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Hil J

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2016 USA Election For President



In all my years I have never seen this much anger with politicians and the voting public. While in the US last month, I had time to visit friends and the election always came up. I didn't engage the political conversations much and don't here much either. But, having said this;

There are more questions but I will keep this short. Does it really matter which one is elected? Could it get any better in the US than it was before Bush or after? Can a new president make sufficient foreign policy to keep the US out of wars? Can the Tax loop holes for the rich be changed? Can the infrastructure of the US be upgraded to modern times without taxes (federal highways/electrical grids)? Can regulations in general be changed to benifit everyone? Is the President's cabinet too large? Who benifits the most with Global Economy? Can the US be protected more from terrorist? Will a wall be built on both borders---North and South? Can Education and Child Care be improved in the US? Why not spend more on Elderly Health Care by the Government? This Election will  come to an end soon and we can take day to day assesments of the new leadership. And, we that decided to move here can observe the results. Some issues in the USA are important to me like my family that live there and are affected by the out come.

I'm not taking sides in the election merely asking questions.


My answer to all of the above questions is NO to a degree. The reason; 4 years in office and a slow acting congress can't fix anything important (unless it's paid for under the table or benifits some greedy politician)

Now, I could go on and on but I didn't retire here because of the state of the nation in the US nor am I searching for the hole grail nor are the cops after me!! I just found  a place I love and respect.

(Please remember my friends This Is A Blog monitored by the owner/administration). And if THEY disapprove I will take it down. Please use the ignore feature If you do not like my post or blog. I won't be offened you'll just be better off.

Have a good day folks.

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So here is my answer to your post; would it have made any difference whether Al Gore or G.W. Bush was elected in 2000? I made the same kind of arguments you made here back then. I was wrong. Just ask the 4,000 dead and 32'000 wounded as a result of our actions in Iraq.

Edited by Gordon Bakke
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Please remember my friends This Is A Blog monitored by the owner/administration). And if THEY disapprove I will take it down.

Hil, your words are indeed correct. This is your blog. You are in control. Blog owners have greater leeway in what they post and whether they allow others to reply, etc. See Rule 22. What you have posted here is in full compliance with CL's rules.

We do appreciate your postings and are happy that you use CL. One of these days we would like to meet you in person. (And we owe you a huge thank you for helping us find a great Mexican restaurant in Volcan.)

Keep up the good work.

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No matter who is elected, the problems are the same and solutions are limited.  I believe that the UN should be in charge of foreign policy and that the coallition approach to the matter of world peace is the only smart move.  Why should America be "the gilded war machine", incur the costs both monetary and and in human lives?  While the UN is not a perfect machine, global peace is every nations business, not just the US.  Trying to be the biggest world power does not fly anymore.  Politicians need to acknowledge this fact and work together to minimize the affects of military conflict.

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5 hours ago, Admin_01 said:

Hil, your words are indeed correct. This is your blog. You are in control. Blog owners have great leeway in what they post and whether they allow others to reply, etc. See Rule 22. What you have posted here is in full compliance with CL's rules.

We do appreciate your postings and are happy that you use CL. One of these days we would like to meet you in person. (And we owe you a huge thank you for helping us find a great Mexican restaurant in Volcan.)

Keep up the good work.


