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Guillermo Ferrufino (former Minister of Social Development) Charged With Unjustified Personal Enrichment

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Cell door remains locked for ex-minister

Posted on September 2, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 112

PANAMA’S former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino, got a key to open one door of his detention cell last week, but the second remains firmly shut.

Ferrufino in better times liked to display his wealth and possessions on social media. But he is now far from his country estate and stables once holding high cost horses.

The Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, investigating the alleged crime of embezzlement by renting aircraft through the National Assistance Program changed his preventive detention to house arrest.

But Ferrufino, is still detained at the Police headquarters in Ancon on the instructions of the First Anticorruption Prosecutor investigating him for the alleged crime of unjustified enrichment.

Ferrufino faces  two pending trials. One is in  the Eleventh Criminal Court for unjust enrichment.

Another is in the Thirteenth Criminal Court for  alleged corruption by officials.

Ferrufino once had presidential aspirations, and flaunted a man about town image.


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Ex-minister’s court hearing adjourned

Posted on September 5, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 61

A COURT  HEARING scheduled for Monday September 5 for former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino was suspended  because  the court  has yet to review a motion for dismissal,

Ferrufino is charged with offenses against public administration. over the purchase of a Toyota Land Cruiser in 2013, at a time when he still has presidential ambitions and believed he could rely on then president Ricardo Martinelli as his mentor.

Ferrufino also faces two other cases, one for unjustified enrichment and another for corruption.

He remains detained at the Department of Judicial Investigation in Ancón.


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Money laundering set back for ex-Minister

Ferrufino became tearful at an earlier hearing

A SUBMISSION of constitutional guarantees presented by  former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino, and Martha Elyna Herrera Marcos, facing charges  of alleged unjustified enrichment has been rejected by The First Superior Court.

The lawyers of Ferrufino and Herrera Marcos filed the amparo against the decision of the Judge  of the Eleventh Criminal  Court to forward the file to the Seventh Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office for the alleged commission of the crime of money laundering

Martha Herrera Marcos is the mother-in-law of Miguel Ángel Herrera, brother-in-law of Ferrufino and a former official of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides).  They claim the money was a loan.



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Drunk driving ex-minister facing tougher sanctions

Post Views: 139
THE FORMER  Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino, whose high living activities have landed him in trouble on more than one occasion has a term of three working days to respond to the request of the Anticorruption Discharge Department to strengthen precautionary measures against him while he and his wife await trial for unjustified enrichment.

The prosecution has asked the Eleventh Criminal Court to change the precautionary measure -it is currently impediment from leaving the country – following his latest escapade.

On March 18  he was caught driving drunk and with an expired license in Chiriquí.

The term of three working days is from April 3. The court order was addressed to all parties that wish to issue an opinion.

According to article 2127 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the judge could toughen the precautionary measure with other actions, such as house arrest, or return to preventive detention.



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Ex-Minister’s laundering hearing delayed 30 days

Ferrufino and wife at court
Post Views: 74
A call to judgment for former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino and other defendants including his wife for alleged money laundering is on hold for 30 days.

At a preliminary hearing on Monday, April 16  in the First Criminal Court  The lawyer of the former minister, Franklin Amaya, said that this is a case of double judgment “because it is about the same facts that are investigated for unjustified enrichment “,  a process that underway in the Eleventh Criminal Court.

Judge Agueda Rentería, after holding the hearing, announced a delay of 30 days for her decision.



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Hearing suspension for multi-case ex-minister

ONE OF the multiple cases facing former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino was suspended on Monday, July 16 over an appeal filed by the defense of Ferrufino and Ángel Brennan, charged with crime against public administration in the form of corruption of public servants over the purchase of a Toyota Land Cruiser . The appeal was filed against a ruling that did not admit some evidence that the defense of would present. Ferrufino is processed for allegedly receiving $50,000 from a company that benefited with contracts from the Ministry of Social Development for the purchase of the and Cruiser. The man who once had presidential ambitions was recently charged with impaired driving in Chiriqui while under house arrest in Panama.


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Comptroller surprised, and saddened by embezzlement ruling

Federico Humbert
Post Views: 136
Panama Comptroller Federico Humbert declared himself “saddened by how difficult it is  to get justice done  in Panama” following the declaration by a criminal judge on Thursday, November  8 that a $10.1 million  embezzlement case against a former cabinet minister was null  and void as the forensic audit was “ineffective”

Judge Leslie Loiza, who declared the nullity of the process against former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino, for embezzlement and corruption in the rental of helicopters through the National Assistance Program (PAN).

