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Everything posted by Moderator_02

  1. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/12000-gallons-of-aviation-fuel-on-highway
  2. YouTube: https://youtu.be/aT2gBM1m0w8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100000700576218/videos/2274160045950659/?l=3424806431155439335 --
  3. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/brushing-up-on-panama-guarantees
  4. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/judas-dolls-carry-message-for-lawmakers
  5. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/government-closes-agricultural-market
  6. https://www.panamatoday.com/economy/panamanians-celebrate-19-years-channel-and-earn-more-15000-million-dollars-8820
  7. Moderator comment: An interesting topic about an old idea about Mexico competing with the Panama Canal in the international trade sector. What follows is an aged historical overview by the Los Angeles Times of the Mexican canal discussed in this topic. http://articles.latimes.com/1997/aug/29/news/mn-26938
  8. Today December 31st from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Will be held the Annual Children Christmas Party. Location: On the Street behind the Municipal Market in Boquete. The event is from La Fuente Restaurant. It is not too late if you would like to bring presents. Miguel Castillo, his family and Club Rotario de Boquete are very grateful to all of you who are and have been supporting this happy event for the children. --
  9. https://www.newsroompanama.com/health/health-1/health-insurance-alert
  10. Medical laser treatments can make you look and feel better. Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus - Our new treatment is even more effective Remove dark skin spots and discoloration - usually takes only a treatment or two. Is your face red? - Rosacea and spider veins can be instantly treated. Hair in the wrong places? - unwanted upper lip and facial hair can be quickly eliminated. Facial rejuvenation - regenerate your facial skin; smooth fine wrinkles; improve skin tone and color. Warts, tattoos, melasma, psoriasis, acne and a host of other problems can also be treated. Dr. Harrison works with Dra. Digna Diaz here in Boquete. For details of our laser treatments please visit our US website: www.rejuvacare.org. For questions please email Dr. Harrison at questions@bajareque.com. For an appointment please call Dra. Diaz at 6615-6740. --
  11. Now is your chance to try out for a part in our next play. --
  12. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/panama-students-get-3rd-place-in-world-robotics-contest
  13. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/lax-lawmakers-endanger-panamas-financial-system
  14. https://www.panamatoday.com/sports/10-sporting-events-marked-sports-rhythm-panamanian-lands-8811
  15. Opening Exhibit of Volcan Quilters Date: Friday January 4th of 2019 Time: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Fundación Biblioteca de Boquete Tel: 507-720-2879 Escríbenos a: admin@biblioboquete.com eventosbibliotecadeboquete@gmail.com --
  16. Join us NEW YEARS EVE at the Las Olas Beach Resort for the BEST NEW YEARS CELEBRATION in Chiriqui! You and your guests can share a table on our beautiful beach under the tiki torches and moonlight, while dining on great food and listening to DeDe and Larry Wedekind and the fantastic La Rumba Band! Dinner Buffet, drinks & bottle service at tables (separate charge for alcoholic beverages), and beautiful beach views and breezes! Dance the night away to fireworks, lazer lights, fire dancers, stilt walkers and other fun for adults and the kids. Dancing, hot music, and bottles of champagne and other menu bottles of drinks for tables, as well as romantic bonfires and fireworks for everyone!! This is known as "THE" NEW YEARS PARTY in all of Chiriqui! We sell out each year, please reserve now for the best tables and to get your spot! We still have a few rooms left so reserve now! Room and food packages available! ¡Únase a nosotros el EVE DE AÑO NUEVO en Las Olas Beach Resort para la MEJOR CELEBRACIÓN DE AÑOS NUEVOS en Chiriquí! Usted y sus invitados pueden compartir una mesa en nuestra hermosa playa bajo las antorchas tiki y la luz de la luna. Mientras escuchas a DeDe y Larry Wedekind y la fantástica banda La Rumba! Cena Buffet, bebidas y servicio de botell en las mesas (cargo separado por bebidas alcohólicas), y hermosas vistas de la playa y la brisa! Tenemos bailes, fuegos artificiales, luces, bailarines de fuego, caminantes sobre zancos y otra diversión para los niños. Baile, música caliente, y botellas de champán y otras botellas de bebidas de menú para mesas, así como hogueras románticas y fuegos artificiales para todos. ¡Esto se conoce como LA FIESTA DE AÑOS NUEVOS en todo Chiriqui! ¡Vendemos todos los años, por favor reserve ahora para las mejores mesas y para obtener su lugar! ¡Todavía nos quedan algunas habitaciones así que reserve ahora! Paquetes de habitación y comida disponible. Date: Monday Dec. 31st Times: Buffet opens at 7pm and the party goes all night, usually till 3am! Location: Las Olas Resort - Beach Front Ave. Don Antonio, Playa La Barqueta, Alanje, Chiriqui, Panamá Tel:. (+507) 772-3000 Cel: (+507) 6212-9230 www.lasolasresort.com Price: Adults $75 in advance or at the door. Reservations are strongly recommended!! (mention "DEDE" and get 10% off the *price of the New Year's Party! *Hotel stay not included in discount). WE hope to see you and your friends and family all here this MONDAY for NEW YEARS on the Las Olas BEACH! Muchas Gracias! DeDe & Larry Donna Y Juan --
