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Our Annual Christmas Party for Children on Dec. 14th


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This photo just stopped me in my tracks and then my eyes filled up.


BCP originated the Children’s’ party at BCP for many years. This year a friend, Linda Hart and group ACCB were hosts..

It was a huge success, over 400 children (and their adults) were treated to movies, pinatas, crafts, Santa and Mrs. Santa,, goodie bags, punch and cookies. Facilities, were hosted by BCP and Tap Out.

While scrolling thru the numerous photos… I was struck by this little one… her face painted … with the beautiful light shining in her eyes.

Made my Christmas brighter. All of us who have “ young ones somewhere else”, feel the wistfulness at holiday time.

Thank you for ALL the many volunteers who made this day happen.

And also all the other groups in Boquete, who really care that the Children have a joyous Experience.

A wonderful Community.

Thank you for this photo , whoever you are.

You can check at Chiriqui Life for more photos.


From: Erin Ross
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2019 6:09 PM
To: Erin Ross <erinross1@ooutlook.com>
Subject: Little girl at Christmas.jpg


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