“Without a doubt, I am surprised by the ruling. There is no doubt that the Comptroller’s Office has not had any audit report that I have signed, with which I do not feel comfortable. The professionalism of the Comptroller’s auditors has been demonstrated and they have earned the respect of the citizens,” Humbert told TVN Noticias.

The comptroller noted that more than 500 audits have been delivered to the Public Ministry and the Supreme Court of Justice as part of the processes that are carried out.

“It saddens me a little as a Panamanian to see, how difficult it is to get justice done, but do not have the slightest doubt that I would sign again the same report presented by the auditors of the forensic investigations and audits department,” he said.

Judge Loiza decided that the case against Ferrufino was  null for violation of due process,

The ruling, to which TVN Noticias had access resolves an annulment incident filed by lawyer Franklin Amaya, legal counsel for Ferrufino.

According to Judge Loaiza, pilots of the company Heliflight Panamá SA confirmed that they did fly to areas of difficult access with officials of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), between 2011 and 2014.

Similarly, the judge took into account a note of July 22, 2015, signed by Roberto Katz, director in charge of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), who reported that the Radar system and the system of Messaging Management of ATS Services were changed in 2013, and even though it maintained part of the flight information for that year, it lacked the previous years.

Another argument to annul the investigation of  Ferrufino is that the director of Finance of the AAC, René Augusto González, said that the rates of the rental companies are private transactions that are free supply and demand [The rates paid by Ferrufino were said to be grossly over market prices].

The ruling is, being appealed and Ferrufino is bracing to face four other corruption cases



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Ex-minister claims political kidnap and media feast

Posted 27/02/2019
The AntiCorruption Prosecutor's Office was "complicit" in a "political kidnapping" with the objective of "ending me politically said former Minister of Social Development   Guillermo Ferrufino, on Wednesday, February 27.

Ferrufino who has been under investigation in multiple cases was reacting  to the decision of the  Supreme Court to order the final closure of the process followed by the  Public Prosecutor to the businessman Fotis Lymberópulos for the alleged commission of embezzlement and corruption , related to the rental of helicopters by his to the  Ministry in the last administration.

"Not only did they affect me as a person, but they orchestrated a media feast in which they tried to tarnish and destroy my reputation, " he said in a statement posted on social media.

The Supreme Court of Justice rejected an Amparo filed by e anticorruption prosecutor Javier Miter, in charge of the process.

The plenary session of the Court, with a presentation by magistrate Luis Ramón Fábrega, determined that the investigation did not show any violation of the Constitution by the Second Court. He noted that the audit that was presented by the prosecution as evidence did not provide sufficient evidence to prove the possible commission of the crimes attributed to Lymberópulos.

Ferrufino is seeking election as a deputy for the CD   Party.

He is currently forbidden from leaving the Panama West province after being charged with impaired driving in Chiriqui while under house arrest.



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Ex-minister’s election bid delays trial


Guillermo Ferrufino, running for office

Posted 14/03/2019
Former Minister of Social Development (Mides)  Guillermo Ferrufino facing multiple prosecutions has temporarily dodged the bullet in  a hearing for the alleged corruption of public servants.

It follows, the purchase of a 2013 Toyota Land Cruiser, allegedly with money from State contractors.

In a ruling on Monday, March 11, Judge Alina Hubiedo reported indicated that the  Electoral Tribunal (TE) informed her on February 20 that Ferrufino enjoys electoral criminal jurisdiction, after having been nominated by Cambio Democrático as a candidate for deputy in the May 5 elections

That leaves him free from prosecution up to 15 days after the proclamation of results.

According to the information contained in the case file, Ferrufino bought the vehicle with from two payments, both in checks, one of $60,000 drawn by Food Gel, SA and another of $50,000 thousand by Security Safe Safes, SA

The companies that gave him the checks benefited from Mides contracts when he was a minister (2009 and 2014).

the hearing of the case has been suspended since April 2016 due to the presentation of appeals by the defendants.

