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  1. AN ALTO AL CRIMEN REPORT TO BOQUETE This will be long, but it will provide you with information you should know. Alto al Crimen (AAC) has been serving the Boquete expat community since 2010. It was founded by some public-spirited expats who were aware of the need to address the problem of increasing crime in Boquete at that time and the need to help non-Spanish-speaking people make emergency calls for assistance in case of crimes, fires or medical emergencies. Most of the community immediately recognized the value of the services that would be offered. Significant numbers of people made large donations to the newly-formed foundation. AAC worked with police, offered workshops in home security, identified and worked with a private detective to augment police investigations and implemented the AAC bilingual emergency Hotline, employing Rodny Moreno as its operator. With substantial community support AAC was successful, and its services were broadly appreciated. Board of Directors turnover occurred, and I was asked to join the board. Though we had more than adequate funds, at that time I undertook a study of how we were accumulating them. I discovered that a good number of people were making large annual (or more frequent) donations while others who had registered for AAC Hotline service did not donate at all. The actual statistics were a bit shocking. Of the nearly six hundred registrants, 11% were making donations and 89% were not making donations. We began to implement a plan to encourage ALL people registered for AAC Hotline service to donate, making the point that if everyone donated a relatively small amount, there would be plenty of money to cover AAC operations. As we were working on this approach, tragedy literally struck in the form of the death of Lee Zeltzer, our treasurer. The bank account was set up to require his and one other signature on all checks. We had money in the bank but could not access it. At that point we were very thankful for many of our donors who gave generously so that we could continue to pay Rodny’s contract payments on a cash basis. Around the same time, our president, Caesar Sherrard was experiencing some health problems and was engaged in a number of legal matters so that he felt the need to resign. We began seeking new volunteers as board members and for other volunteer positions. Then, at a most vulnerable time, we were notified by Rodny Moreno that he intended to resign from his job as AAC Hotline Operator and operate a similar hotline in Boquete as a for-profit business. Fortunately, his contract did not expire right away, so we had some time to work to resolve our new problem. Before Rodny’s contract expired we had reconstituted the board and found a very well-qualified new operator, Franc Lugo, for the AAC Hotline. Some of the new Board members, perceiving what they considered to be developing rancor over the existence of two hotlines in Boquete, decided not to continue their active participation, and two of them also happened to move to another part of Panama. A non-board member volunteer needed to leave for several months for family medical reasons. Another one was ironically injured in a home invasion and could not serve. Overall, this was somewhat discouraging. There was no rancor on the part of AAC. We just needed to return to normal operations and continue, though by then there were only two old geezers to run the show. Over the following months we met with a number of people who expressed interest in volunteering with AAC. All of them were good folks but never got around to becoming active. One of them moved to a country in South America. Regardless of all this, things worked well, and our AAC Hotline was improved with an extra phone number and a tablet computer with an electronic copy of our database that was conveniently portable. It took us a while to realize the most significant problem to bite us in the butt. Our most generous donors had been donating $100 per year or more, some much more. Rodny’s business, called Rodny Direct (RD), charged $80 per year. People who had been donating more than that could sign up with RD, know that they would receive good service (because Rodny had been providing the same service for several years through AAC) and save some money. Other donors remained with AAC and continued to donate faithfully, and we have very much appreciated them. But we had a few hundred others who remained with AAC and continued NOT to donate. Each month, to cover payments to Franc Lugo, we needed to tap into pre-existing funds in our account. We had an opportunity to provide another much-needed service to the Boquete expat community, and that was a very low cost medical discount plan in partnership with Hospital Cooperativo in David. The program has been well received, and each annual fee for the plan has included a donation to AAC. The plan has over 100 