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Jailbird  “Prince” Odebrecht moves to house arrest

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BILLIONAIRE  tycoon Marcelo Odebrecht, known as “The Prince” and center of the biggest corruption scandal in the history of Latin America, which has shaken governments throughout the region headed for home on Tuesday, Dec. 19 from the Brazilian jail cell he has occupied since his arrest in June 2015.

He left the prison in Curitiba after purging a 10-year sentence to move to house arrest reports the AFP news agency.

Odebrecht, 49,  was transferred in an escorted black 4×4, with a  stop on the way escort, to the court where an electronic anklet was attached.

From there he was expected to go to his home in Sao Paulo where he will only be able to leave on rare occasions and receive a limited number of visits.

Nicknamed The Prince, Marcelo Odebrecht led the largest construction company in Latin America, responsible for works throughout the world, from the stadium of the Miami Heat basketball team to hydroelectric plants in Angola with frequent stops in Panama to fulfil billions of dollars in contracts from various administrations.

He is the grandson of the founder and third generation of a group of presidents who formed a conglomerate with activities in other sectors, such as engineering, agriculture and petrochemicals.

The collapse began on June 19, 2015, when Odebrecht was arrested, in the Lava Jato investigation, accused of paying bribes to dozens of leaders of all political shades to obtain contracts in the state Petrobras.

After resisting a hail of accusations, for almost two years, the group agreed to reveal their crimes to soften sentences and enable the company to survive.survive.

Some, 77 executives and managers signed an agreement and reported in detail the gears of corruption and  Marcelo was able to reduce thanks to that to 10 years his initial sentence, of more than 19 years in prison.



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No bail for 3 Odebrecht bribery suspects

Judge Oscar Carrasquilla
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THREE SUSPECTS  accused of receiving bribes from the Odebrecht construction company have been denied bail by Twelfth criminal judge Óscar Carrasquilla, and a former CD presidential candidate remains liable to arrest.

Humberto De León,  Andrés Mozes  Libedinsky and Daysi Rodríguez Villarreal, are all pre-emptively detained as part of the investigation of t bribes paid by Odebrecht in Panama and will stay behind bars.

In addition, , Judge Carrasquilla denied a request for freedom from arrest of Democratic Change(CD)  2014  presidential candidate, José Domingo Arias. The request  was  presented by José Porta Álvarez . The judge agreed to grant bail $50,000 to  Dallas Villarreal Zambrano, partner of Carlos Ho González, former director of Special Projects of the Ministry of Public Works, who is also  under investigation.

.Humberto De León was the registered officer of the account of Constructora Internacional del Sur, used by Odebrecht to channel funds from its so-called box 2, which was created to hold money to bribe government officials. Mozes Libedisnky has been identified as a recipient of Odebrecht funds through two companies.



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Court extends time for corruption investigation

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The paralyzed investigation of the Odebrecht bribery scandal can resume after the Second Superior Court of Justice granted the  Public Ministry an additional year to continue its probe of Humberto De León and others for corruption of public servants and money laundering.

The Court revoked the denial of the Twelfth Criminal Court for an extension of the term.

The Court said that “this is a complex case, therefore the procedural rules for its processing they are different from those for common use. ”

The one-year period is from the execution date of the resolution; unless the Public Prosecutor uses a shorter time to complete the case.



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Odebrecht investigation at 86 locations

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The Special  Anti-corruption Prosecutor has reactivated Odebrecht bribery investigations, with the execution of 86 proceedings at banks, law firms, and public institutions.

The April 25 announcement came from the prosecutor Zuleyka Moore, who in a video disseminated by the Public Ministry said that the proceedings they are being performed “at this moment”.

“Goods, values and new actors are identified”, and “the delivery of information of the company and its collaborators continues, covering the periods 2008 to 2016.

Also, on Wednesday the questioning was ordered of José Porta Álvarez, treasurer of the  CD presidential campaign of José Domingo Arias, in 2014, alleged to have received $10 million from Odebrecht.



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New opportunities for tainted contractor

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The besmirched Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht, which confessed to paying scores of millions in bribes to obtain previous contracts is back on the bid list of the  Panama Government.

The company, which paid the bribes between 2010 and 2014, during the Martinelli administration has participated in the pre-bid meetings for the extension of Metro line 1 to Villa Zaíta and Metro line 2 to Tocumen  International Airport.

The deliveries of proposals for the two contracts are scheduled for September and October and the government ruled that the company would no longer have any legal impediment to bid.

