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Everything posted by Moderator_02

  1. https://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Panama_Electricity_Supply_Growing_Slowly
  2. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/varela-kills-luxury-buy-narco-cops
  3. That situation can arise from one of two circumstances. One is that NewsLady is the originator of the email being distributed, and secondly would be a simple oversight by NewsLady when preparing the outgoing message. Those emails should account for less than 2% of the outgoing emails sent by News.Boquete@gmail.com. One unfortunate side effect of the archiving procedure as News.Boquete messages get posted on CL (in the News.Boquete archive forum) is that the “reply to” header information gets striped out. That is a technology issue; not desired but it is what it is.
  4. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/crisis-team-checking-source-stain-water-supply
  5. There is a similar article on a locally produced website at: http://panamaadvisoryinternationalgroup.com/blog/news-from-panama/ninety-plus-panama-coffee-earns-2273-per-pound-described-evoking-erotic-innervation/
  6. https://dailycoffeenews.com/2017/10/26/ninety-plus-panama-coffee-earns-2273-per-pound-described-as-evoking-erotic-innervation/
  7. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/three-new-security-top-guns-waiting-wings
  8. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/near-million-birds-panama-fleeing-northern-winter
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