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Everything posted by Bud

  1. Given these GDP numbers, coupled with other information, such as the significant increases in new vehicle purchases and residential projects of large scale, etc., it seems certain that Panama's economy is strong and that the middle class is increasing in size and purchasing power. One implication is a rising cost-of-living. One interpretation of this information might be: "paradise has been discovered".
  2. Doug, yupper, the reworded version of the question did take me in the direction that you wanted to go. I wasn't trying to be snippy, just having some fun here. As I get older I find the growing importance of being clear with communications. So I was sharing a bit more about who I am. Hope you have a great day too.
  3. Your question is intriguing to me. Why would one ask such a question? It might be that all of the images of a pet on the storefront of this establishment are only of dogs. Or perhaps you have had an experience in your life that makes this important. Would you care to share? To my way of thinking, the term pet means different things based on the region in which used. In western countries, methinks for sure both dogs and cats. In some Malaysian, Indonesian and Southeast Asian countries, it could include an elephant. In some African (and possibly South American indigenous cultures) it might include snakes. In the Philippines, possibly to include monkeys. Etc. A dictionary definition of pet is typically along the line of "a domesticated animal kept for pleasure or companionship rather than utility". That line of thought then begs for the definition of domesticated. I won't go further down that line. The Spanish term mascota generally translates as pet. Most stores and people that I am familiar with in our region and that are involved with mascotas include both dogs and cats. Not trying to go pedantic on anyone here, but I think you get my drift: there is no simple and correct answer to your question. For our part of the world, I suggest that the term includes both cats and dogs. You get to decide what works for you.
  4. Bonnie, if you do a search here on CL with the search argument of goat milk, then you will find several results, among them including Finca Santa Marta, etc.
  5. We drove directly to her office last Friday, but the indications were that we were going to be the last vehicle allowed there for several days. With the rain, wear shoes you don't mind trashing.
  6. Somehow I came across a BBC article about a Husky in Shropshire, England. The really interesting thing about the dog in that BBC article is that the British Husky has a name (Anuko) very similar to our Anouk. The British Husky apparently is now very wealthy given a twist of events. One big difference between the two dogs is that our Anouk has one blue and one brown eye. The other big difference is that our Anouk doesn't have a fortune to her name. Darn the luck! Here is the link to the BBC article: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-shropshire-37311658
  7. Traffic related tickets (parking, speeding, etc.) issued by the policemen on the highways are paid iin David at Chiriqui Mall. They can be paid in cash or credit card (or at least that was the case over the past couple of years). Go to the inner corridor, and then the office that would be closest to PriceSmart's parking lot/entrance. The caja would be to the right just after you enter. There are two caja lines. Be sure to get a receipt, and keep it. This paperwork thing can bite you later when you try to renew your plates, etc., so I am told. Don't ask me how I know. It would be nice if the municipality tickets could be paid here in Boquete, but I have never had experience or heard anything about that possibility. If it were true, then it would likely be at the treasury office, which is where you get your license plates and pay other city fees, etc.
  8. http://www.prensa.com/in_english/reporta-incremento-respiratorio-afecta-menores_21_4571752783.html
  9. http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Sociedades-offshore-paguen-disolveran_21_4574002555.html
  10. http://www.prensa.com/in_english/Proponen-reformar-ley-Idaan_21_4574002557.html
  11. Background: In early August, I ordered some replacement rechargeable lithium ion (Sony brand) batteries. These batteries are used for my audio equipment that produces the podcasts that we do here on CL. We just today -- more than a month later -- finally was able to take delivery of those batteries. They are not big, heavy, or otherwise unusual, but the delay is coming from the fact that they are rechargeable lithium ion batteries. MBE Boquete was the company we used for this shipment. Arturo explained to me at the time of my placing the order with the company in the US that those batteries would not be allowed to come via the air shipments that they routinely use. Rather, that shipment would be diverted to a maritime shipment. All of this background work was taken care of by MBE Boquete staff. I was alerted to these changes and informed that it would simply take longer for the shipment to arrive. No big deal that it was a bit more than one month from order placement to receipt. The reason for posting this message today is that Arturo now informs me that these kinds of shipments are getting very close scrutiny, and may (not "will" or "shall", but "may") be banned from future shipments. That possible banishment would be because of increased attention to lithium batteries that are exploding, catching fire, etc., and some US government agencies are trying to respond to the threat. There are even reports now that one of the new Samsung smartphones are being recalled because of phones exploding, in some cases causing total destruction of vehicles and damaging people and animals. I am NOT speaking for any freight forwarding company. I am simply putting out there that if you are wanting to bring in rechargeable lithium batteries that you may want to do some coordination work with your freight forwarding company of choice prior to placing an order.
  12. Note the possibility of future improvements in international wire transfers. Also note the absence of any Panamanian banks on the list of those looking into digital banking technology ("blockchain" technology). Time will tell. http://www.newsroompanama.com/business/world-3/world-view-big-banks-take-lesson-bitcoin
  13. I am taking a few "liberties" with the need to link postings in this category to life in Chiriqui. However, given that the Boquete highlands are big producers in the coffee industry, and many of us also are interested in eating healthy, maybe you can forgive this liberal interpretation of the CL rules. http://www.newsroompanama.com/health/health-1/health-watch-caffeine-artery-function
  14. https://socialfeed.info/panamas-luis-concepcion-celebrates-in-the-air-after-beating-japans-kohei-kono-3621122
  15. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/development-fire-new-angle
  16. Good point, with which I agree. In the recent podcast here on CL of the interview with Doña Inga Collins (see http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/3482-chiriqui-life-stories-inga-collins/), Inga mentioned her disappointment at the destruction of so many homes for the sake of high rise buildings. She went further to specifically mention the lack of planning that she sees as a characteristic of Panamanian culture. When we go the PC, we see a skyline that is nice in one way (looking at it from a distance because it suggests a vibrant economy), but when viewed up close it is nothing but steel and concrete, and absent views, green space, fresh air, etc., and a feeling of being closed in. We have heard some refer to PC as the the "Manhattan of Central America". To "grow upwards" is cheaper and expedient, whereas to "grow outwards" requires so much more in terms of planning, resources, coordination, etc. I actually see both sides of this development/expansion issue, but I do have my opinion as to what the priorities should be. However, I am a guest in this country, and [try to] act accordingly. Maybe I really am just an old geezer.
  17. Agree with Bonnie. Just now watched and listened, and I was having difficulty with the "stereo weather effects". By that I refer to the fact that we are having lots of rain and heavy duty lightning and thunder. The real stuff was going on outside, as I was watching and listening to my screen. Mark, you do amazing things. Thanks for this posting.
  18. http://www.newsroompanama.com/news/panama/deforestation-threatens-canal
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