In that year, the hearing was suspended in April and in August, when the alternate date was set. Last year, the act was suspended on May 22, July 16 and August 28. Now, it will not be held on April 9 and 10, 2019 -the last scheduled date-, because for that date Ferrufino will have jurisdiction.

For this process, Ferrufino has a measure of country arrest  (an impediment to leaving Panama.

More cases

He has  three other cases waiting in the wings  one for  justified enrichment and two for alleged anomalies in the purchase of grain and rental of helicopters through the former National Assistance Program (PAN)



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It was about this time last year that Ferrufino was busted for a DUI at the Caldera checkpoint when out on bail for alleged corruption.

Guys like this only serve to point up the ridiculousness of a system which allows a 'Sorry, I can't be tried right now because I'm running for political office" routine.

imo,the policy should be changed so that political aspirants must not be facing any criminal  charges.

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Ex-minister loses electoral immunity


Guillermo Ferrufino

Posted 29/04/2019

Tne immunity from prosecution while running for election OF for CD candidate  and former  Minister   Guillermo Ferrufino  was lifted by the magistrates of  the Electoral Tribunal (TE) at the request of the Thirteenth Criminal Court

 Ferrufino faces an investigation into the alleged commission of the crime of corruption of public servants, after the purchase of a 2013 Toyota Land Cruiser, allegedly with money from state contractors.

On March 11, Judge Alina Hubiedo temporarily suspended the process against  Ferrufino, Minister of Social Development (Mides) in the administration of Ricardo Martinelli.

Ferrufino enjoys electoral criminal jurisdiction (immunity from prosecution while running for office), after having been nominated by Cambio Democrático as a candidate for deputy for the circuit 8-7 for the  May 5 elections.



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Ex-minister’s annulment appeal dismissed.


Guillermo Ferrufino,

Posted 21/09/2019

The Thirteenth Criminal Court dismissed an appeal for annulment in the process followed by Guillermo Ferrufino, former head of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides under investigation for the alleged corruption of public servants.

Ferrufino who once had presidential ambitions has been the target of multiple criminal investigations.

In a ruling dated September 6, the thirteenth substitute judge, Andy Gutierrez, dismissed the arguments of lawyer Franklin Amaya, defender of Ferrufino, that the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office of Discharge ordered the investigation of his client after the investigation deadline and that, the process should be declared void.

In the ruling, Gutierrez said that the investigation procedure to Ferrufino was ordered on September 15, 2015, and that by that date the prosecution was within the legal deadline.

He also argued that, although the investigation materialized on November 30, 2015, after the expiration of the investigation term, Ferrufino had the representation of a lawyer, so that his fundamental rights were not affected and the due process was not violated

The investigation to the former minister has its genesis after it was determined that he had been donated an all-terrain vehicle during the electoral process of 2009.

Ferrufino also has a process in the Eleventh Criminal Court for the alleged unjustified enrichment reports La Prensa



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Enrichment verdict on ex-minister and wife in 30 days


Guillermo Ferrufino

Posted 28/12/2021

The trial of the former Minister of Social Development (2009-2014) Guillermo Ferrufino and his wife Milena Vallarino de Ferrufino, for alleged unjustified enrichment, ended at noon on Tuesday, December 28 with the prosecutor Edwin Juárez requesting the couple's conviction.

Third Liquidator Judge Baloisa Marquínez will present her verdict, in 30 days.

Juárez said that - throughout the process - documentation, such as properties, bank accounts, and farms, could be reviewed. He added that the unjustified amount is close to $2,288,000.

The trial began after 9:00 am The investigation consists of 18 volumes. Attorney Franklin Amaya leads the defense of the former minister, while Eduardo Sequeira is Milena Vallarino de Ferrufino's attorney.

Both specified that they could prove that their clients' assets were acquired legitimately and through mortgage loans.

Judge Eduardo De La Torre, of the defunct Eleventh Criminal Court, decided to call Ferrufino to trial after the former minister could not explain the origin of his patrimonial assets.


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Former Minister gets second jail term


Guillermo Ferrufino

Posted 15/03/2022

The former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino was sentenced to 48 months in prison by the Third Criminal Court Liquidator on Monday, March 14.

Two individuals got 36 months for committing the crime of corruption of a public servant for the irregular acquisition of a vehicle.

It is the second sentence imposed on Ferrufino by the court, that on February 22 applied a six-year prison sentence to the former minister and his wife for the crime of unjustified enrichment.

