surveillance permanently."

    Sucre said that at this time what is demonstrated is that patients do not necessarily have to be hospitalized or isolated in any essential part, that is, they can be in their residences in a calm way. As this is the first case, it is kept under surveillance, but there is a very low risk of contagion through the respiratory route. "We don’t rule out the possibility because the virus is found in the secretions, but we reiterate that what the epidemiological and scientific evidence is that the main route and form of transmission is through intimate relationships,” added Sucre.

    Health alert
     On May 24, Panama declared a health alert, and epidemiological surveillance was redoubled at all points of entry into the national territory, in addition, the corresponding isolation rooms have been set up.

    Monkeypox is a virus that is transmitted by direct or indirect contact with blood and body fluids, and its symptoms include fever, headache, swollen glands, lumbar pain, muscle pain, and lack of energy.


  11. Quote

    Masks remain mandatory in health centers public transport and for food handlers


    Posted 04/07/2022

    The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, clarified on Monday, July 4 that the mandatory use of the mask, to prevent the spread of covid-19 , will still apply in medical facilities, public transport and for those who handle food.

    The clarification came after the last July 1 the report to the Nation when President Cortizo said that as of next Monday, July 11, the use of masks will not be mandatory in open and closed places.

    “In health facilities, public transport and for food handlers, the use of the mask is permanently mandatory,” Sucre explained to the media on Monday. "In offices, both public and private, it will already be by choice," he pointed out.

    Asked about the case of schools and other closed places where there are crowds, Sucre explained that everyone who has problems with the immune system or suffers from a chronic disease is recommended to wear a mask. The same suggestion is made for people 55 and older.

    Sucre stressed that in the rest of the closed places it is recommended to increase ventilation and added that the mask should also be used in nursing homes.

    “Each school will be able to make the decision on how mandatory it will make the use of masks for their children. The more agglomeration and less distancing, our recommendations become stronger. We recommend that children wear their masks if biosafety standards cannot be met,” he stressed.


  12. Quote

    Business Chamber questions state of emergency still in place

    Posted 03/07/2022

    Panama’s  Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, (Cciap)  said Sunday “we celebrate the elimination of the mandatory use of the mask in closed spaces, but we are left with the questioning of the total lifting of the State of Emergency.”

    President Cortizo did not announce when the state of emergency that governs the country will be completely lifted, despite the call made in this regard by several business associations and the re-elected president of the National Assembly, Crispiano Adames.

    The Cciap also stated that the report failed to mention the specific plans in the areas of education, health, social security, institutions, and the economy.

    Likewise, the Cciap described as "worrying" that President Cortizo did not address the reactivation of the dialogue table by the Social Security Fund, where the decisions that are made are "crucial" for the sustainability and future development of the nation and its citizens.

    Other major absentees from the speech –according to the Chamber – were the progress in the actions to get out of the discriminatory lists, the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency in both the public and private spheres. And, in economic matters, the Cciap pointed out that “we must become obsessed with the generation of jobs.

    “In 730 days, we have several crucial challenges ahead of us, so we must focus and be strategic both in the use of resources and in actions,” the Chamber emphasized.


  13. Quote

    OPINION: Panama’s ticking time bomb


    Posted 04/07/2022

    The country's industrial sector is asking the Government for fiscal measures to prevent the high cost of importing goods and services from fully reaching the consumer. It is a temporary relief for a temporary situation, to which will be added the world recession that has already been warned and for which we have to prepare ourselves because to some extent it will affect us all, some more than others, but all of us. The warnings are on the table, so you also have to think of some more solutions to the problem that lies ahead. It will take the government to act in time, not when we are in the middle of a crisis – like the fuel or medicine crisis – where it acted only because social pressure forced it to do so. The Government needs to direct its efforts to the sectors that really need it, but they will not achieve it if the squandering continues on the state payroll, in subsidies for friends: they will not achieve it if they squander on parties, banquets, or unjustified salary increases. While the people live in hell, a caste of politicians lives in a paradise that we pay for with sweat and, not in a few cases, with tears and suffering. And that is creating a ticking time bomb. LA PRENSA, Jul. 4.


  14. Quote

    Unemployment drops but most new jobs are informal

    Posted 02/07/2022

    In the last six months, more than 100,000 jobs have been added to the economy, which means a recovery in the labor field, where the unemployment rate went from 11.3% in October 2021 to 9.9% in April 2022.

    Jobs were lost in agriculture, in the information and communication sector, administrative activities, and in the health segment.

    There were higher levels of expansion in construction, with 14,222 (13% increase); industry, with another 14,004 (13%), and service activities, with 13,054 (12%) additional positions.

    Transportation and logistics gained 12,915 or 12%; commerce recorded some 11,616 (10%) positions, and the Government had an upward variation of 11,294 (10%).

