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BCP Tuesday Meeting Cancelled


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Our Meeting Schedule – 10:30 in the BCP Theater



Tuesday, Dec. 22 -- No Meeting Today

Tuesday, Dec. 29 – Darrell Eash presents Camels & Chameleons (Learning to Thrive in a New Environment). How to understand and appreciate the differences between Latinos and Gringos, and how to adapt to and succeed in a culture and language different from your own. Darrell’s knowledge in this area comes from being born and raised in Venezuela, living there until he left for college in the U.S. He’s also worked among Latinos for nearly 28 years, and has traveled extensively to all but four Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. Darrell will address the 10 cultural differences between Latino and Gringo cultures and explain how they can harmoniously work together.


Tuesday, Jan 5LAST WILLS AND LIVING WILLS. Hospice hosts Lourdes Miranda and Juan Contreras from the Boquete law offices of Miranda and Contreras speaking on Last Wills and Living Wills.  

Tuesday, Jan. 12 – Edna Landau, owner and tour guide for Sitio Bariles will talk about the history and discoveries made at her archeological site. Barriles (known also as Sitio Barriles or by the designation BU-24), is one of the most famous archaeological sites in Panama. It is located in the highlands of the Chiriquí Provinceof Western Panama at 1200 meters above sea level. It is several kilometers west of the modern town of Volcán.


Tuesday, Jan. 19 -- Elizabeth Farrell de Rios presents “Tree-To-Cup Coffee: The history of a single bean at Villa Estrella Coffee” Why do different coffee farms have different coffee? Ever wonder about different roasts? What happens between the fruit and the drink?  For over 120 years, our family has tended this lush upland valley, where we steward some of the finest coffee on earth. We will explore every step of the artisan process and answer many of the common questions about coffee farming in Boquete, and production generally. Noobies, coffee snobs, and hobby farm owners are welcome to attend!

Tuesday, Jan. 26 – Rainelda Mata-Kelly, locally famous attorney from Panama City.

Tuesday, Feb. 2 – Carol Legg, Arizona Realtor, will discuss how she can successfully sell your home or business by marketing it inside the U.S. and Canada. She can also help newcomers to Panama find their ideal house or business.

Tuesday, Feb 9 – Frank Stegemeier and Steve Kazor (www.bigriverfoundation.org) speak on the environment as it relates to rivers and the pending 69 dam projects in Chiriqui. Join us in support of river conservation. Panama’s new administration has made important efforts in this area, efforts undermined by a recent Supreme Court decision. New efforts are in progress. Osvaldo Jordan of ACD is in Boquete to share the view of Panamanian environmental organizations. Talk includes a short 13 minute film.

Tuesday, Feb. 16Ben Schuetz, owner of a privately owned observatory in Boquete dedicated to Optical SETI searches. http://optical-seti.org/  SETI is an acronym for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The Boquete Optical SETI Observatory is located 3 miles from Boquete at 4400 feet on a southern slope of Volcan Baru. It was constructed beginning in 2008. The observatory has a newly fabricated 20 inch Newtonian with a piggybacked 14 inch classical Cassegrain for tracking.

Tuesday, Feb. 23Oasis Zoller  (www.oaziszoller.com) Oazis Zoller lives in Panama. She gives seminars and lectures about how humans are energetic beings and therefore the laws of Quantum Physics guide their success and happiness in life. Oazis, is a member of the Science and Consciousness Institute in Israel. In this institute over 300 professors, doctors and consciousness leaders research  to find connections between science and consciousness. Oazis has a technological background. She worked for many years in international initiatives and currently manages a Data Base of over 6000 entrepreneurs, scientists and investors, Oazis has also served as Webmaster of IBM Corporation. For over twenty years Oazis did research about consciousness capabilities according to the CIA studies ,Russian intelligence agencies like the KJB , Chinese and universities studies that not publicly available..


Tuesday, Mar. 8Judi Smith & Marit Braemer are owners of the International Clinic of Biological Regeneration (www.icbr.com). They practice Cell Therapy...an anti-aging treatment, developed by  Dr. Paul Niehans.  Judi has clinics in both Nassau and Mexico. Marit is a Panama resident. There is free admission to this talk.


To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting


To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, email Elena Serracin

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