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Tourism in Panama (and Central America)

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Panama’s search for tourism Holy Grail

The Thousand Polleras Parade will be held on Jan 12 In  Las Tablas,  hoping to lure early arriving World  Youth  Day (Jan. 22-27 2019) pilgrims to experience Panama culture says the Tourism Authority.
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A  SPANISH consulting company will receive $127,000 to update  Panama’s Tourism Master Plan 2007-2020 in recognition of the reality that international tourism has changed due to technology and social networks says the   Tourism Authority, (ATP).

The stuttering body has  hired Augusto Huéscar  who has worked as a consultant for the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)  to update the  plan  drawn up 11 years ago  that has  advanced with “unequal performance indices” in each of the points, under the direction of  a stream of different directors including   criminally charged, Martinelli confident  Saloman Shamah, who while in office had his US visa suspended and publicly admitted he had no knowledge of the tourism industry.

With guidelines proposed by the ATP, Huéscar will produce yet another report on “the problem” and analyze the 26 destinations identified in the current plan to identify 8 priority destinations to “make a diagnosis” for its potential development.

It seeks once again to reduce the imbalance between tourism in the city and the rest of the country.

Gustavo Him, the current administrator of the ATP, who will likely be replaced in the next government, commented that the idea is to give continuity to the original plan and determine what was not done and what can be done now.

Ernesto Orillac, president of the Panamanian Association of Tour Operators, commented that the most important aspect of the update is that the opinion of the private sector be taken into account.

Whether the opinions of visitors disillusioned by poor service and garbage littered highways will be included in the latest study is a moot point.

The $ 126, 192, cost of the latest analysis will be divided into three payments that will be made against delivery of updates of the plan.

Him said that different administrations did not give continuity to the master plan and the assigned budget was insufficient to execute the projects it embodied.

His successor will likely face the same problem, without the artificial fillip to tourism figures provided by the World Youth Day event in  January.



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Hoteliers want more spent on tourism promotion

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The Panama Hotel Association (Apatel)  is calling for more economic resources for the International Tourism Promotion Fund, which has a budget of $20 million a year a figure well below that spent by other countries in the region.

During the act of taking office as re-elected president of the Board of Directors of the Association Armando Rodríguez, said that other countries invest between $40 million to $100 million on their international promotion.

“The positive thing is that we have an infrastructure” to serve the tourist. What we need is to get is more capital for the promotion fund because we are going to have to compete with major  destinations”, said  Rodríguez,

Last year the Panamanian president, Juan Carlos Varela, signed the internal regulations of the Promotion Fund, whose annual budget is $20 million.

From August to December 2018, the Fund disposed of $8 million dollars, and the remaining $12 million will be received from January to July of this year, according to official information.

The trust funds created by law are used to promote Panama abroad through public and private management that has contributions from the central government, municipalities and private companies.

For the hospitality industry, Rodríguez said that Apatel will encourage three pillars, – raising tourism as a State policy, promoting the Capital of the Tourism Promotion Fund and achieving more training of human resources.

In a statement to Acan-Efe that he expects hotel occupation to grow 3% in 2019. At the end of 2018 it was around 40 percent.

He added that in recent years thousands of jobs have been lost within the sector,

The administrator of the Tourism Authority (ATP), Gustavo Him said that the country has intensified with the international promotion campaigns in the key markets of North America, South America, and Europe. But observers familiar with tourism promotion say that the money spent is minuscule compared to other countries.

Him  also stressed that the Government’s investments in infrastructure and convention centers will strengthen the country as a destination

According to figures from the ATP, in the period from January to September last year  1,821,657 visitors arrived in the country, w a decrease of 2.8 percent compared to the same period in 2017, that is, 52,206 fewer people.

Tourism represents around 10 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Panama, one of the most dynamic countries in the region, which in 2017 experienced economic growth of 5.4 percent.



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Tourism in Central America Loses Strength

In 2018, the number of international tourists who arrived in the countries of the region fell 2% compared to 2017, in contrast to the increases of 4% and 3% recorded in North and South America, respectively.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

According to the report of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) presented on January 21, the results recorded last year in Central America are partly because of behavior in some countries, as in the cases of Panama and Nicaragua were recorded declines in tourism.

