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Salvadores de Animales

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Posts posted by Salvadores de Animales

  1. This poor guy was attacked by a much larger dog and was roaming the streets crying in pain for several days before we were able to catch him. 

    He required 30 stitches in his neck and he is also being treated for tick fever, so it’s going to be a bit of a journey for this little guy.  If you would like to help sponsor Oso thru a donation, please visit our website at http://www.arf-boquete.com/donate.html

    He is very sweet and affectionate.  When he is ready for adoption, it will be one very lucky person who can call this guy their faithful companion.  Oso is an older gentle dog – about 5 years old.





    PERDIDA:  LUNA, perra hembra, se parece a la perra de esta foto. Se perdió hace 3 semanas en la CARRETERA DE VOLCANCITO.  Luna es una perra joven, de color un poco mas negra que la de la foto, ella tiene una infección y necesita atención médica y medicinas.
    Luna ha sido vista en: Volcancito, Santa Lucía, En el centro de Boquete en la calle principal.  Ella es muy temerosa y es posible que se vaya corriendo si se le acercan muy rápido. Si hay alguna posibilidad de tenerla en una área cercada, sería la única manera de poder atraparla.
    Si usted tiene alguna información sobre ella, por favor, póngase en contacto de inmediato a este número 60760537. Gracias por su ayuda.

    $ REWARD $
    MISSING: LUNA, female dog, looks like the one in this picture.  Missing several weeks now from VOLCANCITO ROAD!!! She is a young female, bit more black than the one pictured. She has an infection and needs medical care.
    She has been seen in: Volcancito, Santa Lucia, Downtown, Main road. She is very afraid and will most likely run off if approached. If there is a possibility to get her in a fenced in area that may be the only way to catch her.
    If you have any information about her, please contact me immediately!!! 6076 0537.


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