members, and others are looking forward to enrolling in the next few weeks. Overall, however, revenues have not been keeping up with expenses. When we were dealing with problems after Lee Zeltzer’s death I announced that the future of AAC would depend on the people of Boquete, their donations and participation. Repeated calls for volunteers have generally come up empty, though we were grateful to have one volunteer for medical plan enrollments in July. Generally, for many months AAC has been “Two Old Geezers and a Foundation” plus our hotline operator, Franc Lugo. Both of those old geezers are over eighty years old and kind of need to hang it up. As many of you who have been here for a good while realize, police service has improved, more police vehicles are available and crime has decreased in recent years. We now have both Bomberos ambulance service and a private ambulance service. To some extent, evolutionary changes in Boquete and the efforts of AAC have operated to work us out of a job. We met over two years ago with the mayor of Boquete and the Minister of Security to implement the Caldera Road checkpoint, and we have a continuing project of working with the mayor and with the Police to provide a “garita,” or guard shack for the police for more efficient operation of the check point. The check point, though considered by a few people as a bother, has reduced property crimes in Boquete significantly. Since it was recently suspended after an unfortunate shooting of two policemen at a checkpoint in Panama Province, we have had a rash of property crimes. We have met with the mayor and are working with the city engineer and architect on the garita project and hope to begin accepting donations when planning and budgeting have been completed. Some of you have already pledged donations, but we do not want to accept funds until we know we have a green light on the project. As for the AAC Hotline, it is no longer financially viable. It costs six thousand dollars per year plus administrative expenses, and our donations are not enough to sustain it. We approached Rodny Direct in the hope of making a very fair deal that would be good for Rodny’s business and good for the expats of Boquete. We were at least partially successful. We have 29 members of the medical plan whose memberships and donations are covered until January 2019. Rodny Direct will allow them to sign up for Rodny Direct service for no charge until January 2019. Their medical plan memberships will be unaffected. The 89 individuals or families enrolled in the medical discount plan whose plans are due for renewal at the end of this month, along with all other people registered with the AAC Hotline service, at their option, may enroll with RD with payment due January 1, 2018. We are exploring providing the police and the bomberos with translation devices which would allow calling their emergency numbers directly and speaking English to the translation device (slowly and clearly) so that the operator on duty could hear the message in Spanish. In turn, the operator could speak into the device and play it into the phone to respond in English. This is in the exploratory phase, but we will work hard to try to come up with a good, workable system. Meanwhile, keep working on that Spanish! Regardless of how and to whom you make your emergency calls, it is a good idea to tell the operator the number of the closest utility pole to your home. Tom Counter and I truly believe in our efforts for AAC and for that reason have worked hard on behalf of our community. We plan to facilitate renewals and new enrollments in the Hospital Cooperativo medical discount plan later this year and thereafter will help the hospital to set up a direct renewal and enrollment system. We will announce details of how it will work. We will not leave you hanging. This is our community, and we are all best served if we help each other out. We are going to continue working as AAC on the mentioned projects and would still welcome a volunteer or two and also your donations to help us see them to completion. Thanks for your understanding and support. Bob Gregory, President, Alto al Crimen
  2. Www.HolisticPanama.Com Health is Everything ! Maintaining Your Health is a Full Time Job and an Amazing Journey.. Take it on Correctly and You Will Enjoy the Fruits of A Rich & Blessed Life .. If Your Health has Been Compromised , Take Heart:) as Balance Can be Recovered by Following Some Wise & Intelligent Protocols Specifically Tailored to your Unique Needs . Its all a Matter of Coming to Understand the Real Root of Your Health Challenges and Properly Addressing Them .. Nature Does the Rest ... We are Really Great at Getting People to the Root ... ~ Holistic Panama ~ Holistic Health Evaluations Natural Medicine Homeopathy Vibrational Healing BioResonance Natural Detoxification Programs Vega Testing Ayurveda Regeneration & Optimization Techniques Education & Training Programs Perceptive Counseling Holistic Coaching Services And More ... ..Happy Holidays -Mention This Email for 20$ off First Visit in December .. Please Check out our Website and Get in Touch if you have any Further Questions or Just Want to Make Connection ~ Many Blessings In Health & Spirit ~ Www.HolisticPanama.Com 6377 9291 WhatsApp 6377 9291 ~ See ya Soon ~
