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Everything posted by Moderator_02

  1. https://www.newsroompanama.com/health/rainy-season-looms-2-dengue-deaths
  2. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/journalists-demand-apology-for-racist-remarks
  3. https://www.centralamericadata.com/en/article/main/Banking_Transactions_More_Controls_in_Panama
  4. https://www.newsroompanama.com/health/health-when-a-headache-requires-additional-testing
  5. https://www.newsroompanama.com/opinion/panama039s-kingdom-of-darkness-1
  6. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/candidate-accused-of-black-man-****-racial-slur-1
  7. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/humbled-ex-president-vows-return-to-office
  8. https://www.newsroompanama.com/news/martinelli-blocked-from-mayoralty-race-1
  9. Dear Friends My husband Roberto Espinoza and I Istmenia de Espinoza want to ask for your contribution, bearing in mind that all of you are generous of heart. We have a little girl named Leilanys Espinoza, she is two months old and requires a surgery in Panama City to correct a Congenital Heart Disease (CIV Extensive) from which she suffers since birth. Our need, as grandparents, is to be able to help our son, who is the father of our granddaughter, since it requires to cover the expenses that are necessary for the parents of the baby and the surgery of the same. We appreciate your contribution, whatever it may be. We know that from penny to penny we can help these parents who love their daughter and who are distressed by the condition their baby suffers in the hospital. We need all your help, from all your noble hearts that have helped the inhabitants of Boquete so much and so from a "Little warrior that needs to live". We, her grandparents, thank you in advance for your help, time and generosity. Thank you For more information, please call 6514-7762 Istmenia / 6764-2417 Roberto Espinza Estimados Amigos Mi esposo Roberto Espinoza y yo Istmenia de Espinoza queremos pedirles su contribución, teniendo en cuenta que todos ustedes son generosos de corazón. Tenemos una pequeñita llamada Leilanys Espinoza, tiene dos meses de nacida y requiere de una cirugía en Ciudad de Panamá para poder corregir una Cardiopatía Congénita (CIV Amplia) de la cual sufre desde su nacimiento. Nuestra necesidad, como abuelos, es poder ayudar a nuestro hijo, que es el padre de nuestra nieta, ya que requiere sufragar los gastos que sean necesarios para los padres del bebe y la cirugía de la misma. Agradecemos su contribución sea la que sea. Sabemos que de centavo a centavo podemos dar un granito de arena para ayudar a estos padres que aman a su hija y que están afligidos por la condición que sufre su bebe en el hospital. Necesitamos de toda su ayuda, de todos sus nobles corazones que tanto han auxiliado a los habitantes de Boquete y así de una “Guerrera que necesita Vivir”. Nosotros, sus abuelos, le agradecemos de antemano su ayuda y generosidad. Gracias Para contacto, favor llamar al 6514-7762 Istmenia / 6764-2417 Roberto Espinza
  10. Moderator comment: This is an unedited automated translation of this Tweet: "We expect you aboard the best plane in the world to take you all over Spain and Europe always at the best price. Fly comfortably with the best entertainment and Internet on board or enjoy luxury in our business class. Us!"
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