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Lost Dog? Sweet pup showed up today.


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Is this cute little puppy yours? We have him in our gated yard, but he's trying to get out.
We live off via David/Boquete hwy so it's not safe for him to be wandering around.
Please let us know!
Edited by Admin_01
trying to track down the missing picture
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Be advised that we have received numerous complaints about this posting. The complaints are because no picture was provided, meaning no one knows what the missing puppy looks like. Not even a verbal description.

We have tried to find that missing picture, including searching all the way back to the original email that was received; the originator simply provided no more information, and no picture.

Please do not complain any more. There is nothing that we can do about this unfortunate situation.

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There was a picture on the News Boquete posting I received.  I went back to copy and past it here, but it's not showing up.  It was a little brown dog, looked like an adult, not a puppy.  Perhaps the poster could post it again.

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There was a picture when the item first was posted because I have a clear picture in my mind both of what the dog looks like and the area surrounding the dog. He was about the size of a beagle, mostly brown, and very cute. I wonder why the photo would have disappeared. Can the original poster not be reached by replying to the News Boquete original email?

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17 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

There was a picture when the item first was posted because I have a clear picture in my mind both of what the dog looks like and the area surrounding the dog. He was about the size of a beagle, mostly brown, and very cute. I wonder why the photo would have disappeared. Can the original poster not be reached by replying to the News Boquete original email?

I wrote to the poster using the address on the News Boquete post.  Hopefully the picture will get re-posted here.

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Sorry to have to inform you of this, but there was no picture associated with the email that was distributed via News.Boquete. I went back to the original source email archives that are stored by News.Boquete, and there was no picture as part of that email and thus none associated with the positing done here on CL.

Perhaps you are recalling a posting done on August 30th about a dog and that did include a picture. That was a brown dog and does appear to be an adult.

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I did not see the dog on FB, since I don't use that.  I'm pretty sure I did see it originally on News Boquete which now shows only a square where the picture should be.  Oh well, it's a mystery.  Doggone!  - did nobody see my post that the dog escaped and disappeared?

Edited by JudyS
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2 hours ago, JudyS said:

I did not see the dog on FB, since I don't use that.  I'm pretty sure I did see it originally on News Boquete which now shows only a square where the picture should be.  Oh well, it's a mystery.  Doggone!  - did nobody see my post that the dog escaped and disappeared?

I saw it, Judy. I think the current mystery is not the dog, who escaped and most likely made his way home, but how the photo disappeared. I too am sure I saw it on News Boquete because I am not a member of the Furry Friends of Boquete Facebook group either. I've deleted the News Boquete post, but if you still have it and it shows an empty square where a picture once was, I think that's compelling evidence that the picture mysteriously disappeared.

Edited by Bonnie
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