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    February 04, 2019

    3 Yoga Teacher Amigos Come Together At The Haven
    To Offer A Variety Of Ongoing Classes And Workshops
    Michael Cooper, Joy Alexander, and Suzanne Dufresne are uniting at one location to offer a variety of ongoing Yoga classes and related workshops.  We want to build a stronger and healthier community. If we have not met you yet, we are welcoming you to join us for some or all of our new classes at The Haven Hotel & Spa.  
    Beginning Monday February 4 we are making Yoga accessible to all by offering a wide variety of morning and afternoon classes for all levels. Between the 3 of us we have over 30 years teaching experience....we believe Yoga is a rejuvenating and healing practice.  We'd like each class you take with us to make you feel like you just spent the day at the Spa!
    Some comments from the Teachers...
    Michael...."Over my many years of practicing and teaching, I have witnessed over and over that a regular Yoga practice dramatically slows the aging process and strengthens bodies and minds, to levels in many cases we did not know existed."
    Joy...."Yoga heals. No matter how we come to the practice, it is a practice that helps us heal and become stronger…  facilitating wholeness.”
    Suzanne..."Being able to witness the transformation of my students as they dive deeper into their practice is my biggest joy of teaching. I feel both honored and humbled to be able to guide them on their journey as my students have always been my greatest teacher."
    New Yoga Schedule At The Haven
    Beginning Monday February 4, 2019
      See Below for Class Descriptions...     The Power of 9 Yoga Beginner Method  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday —  4:00 pm Instuctor: Michael Cooper
    This all levels "one-stop-shop" class will make you feel amazing! Doing is Believing!
    A well-rounded teaching built on 9 basic movements which gently and effectively work the entire body. Repeating these movements often will...
    • build better balance and improve equilibrium
    • strengthen all joints including the entire spine
    • lower blood pressure and increase core strength and flexibility
    • increase physical stamina as this exercise is naturally aerobic and cardiovascular
    Gentle Hatha Yoga
    Tuesday —  8:30 am
    Instructor: Joy Alexander
    Get an early start, and make it a great day!  Wake up the body with this gentle yoga class that is great for beginners or students who prefer a more relaxed style.  Focus is on breath-awareness and conscious movement with the goals of: building and maintaining strength, developing functional flexibility, and establishing a connected body-mind-breath awareness.  Accessible to all levels.  Blocks, straps, etc. provided. 
    Yoga Sculpt
    Tuesday  — 11:30 am
    Instructor: Suzanne Taliano Dufresne
    An all levels class will bring a mix of Yoga postures and a combination of core work, Barre and Body Sculpting using light hand weights that will help us explore ways to take our individual practices deeper. We will practice with strengthening and conditioning exercises while deepening the connection we have with the postures we've come to know so well (i.e. planks, warriors, balancing postures, downward facing dog and chaturanga). Lengthen, strengthen, tone and define with this fun yoga practice.
    Vinyasa Flow
    Wednesday — 11:30 am
    Instructor: Joy Alexander
    A fun, challenging vinyasa-style class based on the Ashtanga series will keep you moving, and energize the body! Build strength and increase flexibility, while powering your practice with conscious breathing.  This class is open to all levels, with modifications provided to encourage you to work at your own pace.
    Yoga for EveryBODY
    Thursday — 4:00 pm
    Instructor: Joy Alexander
    A slow-to-moderate mix of Hatha & Vinyasa styles — good for beginners, as well as intermediate.  In this class, postures are practiced to align, stretch, strengthen, and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing techniques are also integrated. Full-body relaxation and balance are the goals, as we make a full circuit of the body’s range of motion with standing postures, twists, backbends, forward folds, and hip openers.
    Align and Refine 
    Friday — 11:30 am
    Instructor: Suzanne Taliano Dufresne
    With a strong focus on alignment and form, this yoga class will make your practice more efficient and help prevent injury. You will be guided through a practice that will help you cultivate strength and flexibility through mindful transitions and by building each pose from the ground up. You will learn to explore ways the pose can work in your body rather than how to get your body into the pose.
    Therapeutic Yoga
    Saturday — 9:00 am 
    Instructor: Suzanne Taliano Dufresne
    A therapeutic class that focuses on the body as a whole (physical, psychological, and spiritual) to bring you back to balance. Class will consist of therapeutic techniques to help bring relief to chronic pain, injury prevention, and wellness. Each class will have a theme depending on the needs of the students (ie. yoga for the spine, releasing tight muscles, shoulder and heart opening).
    Yin Yoga —  Relaxing & Restorative Yoga
    Sunday — 10:00 am
    Instructor: Michael Cooper
    If you are tired and craving energy or you’re over-stimulated and have too much energy, this all-levels class is for you. If your mind is overactive or your energy levels erratic, this class is for you. These easy floor poses gently stretch connective tissue and bring about gentle myofascial release - which is exactly what we want. This 60 minute class will leave you feeling stimulated yet relaxed, with a nice low burning energy you'll feel all day