The UNWTO statement notes that "... The Americas (+3%) received 217 million international arrivals in 2018, with mixed results in all destinations. Growth was led by North America (+4%) and followed by South America (+3%), while Central America and the Caribbean (both -2%) had very mixed results."

Days ago, Panamanian authorities reported that in 2018 there were 141,000 fewer tourists than in 2017, as the number of visitors who came to the country in the last two years declined from 5,759,280 to 5,617,948.

See "Tourist Arrivals Close 2018 Downwards"

Tourist companies in Nicaragua reported difficulties last year, since the political crisis the country has been going through since April 2018 has caused multiple losses for the sector. According to the latest report from the Central Bank, last October there was a 22% year-on-year drop in the economic activity of hotels and restaurants.

Not everything was a setback in the region, since in the case of El Salvador good numbers were recorded. According to the Ministry of Tourism, foreign exchange generated in 2018 totaled $1.417 million, 12.7% more than what was reported in 2017, and the number of tourists who arrived in the country increased from 2.2 million to 2.5 million for the years concerned.

Also see "Optimism for Tourism in El Salvador"

Regarding the outlook for global tourism identified by UNWTO for 2019, positive aspects such as the more stable oil price, better air connectivity and strong demand from emerging emitting markets are highlighted.

The risks foreseen for the sector are an economic slowdown, geopolitical and commercial tensions, uncertainty for investors and travelers.

See UNWTO report and results presentation.



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Panama tourism down  2%

Posted 26/01/2019
PANAMA  received  141,000 fewer tourist in 1918 than the previous  year  part of a two percent regional decrease according to the report of the  UN World Tourism Organization (WTO) presented on January 21.

With hotel occupancy rates down to 40 percent Panama’s hotel   and restaurant industry has laid off over 7,000 workers in the last 12 months and hoteliers have claimed that the government allocate too little funding to tourism promotion. On the other hand it has spent multi-millions on World Youth Day (WYD) which will  give a statistical upward blip to the figures, and the Varela administration is predicting long term benefits  from the event, but tourism operators are not holding their breath.

The UNWTO statement notes that "... The Americas (+3%) received 217 million international arrivals in 2018, with mixed results in all destinations. Growth was led by North America (+4%) followed by South America (+3%), while Central America and the Caribbean (both -2%) had very mixed results."



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Panama improves tourism with digital platforms, campaigns and conventions

Tue, 02/12/2019 - 15:27

Diseño sin título (9)_1.jpg

The restructuring of digital platforms, tourist promotion caravans and the organization of large convention events reflect a more renewed and active face of Panamanian tourism that aims to be a mark for travel abroad, said an official source Monday.

In the last five years, the Tourism Authority of Panama (TAP) has set out to establish a more digital presence with a view to capturing foreign tourists seeking new experiences, as well as those who envision doing business or investing in the hotel sector or recreational.

In a management report for 2014-2019, the administrator of Tourism of Panama, Gustavo Him, said that the administration focuses on concrete actions to provide an efficient service that guarantees competitiveness and sustainability in tourism offers in the different regions of the country.

"Our vision of work has been to promote Panama as the ideal country to visit and do business, this is achieved by promoting infrastructure projects, products and tourism facilities in different parts of the territory", said Him.

At the same time, he added that they have managed to shore up tourism through digital platforms, national and international fairs, cultural events and the realization of major conventions.

The administrator said that the TAP currently develops heavy investments in terms of tourism structure, reaching more than 213 million dollars.

Among the works delivered are the first Coffee Exploration Center in the town of Boquete, in the western province of Chiriquí; the Frontera de Paso Canoas Building, bordering with Costa Rica; and the conditioning of the boardwalk and tourist facilities of Taboga Island, in the Pacific.

Other projects that are expected to be delivered in the coming months, as the Green Convention Center in Boquete, the modern Amador Convention Center (ACC), on the banks of the Panama Canal; and the revitalization of the Anton Valley.