  3. Questions? Contact Pat at iloveboquete@yahoo.com
  4. The Biblioteca de Boquete will be closed this coming Friday, December 8th, in observance of Mother’s Day. We wish to remind you also that there will be a Christmas concert on Sunday, December 10th, at 4:00PM. Everyone is welcome. Happy Mother’s Day! Fundación Biblioteca de Boquete Tel. 720-2879 www.biblioboquete.com
  5. Don't forget to pick up your tickets for Boquete Has Heart's Casino Night! January 13, 2018 5-8 pm at Amigos de Animales Events Center. Tickets at Tuesday Market, Mailboxes, Etc. or contact shestrunk@gmail.com
  6. HELP HOGAR TRISKER Hogar Trisker is an orphanage for the neediest of Panama’s children. The facility is only partially funded by the Panamanian government, and is in serious need of repairs. Hogar Trisker cares for approximately 50 children ranging in age from newborn to 17. The Boquete Rotary Club (Club Rotario de Boquete) has decided to support this facility to address some emergency needs. The septic system is damaged and despite regular pumping, overflows around the building and play areas causing unsanitary conditions. The water system is not safe, and multiple children and staff have been sickened by the contaminated drinking water system. Much of the plumbing in the building is broken. Can you help? Rotary will be collecting donations at our table in the Tuesday BCP market. Alternatively, you can make your donation at Global Bank by depositing you donation to the club’s account: Club Rotario de Boquete, Checking Account Number 16-101-23176-2 Please let us know of your donation so that we can say thanks by emailing me at laura.daniel@gmail.com Rotary is dedicated to serving our community. Thank you for helping us help those in need! Kind regards, Laura Daniel, Vice President, Club Rotario de Boquete
  7. Sabor Escondido Restaurant with 'Seat of the Pants' 2 Dec 2017 YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/u6-t-3rc3GE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/100000700576218/videos/1756505951049407/?l=3869494880110507464 NotSereyus
  8. View in a web browser What can you do in Boquete for $5. Using your resident discount of 50% you can fly with the butterflies to the sound of music right here in Los Naranjos! Come and enjoy the butterflies, wonder at how much food our caterpillars eat in the laboratory and marvel at the colors and shapes of the pupae. A magical experience. Show your 4- Cedula or E-Cedula if you are an ex-pat resident. Mailing address: Rare Isthmus Honey, El Jardin Del Cafe, Cruce de Los Naranjos, Boquete, Chiriqui, xxx, Republic of Panama Unsubscribe from future emails. -- Emily Catherine Haworth Email: emilychaworth@gmail.com Twitter: @EmilyBoquete Web: www.boquetecoffee.com Phone: 67130043
  9. Happy Holidays from YiA Yoga! Attached is the December Schedule and info on Therapeutic Yoga now being offered at YiA by Doris! Remember, YiA Studio is now located just a short 5 minute drive or 60 cent cab ride from town in Alto Boquete at the Villa San Miguel hotel (just past Ivans). Come visit our beautiful new studio. Join over Christmas for two FREE Karma Classes, Saturday the 23rd and Sunday the 24th.
  10. Dear Boquete Weather Watchers: I posted the weather station data for the month of November 2017 and published a Boquete Weather Watcher Update No. 104 which you may access on line or at this link. Sincerely, Lloyd Cripe www.boqueteweather.com
  11. There have been some last minute changes in the Peace Corp program at the BCP on Tuesday, Dec. 5. Sadly Laura fractured her shoulder and will be in Panama City for a while, but Emily from Rio Sereno will be taking her spot. And unfortunately Matt cannot make it but Marianna Corckill from Salitral is replacing him
  12. Crash Course Spanish Classes with Renny start on Jan. 11, 2018 Jan 11 & 12 thru Feb 23 If you are interested, please click on the websites below for more information or copy the link into the URL address line. Review the left column on various topics. Click ‘Contact Us’. REGISTRATION IS IN January – YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED http://crashcoursespanishwithrenny.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crash-Course-Spanish-with-Renny/752177804872882 $195 Two Levels of Spanish, Basic and Intermediate rennykranich@gmail.com As many people know, Renny owned a language schoo­­­l in David under contract with the Panamanian Government giving classes for them, and had one in Houston also. She is now offering three levels of Spanish classes in Boquete, Basic and Intermediate I and Intermediate II.
