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Posts posted by TwoSailors

  1. 50 minutes ago, Panawanna said:

    Another question... when arriving in Panama with cash...is there any issue with the denomination of the bills?  In other words, is there a problem exchanging $500 or $1000 bills at banks for smaller denominations?

    I doubt very much that you are going to get any US $1000 or $500 bills:


    They have been out of circulation for years and if you do come across any they are worth a lot more then face value for collectors.

    Bring $100 bills, all banks and merchants accept them now.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, Siempre Soluciones said:

    Does anyone have any idea when the water will be turned back on?

    A friend of mine in the US State Department is laughing at the fact that in the last year Boquete's water availability is rating lower than many cities in several African countries. 

    Very sad.

    It's ridiculous! 

    Cool, Clear, Water:


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Bud said:

    Think about it — statistically* speaking in Panama there is slightly more than one person killed per day on the roadways. The other leading cause of death in Panama (excluding natural causes) is violence, typically but not always involving drugs and/or gangs. It is my understanding that vehicular carnage is the highest cause of death and bodily injury, even higher than violence (again excluding natural causes).

    Top 10 worldwide causes of death:


    2 hours ago, Bud said:

    Speaking now as an owner/administrator of CL, we have received a few complaints about why we “allow” such “gore” to be posted on CL. It is our view that we all need to keep roadway safety in the foreground because it may help prevent a future incident. I now drive more slowly and attentively, given the routine carnage that goes on around us. Some drivers are simply willing to take risks (for some stupid reason).

    Totally agree!

  4. On 12/16/2017 at 11:16 AM, Moderator_02 said:

    Those include too few tugboats to escort ships through the enhanced waterway, according to tug captains and crew members. They’re not impressed that the authority has budgeted $87 million this year to purchase six tugs with the option to buy four more to expand the current fleet of 46; their estimate is 90 are needed to safely and efficiently handle more than 10 vessels a day.


    On 12/16/2017 at 11:16 AM, Moderator_02 said:

    At the moment, the authority isn’t flush. It has to pay off $2.3 billion in debt it took on to finance the expansion, with payments starting next year. But Quijano said the new lane will record $3 billion in revenue in fiscal 2018, $173 million more than in the previous fiscal year.

    Seems the bean counters need to take another look at their budget!

  5. Had lunch at Chopsticks yesterday. Mostly Panamains at the time we were there. Place about 70% full.

    Pros: Location, atmosphere, food, very friendly, quick service, plenty of parking and fair price.  Cons: limited menu, no beer, and wine yet.

    Thought the flavors of the food was very good and very good size portions. Our bill with tip was $12.00. Whenever our bill is under $15 we do not ask for the Jubilado discount. We will return!

    BTW they open at noon.    

  6. 1 hour ago, Jim and Judi said:

    Felipe Motta in David has a wonderful store near El Rey. You'll find most anything there. Closer to Boquete, Dorado's market has a good selection but so does Super Baru and we've found their prices are better. 

    Agree. Melissa at Dorado can order cases of wine for you and search out wines that she does not carry.

    Also Price Smart has a great selection. Casa Jamon, across from Dorado has good deals on wine by the case as well. And great Spanish food items!

  7. 22 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    To add to my previous post about it being unfair to the employee, this is almost certainly a violation of the law. Contracts may be utilized for single jobs or projects, but using them to avoid having to pay s.s. to a regular employee defeats the purpose of the law requiring the payment of s.s. If and when the employee leaves the job, he can file suit under the labor law. The employer found to have violated the law, would have to pay the s.s. owed and severance pay as well as a penalty. I know lawyers who have given bad advice about this and left their clients, friends of mine, with a big financial liability.


    22 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    Some friends of ours avoid this by having 6-month contracts. They simply do not renew the contracts if the employee is not working out. Plus it gives the employee incentive to do good work so the contract can be renewed and they have work that otherwise they may no


    They do indeed pay their employee's social security and vacation compensation. They do all this under the advice of their attorney to comply with the laws. I never stated otherwise.

  8. 8 hours ago, BD said:

    Hampton brings up an interesting point. My experience says that it is good business procedure to do a feasibility study up front. Unlike Hampton who suggests it is only about money, a feasibility study usually addresses other aspects of a large project, such as technical challenges, environmental issues, political winds, public interest and support, etc., etc.

    I disagree with his last sentence, which is his opinion.

    I don’t understand the continuing interest in connecting Panama City with Costa Rica. Can someone help me understand why Costa Rica is so important to Panama, other than being a neighboring country? 

    If a train is built, I doubt that I will live long enough to see it in operation.

    We spent the day Monday getting the paperwork for our E Cedula in PC with our attorneys representative. We asked him what the Panamanians thought of this new train?

    He expressed that if you ask the majority of average Panamanians they will say what is the purpose of this train? For more tourist? He said many people of Panama are tired of all the corruption, lack of improved schools for better education, overcrowded Medical Facilities. Those issues are more important to them than a train to Costa Rica.

    • Upvote 3
  9. This was brought up at a presentation at the BCP on Oct 31st. It appears it is a work in progress. From what Irma said Alpha Clinic is expanding and will be offering more services and doctors. Evidently, they are looking for a bigger facility in the hopes of seeing folks make fewer trips to David for medical services. Irma and Alpha clinic is offering an inexpensive plan. Perhaps Irma will make an announcement here soon.

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