He assured to Acan-Efe that the TAP also makes investments in information projects, such as signaling plans that include location data and tourist attractions; the billboards on the roads; and photographic wiew points, which are 19 throughout the national territory.

The promotion and celebration of cultural events is another agenda item that the Authority promotes, highlighting among its main the Parade of Las Mil Polleras, Carnival of Panama: a country in celebration and the day of discounts "Panama Black Weekend”.

Without leaving behind the international events, the holder of the portfolio specified that at least 11 macro congresses and conventions on medicine, engineering, sports and food industries will be held in Panama between 2019 and 2022.

Him detailed that another of the objectives that will underpin tourism is the implementation of the International Tourism Promotion Fund, which is endowed with a budget of 20 million dollars.

The funds of the trust created by law are used to promote Panama abroad through public and private management that has contributions from the central government, municipalities and private companies.

"To increase this Fund you also have to resort to private company, given that the Government gives a part, we believe that the Fund has an amount that is not negligible and if the flow of tourists increases I do not think there is any objection that increases its amount for the next budget", he said.

Tourism represents around 10 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Panama, one of the most dynamic countries in the region, which in 2017 experienced an economic growth of 5.4 percent.



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A Lot of Investment, Few Results

The low performance of tourism in Panama in recent years does not follow the high investments that the Panamanian State has been making in airport and port infrastructure.

Monday, March 4, 201

Between 2017 and 2018, the number of visitors who entered Panamathrough Tocumen International Airport grew by just 0.3%, the equivalent of some 6,000 more passengers. The numbers for 2017 compared to 2016 were not good either: Although in the period concerned the average expenditure of tourists grew, the total number of visitors remained unchanged, at 2.5 million people.

These figures contrast radically with the investments that have been made in the expansion of the Tocumen terminal in recent years, as well as in other infrastructure projects linked to tourism.

"... ‘There is important work to be done to increase the flow of these tourists' (i.e. those who come to Panama to spend more than one night), acknowledged the general manager of Tocumen, Oscar Ramirez during the presentation of five-year results of the air terminal a few days ago. 75% of the 16.24 million passengers who passed through Tocumen last year, did so in transit."

"... However, the pace of Tocumen's investments exceeds, by several digits, the airport's revenues. Tocumen's latest public financial statement reveals that construction works in progress, counted as assets until September 2018, reached the value of $1,071.78 million. That amount expanded 27.5% in just one year, with the main part of that investment benefiting Odebrecht, which is currently executing the work."

As reported by Laestrella.com.pa, another of the pillars of Panama's tourism attraction strategy is the "hub" concept of the Americas, with which Tocumen seeks to position itself as a bridge to other markets. The problem is that, given that the country is not a major issuer of passengers, the strategy is based on connecting travelers from different parts, for which significant sums have been invested in the conditioning of the airport to serve these connecting routes.

At the same time, the Panamanian government has also invested heavily in international tourism promotion strategies, as well as in subsidies to foreign airlines to feed connecting routes and attract more tourists.

"... It is an aggressive economic bet with public funds, which added to the $500 million invested in the old town of Colon in the hope of rising as a tourist city, surpass two billion, placed on the table to reactivate the industry without chimney and attract tourists in mass that the country waits so long."

Source: laestrella.com.pa



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26 minutes ago, Keith Woolford said:

Regularly scheduled flights into Panama are too expensive. Tourists can find cheaper locations with more developed activities elsewhere.


Too expensive?  COPA's flights to the west coast of the US have more than doubled since I've moved to Boquete.  That on top of atrocious rental car rates and poor customer service Panama's tourism industry will continue to suffer.


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Panama’s failing tourism ploys 


Tocumen. a transit hub

Posted 05/03/2019
The low performance of tourism in Panama in recent years does match up to the high investments that the Panamanian State has been making in airport and port infrastructure.