  13. The Pilates Exercise System provides a great work-out simultaneously working on many levels. Through awareness and concentration practitioners move slowly, steadily and smoothly, emphasizing precision of form and total control. Years ahead of its time, the Pilates system not only strengthens the body/mind connection, but enhances and stimulates the coordination of the central nervous system. Joseph Pilates designed his exercise method to strengthen his students' intelligence, turning- on a greater number of cells/receptors of the brain and central nervous system- not only during, but following the execution of his exercises. Basic Pilates highlights the fundamental movements of Classical Pilates; specifically strengthening the lower back and abdominal muscles, instructing correct posture through body-awareness & correct alignment, and strengthening and adding flexibility to the skeletal.muscles and the joints. It also highlights the necessity of developing and maintaining better, more optimal balance. As we age, doesn't it make sense to do whatever we can to enjoy our lives and live most optimally? Isn't our health and bodily ease our highest priority? Come to the Haven - Do Pilates! Get back to basics and take greater responsibility for your Health and Well-being. You'll be happy You Did! Ongoing Group Classic Pilates Classes are on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30- 9:45 a,m, and on Wednesdays and Fridays from 1:15- 2:30 p.m. All props provided including small balls, stretchy bands, light hand weights, blocks, magic circles and mats. Do bring your own yoga mat if you have one- to be guaranteed two for when we go down to the floor. All student levels work together; each person listening to and honoring his or her body to determine their optimal degree of motion. Quality of movement, not quantity or number of repetitions, is the focus. Classes can be paid for individually at $9 each, or one of two packages may be purchased- $30 for 4 classes to be taken in a month, or unlimited classes in a month for $72. Interested in checking out Pilates before entering a group class, or just not a group class person? Private sessions are also available by appointment. For more information and to schedule an appointment at a suitable time for your life-style, email Susan Clare, Certified Plates instructor, ** Please see below. *To experience the benefits of Pilates and to feel as though one is progressing, it is recommended each student attends class on a regular basis, at least 2-X weekly. Start Anytime!. Wanting to know more about the Haven, and all the therapeutic modalities offered? Call 730 9345, or email the Haven at info@boquetespa.com And do know- One need not be a member of the Haven to participate in classes or to partake of spa services. Looking forward to Seeing YOU Soon! ** Email Susan Clare at suzeclare@gmail.com
  14. 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, December 5 – The Peace Corps in Chiriqui. Four volunteers working in our province will talk to us about how the Peace Corps works and what is their main goal here. They will also explain a little bit about their different projects, development work and everyday life in their communities. We will have Enid assigned to the Volcan area, Matt in Gualaca, Tony in Celmira, and Laura in Puerto Armuelles. Bring your questions for the Q&A at the end. Tuesday, December 12 – Boquete Medical Associates and Keep It Simple Panama. The topic will explain the benefits derived from the merging of the two organizations. Tuesday, December 19 – Howard Green & Joyce Kinnear will explain to us about how to use Facebook and Twitter. Tuesday, December 26 – Glenn Davis, author, lecturer, historian, and Boquete resident. Glenn has been a professor at Rice U. (history), Blinn College (journalism) and Texas A&M (international studies). He is the author of 4 books available on Amazon.com, three other books published in Japanese by leading Japanese publishers and hundreds of articles on Japan and Japan-American relations. Glenn also appeared regularly on Japanese TV and radio. He will speak on “My personal struggle with biculturalism, 40 years in Japan”. Tuesday, January 2 -- Jason Boss on cryptocurrency. In a world that is changing ever so much, today’s buzz word is cryptocurrency. When it comes to alternative forms of currency, unless you have a very experienced advisor, you will be burned. This talk will focus on what cryptocurrency is, what it can do for you, what coins are right for you, where you can begin, and how you can safely store your currency. All of this information will be provided by someone who has been in the crypto game since its start in 2008. This is the expert advice you want in this new school digital age. Tuesday, January 9 – Judi Smith is the owner of the International Clinic of Biological Regeneration (www.icbr.com). She practices Cell Therapy, an anti-aging treatment, developed by Dr. Paul Niehans. Judi has clinics in both Nassau and Mexico. There is free admission to this talk. Tuesday, January 16 – Panama, The Musical Tuesday, January 23 – Dr. Ted Harrison, Boquete resident, will present a talk on the medical research study his team did in Boquete last spring. Tuesday, January 30 – Sandra and Lloyd Cripe on “Birding as a hobby.” Tuesday, February 6 – Yira De Alvarado will speak about her work with Nutre Hogar of Chiriqui. Phil McGuigan, head of Amigos de Boquete will introduce Yira. Nutre Hogar is a private organization created in 1988 by Monsignor Romulo Emiliani and a group of volunteers, in order to recover and prevent severe malnutrition of children of the most impoverished communities of our country. Nutre Hogar Chiriqui is a non-profit organization that treats 40 severely malnourished children who are transferred from Hospital Materno Infantil Jose Domingo De Obaldia. They attend to the children’s needs with medicine, dietary supplements, education, and MUCH LOVE. To give you an understanding of the scope of this Mission, they need $25,000.00 per month to maintain operations. The presentation will be filmed by TV Chiriqui. We will organize a bus trip to see this amazing facility. http://nutrehogar.org/ Tuesday, February 13 – Glenn Davis, author, lecturer, historian, and Boquete resident. Glenn has been a professor at Rice U. (history), Blinn College (journalism) and Texas A&M (international studies). He is the author of 4 books available on Amazon.com and three other books published in Japanese by leading Japanese publishers. Coming just two weeks before the Boquete Jazz and Blues Festival, Glen will speak on the latest book he is writing titled Blood on the Cotton, about the history of the blues in Texas. This presentation is an analysis of the origin of the blues, which started in Texas and Mississippi (most people think about only the latter). It focuses on the blues pioneers in Texas and how they influenced other forms of music, such as rock and roll. It also will show clips from the Internet on early blues performances. Tuesday, February 20 -- Come and learn basic survival command (questions and answers) in Spanish from U.S. Warden Hank Landis. Survival/command phrases will cover topics of: health, security, and personal needs. To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, Facility Manager
  15. David van Harn Curator, Boquete Film Club Link to trailer -- David van Harn Curator, Boquete Film Club
  16. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Heather Dyer en hjdyer1@gmail.com