Edited by Bonnie
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For the most part I agree with Hil's assessment and also remain apolitical with regard to parties and candidates; though with definite ideas and preferences about specific issues (and also an appreciation for those folks who truly dedicate themselves to public office for the "greater good" rather than their own enrichment).  In looking at the current campaigns, rather than asking all the relevant questions like Hil did, I reviewed the impact that all the Presidents in my adult voting life (from 1968 when I was drafted and went to Vietnam for 13 months) had on my life.  My only conclusion was that their impact on me was minimal, and the greatest impacts on me were always my own personal decisions and actions.  Over this 48 year period I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats, some of whom won and others of whom lost.  But I always did so from an issues orientation position and who I thought best for the common good.  And of those who won, I think maybe 2-3 really made a positive difference on the whole with the others having a more or less neutral impact.  And so I'm also really amazed and saddened at the anger, vitriol, even hate being bandied about this time around, and hope that once the results are in, folks can forget about their own position and get back to making and taking good decisions and actions in their own lives.  I've only been in Boquete for five months and have made friends who support both sides in this election.  And in general they're all really fine, compassionate and giving folks -- no matter their political beliefs.  So in consequence, I really like living here and look forward to lots of non-election years without "me and them" conversations.  And to remain true to the CL mission, I have to say that many folks here have helped me figure out what I didn't know with regard to lots of topics and I think this is the best on-line resource for me as a Boquete resident.  But I also have to say that before moving here I found my current residence and vehicle through B.ning, so both sites have proven valuable when facts are needed.  Here's hoping that I can someday return all the favors.

Edited by Dennis Philpot
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6 hours ago, Admin_01 said:

Hil, your words are indeed correct. This is your blog. You are in control. Blog owners have great leeway in what they post and whether they allow others to reply, etc. See Rule 22. What you have posted here is in full compliance with CL's rules.

We do appreciate your postings and are happy that you use CL. One of these days we would like to meet you in person. (And we owe you a huge thank you for helping us find a great Mexican restaurant in Volcan.)

Keep up the good work.

Drove over for lunch today at Burricos and they are on vacation!!! We went to another one and it was great. Forgot the name!!!!! I'll do better next time!

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On 10/16/2016 at 4:03 PM, Dennis Philpot said:

For the most part I agree with Hil's assessment and also remain apolitical with regard to parties and candidates; though with definite ideas and preferences about specific issues (and also an appreciation for those folks who truly dedicate themselves to public office for the "greater good" rather than their own enrichment).  In looking at the current campaigns, rather than asking all the relevant questions like Hil did, I reviewed the impact that all the Presidents in my adult voting life (from 1968 when I was drafted and went to Vietnam for 13 months) had on my life.  My only conclusion was that their impact on me was minimal, and the greatest impacts on me were always my own personal decisions and actions.  Over this 48 year period I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats, some of whom won and others of whom lost.  But I always did so from an issues orientation position and who I thought best for the common good.  And of those who won, I think maybe 2-3 really made a positive difference on the whole with the others having a more or less neutral impact.  And so I'm also really amazed and saddened at the anger, vitriol, even hate being bandied about this time around, and hope that once the results are in, folks can forget about their own position and get back to making and taking good decisions and actions in their own lives.  I've only been in Boquete for five months and have made friends who support both sides in this election.  And in general they're all really fine, compassionate and giving folks -- no matter their political beliefs.  So in consequence, I really like living here and look forward to lots of non-election years without "me and them" conversations.  And to remain true to the CL mission, I have to say that many folks here have helped me figure out what I didn't know with regard to lots of topics and I think this is the best on-line resource for me as a Boquete resident.  But I also have to say that before moving here I found my current residence and vehicle through B.ning, so both sites have proven valuable when facts are needed.  Here's hoping that I can someday return all the favors.

Dennis, I'm a Vietnam Vet with PTSD and no we should not have been there. Actually Vietnam took my early adulthood away from me. I never knew a normal life since Vietnam. I just did my duty and served honorably. I had two years left when I came  back from Vietnam and was always asking my self; when will it end. I give credit to Nixon for getting us out. And I discredit Eisenhower for going there against the Japanese and French suggestions we would get Exactly what we got. I actually found some French war artifacts while in Vietnam. Kennedy and Johnson did not do a good job trying to win the war or get us out. I have voted across the isle many times on platform & experience & what would be good for everyone and not name. A side note; General Swartzkoff's autobiogrophy is a great book. I just reconnected with two of the guys that were in my platoon after over 45 years ago. Amazing.

Edited by Hil
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