Between 2017 and 2018, the number of visitors who entered Panama through Tocumen International Airport grew by just 0.3%, the equivalent of some 6,000 additional passengers. The numbers for 2017 compared to 2016 were not good either: Although in the period concerned the average expenditure of tourists grew, the total number of visitors remained unchanged, at 2.5 million, reports  CentralAmericaData

The figures contrast radically with the investments that have been made in the expansion of the Tocumen terminal in recent years, as well as in other infrastructure projects linked to tourism.

"... ‘There is important work to be done to increase the flow of these tourists' (i.e. those who come to Panama to spend more than one night), acknowledged Tocumen dDirector, Oscar Ramirez during the presentation of the five-year results of the air terminal. “75% of the 16.24 million passengers who passed through Tocumen last year, did so in transit."

"... The pace of Tocumen's investments exceeds, by several digits, the airport's revenues. Tocumen's latest public financial statement reveals that construction works in progress, counted as assets until September 2018, reached of $1,071.78 billion. That amount expanded 27.5% in just one year, with the main part of that investment benefiting Odebrecht, which is currently executing the work."

As reported by La Estrella. another of the pillars of Panama's tourism attraction strategy is the "hub of the Americas,” concept with which Tocumen seeks to position itself as a bridge to other markets. The problem is that, given that the country is not a  major provider of passengers, the strategy is based on connecting travelers from different parts, for which significant sums have been invested in the conditioning of the airport to serve these connecting routes.

At the same time, the Panamanian government has also invested heavily in international tourism promotion strategies, as well as in subsidies to foreign airlines to feed connecting routes and attract more tourists.

"... It is an aggressive economic bet with public funds, which added to the $500 million invested in the old town of Colon in the hope of raising it as a tourist city, surpass $2 billion, placed on the table to reactivate the industry without a  fire to attract tourists en mass for which the country waits so long."



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Panama’s fewer tourists spend more

Posted 08/03/2019
Panama received a total of 2.4 million tourists in 2018, a 1.4% decrease from the previous year,  but spending increased by 3.3% to $4.605 billion

The Tourism Authority (AT P) reported on Friday, Mar. 3 that the United contributed the largest number (over 300,000), followed by Colombia (n 210,000) and Brazil (84,000).

Spain contributed the most tourists from Euroe with71,000  followed by  Germany (35,000)  according to ATP statistics.

"In South America, Venezuela was for years one of the strongest markets, however, it registered a decrease in the entrance of visitor, which has been recovering with the arrival of travelers from the European market," said Tourism Director Gustavo Him.

The average stay time was 8 days and the expenditure cost per tourist was around $1,800 includes lodging, meals, purchases, and tickets to tourist sites

The Tocumen International Airport was the main gateway for tourists

followed by Paso Canoas, the border crossing with Costa Rica, while the ports registered a the decrease in the arrival of foreign visitors.

Tourism accounts for about 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) of Panama, Which experienced economic growth of 3.7% in 2018.

The editor of Lonely Planet travel guides included Panama in its list of the ten best destinations in 2019 for its biodiversity, beaches, its indigenous culture and the canal

The Government has acknowledged on multiple occasions that the tourism sector is experiencing certain "difficulties", a situation that the hotel association attributes to the oversupply of rooms and the delay in launching an international promotion campaign reports La Critica.



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No Long-Term Plans, No Tourism to Rebound

For Panama's tourism businessmen, the lack of government capacity to give continuity to the industry's plans is one of the main barriers to the growth of the activity in the future.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Although in 2018, the expenditure of tourists in the country totaled $4,605 million, surpassing by 3.3% that recorded in 2017, the sector estimates that more than 60 thousand jobs have been lost in the last three years.

You may be interested in "Threats to "Traditional" tourism"

Regarding what businessmen are asking to improve the situation of tourism, Panamaamerica.com.pa reports that "... the industry has asked to review the law of days off, which according to them when these dates are recorded there is a $70 million contribution to the national economy and from which tourism, especially in the interior of the country, benefits."

Armando Rodriguez, president of the Panamanian Association of Hotels (Apatel), explained that "... it requires an integration among the representatives of the sector that allows the necessary consensus to promote the tourist products that Panama has for the attraction of visitors, besides achieving that the Government which assumes the administration of the State, from next July 1, designs the necessary strategies to get benefits for the economy of the country."