At the same time, the court applied disqualification for the exercise of public functions for the same period of time as the main penalty as an accessory penalty.

In the trial held on January 12, the discharge anti-corruption prosecutor Olmedo Gómez requested the conviction of the three involved.

The prosecutor specified that in 2013 Ferrufino received - for his personal use - a Toyota van from two companies that transferred the sum of $110,000 through a third person as a donation, in order to benefit them with Public contracts.


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Martinelli dream team member and wife jail bound


Ferrufino and Martinelli in happier times.

Posted 15/02/2023

The Descarga Anti-Corruption Prosecutor reported on Wednesday, February 15, that it was able to confirm the sentence of 6 years in prison for the former minister, Guillermo Ferrufino, and his wife Milena Vallarino de Ferrufino, for the crime of unjustified enrichment. Ferrufino was a member of former president Martinelli's dream team with his own presidential ambitions until like many of the team he took the 'follow the leader' mantra too literally and got itchy fingers and took his wife along for the ride.

On February 22, 2022, the Third Settlement Court for Criminal Cases issued the sentence. But it was appealed.

According to the prosecution, the spouses could not justify assets that reach $2,288,000.

In the trial held in December 2021. At that time, the prosecution presented evidence collected in the investigation, initiated as a result of an audit report from 2014, which revealed that Ferrufino could not justify certain assets acquired during his management as a minister in the era of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).

The Comptroller's audit revealed that in his five years in office, Ferrufino obtained income for the sum of $1,126,884, but his expenses, acquired assets, and bank accounts reached the sum of $3,415,180. He could justify an amount of $2,288 000.



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Supreme Court rejects appeal of former Martinelli minister


Posted 12/06/2023

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice ratified its decision not to admit an appeal filed by the former Minister of Social Development (Mides),  during the Martinelli administration, Guillermo Ferrufino, and upheld the sentence of 48 months in prison for corruption.

Under the presentation of magistrate Ariadne Maribel García and the endorsement of her colleagues Juan Francisco Castillo and Maribel Cornejo, the Criminal Chamber rejected an appeal for clarification of the sentence presented by Franklin Amaya, Ferrufino's lawyer.

Amaya had asked the Criminal Chamber to clarify the sentence issued against Ferrufino on April 25, but the request was not answered.

On July 29, 2022, the Superior Liquidation Court confirmed a 48-month prison sentence for Ferrufino for having received a Toyota truck, for his personal use, acquired thanks to the fact that two companies transferred $110,000 through a third person. The money was delivered as a "donation" in exchange for contracts with the State.

The verdict also affects Ángel Brennan and Tomás Rugliancich, who were each sentenced to 36 months in prison.

Ferrufino faces another sentence of six years in prison for unjustified enrichment. This sentence was handed down in February 2022, but it is not final, since the former minister's defense filed an appeal before the Criminal Chamber of the Court.


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Supreme Court rejects appeal of six-year jail term for ex-minister and wife


Guillermo Ferrufino & wife

 Posted 05/10/2023

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court (CSJ) did not admit a last resort appeal presented by the defense of the former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino, and his wife Milena Vallarino de Ferrufino, to try to annul the six-year prison imposed on them 18 months ago, for unjustified enrichment.

In a decision adopted on September 14, the Criminal Chamber did not admit the appeal presented by the Ferrufino spouses, against the sentence handed down by the Third Court for Liquidation of Criminal Cases (today the Second Court for Liquidation of Criminal Cases).

The ruling was presented by Judge Ariadne Maribel García and was supported by Judge María Eugenia López Arias. Otilda de Valderrama, Maribel Cornejo's substitute, accepted her vote.

In February 2022, the then Third Court of Criminal Cases convicted Ferrufino, as well as his wife, for not having been able to justify a fortune of $2.2 million, accumulated while he was minister of Mides, during the administration of former president Ricardo Martinelli (2009- 2014).


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Hunting for sentenced former minister


 Posted 31/01/2024

The Second Settlement Court for Criminal Cases wants to know the whereabouts, of former Minister Guillermo Ferrufino after the Second Criminal Chamber confirmed the six-year prison sentence for the former Minister of Social Development for the crime of unjustified enrichment.

Once the file returned to the court, the parties were notified by edict 112 of December 26, 2023, after the result in the Criminal Court.