Odebrecht had already submitted unsuccessful proposals for   Ministry of Public Works (MOP) contracts says  La Prensa.

In December 2016, the Executive prohibited the participation of Odebrecht in tenders until the company collaborated in the investigations that followed the corruption cases, a condition that would have been met with the signing in July 2017 of an agreement between   Odebrecht   and the MOP,  which included a  $220 million fine  to the company

In an official letter dated January 19, the twelfth criminal judge, Óscar Carrasquilla, said that In the collaboration agreement, the company was not disqualified from future bidding.



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Odebrecht emails smoking gun for Panama

Marcelo Odebrecht helping prosecutors
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A new smoking gun, pointing in many directions has emerged in the Odebrecht scandal with the company’s convicted ex-president-Marcelo  Odebrecht-   helping Brazilian prosecutors to open  new lines of investigation.

That’s unwelcome news for some former high profile movers in Panama which  handed the company its first isthmus contract  in 2006, and under successive administrations has sent billions in the direction of the construction  giant, with more potentially in the offing

The first revelations revolve around works in Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela and Panama where the Remigio Rojas, irrigation project,  was the first to open the door to scores of millions in bribes.


Cinta Costera

Documentation seen by La Prensa reveals multiple payments that added, at least, $9.6 million dollars, to six national and foreign companies from 2006 to 2009, during the administrations of former Martin presidents Torrijos and Martinelli. The last payments came, mostly, from the Madden-Colón highway, as well as the Cinta Costera

Marcelo Odebrecht is no longer in jail. He is serving his 20-year sentence – reduced to 10,  in his 3,000 square meter  mansion thanks to his collaboration in the Lava Jato  investigation

The Brazilian federal authorities have asked him to help examine 480,000 emails with  Panama figuring high on the list.

The emails of Marcelo Odebrecht reveal that his company would have begun to pay bribes beginning with the  Remigio Rojas irrigation project executed between 2006 and 2008, during the administration of former president Martín Torrijos (2004-2009) and during the management of Laurentino Cortizo at the Ministry of Agricultural Development MIDA).

After Cortizo resigned his successor Guillermo Salazar ended up signing the Contract in conjunction with André Rabello, head of Odebrecht in Panama.

20% over cost 

The agreed price was $54.2 million, but after several addenda, it ended up costing 20% above the adjudication price: $65.3 million. The project has been investigated by the Public Ministry since July 2017.

In a record of what appear to be payment orders – dated October 31, 2007- there are three made to strangers, identified only with nicknames, as Captain or Friend Onca or Salary. The payments correspond to “commissions”, with payment by a person identified with the initials AR (which would correspond to those of André Rabello), reports La Prensa.

In total, they paid just over  $136000, money that came out of the work identified as “Irrigacao Remigio Rojas”.

Another payment emanating  from the project  was for     $10,000 between 2007 and 2008, and another for $ 100,000, Odebrecht had other works under the government of Martín Torrijos, such as the MaddenColón highway which also appears in the mails of Marcelo Odebrecht.

The records in which the work appears dated September 30, 2007, have AR responsible for $86 000  in commissions, whose destiny is for someone nicknamed Cachaça.



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Prosecutor to seize $3.7 million and change from Odebrecht boss

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The 12th Criminal Court has authorized the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office to confiscate $3,715 748.34, from two bank accounts of André Campo Rabello, Odebrecht representative in Panama.

Rabello has the Bangor Associated Corp. investment account at MMG Bank, with a total of $3,704,981.60  ($485,212.09 in cash and $3,219,769.51 in fixed income securities).

In the other Rabello account in Banisi bank, there is $10,766,.74

On  October 2 Rabello signed a collaboration agreement in which he gave information to the prosecution and in return will not be prosecuted or convicted in this case. Odebrecht committed to paying a fine of 220 million in 12 years.

In the same court, Judge Carrasquilla denied a change of precautionary measure to Evelyn Vargas Reynaga, an ex-attorney of the Martinelli family, who is one of  62  investigated for money laundering in the Odebrecht case. She has an impediment to leaving the country.

Carrasquilla denied a bail request for fugitive lawyer Mauricio Cort, charged with money laundering in the bribery payment scandal.



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Probe continues as 70 charged in Odebrecht bribery  scandal

Tania Sterling
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With 70 people already charged in the Odebrecht bribery scandal in Panama, the special Anticorruption prosecutor Tania Sterling has requested patience in the investigations of corruption that involve the company.