Also see "Tourism in Panama: Revenues Up 3% in 2018" and "Panama: Hotel Occupancy Down 7%".

Regarding hotel occupancy, data from the Office of the General Comptroller of the Republic indicate that in 2018 hotels in Panama City reported an average daily occupancy of 4,602 rooms, 7% less than that recorded in 2017.



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Tourism tax incentives  extended


Posted 21/05/2019

TAX INCENTIVES created with the aim of expanding the supply of infrastructure and tourist products in Panama have been extended until 2025 .

Tourism Authority (ATP), inspector Marcos Paredes, said that the existing law 80 expired on December 31, 2017, and we reactivated the expired articles with the aim of attracting investment in infrastructure and products for convention and holiday tourism, such as marinas, canopy, museums, theme parks ".

"Law 80 fulfilled its objective, with it the Pacific Riviera was developed, and now Panama City has the best hotel facilities plant in the region," said Paredes.



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Business leaders urge Panama tourism push


Posted 26/05/2019

Panama’s  Chamber of Commerce, (Cciap)  has repeated its call for the government to “activate as soon as possible tourism as a strategic factor" to add to all productive sectors of the country.

The  Chamber  in through its weekly bulletin says " the  innumerable advantages offered by tourism, managed in an intelligent manner, is its ability to take advantage of regional environments to, in turn, empower them; all this, with the common denominator, focused on the quality of  services and the suitable training of the personnel dedicated to this activity ".

The note says that that tourism has  a transversal axis in integral development policies, due to its capacity to generate benefits in local,regional and national activities, through medium and small businesses, including individuals and entire families.

" This great adaptability makes it possible to design and promote tourist proposals focused on interest groups, and has a unique field of action in the country, from jungle and desert areas to high altitude lands, including the extraordinary richness of flora and fauna, in addition to our insular seas and territories ", the Chamber adds.

The business association included in its Country Agenda 2019- 2024 the recommendations to make tourism " one of the spearheads of our economic reactivation, among these, the need to immediately restart the

advertising campaign to turn Panama into a first order destination in the world tourism market. Without achieving this purpose, we will not exist on the map.”



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Tourism: First Funds Delivered for Promotion

In Panama, the first $5 million was given to the International Tourism Promotion Fund, which is part of the $20 million that each year corresponds to the fund by law.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

From the ATP statement:

May 24, 2019. The administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority, Gustavo Him, delivered this morning the first 5 million dollars to the International Tourism Promotion Fund, in the framework of the inauguration of International Tourism Expo 2019, which takes place at the ATLAPA Convention Center, on 24 and 25 May.

In a ceremony held at the ATP pavilion, Him announced that this first disbursement is part of the 20 million dollars that per year correspond to the fund by law and come from the budget of the entity, in order that the international promotion of the country is constant and competitive.

"We began the transfer process and are working on the second disbursement of the other 5 million that we hope will be endorsed in the next few days to be delivered to the Promotion Fund.  The plan is to complete the first 10 million dollars next week," he explained.

On the other hand, Liriola Pittí, executive director of the fund, indicated that the operation of the Tourism Promotion Fund has finally begun.  "We will have the right personnel to develop the international marketing strategies required by Panama, which are vital to increase the number of visitors, length of stay and tourism spending, with the support of the private and public sectors to achieve this," she said.



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Tourism and Air Connectivity

In Panama, it is expected that the recent start of operations of Air Europa, and the next market entry of the airline Wingo, scheduled for the first quarter of 2020, will dynamize the alicaída tourist activity.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

On June 3, Air Europa began operating the route between the capitals of Spain and Panama, with four frequencies a week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The flights are operated with the Dreamliner fleet of the Boeing 787-8, with capacity for 296 passengers, 22 in Business Class.

See "Start of Panama-Madrid Flights Delayed

Carlos Conde, Air Europa's commercial manager for Panama and Central America, said that "... connectivity through the Hub of the Americas and the commitment to promote Panama as a tourist destination and put it on the European map of options, were the fundamental reasons to fly to the country."