    However, most of the new jobs are in the informal sector. When self-employed workers and employers are counted in construction, 98% of labor expansion is categorized as informal employment.

    The same happens in the industry, where of the 14,000 new jobs, 10,084 were self-employed, and 3,648 new employers. In domestic service, which achieved 4,428 new jobs, 100% informality is observed.

    Informal workers are considered to be employees of a private company without a work contract, independent workers, employers whose companies have less than five employees, people who provide domestic services, and family workers. In summary, the country has added 60 thousand additional workers to the informal sector in less than a year.

    In October 2021 there were 677,875 informal jobs, while for April 2022 the figure stood at 737,922. This implies that informality is monopolizing 48.2% of the non-agricultural employed population of the country.

    Of the total number of people with informal employment, 59.2% worked on their own account, 26.4% had a salaried job, 8.1% was a domestic service employee, 3.3% a family worker, and 3% an employer.

    Most of the informal workers do not contribute to the Social Security Fund, which demonstrates part of the precariousness of their condition, as they are not making the contributions to the worker-employer quota that they need for the moment they retire.

    In Latin America and the Caribbean, nearly 140 million workers work in the informal sector and have been strongly impacted by covid-19.

    Guy Ryder , director of the International Labor Organization (ILO), warns that there can be no true recovery from the pandemic without a broad recovery in the labor market. “And, to be sustainable, the recovery must be based on the principles of decent work, including health and safety, equality, social protection, and social dialogue.”


  15. Quote

    Presidency exerted pressure in New Business plot


    The prosecutors leave the court.

    Posted 05/07/2022

    The New Business case over the purchase of Editora Panamá América SA ( Epasa) with alleged public funds resumed on  Monday, July 4, five months after the Special Prosecutor against Organized Crime began the presentation of arguments to call 16 people to trial.

    The hearing was  suspended on January 27 when the defense of former president Ricardo Martinelli, one of the accused, presented documents from the Electoral Court stating that he had criminal electoral jurisdiction.

    This caused the judge to, Baloisa Marquínez, to separate Martinelli's case from the rest of those investigated until the issue was resolved.

    The procedural rupture also reached the brothers David and Daniel Ochy, who were not notified of the hearing in time.

    Gladys Quintero and Alfonso Núñez, lawyers for some of the defendants, asked Judge Marquínez about her decision to continue with the preliminary hearing, despite the fact that the Supreme Court has yet to resolve the appeal to a protection of guarantees that could declare the nullity of everything advanced in the case. The judge replied that these incidents will be resolved at the end of the process, so the hearing continues.

    The scheme said the special prosecutor against organized crime, Uris Vargas, the purchase of Epasa was managed through an intricate network of corporations that received money from companies; which, in turn, received contracts for infrastructure works in the government Part of those funds went to a basket company: New Business.

    Vargas said  that during the investigation the testimony of several collaborators was obtained. One of them narrated that during a meeting, a high-ranking official from the Presidency was the one who coordinated the collection of bribes and advances, through the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), money that was then diverted to the New Business society.

    The collaborator added that the senior official pressured the businessmen to collaborate with the delivery of funds for the acquisition of Epasa .

    He said that these companies included: Transcaribe Trading (TCT), Excavaciones del Istmo, Financial Pacific, Constructora Corcione, Condote Panamá y Asociados, among others.

    He said that Gonzalo Gómez Wong, the last beneficiary of Excavaciones del Istmo, gave a contribution of $2 million and that for this he acquired a factoring loan that was canceled through a contract with the State for $27 million to carry out works in Panama West.

    The prosecutor also named  David Cohen and Salomón Btesh, businessmen who contribued $3 million. These, he said, appear in companies that received contracts from the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and the National Institute of Professional Training and Training for Human Development.

    A statement was given by Gabriel Btesh, who confessed to having received funds from David Ochy, one of the owners of the TCT company, to manage the purchase of the media conglomerate. He even said that those instructions were given to him in writing.

    He also explained that the contributions made by TCT came from money that was given through the contract for the design and construction of the Arraiján-La Chorrera highway. He recalled that an investigation carried out by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office of the Public Ministry shows that in this project there was a patrimonial injury of $7.9 million.

    Another of the companies allegedly linked to the scheme was MDM Latin Corp, linked to Marcos Acrich.

    The prosecutor explained that the company, without having a clear business relationship with New Business, made several deposits.

    According to prosecutor Vargas, businessmen linked to companies that carried out construction works for the Social Security Fund were also pressured to hand over money.

    This,  was reflected in the statements of Eugenio Del Barrio, from the company Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC).


  16. Quote

    22 protesting teachers arrested after clashes with police


    Posted 05/07/2022

    Twenty-two striking teachers, from the provinces of Herrera and Los Santos were arrested Tuesday after clashes with crowd control agents of the National Police when they tried to block the passage of vehicles at a bridge over the La Villa river.