  17. Happy New Year friends in Boquete. Many of you have asked "Who is ACCBoquete". The legal registered association name in Panama is ACCBoquete (Asociacion Cardad de la Comunidad de Boquete) . Now you know why we go by ACCBoquete. We started our Association 7 years ago under the name of International Police Association (IPA). Before we completed our membership with IPA it became apparent that money that we raised through our fundraising events would be split between the Boquete community and the IPA International Headquarters. Since we are serving a small community of Boquete we realized that the money we collect in "Boquete" should stay here to help "Boquete". So we started a new association, ACCBoquete (Asociacion Cardad de la Comunidad de Boquete). Our goal is to assist our First Responders....Police, Fire and EMT's of Boquete. We also support other Boquete charitable groups to help them achieve their goals. ACCBoquete is a sponsor of the new Recycle Group (RRR) of Boquete, financially and physically, to clean up the enviornment and educate the children in local schools of the importance of recycling. ACCBoquete has had fundraisers like our annual Poker Run, Oktoberfest, Christmas party and other fun fundraisers at Big Daddy's, The ClubHouse, The Garden and Boulder 54. We pay for Police car/truck repairs that results in police cars on the road for our safety. This past year we have provided financial assistance to the family of an injured Bomberos, to the widow and family of fallen Police Officer, and Financial assistance to the murder victim's family in Boquete. ACCBoquete raised money for a new stove for the Boquete Police Department and a refrigerator for the new substation at the Caldera Checkpoint. We made a cash donation to the JMJ Youth Group at San Juan Baptiste Catholic Church. Our fundraiser/gift donation 8th annual Christmas party at Boulder 54 was a huge success. We collected 138 wrapped Christmas gifts for needy boys, girls and babies in Boquete as well as provided cash donations for food to very needy families in Boquete. Gifts were given to Bill and Gina Bricks Ministries, Louise Orr with Buenos Vecinos de Boquete, Hogar Triska, and Sara and Steve Hudson took gifts and food to Stones Creek Church. Cash donations provided food for Soloy Baptiste Church, El Faro Christian School and San Juan Baptiste Catholic Church for food baskets distributed around Boquetes to very needy families. Cash donations were also given to Quilters/Knitter group to purchase yarn and quilting material for the baby blankets, sweaters, hats and booties that they hand make. For the second year ACCBoquete members had a Bar-B-Que at the Boquete Police Department on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve for all the First Responders that are on duty these holidays, away from their families and loved ones. We served Chili hot dogs, chips, soft drinks, cookies and candies. Plates were prepared and taken to those officers working the check point. Our first fundraiser event for 2019 will be "A Elvis Presley birthday party" on Tuesday, January 8th at Big Daddy's stating at 5 PM - 9 PM. Chris will prepare a special Elvis dinner, there will be music by Elvis, a Elvis look-a-like contest. Lets see if any Ann Margaret look-a-likes show up! Fundraiser moneies to go to the Boquete Knitters and Hogar Triska. In March we are planning another Poker Run, starting and ending at The Clubhouse. More on this later. ACCBoquete has about 48 members. Annual dues are $30. , a one time fee of $11.00 for a ACCBoquete shirt and meetings are second Wednesday of every month at different local restaurants. All the money we collect goes back into the Boquete community. We have planned special trips occasionally and special outings. Besides providing a service to our community we have fun. If you have questions or are interested, contact Joe Hart, President, at 6521-2649, or any of its members for more information. Thank you Boquete friends for a great 2018 and we look forward to a prosperous 2019. Linda"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil...................it has no point!" --
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