You may be interested “Tourism and Travel: Consumer Interests and Preferences

Regarding the current situation of Wingo, Juan Sebastian Molano, manager of Communications of the airline, explained to Elcapitalfinanciero.com that "... The New Airline is awaiting certification from the Civil Aviation Authority (ACC) to announce routes and frequencies. This process should have been completed last week, but it didn't happen."

Regarding tourism data in the country, according to reports, last year 2.48 million tourists reached Panama, who made expenditures of $4,605 million, exceeding by 3.3% that recorded in 2017.



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Tourism: Growth Goals in Panama

The Tourism Promotion Fund has the aim of increasing by 100 thousand the number of visitors that annually arrive in the country, a rise that would be determined by the development of advertising campaigns in five areas.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

In 2018, the entry of tourists through the main ports of entry to the country was 2,480,190, according to official figures. Therefore, the arrival of 100,000 more tourists would be equivalent to a 5% annual increase.

See "Tourism in Panama: Revenues Up 3% in 2018

Liriola Pittí, manager of the Tourism Promotion Fund, explained to Prensa.com that "... since last August the institution exclusively in charge of the promotion and marketing of Panama as a tourist destination abroad. Our annual projection is to increase the number of tourists by 100,000 people."

Pitti added that "... There are 5 areas that we have defined to develop intensely with different campaigns, according to target markets: congresses and conventions; adventure and nature; sun and beach; history and culture; Panama City: gastronomy, art and shopping."

Panamanian authorities state that the country received $4.605 million in expenses incurred by visitors during their stay in the country from January to December 2018, a 3.3% increase over the same period in 2017.



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From a Twitter posting by the Presidency of Panama. Click Here to see the posting itself on Twitter.

This is a posting to associate the outgoing Varela administration with three major efforts to improve tourism in Panama, specifically:

  • a new passenger cruise ship terminal,
  • expansion of Tocumen International Airport (Terminal 2), and
  • a new convention center in Amador.





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Tourism Reactivation and the New Government

Ensuring the resources of the Mixed Fund for Tourism Promotion and the formalization of the administration of the Amador Convention Center are actions that the business sector of Panama proposes to the new authorities to reactivate the activity of the sector.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Although in the last year the country reached 2.48 million tourists, spending $4,605 million, exceeding in 3.3% what was recorded in 2017, businessmen ask the new administration to make "all efforts that lead to a vigorous revival of tourism."

From the CCIAP statement:

Because of the capacity of tourism to promote other productive activities in the country, there are several reasons for the newly installed government to include this sector within its priorities of immediate attention.

Tourism can generate hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect jobs at different scales of development and geographical areas, and incorporate individual, family and collective entrepreneurs into its dynamics.

This adaptability has in the country a unique field of action by offering from jungle and desert areas to high altitude lands, through its extraordinary wealth of flora and fauna, as well as seas and island territories.

In fact, tourism is one of the country's most important exporters, as it integrates many businesses into its management. However, the so-called 'industry without chimneys' is in a state of crisis, which leads it to require urgent attention to recover its potential as a strategic economic factor.

Read full statement (In Spanish).



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Interview: Chinese tourism can help spur Panama's development, says official

Xinhua, July 8, 2019

by Luis Alberto Sierra G.

PANAMA CITY, July 7 (Xinhua) -- The arrival of a large number of Chinese travellers can help spur development in Panama, a Panamanian official said recently.

Panama's tourism industry hopes to see more Chinese leisure travelers, Gustavo Him, head of the state-run Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), told Xinhua in an interview.

"The groups that are coming to Panama are not all tourist groups yet," noted Him, adding "the potential that China has in our country is huge."

Since China and Panama established diplomatic relations on June 13, 2017, travels between the two countries have been easier, with a more flexible visa application process in place.

According to official data, the number of Chinese travelers to Panama rose by a significant 40 percent in 2018, compared with the year before, mostly fueled by business travels sparked by increased trade and stronger bilateral ties.

China's outbound tourism is a growing market segment that's new to Panama, but worth studying and attracting, Him said.