She told TVN on Saturday that in the coming days a report will be rendered on the investigations that have been made and are still continuing.

She  assured that the file has not been paralyzed and because of the situation where a large number of people are involved, the Public Ministry has not stopped working.”

Sterling said  that so far about 70 people charged and that the  court approved extension to investigate ends in  April


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Black Monday for Odebrecht bribery suspects

Ford,De Lima, and Martinelli sons
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A KEY fugitive witness in the Odebrecht scandal whose evidence is expected to ensure that some prominent players in the previous administration end up behind bars returned to Panama from Greece on Friday, November 23.

Mauriio Cort

Lawyer Mauricio Cort, who disappeared last year when accused of money laundering will provide documentary evidence of the final destination of Odebrecht bribes he received to channel them to the final beneficiaries.

Among those, says La Prensa are, the two sons of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli due to appear in a Miami immigration court on Monday. and ex-Finance Minister Finance Frank De Lima and ex-Public Works Minister Jaime Ford.

All of them received multi-millions funds from a Panamanian company calledAeon Group, belonging to the Structured Operations Sector of Odebrecht reports La Prensa.

From the same company, Cort also received more than $6 million – whose final destination he will reveal to the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor as part of a plea deal.

Key witness
Cort told the authorities that he had gone on vacation on July 1, 2017. Since then, the Public Ministry was unaware of his whereabouts. But about a month ago. Cort had agreed with the authorities to enter into negotiations to provide assistance in the  Odebreccht case which made him a fugitive.

Cort arrived from Greece on Friday. He came voluntarily, although there were outstanding arrest warrants. He will be called to testify to prosecutor Zuleyka Moore, in charge of the investigation of the Odebrecht case. Cort and the prosecution are expected to should reach a penalty agreement.

Cort developed financial and legal structures to cover the funneling of Odebrecht bribes to local recipients.

Among the suspects are Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, who were arrested last week in Miami; the former Minister of Public Works Jaime Ford; the former Finance  Minister Frank De Lima; and, of course, Mauricio Cort.

Cort’s law firm was also involved in the Blue Apple scandal. Two companies t allegedly used  by the final beneficiaries of bribes, in the case, were HB Engineering Corp. – and Treasure Island Development

Both shared the same directors, as well as the same resident agent: Cort Abogados, whose main partner is Mauricio Cort.

The cooperation of Cort will also serve to recover millions of dollars of state funds.



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Varela is exempt from investigation in the Odebrecht case

Fri, 11/30/2018 - 14:55


The Special Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office presented its report regarding the accusations in the Odebrecht case, the Brazilian company that is involved in a large number of accusations and corruption cases. The surprise was that none of the government officials who are accused of having received / carried out corruption acts are not being investigated in the process.

The absence of the name of Juan Carlos Varela, current president of Panama and one of the most affected in the accusations is noteworthy since it was known that in his campaign, he received donations from the aforementioned company, according to Jaime Lasso, former consul of Panama in South Korea in September 2017.

Prosecutor Zuleyka Moore stated that this statement was the third made by the former official before the Prosecution, so it was expected that it would be taken into account at the time of conducting the investigative process. The prosecutor himself identified Lasso as the bridge between Odebrecht and the Party of Juan Carlos, lobbying each of the negotiations.

With a final balance of $ 255.1 million in money and goods apprehended, in addition to 76 defendants, the final report spells out that the presidential candidates at the time of the investigation are exempt from this investigation since it corresponds to an electoral authority that must be respected and that carries its own processes.

One of the arguments to leave Juan Carlos Varela out of the process and the alleged donation of 10 million dollars to his campaign is that the payment of Odebrecht's bribes was shown until 2014, so in timelines, it does not fit with the 2017 in which the current president campaigned.

In this press conference that also had the participation of Tania Sterling, Vielka Broce and Ruth Morcillo, it was noted that despite this legal aspect, future investigations are not ruled out. Regarding Active Capital Holding, no reference was made nor to Juan Antonio Niño, who was linked to this firm.

So far, Juan Carlos Varela is totally free of investigations and reactions are expected from the opposition group of the country that has been very aware of this case and also the Martinelli issue at the same time.



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Prosecutors name recipients of $102 million in Panama corruption swamp

Panama's Special anti- corruption prosecutors
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FOUR anti-corruption prosecutors called a press conference on Thursday evening, November. 29 to  roll out details of 0ver $102 million in bribes paid out by the Odebrecht organization during two administrations, Torrijos, (5.5 million ) Martinelli (96.7 million)while five projects of the current administration are under investigation).