    Herreran teachers marched from Chitré and so did their colleagues from Los Santos, who walked from the Nicanor Villalaz school, until they reached the bridge that divides both provinces.

    When the teachers were about to close the road, they were dispersed with tear gas and pepper spray.

    The National Police confirmed that 22 Santeño teachers were apprehended, and placed under the orders of the Justice of the Peace of La Villa de Los Santos.

    Ángel Raúl Mitre, general secretary of the Herrerano Educators Association, expressed his rejection of the police action.

    "They did not respect anyone," Miter said, indicating that a teacher was sprayed with pepper spray on her face. and another educator was affected when a tear gas bomb exploded near his foot.

    "This has been out of control as in times of the dictatorship," he said. He pointed out that instead of giving answers to their claims they are repressing them. "They have not respected the children, and one of them was affected," she said.

    After about two and a half hours of clashes, the teachers left the area anticipating that their fight will continue reports La Prensa.

    The protests took place in several provincial capitals. In Veraguas, teachers, and owners of school buses, in the district of Santiago, also joined the demonstrations that are taking place at the national level, to demand responses to the rise in the basic basket of food and fuel.

    In addition, in Coclé, Chiriquí, Panamá Oeste and Panamá, protests and marches were registered. In the capital city, members of the National Union of Educators of Panama demonstrated – for the second day – at the National Assembly.


  17. Quote

    Priest gets 5 years jail for sex acts with minor


    Posted 05/07/2022

    On the afternoon of Tuesday, July 5, the Judicial Body reported that by means of a sentence agreement, Colombian Luis Ruiz Quiroga a priest of the Catholic Church was sentenced to 60 months in prison for the crime against freedom and sexual integrity, in the modality of aggravated libidinous acts, to the detriment of a minor. The event occurred on June 26 in the parish of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in Juan Díaz. June 30 for committing libidinous acts against a minor, for which he was also removed from his position, the Archdiocese of Panama announced in a statement.


  18. Quote

    Masks remain mandatory in health centers public transport and for food handlers

    Posted 04/07/2022

    The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, clarified on Monday, July 4 that the mandatory use of the mask, to prevent the spread of covid-19 , will still apply in medical facilities, public transport and for those who handle food.

    The clarification came after the last July 1 the report to the Nation when President Cortizo said that as of next Monday, July 11, the use of masks will not be mandatory in open and closed places.

    “In health facilities, public transport and for food handlers, the use of the mask is permanently mandatory,” Sucre explained to the media on Monday. "In offices, both public and private, it will already be by choice," he pointed out.

    Asked about the case of schools and other closed places where there are crowds, Sucre explained that everyone who has problems with the immune system or suffers from a chronic disease is recommended to wear a mask. The same suggestion is made for people 55 and older.

    Sucre stressed that in the rest of the closed places it is recommended to increase ventilation and added that the mask should also be used in nursing homes.

    “Each school will be able to make the decision on how mandatory it will make the use of masks for their children. The more agglomeration and less distancing, our recommendations become stronger. We recommend that children wear their masks if biosafety standards cannot be met,” he stressed.


  19. Quote

    Two die in headwater after green alert


    Posted 04/07/2022

    Two women (mother and daughter) died on, Sunday, July 3, when they were surprised by a head of water when they tried to cross the Quebrada de Oro, district of San Martín, district of Las Palmas, in Veraguas. A third person Edilberto Adames Camaño, mayor of the district of Las Palmas was able to get out of the four-wheel-drive vehicle when it was struck by the water. Divers from the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) located the bodies of his wife and mother-in-law. On Sunday, Sinaproc had declared a green alert at the national level.


  20. Quote

    Contingency plan to enable  courts to play catch up


    Chief justice Maria Eugrnia Lopez.

    Posted 04/07/2022

    On Monday, July 4, The Second Judicial Office of the First Judicial Circuit launched a contingency plan, to reduce the calendar of oral trials, as there are some scheduled for, even, 2024.

    To try to stop the delay in the hearings, which causes late justice, six courtrooms will be set up in the new facilities of the Accusatory Penal System (SPA) , in building 727, in Balboa, Ancón, where it is planned to hold between 15 and 17 oral trials per week, including Saturdays during regular hours.

    According to the Judiciary, which attributes what happened to "high litigation", oral trials will be held on Saturdays for a period of three months. But after this period it is expected to hold 15 oral trials per week, which would represent an average of 60 trials per month.

    A similar initiative was also launched in the province of Chiriquí to hold trials and indictment hearings. The holding of trials began on June 23 for people who are detained and the accusation hearings began on June 13.

    Some 50 indictment hearings with prisoners and some 48 oral trials are expected to be held in three months.

