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    February 14, 2024 03:00 PM      04:00 PM

    View this email in your browser Monthly Meeting
    February 14th 10-11am
    Animales Event Center   Directions to Animales  
    Celeste Mendelsohn Presents

    "Yoga for the Rest of Us" Celeste is a yoga therapist and meditation instructor whose work focuses on the journey to healthy aging, which involves a better understanding of how stress and anxiety affect us, and how the lack of movement and regular exercise creates a lot of the “issues we have in our tissues.” She has a passion for helping people to feel more at home in their bodies and comfortable with their thoughts.

    Celeste will take the group through some basic techniques that will help you relax more, feel better, and sleep more soundly. Please come to the meeting in comfortable clothes. No need for a mat or props, but you should be able to move around without clothing being restricting.  Donations to support our work are gratefully accepted.

    Yoga is everywhere these days: gyms, studios, parks, even on surfboards and mountaintops. People are striving to find, as Celeste’s daughter would say, “their Zennie zone.” The problem is that in order to do what they think they need to do to be fit, hip, cool, and Zen they work very hard at looking like they are, and lose the ability to be.

    As older humans who have been around a while, we may be a bit jaded to this sort of behavior. It could even turn people against the very idea of yoga as a healing modality for them. All the hype that seems to go with the get-fit yoga lifestyle is exhausting, frustrating, and honestly—expensive! $150 yoga pants? Really?!? What about the rest of us? Is yoga for us?

    Yes, it is, especially now. Many people don’t realize how beneficial yoga can be to their healthy aging, well-being, sleep, strength and overall fitness. As we age we tend to lean toward a more sedentary lifestyle. But doing this can cause untold damage to our bodies and our brains. We need to keep moving! This doesn’t mean running marathons or surfing the big waves—unless you want to! But it should include focused techniques for breathing and movement, starting with good, easy stretches that will leave you feeling more comfortable in your body and with a peaceful mind.

    Celeste Mendelsohn is an IAYT Certified yoga therapist and an ERYT500 teacher with Yoga Alliance. She is certified to teach meditation, and is currently training in iRest Yoga Nidra and EMDR. Celeste works with clients with a variety of issues, including heart disease, cancer, mobility challenges, anxiety, depression, trauma, and addiction. Yoga tarana means yoga for healing, which Celeste practices herself, and hopes to teach others to do, every day of her life.    There is still room, click the button below to sign up for the CPR class. It will be held right after the meeting there is still room. Sign up CPR  

    Our mailing address is:
    Alto Boquete, info@boquetehealth.org

    Event details

    Community Events Calendar 0 Comments

    May 15, 2024 03:00 PM      04:00 PM

    This event began 01/17/2024 and repeats every week on Wednesday forever

    Let me help you learn how correct breathing and frequent meditation can improve your health. During this class, we will discover different methods and benefits of breathwork and meditation.
    What will we learn;
    Breathwork General introduction 5 different exercises Meditation General introduction 3 different meditations price: $10,00 pp/ $7,5 (membership card: 10 classes)

    Event details

    Community Events Calendar 0 Comments
  • Recent Event Reviews

    • BCP Holiday Open House
      By Moderator_02,
         We were not able to participate in this event due to absence from the area, but we understand from friends who supported this event that it was a HUGE success. Here are some of Clare Taylor's photos:

    • Community Christmas Party Hosted by Amigos de Boquete Comunidad
      By Moderator_02,
         Marcelyn and I attended this fabulous Christmas Party at La Posada Restaurant this afternoon. Besides the usual Christmas season festivities, one purpose for this party was to collect Christmas gifts for the local children. There was no entrance fee, but attendees were asked to bring wrapped Christmas gifts for distribution by the local churches. Our estimate is that about 50 people were in attendance, and all enjoyed the fantastic music of a seven member mariachi band. What a great performance on their part; they were very good at getting the attendees involved by singing and dancing with them. La Posada had extra waitstaff to take care of drink and food orders. The party was in a large room at the rear of La Posada -- could not have been a better venue for this kind of gathering.
      The party was planned and executed by a recently formed group of expats under the name of Amigos de Boquete Comunidad (ABC). Joe Hart and his wife, Linda, along with numerous volunteers put together this festive gathering. Our hats off to Joe, Linda, and all of their elves.
      Here are a few pictures from this event:

      A panorama shot of some of the attendees.

      The Christmas tree, prior to all of the gifts being received that were to be donated.

      The Mariachi Band

      Linda and Joe Hart, Dave and Erin Ross

      Special guests at the table with Joe and Linda Hart.
    • ARF Thanksgiving Meal
      By Bud,
         Marcelyn and I were participants in ARF's Thanksgiving Day event at the Animales Building. There was a LOT of VERY GOOD food, great conversations, visits with friends, etc. We estimate there were about 70 guests and maybe 15 worker-bees taking care of setting up, tending to the guests, etc. The background music was nice, and not so loud as to intrude into the conversations. The pecan pie was simply outstanding. Kudos to that chef! But I also do not want to take away from any of the other food items. I sampled all the food choices, and there was nothing to apologize for on that front.
      An unexpected plus for us was that we finally got to meet Beth Abrahams (it is kind of a long story, don't ask).

      Beth Abrahams
      We also got to catch up with all of the latest travels and happenings of our friends who were at our table. Met a few new people, etc.
      There simply was nothing that we could fault (not our goal anyway). This is the way things should be done, and ARF did it with all of their wonderful volunteers. If someone found fault with something yesterday, then I would chalk them off as being a token curmudgeon.  Thank you ARF! GREAT JOB!!!!

      Thank you to all who helped make yesterday's Thanksgiving Day celebration such a huge success, and special thanks to N&N:

      I will close with: we all have a lot to be thankful for.
    • One Night in India
      By JudyS,
         I think $55 for one person is a lot of money to spend on a dinner in Boquete.  I've never spent that much for an Indian dinner anywhere.
    • Plein Air Painters Art Exhibiton Opening Reception
      By Mary Ellen Watts,
         I am glad I will be there early so I can buy some of the art available for cash and carry!!! 
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