The three government periods covered were : Martín Torrijos (2004-2009); Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019).

New revelations from the four who have toiled for over four years in the corruption swamp, show former Finance Minister Frank De Lima was shown  to have received not  $7 million, but $10.2 million in bribes.

A little over a year ago, with the signing of the collaboration agreements between the prosecution and the main executives of Odebrecht, the amount of bribes paid  in Panama was estimated at $86 million. But at the conference the prosecutors showed illegal payments amounted to over $102 million and the number of  accused high rollers  totals 76.

The bribes were paid through Odebrecht’s Structured Operations Department  created to enable  bribes abroad through a multiplicity l number of companies, including Constructora Internacional del Sur, said prosecutor Zuleyka Moore.

In this period, the prosecutors investigated 3 projects executed by Odebrecht from the Remigio Rojas irrigation system, coastal belt, phase 1, and the Madden-Colón highway.

Prosecutor Moore revealed that two businessmen who served as figureheads for the payment of at least $5.5 million have been identified.

“In the 2006-2009 period, we have identified the traceability of money that reaches legal persons and that goes to senior officials, which we have already identified, but we must comply with the formalities. You will know who they are when they reach the prosecutor’s office … Rest assured they will have to answer the questions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, “said Moore.

The prosecutor’s office highlighted the two new collaboration and penalty agreements signed with Andrés De León Mozes Libedinsky and Mauricio Cort, who identified new final beneficiaries

The collaboration agreement signed with Mozes Libedinsky, he  was sentenced to 42 months and returned $1.7 million.

After the agreement, he gave information that identifies the director of Conades (2009.-2014) Danna Harrick as the final beneficiary of the company Ralfim Limited, which received over $3 million.

A red alert has been issued to Interpol for her capture.

A of penalty and agreement  signed with Cort on  November 29, sets a penalty of 48 months jail time  and the return of $1.6 million.

Cort revealed information that allowed the prosecution to corroborate that former Public Works Minister Federico José Suárez had received just over $ 4 million.

In addition, Cort gave information to the prosecution that allowed him to identify that through a complex structure of more than 15 societies, the brothers Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares -children of t former president Ricardo Martinelli-, as well as Riccardo Francolini, former president of the Board of Directors of the Savings Bank,  who would have received  $53 million from Odebrecht.

Through two intermediaries, Olmedo Méndez Tribaldos and José Luis Saiz, who have signed collaboration and penalty agreements with the prosecution, it was possible to identify that former Finance  Minister of Finance Frank De Lima received $10,250,000 in bribes, an amount greater than the $7 million that had been indicated after the agreements with the Brazilian company.

The prosecution confirmed the bribes allegedly received by Demetrio Papadimitriu, former Minister of the Presidency ($4 million) and Jaime Ford, former Minister of Public Works ($1.8 million). They also confirmed the bribes received by Carlos Ho González, director of special projects of the MOP ($550,000).

CD Party
The prosecution specified that for the funds of the campaign of the ruling party at that time, Cambio Democrático, Odebrecht allocated $7.5 million and that in the case of the former  Minister of Housing and former presidential candidate José Domingo Arias,got  $2 million.

The prosecution points to a figurehead for the delivery of the funds for Arias – now the presidential candidate of the Alianza party – to José Porta Álvarez, treasurer of his campaign in 2014 and owner of the Allure Consulting and Services account, which would have received the payments.

Badger Title, belonging to a lawyer partner of Rómulo Roux, the now CD Presidential candidate  for 2019, funneled , $500.000 in bribes  allegedly used to pay the credit card of the president of the CD party.

In this case, the Electoral Tribunal refused to raise Roux’s electoral jurisdiction to be investigated.

Varela Administration
Five projects  initiated under the current are under investigation, including the revitalization of public spaces that Odebrecht executed in the Municipality of Panama Panama, under the leadership of the mayor and current presidential candidate of the Panameñista Party, José Isabel Blandón Figueroa.

The prosecutor said that Odebrecht has continued to collaborate with giving information and as new names appear, they will be called to account.

The line of investigation involves the “lobbyist” of the Panameñista Party Jaime Lasso, ex-Consul of Panama in Korea, and his daughter, after receiving $10 million from Odebrecht. Lasso faces justice in this case said Moore.



