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And Now I Know - Rodny Direct to the Rescue



Excitement in El Santuario this afternoon.

We lost electrical service for a second time today (Friday, June 18th), with the first outage being scheduled maintenance. The first outage lasted about seven hours, ending about 2:00 PM. A second outage started about 3:15 PM, and a few minutes later a neighbor called saying a high tension wire was on the ground and “arcing and sparking” in front of his house. We alerted Rodny Direct, who called Naturgy’s emergency number. Rodny called back within a few minutes to report that two Naturgy repair trucks were Immediately dispatched from David to our location. As a sidebar, Rodny informed us that when Naturgy dispatches more than one truck to site that it is called a brigade. Bud alerted our neighbor then drove to meet and direct (using flash lights) the Naturgy trucks when they arrived and moving up the hill into El Santuario.

A fire truck arrived in case a fire started, and also to block the area immediately around the downed wiring. That fire truck refused to allow a taxi driver and a few other vehicles from entering into the danger area.

Naturgy arrived with two trucks and assessed the situation. Electrical power was shut down to the high tension wiring. Naturgy estimated three hours for the repair to be finished.

Great job, Rodny.  👏👏  We’ll certainly renew our yearly subscription for Rodny Direct. This service is the best buy in town.

Pictures available tomorrow after electricity is restored.


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I can not laud Rodny enough for the work he does for our community here and especially for those who do not speak Spanish.  Rodny Direct provided the same heroic response for us here when a neighbor and his wife were beaten and robbed in a home invasion.  Rodny's handling of the entire situation was beyond the call of duty and we will forever be enormously grateful.   I might add...the  spouse of our neighbor is a lady who is totally fluent in Spanish, a Panamanian. She was unable to function. I might also add, he went the extra mile as my neighbors who needed help were NOT his clients, we were. Our neighbors immediately subscribed to his service !   When you have a crisis, a cool calm head and a person directing the first-responders is GOLD.  He knows exactly who to call and how to deal with the situation.  ( any situation......have a car break down in the middle of nowhere?...Rodny will get you a tow truck.  City street light out in front of your house?...Rodny can get that reported and attended to) 

Bill and I consider Rodny Direct an essential necessity here.   


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Well said, Alison 👍👍

Without hesitation we totally agree with Alison’s labeling Rodny Direct as an “essential necessity” when living in the Chiriqui highlands. Rodny Direct truly is an essential component to achieve a more secure life in Boquete.

Questions? Contact Rodny at info@rodnydirect.com.

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Here are the pictures that were promised. The fire truck in the right leg is blocking the road for the route to Cabañas Sabrin. You can see Bambuda Castle in the distance off the left leg.

IMG_0008 cropped.jpg

Below you can see the sizzling and smoking high tension line on the roadway (photo courtesy of Robert Boyd.)


Below you can see the arcing and sparking high tension line (photo courtesy of Robert Boyd).




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