    Event details

    Repeating Events (Health, Exercise, Sports, Entertainment, Hobby, Dining, etc.) 0 Comments
  2. 2

    February 04, 2019 02:00 PM      03:15 PM

    This event began 02/04/2019 and repeats every week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until 04/30/2019

    Beautiful gentle yoga practice with the butterflies inside the butterfly house.   Enjoy the butterflies fluttering by and maybe they will land on you.
    We practice at this time:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the Butterfly House
    $ Donation Based
    Pat Thomas is our instructor Tuesdays and her class is hugely popular.

    Event details

    Repeating Events (Health, Exercise, Sports, Entertainment, Hobby, Dining, etc.) 0 Comments
  • Recent Event Reviews

    • BCP Holiday Open House
      By Moderator_02,
         We were not able to participate in this event due to absence from the area, but we understand from friends who supported this event that it was a HUGE success. Here are some of Clare Taylor's photos:

    • Community Christmas Party Hosted by Amigos de Boquete Comunidad
      By Moderator_02,
         Marcelyn and I attended this fabulous Christmas Party at La Posada Restaurant this afternoon. Besides the usual Christmas season festivities, one purpose for this party was to collect Christmas gifts for the local children. There was no entrance fee, but attendees were asked to bring wrapped Christmas gifts for distribution by the local churches. Our estimate is that about 50 people were in attendance, and all enjoyed the fantastic music of a seven member mariachi band. What a great performance on their part; they were very good at getting the attendees involved by singing and dancing with them. La Posada had extra waitstaff to take care of drink and food orders. The party was in a large room at the rear of La Posada -- could not have been a better venue for this kind of gathering.
      The party was planned and executed by a recently formed group of expats under the name of Amigos de Boquete Comunidad (ABC). Joe Hart and his wife, Linda, along with numerous volunteers put together this festive gathering. Our hats off to Joe, Linda, and all of their elves.
      Here are a few pictures from this event:

      A panorama shot of some of the attendees.

      The Christmas tree, prior to all of the gifts being received that were to be donated.

      The Mariachi Band

      Linda and Joe Hart, Dave and Erin Ross

      Special guests at the table with Joe and Linda Hart.
    • ARF Thanksgiving Meal
      By Bud,
         Marcelyn and I were participants in ARF's Thanksgiving Day event at the Animales Building. There was a LOT of VERY GOOD food, great conversations, visits with friends, etc. We estimate there were about 70 guests and maybe 15 worker-bees taking care of setting up, tending to the guests, etc. The background music was nice, and not so loud as to intrude into the conversations. The pecan pie was simply outstanding. Kudos to that chef! But I also do not want to take away from any of the other food items. I sampled all the food choices, and there was nothing to apologize for on that front.
      An unexpected plus for us was that we finally got to meet Beth Abrahams (it is kind of a long story, don't ask).

      Beth Abrahams
      We also got to catch up with all of the latest travels and happenings of our friends who were at our table. Met a few new people, etc.
      There simply was nothing that we could fault (not our goal anyway). This is the way things should be done, and ARF did it with all of their wonderful volunteers. If someone found fault with something yesterday, then I would chalk them off as being a token curmudgeon.  Thank you ARF! GREAT JOB!!!!

      Thank you to all who helped make yesterday's Thanksgiving Day celebration such a huge success, and special thanks to N&N:

      I will close with: we all have a lot to be thankful for.
    • One Night in India
      By JudyS,
         I think $55 for one person is a lot of money to spend on a dinner in Boquete.  I've never spent that much for an Indian dinner anywhere.
    • Plein Air Painters Art Exhibiton Opening Reception
      By Mary Ellen Watts,
         I am glad I will be there early so I can buy some of the art available for cash and carry!!! 
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