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Colombia bribery crackdown an example for Panama

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A Colombian court has been tougher than Panama authorities on the Brazilian multinational Odebrecht ordering it to pay about $252 million dollars in compensation and disallowing it to bid on state contracts for 10 years because of corruption.

Panama has continued to hand out billions in contracts with more in the wind.

The ruling of the administrative court of Cundinamarca (center) was announced on Thursday and also applies to the partners of firms in the country, such as Episol, the company of banker Luis Carlos Sarmiento, the richest man in Colombia.

The decision responds to an action of January 2017 in which the attorney general, Fernando Carillo, requested precautionary measures to guarantee the viability of the Ruta del Sol 2 project, the country’s most important highway project.

The ruling of more than 300 pages definitively suspended that contract, after it was established that it was awarded through the payment of bribes.

Apart from ordering the seizure of the bank accounts, goods and dividends obtained by companies involved, the judicial office declared several persons responsible for corruption including a former minister and a group of high profile businessmen.

The fine exceeds something more than 22 times the  $11 million initially offered by the multinational, to receive benefits in their criminal, disciplinary and fiscal proceedings in Colombia said in a Public Ministry press release.

In 2016, the Brazilian firm admitted before the US justice system that it had obtained lucrative contracts through bribes to politicians, in a practice that continued in 12 countries, including Colombia and Panama.

So far, six people have been condemned for this scandal in Colombia, where bribes were paid for at least $32.5 million. In Panama, they are more than $86  million.



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No bail for Odebrecht laundering suspect


Danna Harrick

Posted 03/03/2019
A former high ranking official in the previous administration   will remain behind bars while awaiting trial for alleged money laundering connected to the Odebrecht bribery scandal

The Second Court of Justice upheld the decision of the 12th Criminal Court, which on November 22 of denied the bail to detain Danna Harrick director of the National Council for Sustainable Development (Conades) in the last government (2009-2014), reports La Prensa

Harrick’s defense  argued that she had not fled the country because at the time she was required she was  away for professional reasons  with family and domiciliary ties in Panama

The court noted that "around his departure abroad, it is peculiar that, currently, there is no evidence that in effect guarantees that her absence was due to professional reasons."

The investigations of the prosecutor's office show that the capital of the Odebrecht company was traced back to the accounts of Andrés Mozes, one of the 76 defendants in the case.

According to the inquiries, Mozes received $3 million from Aeon Group Inc. through a company t registered in Andorra. Of these funds, $250,000  thousand were transferred to an account in Switzerland, which corresponds to the Betaj Foundation, registered in the name of Mozes.

Mozes, in his defense, indicated that in 2013, his sister-in-law Harrick -then director of Conades- told him that the opportunity for a construction equipment logistics business had been presented, but because of her position as an official, she could not sign the contract. , asking him to be a signatory, agreeing to his request.

She said that Harrick created the company Ralford Limited, being a signatory for its constitution and bank accounts, to which she never had access, only she was the real owner of the money.

Mozes told the prosecutor's office that due to the assumption of a new government in 2014, his sister-in-law changed jobs and began work in the UBS Bank, deciding to transfer the funds that were in the account so that she could manage her money, thus creating the Betaj Foundation.



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Prominent suspect avoids Odebrecht questions


Spadafora Galvez

Posted 10/03/2019
Winston Spadafora Gálvez, son of  controversial former Supreme Court judge magistrate Winston Spadafora  invoked used  Article 25 of the Constitution to avoid questioning by   Anticorruption prosecutor  Zuleyka Moore investigating multi-million dollar bribery by the Oderbrecht,  Construction  company 

Article 35 states that no one is obliged to testify against himself. Attorney  Orlando Barraza was questioned in the same investigation a day earlier..

In 2015, Spadafora Gálvez was investigated by the Anti-Corruption Public Prosecutor's Office for the alleged embezzlement in the case of the purchase of food bags with funds from the now-defunct National Assistance Program (PAN).

The Odebrecht Anti-Corruption Special Prosecutor's Office has made a fresh discovery that has led to a new line of investigation. These are contributions that presumably received from Odebrecht to the campaign account of the presidential candidate of Cambio Democrático in 2014, José Domingo Arias.

That investigation motivated the imputation of charges -for the alleged commission of the crime of money laundering- to Barraza and Spadafora Gálvez.

The prosecutor's office found that the Arias campaign account, where it received Odebrecht's contributions, simultaneously captured money from other sources, including contractor companies of the PAN.