    Two courts will operate simultaneously on Fridays, and if the trials are extended, sessions will be held on Saturdays. In addition, two trials will be set for Saturday, which can be processed in a single day.

    Judicial burnout
    Former Supreme Court magistrate, Harry Díaz, said that now there will be increased pressure on judges and court officials. He warned that having staff do multiple hearings daily, even on weekends, can lead to burnout.

    The president of the Human Rights Commission of the National Bar Association, Carlos Herrera Morán, said that his firm has several legal proceedings with a trial date for 2023 and 2024, which he considered unfair both to the victim of the crime and to the accused.

    Morán pointed out that many defendants maintain precautionary measures for months and even years without a resolution of the case.

    A report from the General Directorate of the Penitentiary System at the end of May reveals that of the 20,554 prisoners, 65%  have been sentenced and the other 35%, (7,230) await resolution.

    The Ombudsman, Eduardo Leblanc, also described this situation as a violation of the rights of the victims and the accused.


  21. Quote

    Covid antivirals producing positive results in Panama


    Posted 03/07/2022

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reports that the antiviral treatments Remdesivir, Molnupiravir and Paxlovid have given the expected results,  and have reduced the impact of symptoms in patients with covid-19.Yashica González, coordinator of the outpatient services of the Figaly Care Center aimed at Covid-19 patients, emphasized in a statement that antiviral treatments in patients have had a very good response by reducing the impact on symptoms and little presentation of adverse effects.


  22. Quote

    The Martinelli Dilemma of the Electoral Court


    Posted 03/07/2022

    The Electoral Court (TE) faces a dilemma. The first scenario was its ruling in favor of Ricardo Martinelli, in which it revoked a first instance decision that granted the lifting of the criminal electoral jurisdiction to prosecute him for the New Business case, and, in addition, it delved into matters that were not within its competence, as the recognition of the principle of specialty in favor of the former president.

    The second scenario is the same: an electoral court lifted Martinelli's jurisdiction –now for the Odebrecht case–, a ruling that will surely be appealed so that the plenary session of the TE decides whether or not to revoke the sentence. What will the TE do? Insist on granting jurisdiction to this defendant, so that he cannot be judged, or allow criminal justice to do his job?

     It is a difficult decision since any alternative will generate criticism. The plenary session of the TE has the opportunity to correct errors and respect the right of the population to see those accused of receiving millions of dollars in bribes in the dock. Magistrates, respecting democracy does not only consist of organizing elections. Its actions, in this case, would define the course of our democracy. Act accordingly.  – LA PRENSA, Jul.3.


  23. Quote

    Two “coyotes” detained in Darien Gap


    Thousands of irregular migrants pass through the Darien Gap each month.

    Posted 03/07/2022

    Two alleged "coyotes" or human traffickers were arrested and charged with migrant smuggling, after abandoning a group of four Venezuelans in the province of Darién, reported the Public Ministry.

    The Darién Regional Prosecutor's Office announced that the precautionary measure of provisional detention was imposed on the two citizens, after legalizing the arrest.

    The incident occurred between June 26 and 27, when Venezuelan migrants reported that they were abandoned by coyotes while trying to cross the Darién jungle, between an area of the Guna Yala region, in the Panamanian Caribbean, and another of the Emberá region, both near the border with Colombia.

    The Public Ministry explained that the migrants recognized the defendants by their clothing and physical appearance when they arrived at Canaán Membrillo, one of the first towns after crossing the jungle and the new entrance gate for passers-by.

    The Darién plug, an inhospitable jungle, is used every year by thousands of migrants from all over the world on their way to North America. Due to its natural characteristics,  and the presence of armed groups, it is considered one of the most dangerous routes in the world.


  24. 192 Panama murders in six months

    Posted 03/07/2022

    In the first 6 months of the year, 192 people have been murdered nationwide reports El Siglo. The latest victim Joel Ramos, 40, was shot and killed on the morning of Friday, July 1, in San Joaquin.

    According to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Security, the months where the most crimes were reported were in March with 40 cases and May with 35.

    According to the count kept by El Siglo, in June 32 people were murdered in different parts of the country.


  25. Quote

    Record drug seizures predicted for the year


    Posted 03/07/2022

    The Minister of Security, Manuel Pino, projects a historic figure in drug seizures for the year 2022.The expectations are placed on the 65 tons registered at the end of the first semester and the 1.7 tons presented on the first day of the second semester.

    "Everything points to the fact that we are going to beat last year's record figure," Pino stressed during the installation this Saturday of the "Panamá Centro" Stars tournament, which aims to achieve peaceful coexistence in the communities, and keep children away from crime.

    Pino said that next month they will receive a maritime patrol plane, and more boats, among other security elements to reinforce the operations that are about to be carried out.

    "What is wanted is that every day we can provide security to our maritime and border territory because the risks come from outside," he said.


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