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Top Cop says Officers need to Quit Looking at their Phones

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Interesting question raised by Pat. Here is the complete news article (in Spanish) referenced in Keith's posting, followed by an automated translation so that you can see what the news article says. I am including a transcription of the directive as signed by Officer Pinzón, along with an automated translation.


Pinzón advierte sanción disciplinaria a policías que se distraen con teléfono celular



El director general de la Policía Nacional, Omar Pinzón firmó una circular en la que llama la atención a sus subalternos para evitar que utilicen teléfonos móviles cuando están en horas de trabajo.

"Dicha acción distrae a las unidades por lo que nos lleva a prestar un servicio deficiente", reclama el texto suscrito por Pinzón y agrega que el incumplimiento de esta prohibición "será motivo de sanción" de acuerdo con el Reglamento Disciplinario de la Policía Nacional.

La nota del director de la Policía se conoció este vierne, aunque tiene fecha  del jueves 16 de febrero.


Here is the automated translation of the news article:


The director general of the National Police, Omar Pinzón signed a circular in which draws attention to his subordinates to prevent them from using mobile phones when they are in work hours.

"This action distracts the units so it leads us to render a poor service," claims the text signed by Pinzón and adds that failure to comply with this ban "will be subject to sanctions" in accordance with the National Police Disciplinary Regulations.

The note of the director of the Police was known this Friday, although it has date of Thursday 16 of February.

Here is an automated translation of the directive itself:


By means of the present general order of the day, the staff of the institution is informed that it is prohibited the use of the cellular telephone when this is working. This action distracts the units so that leads us to provide a poor service.

Failure to comply with this ordinance will be subject to sanction in accordance with the disciplinary regulations of the national police.

Issued in the general direction of the national police of the Republic of Panama, on the sixteenth day of February, two thousand and seventeen.



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3 hours ago, Pat said:

Does this mean police officers spend too much time talking on their phones?


If the Police Director is issuing this memo it is because the problem exist.  Looks like they have found police units distracted by using their smartphones chatting, most of the time.

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