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Chica de Chiriqui

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Everything posted by Chica de Chiriqui

  1. The ONLY reason I have a quick peek at ning is to see when they will follow up with a report on my dear friend, Marion. Their "benevolent" post to collect donations for her, which has appeared as a headline for over one month, has never once been mentioned since. I would love to know how many of their multitude of members have donated to help with Marion's medical expenses.
  2. Just had a peek at ning. Ambreen has out-done herself. She has recently posted Lee's blog, BoqueteGuide.com, under the caption, "Moving here, Read this". The opening sentence, "Welcome WSJ readers to Boquete Panama", makes it seem that The Wall Street Journal has contributed the blog. There is no mention, or credit given to Lee Zeltzer. As I am blocked from commenting on ning, I thought I would give a heads' up in case someone would like to make a discussion to point out Ambreens convenient faux pas...
  3. Another reason that the government is not making great efforts to go out on their own from the U.S. and United Nations lean on human rights is because Panama' is cooperating with the F.B.I.'s initiative to dismantle violent gangs. Panama' must stand with the U.S. to receive the help they offer, they cannot do this alone. The gang, MS 13, is most probably who have been committing the recent crimes in the Chiriqui area. Their initiation to become a member is to kill someone. I was taking a local neighbor today to the Volcan hospital, and as we drove through an area, he said this is where MS 13 has set up. I have contacted authorities about this information. Authorities from six Central American countries are working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on important operations to dismantle violent gangs - including Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13, and Barrio 18, also known as M-18.
  4. Well, Pantah, while I lived in Boquete for more than 3 years, I purchased property there for my personal use. I moved to a different area when Boquete became overly- populated, congested, and had a sudden surge of violent crime. I hope that helps you understand why I care about the changes there.
  5. I can't imagine walking so far during the rainy season is terribly enjoyable. Difficult for me to understand why so many people openly encourage, and welcome newcomers...
  6. Judy, beside new content is more. click and select activity stream.
  7. Woody, have you something against someone having their own personal opinion? I am simply tired of Panamanians being taken advantage of for their kind nature. That's what you refer to as drivel?
  8. How I resent retired gringos coming to Panama and selling used cars. It takes away business from the local people, who actually need it.
  9. I'm frankly surprised they didn't use the usual deception that the David airport will have direct flights to the U.S. very soon.
  10. Largely accurate, like sorta pregnant? Under the new Varela government, effective measures are being taken that have already reduced crimes in general by 28%.
  11. Notice this blog post is from today, 22 October 2015 http://richarddetrich.com/2015/10/22/good-reasons-to-come-to-panama/
  12. No hay agua en Volcancito - Boquete. Hace 5 días. Entrevista Exclusiva Programa Radial PS La Profesora Lourdes Jurado rompe el silencio. Debido a lo que ella define como un mal manejo del acueducto y la falta de integración de personas que desean aportar para mejorar.
  13. Information for those who are not permanent residents and must leave the country every six months to renew their tourist visa. I invite current information, How much cash must be shown, per person, at immigration? Does proof of a confirmed airline ticket need to be shown that the tourist is returning to their own country? (Panama immigration will randomly call the airlines to verify the purchase of said ticket. Many people abused the system by presenting tickets and cancelling them later.) Does the entire family need to be present for each individual passport to be stamped? How much time must be spent out of Panama before re-entering? What is the amount of time allowed before passport expires to enter Panama? How much is the exit fee in Costa Rica? Can the C.R. exit fee be paid at immigration?
  14. It is truly imperative that people who are considering moving here and read the numerous internet sites about Boquete, or Chiriqui, or Panama’, MUST REALIZE that each particular site, or comment, is not necessarily factual. The majority of sites lean towards their own particular motive to entice people to move here. When someone makes a broad stroke comment, you must consider the source. It could be true, it could not be. Most times, when a site and its posters make only glorious, “positive” claims about how paradisaical it is here, they have a motive. They are going to be benefited financially by the numbers of people moving here. The expats who have something to gain will rarely tell it like it is. That defeats the purpose. Expats who try to earn their living here, many who are NOT legally qualified to engage in business, do so by selling real estate, used cars, services, advise, or renting their personal properties. Of course they want more people to live here. The greater the expat community, the better chance they have to gather more “customers”. Having over thirteen years of experience living here, I have always told people about what it’s really like moving and existing here; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the truth. It takes a certain, free spirit type of person to truly enjoy living here. Panama’ is certainly not for everyone. All one needs to do is to research the rate of those who pack up and move back home… making an incredibly costly choice for a life experience…
