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An investigation into the homicide of an American (Ken Walden) in Boquete opens

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Abren investigación por homicidio de estadounidense en Boquete


Abren investigación por homicidio de estadounidense en Boquete TVN Noticias

Por Demetrio Ábrego (Corresponsal)
11/08/2020 - 5:53 PM

El fiscal de Homicidios y Feminicidios del Ministerio Público, Hernán de Jesús Mora, aseguró que la muerte del estadounidense, Ken Waden, quien fue encontrado el pasado sábado sin vida, en la cama de su casa en Los Naranjos Arriba de Boquete, en la provincia de Chiriquí, fue por homicidio y que hay abierta una investigación por este hecho.

Este hombre, aparentemente vivía solo desde hace varios años, cuando llegó a Boquete procedente de los Estados Unidos.

El pasado sábado, los vecinos del estadounidense, al notar que desde hacía varias horas no salía y no lo veían, dieron aviso a las autoridades, que llegaron al lugar, abrieron las puertas a la fuerza y ubicaron al hombre muerto en el cuarto.

“Una vez nos aporten los resultados de la autopsia vamos a reiniciar las acciones judiciales y de investigación, que nos permitan ubicar a los asesinos y esclarecer las causas de su muerte”, aseguró Mora.

El Fiscal resaltó que el Ministerio Público ya dio aviso a los funcionarios de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos y algunos de los familiares de este extranjero asesinado ya se han comunicado con el Ministerio Público, para ver el avance de las investigaciones.


Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article.


An investigation into the homicide of an American in Boquete opens


An investigation into the homicide of an American opens in Boquete TVN News

By Demetrio Ábrego (Correspondent)
08/11/2020 - 5:53 PM

The Homicide and Feminicide prosecutor of the Public Ministry, Hernán de Jesús Mora, assured that the death of the American, Ken Waden, who was found lifeless last Saturday, in the bed of his house in Los Naranjos Arriba de Boquete, in the province from Chiriquí, it was for homicide and that an investigation is open for this fact.

This man apparently lived alone for several years when he arrived in Boquete from the United States.

Last Saturday, the American's neighbors, noticing that he had not come out for several hours and they had not seen him, notified the authorities, who arrived at the scene, forced open the doors and located the dead man in the room.

"Once they provide us with the results of the autopsy, we are going to restart the judicial and investigative actions, which will allow us to locate the murderers and clarify the causes of their death," said Mora.

The Prosecutor stressed that the Public Ministry has already notified the officials of the United States Embassy and some of the relatives of this murdered foreigner have already communicated with the Public Ministry to see the progress of the investigations.



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  • Moderator_02 changed the title to An investigation into the homicide of an American (Ken Waden) in Boquete opens
  • Moderator_02 changed the title to An investigation into the homicide of an American (Ken Walden) in Boquete opens
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Please note that the victim's name was extracted from the newspaper article. However, we have been advised by those who knew Ken that his last name actually is Walden. Accordingly the title for this topic has been corrected, but we cannot change the newspaper article itself.

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found this on the "Expat Exchange" ....

The D.I.J. team in Boquete in coordination with the @PGN_PANAMA Prosecutor's Office for adolescents, apprehended a person in the district of Boquete, province of Chiriqui, Tuesday August 18th 2020, allegedly linked to the crime of homicide to the detriment of a foreign citizen in Boquete. A week ago a USA citizen 74 year old Ken Walden was found dead in his home when Police were forced to break in. It was said that blood was found at the scene, which began a homicide investigation and the search for a person of interest.



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Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above Tweet.

Our DIJ team in coordination with the Prosecutor's Office for Adolescents of the @PGN_PANAMA, apprehended a person in the district of Boquete, province of Chiriquí, allegedly linked to the crime of homicide to the detriment of a foreign citizen.


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Moderator comment: The Chiriqui Noticias account on Twitter blocks embedding of its content. Best we can do is a screen capture.


Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above Tweet.


A guarantee control judge decided to order the preventive detention of a minor under 17, who is being implicated in the murder of the North American Kent Waden, which occurred in Los Naranjos in Boquete.



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  • 11 months later...

If anyone knows, please clarify that this was the Ken Walden, originally from Birmingham, Alabama. I had not heard from him for a long time, and all attempts to reach him by the phone numbers I have failed. I would appreciate any information that anyone has--particularly in regard to any final arrrangements.

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  • 1 year later...
On 8/17/2021 at 11:52 AM, Wyn Bryant said:

If anyone knows, please clarify that this was the Ken Walden, originally from Birmingham, Alabama. I had not heard from him for a long time, and all attempts to reach him by the phone numbers I have failed. I would appreciate any information that anyone has--particularly in regard to any final arrrangements.


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