"We must ensure the continuity of a job that is not easy, because it is a market that we do not know and we have to meet their demands in a different way," Him said.

"The Chinese are not that much into sun and beach tourism. They prefer rural tourism, history, culture, nature ... In addition, gastronomy is fundamental to them," he added.

The newly established relationship between the two countries has already created many opportunities, including those in the tourism sector, Him said, citing the launch of a direct flight between Panama City and Beijing via China's national carrier Air China as an example.

The first direct flight, which made a technical stopover in the U.S. city of Houston, was inaugurated on April 5, 2018 at Panama City's Tocumen International Airport.

Since then, demand for the flight has been steadily growing, and officials are now looking into the possibility of opening other routes, Him said.

For example, Shanghai-headquartered China Eastern Airlines has expressed an interest in flying to Panama, which would increase the connectivity between the two countries and make fares more competitive.

In addition, the ATP has contacted other Latin American countries, such as Colombia and Costa Rica, to explore the possibility of creating a regional tourism route, so that Chinese tourists making long-distance trips to Latin America can make the most of their journey.

"When you have a multi-destination offer, and that might also include Cuba, you are already offering something more," Him said.

"We also talked about a cruise that could depart from Panama, and include even more destinations in the Caribbean," he added. Enditem



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Tourism Authority awaiting $100 million development fund


BOQUETE flower fair a major attraction

Posted 01/08/2019

The  Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) is awaiting the disbursement of $100 million financing with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) managed by the previous administration, to move forward with the plans to develop  tourism infrastructure

The resources would be directed to projects related to new tourism products such as ecotourism, green tourism, nautical tourism and others in destinations such as Bocas del Toro, Boquete, and Pedasí.

Of the $100 million, $60 million will go to infrastructure and urban management improvements; $30 million to equipment, local tourism management, and community development and $10 million to strengthen the ATP.

Irene Ortiz, ATP Director of Planning detailed in the framework of the installation of the first six consultative tables of the Tourist Cabinet that of the 26 destinations identified in the master plan, some priorities were selected where the financing resources will be executed of the IDB to improve infrastructure. "We are planning and organizing the activities, we want to have pilots with priority destinations that can be replicated in other areas," Ortiz said, indicating that the rest of the destinations will work with the Tourist Cabinet.

For example, Bocas del Toro, which has  a critical situation due to deficiencies in the management of solid waste, the provision of drinking water and wastewater, which affects the experience of visitors "We seek not only to prepare destinations for tourists but for the local population," she said,

ATP deputy administrator, Denise Guillén, said that tourism development must be consolidated with a joint effort between the public and private sectors to find solutions to the challenges.

He said that the private sector is the one that invests in the hotel tourism plant, in the support services to this sector and it is the one that allows farmers, ranchers, artisans, and indigenous communities to participate in the development of their businesses and not t have to migrate to the cities

Guillén said that in addition to the improvement in the infrastructure, of the tourist corridors, the need for even local and foreign tourist health care should also be analyzed. in case of any mishap. Therefore, he added, solutions must be offered in this regard and have these services not only during the week but on weekends in tourist areas.

The six tables of the Tourist Cabinet that were installed will analyze topics such as energy, solid waste management, support infrastructure and nautical tourism, the latter also works on topics such as sport fishing and tour operators for yachts and marinas.

The conclusions of each of the tables will be presented in the Tourist Cabinet scheduled for this Friday, August 2, in the district of Boquete, Chiriquí.



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Tourism Loses Competitiveness in the Region

In the 2019 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index, Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala fell back in the ranking, while the Dominican Republic was the only country that improved.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

According to the report prepared by the World Economic Forum, during 2019 Costa Rica ranked 41 out of 140 countries. It was followed by Panama at box 47, the Dominican Republic at 73, Nicaragua at 91, Honduras at 94, Guatemala at 99 and El Salvador at 108.

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The report of the World Economic Forum states that "... The Dominican Republic is the country that has made the most progress in the region (76 to 73), thanks to a global improvement in 11 aspects. Panama had the largest decline in the region (35 to 47), with falls in nine pillars, including the region with the largest drop in land infrastructure (40 to 53) because of reduced efficiency of land transport (40 to 46) and the inclusion of rail data in which it ranks low (98).