  17. My friend Yolanda reminded me that there is also nice jewelry at the market.
  18. Our biggest flea market ever -- over 70 vendors !! This Sunday at Chiriqui Storage from 10 - 1 Free admission; free parking Lots of Christmas and Mothers Day gifts and decorations. Also honey, orchids, Betty's plants, Curt Carson coins and collectibles, Sady with sunglasses, upscale clothing and shoes, Lucy with baked goods, Penny with $1 hot dogs, Kathy selling pizza, Glenn selling kids toys, health products so much more.... Located just 1.5 km north of the Dolega Terpel Gas Station.
  19. Nancy cell 6857-9536 Boquete, Panama
  20. Every Tuesday at the BCP Market, Finca Feliz has its Medicinal Tinctures, Colloidal Silver, Moringa and whatever is ready from the farm that day as well as Orchid and Berry Plants. ****SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BELOW**** Turkey Tail - Chaga Mushroom Combo Tincture - Used in Traditional Chinese medicine for 2500 years, these two mushrooms provide a powerful combination to stimulate the immune system and Chaga contains the highest amount of antioxidants of any natural product grown on this planet. Here’s Paul's famous TedTalk with his mom in 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXHDoROh2hA Ashwagandha Tincture - Used in India’s Ayurvedic Medicine for 2500 years, this herb has been used as an anti-inflammatory, relieves stress and fatigue (making it a rejuvenating tonic), and helps with memory loss and related diseases. Western herbalists refer to Ashwaganda as “Indian ginseng”, because it is a powerful adaptogen. New studies show telomere repair for anti-aging and re-growth of hair. Boquete’s “feel good” tonic is organically grown at Finca Feliz. Tumeric/Cucumin Tincture – A powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant supporting the brain (Alzheimer’s), heart (cholesterol), emotions (depression), and protects against and fights cancer. Moringa Oleifera Tincture - Proclaimed as one of the 8 "super foods" available from a natural source, full of vitamins and minerals, it is grown and consumed around the world to alleviate malnutrition and hunger. All our Moringa is grown organically at Finca Feliz. Reishi Mushroom Tincture - Reishi is an important adaptogenic herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine helping the body maintain balance, treating fatigue, asthma, liver ailments and promotes longevity. Reishi has anti-viral and bacterial properties, and has a beneficial effect when treating cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. It balances the immune system whether it’s over or under active, as well as blood pressure, cholesterol and energy. NANO Colloidal/Ionic Silver - A powerful natural antibiotic that is an anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial remedy. Used for wounds and infections, it is the only Silver that can be successfully used internally as it survives the passage through the digestive system to attack any "invasion" in the body. **** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ***** Coming this January, I will have LIONS MANE MUSHROOM TINCTURE, harvested organically in the "wild". I do have the powder in capsules available NOW. Lions Mane Mushroom specifically addresses the brain and nervous system including Parkinson’s, memory loss and Alzheimer’s. I will be posting more information next month. Until then, check out this fantastic interview with Paul Stamets from Nov. 7th where he talks about everything “mushroom”. This is a fascinating, informative, and enjoyable interview where he even solves the “bee collapse” problem facing the planet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPqWstVnRjQ Lvanderkar@gmail.com Cabina for rent www.viviun.com/AD-244946/
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