But the court is now in the process of locating the former head of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), for this a request was made to the Judicial Investigation Directorate (DIJ) to locate Ferrufino with the intention that he serve his sentence in a penitentiary center.

However, Ferrufino's legal defense can request recognition of the time he was detained during the process before a Compliance Judge. This is within the rules of the Accusatory Criminal System.

According to the court in the case, the husband and wife failed to justify $2.2 million, money accumulated when Ferrufino held the position of minister during the five-year term of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).


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No trace of convicted ex-minister and wife


The missing couple.

 Posted 05/02/2024

Both the director of the National Immigration Service, Samira Gozaine, and the director of the National Border Service, Jorge Gobea, agreed that there is no report of departure, of former minister Guillermo Ferrufino after the Second Criminal Chamber confirmed the sentence of six years in prison for the crime of illicit enrichment.

“ We do not have any report that has come from any formal position…the alert has already been placed,” Gozaine stressed.

Gobea indicated that it has not been detected that he has tried to leave or traveled through the areas.

The court is now in the process of locating the former head of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), and for this a request was made to the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), to locate Ferrufino, with the intention that he fulfill his sentence in a penitentiary center.

Ferrufino's legal defense can request recognition of the time he was detained during the process before a compliance judge.

The conviction handed down by the court in February 2022 also sentenced Milena Vallarino de Ferrufino, Ferrufino's wife.

According to the court, the married couple could not justify $2.2 million, money accumulated when Ferrufino held the position of minister during the five-year term of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).


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Ferrufino Gets 10 years in Prison


Posted 15/03/2024

A compliance judge in Panama unified into a single sentence (10 years in prison) the two sentences faced by the former Minister of Social Development (Mides), Guillermo Ferrufino whose current whereabouts are unknown.  Maybe he is sitting in Nicaragua waiting to see if any old Government friends will join him.  Ferrufino was sentenced to four years in prison for embezzlement and another six years in prison for unjustified enrichment.  The decision was adopted by compliance judge Jostan Guevara during a compliance hearing held at the offices of the First Judicial District of Panama, in Plaza Ágora, Friday, March 15th.  During the hearing, Judge Guevara rejected a request presented by Ferrufino's defense, made up of lawyers Eduardo Sequeira and Franklin Amaya, to replace the 48-month sentence applied to his client with a day's fine.  The anti-corruption compliance prosecutor, Johaira González, opposed the motion raised by Ferrufino's defense, alleging that the convicted person has not appeared at the trial and has not shown interest in initiating a resocialization process.  Judge Guevara rejected the request made by Ferrufino's defense, arguing that said request did not meet the requirements established by the law and that the convicted person does not show any intention to reintegrate into society nor has he offered fair remuneration.  Following the judge's decision, Ferrufino's defense announced an appeal, so the hearing before the Superior Court of Appeals of the First Judicial District will take place next Tuesday March 19th.


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Guillermo Ferrufino Surrenders to the DIJ


 October 8, 2024

Arrest warrants against Ferrufino and his wife were still in force.  Former Minister of Social Development (Mides), Guillermo Ferrufino, turned himself in Monday October 7, 2024 before the Judicial Investigation Directorate (DIJ).  Ferrufino is wanted for crimes against public administration in the forms of embezzlement, corruption of public servants and unjustified enrichment, according to the National Police when reporting on his surrender at the DIJ offices in Ancón.  “In the town of Ancón, we arrested Guillermo Ferrufino, wanted for the crime Against Public Administration, in the form of Embezzlement, Corruption of Public Services and Unjustified Enrichment. — National Police (@ProtegeryServir) October 8, 2024.”


The former minister faces a 10-year prison sentence for the crimes of embezzlement and illicit enrichment.  In addition to these sentences, Ferrufino is awaiting a decision from the First Liquidation Court of Criminal Cases, after having been tried for embezzlement in relation to the rental of helicopters through the defunct National Aid Program. Until his surrender, Ferrufino – who was a minister in Ricardo Martinelli’s government from 2009 to 2014 – was a fugitive from justice. His defense had argued that there were no guarantees necessary for his client to appear before the Panamanian authorities.  “I never hid, we always presented the evidence; the cases are rigged,” the former official is heard saying in a video posted on social media, shortly before he surrendered.


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