Although the North and Central American subregion is more competitive than the South American subregion, the improvement in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TCI) score from 2017 to 2019 was minimal.

The biggest advantage of Central and North America, over South America, is its more developed infrastructure, especially air and ground
." See full report.

For Shirley Calvo, Executive Director of the National Chamber of Tourism of Costa Rica (Canatur), in order for the country to increase its competitiveness, "... improvements in transportation infrastructure are urgently needed. Public investment in infrastructure is vital, and I'm talking about airports, cruise ports and secondary airports."

Calvo told Elobservador.cr that "... For a country that aims to receive 4 million tourists by 2020, air terminals must expand their capacity and improve the capacity of internal services such as Immigration and Customs."

See article by Elobservador.cr "Costa Rica's Tourism Competitiveness Declines in World Ranking"


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Amador convention center white knight for slumping tourism


Posted 22/10/2019

As the tourism and hotel industry in Panama continues its downward trend the  Tourism Authority (ATP) has given the go-ahead to a US company to administer and promote the new Amador Convention Center which after multiple delays through two administrations is expected to be operational from the first quarter of next year.

 The contract with US-based  SMG is for six years at a cost of $1.9 million and, says, ATP administrator, Ivan Eskildsen will benefit the tourism industry, especially in the capital city, where the bulk of the hotel and tourism segment of the country is concentrated.

Hotel occupancy in the capital city is 42% and tourist entry slumped more than 2% in the first half of the year, according to official data.

"The Amador Convention Center, with a capacity for 20,000 t people, will not only be a window for events and business, it will also be used for travel and pleasure tourism," said Michael Godoy, vice president of SMG.

The company manages over  300 venues in the world, between convention centers and theaters.

Godoy estimates that during the first operational year at least 100 events will be held, at the Amador center, mostly local.



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Tourism: Optimism for a New Advertising Campaign

As part of the new international advertising campaign, the tourism sector in Panama expects visitor arrivals to increase by 125,000 tourists per year, who could generate annual revenues of close to $100 million.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The "Panama Stopover" campaign aims to take advantage of the competitive advantages that the country has, encouraging tourists who are in transit in the country to include in their itinerary an extended stop, which could be up to seven days at no additional cost in the airfare.

See "Tourism in Panama: Revenues Up 3% in 2018"

Pedro Heilbron, CEO of Copa Airlines, told Elcapitalfinaciero.com that they want "... to take advantage of the wide connectivity offered by our hub of the Americas, to captivate tourism travelers in connection with Panama's tourist attractions and cultural richness."

The article adds that "... As part of the new Panama Stopover program, Copa Airlines, the Tourism Promotion Fund (Promtur) and the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) will work together with the country's guilds, hoteliers and tour operators to consolidate an attractive tourism proposal that is of interest to transit travelers."

Official reports state that in 2018 reached the country 2.48 million tourists, who made expenditures of $4,605 million, exceeding by 3.3% what was recorded in 2017.



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Panama forecasts 275,000 new visitors in 2020


Posted 17/11/2019

Twin tourism promotional  campaigns targeting the US   and Canada  could generate an additional 275,000 new visitors to Panama during 2020 according  to  the  International Tourism Promotion Fund

On Saturday, November 16 the Fund presented the content of the promotion 'Panama, beyond expectations' that is estimated to attract more than 150.000  visitors.

The other campaign that keeps is the one launched with the support of Copa Airlines 'Panama Stopover' that would have a target of 125,000 new tourists.

The two campaigns are focused on the United States and Canada and combined add up to $12 million.

The United States is the principal source of travelers for Panamanian tourism and for that reason the Fund is focusing its digital strategy on that market, said Liriola Pittí, executive director of the public and a private entity that since August 2018 assumed full responsibility for international marketing the country.

The Promotion Fund has a budget of $20 million a year and in the first half of 2020 will choose the international advertising agency that will be in charge of designing and executing Panama's long-term promotion.



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