  15. Soy feliz, siempre y cuando usted es feliz! Happy to be of help.
  16. Hi Bud, I think it would be quite beneficial to include a new category topic entitled, "Advice for Potential Expats". Thanking you in advance for your consideration.
  17. Many expats who come to Panama fail to consider the effect they have on a very fragile system. Citizens of Panama are desperate to have a health care system that works. They pay seguro monthly to provide a modicum of care for their families. Outsiders thoughtlessly arrive without considering well-being of the existing populace, and then, when they have their inevitable health crisis, expect the struggling hospital system to care for them, without having contributed to support it. If you aren't well insured, don't come, or go home if you are already here.
  18. I certainly do miss him... A huge contributor to our community. A crime that his Boquete Ning has been utterly destroyed by the secretive, unscrupulous likes of JLM Foundation, Ambreen and Bob - who's sole purpose is to deceive potential expats into moving here, without the least bit of experience of any of them knowing anything about Panama'. Any bets that they are contributing members of International Living?
  19. It is truly imperative that people who are considering moving here and read the numerous internet sites about Boquete, or Chiriqui, or Panama', MUST REALIZE that each particular site, or comment, is not necessarily factual. The majority of sites lean towards their own particular motive to entice people to move here. When someone makes a broad stroke comment, you must consider the source. It could be true, it could not be. Most times, when a site and its posters make only glorious, "positive" claims about how paradisaical it is here, they have a motive. They are going to be benefited financially by the numbers of people moving here. The expats who have something to gain will rarely tell it like it is. That defeats the purpose. Expats who try to earn their living here, many who are NOT legally qualified to engage in business, do so by selling real estate, services, advise, or renting their personal properties. Of course they want more people to live here. The greater the expat community, the better chance they have to gather more "customers". I have always told people about what it's like moving and existing here; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the truth. It takes a certain, free spirit type of person to truly enjoy living here. Panama' is certainly not for everyone. All one needs to do is to research the rate of those who pack up and move back home... making an incredibly costly choice for a life experience...
  20. Well, anyone jealous? I was banned today from the FB Boquete Community group. 'Spose I'll have just have to join Ray Gano's Boquete 411 group! I'm feeling desperate to be tapped into the local gringo news from the real experts!
  21. I noticed that Miss Beeley's post on ning had comments directing her to this site which were quickly deleted. After Ambreen made her/his comment, "Hi, Miss Beeley as administrator, no, not a developer but we are redesigning Ning to get away from controversially people and focus on community togetherness. Welcome back!", she/he then closed the discussion for further comments. Is the New Owner Of Boquete Ning a Real Estate Developer in the Area?Posted by lara beeley on October 15, 2015 at 3:15pm in NewsView DiscussionsHello, I have been a member for over two years and on occasion I check to see what is new in Boquete, and what the discussion topics cover. I see there has been a significant change since the original owner Mr. Lee Zeltzer has passed away. My family owns property in the area and we are soon to move there and open our business in Bajo Boquete. And we would like to consider to make advertising on this web page. I would like to know what affiliation the owner of Boquete Ning has to the local community. And to what demographic audience it appeals to. Sample question, are there more people interested to build their own homes or rent. I will look forward to hear from you. With thanks, Lara Beeley. Views: 374 Replies are closed for this discussion. Follow – Email me when people reply Replies to This Discussion Permalink Reply by lara beeley 14 hours agoDeletePlease correct me if I am wrong, though I am under the impression that Ambreen is the moderator, and I would like to hear from him to respond to my questions. Con muchisimos aprecio. Permalink Reply by Judy Sacco 13 hours agoWrite to her directly here: Boqueteninger@gmx.com I think Ambreen is a her not a him. But who knows? Permalink Reply by lara beeley 13 hours agoDeleteI appreciate your help, Judy, I will like to hear directly from Ambreen in public. Permalink Reply by Judy Sacco 4 hours agoShe doesn't even live here. Why would you seek advice from her about doing business in Boquete? Permalink Reply by Ambreen 4 hours agoHi, Miss Beeley as administrator, no, not a developer but we are redesigning Ning to get away from controversially people and focus on community togetherness. Welcome back!
  22. Nunca entenderé por qué los gringos que se trasladan a Panamá quieren invitar a otros a vivir aquí. Sólo tiene sobre el desarrollo y el costo de vida en aumento, pateando su propio ser en el culo.

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