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Corruption prosecutor ask more time for “historic” probe


Public prosecutor's office

Posted 02/04/2019
Panama’s Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office has asked for more time to complete what it describes as an historic investigation into the Odebrecht bribery scandal which involves numerous high profile suspects.

The request was made before the Twelfth Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, to investigate crimes against the Public Administration and against the Economic Order.

In a statement, the Public Ministry MP reported that the petition was based on the fact that the lines of investigation of some people are paralyzed until an appeal for protection of constitutional guarantees is resolved.

In addition, there are pending the electoral penal jurisdiction of other involved parties, extradition proceedings [the two sons of Ricardo Martinelli]vand the processing of 16 bank accounts whose findings are recent additions to the file.

They emphasized that the MP has the responsibility of directing the investigation of the crimes, for which it must practice and order the execution of all those proceedings that contribute or are useful for the purposes of the investigation and thus determine or not the existence of the crime and the responsible.



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Peru Ex-president’s suicide renews  spotlight on Odebrecht corruption links in Panama


Posted 17/04/2019

The suicide of former Peruvian President Alan García, when he was to be arrested for alleged corruption offenses, has shocked Peru and thrown the spotlight  nack on the Odebrecht case which has reverberated around Latin America, including and Panama  where at least  $90 million was distributed in bribes and donations to political parties and where the Brazilian contractor has been favored with millions of contractual dollars.Among those facing charges are sons of former president Ricardo Martinelli, the former Minister of Public Works and other high profile figures in the Martinelli administration, but in Panama the wheels of justice turn more slowly.

Garcia,69 shot himself  when police and prosecutors arrived at his home with a warrant for his arrest.

That order was issued  after t Odebrecht, within the framework of the collaboration agreement with the Peruvian Justice, revealed that former presidential secretary Luis Nava and his son José Nava received $4 million from the company toget achieve the construction contract for Line 1 of the Lima Metro. In Panama, Odebrecht got the contracts for the Cinta Costera 1,2, and 3; Metro Line 1 and 2 and and an  extension to Tocumen International Airport, and the construction of the airport’s Terminal 2 and major construction projects in Colon and Panama City.

Peru’s ,  Interior Minister Carlos Moran  explained that the arrest operation was in charge of the prosecutor Henry Amenábar and a group of agents who identified themselves to before García and informed him that he was going to be arrested.The ex-leader  requested a moment to make a call to his lawyer and went up to his room, on the second floor, of his house, where he locked himself on up and "within a few minutes a firearm shot was heard."

"The police forced the door and found Garcia in a sitting position and with a wound on his head,"

The minister said explained that the ex-president governor was immediately transferred to the hospital and said that "the intervention of the police has adhered to established protocols, supported by a diligence ordered by a judge in the framework of an emblematic case such as Odebrecht."

Along with García, the arrests of Luis Nava, presidential secretary under the Government of the leader of the Aprista Party, and Miguel Atala, both close collaborators of the former president and designated as his front men were also ordered.

Hours later he former Minister of Transportation and Communications and Housing and Construction, turned himself in  as well as five other ex-officers of Garcia’s second term in office.

In Colombia ther have been unexplained deaths pf suspects  In Panama, dozens of alleged bribe recipients continue to walk the streets.



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Two  missing  suspects  in multi-million Odebrecht probe


Posted 21/04/2019

Two businessmen who are currently missing from Panama have been added to the list of 76 people under investigation in the Odebrecht bribery scandal.

Zuleyka Moore, one of the prosecutors in this proceeding, is investigating Fotis Lymberópulos and Rodrigo Rod Díaz for alleged laundering, sources in the Public Ministry told La Prensa.

They are linked to companies that, according to the file, would have received payments of bribes from Odebrecht, coming from the Madden-Colón highway project and from the Cinta  Costera.

 Lymberópulos had  filed an appeal not to be arrested, but then abandoned it

Diaz's attorney informed the Public Prosecutor that his client is in the United States, and would return to the country on an April date which has already passed. The Public Ministry has not ruled out asking  Interpol to issue a red alert.

The links
The prosecutor's office has files hints of eight payments made between April and May 2007 - drawn against funds from the "Madden-Colón highway" - that would have been transferred to the foreign company Marpesca Seatrade LLC (linked to Lymberópulos), totaling $1.4 million.

Between June 2007 and February 2008, another 11 payments totaling $3 million were made, with funds that left the Madden-Colón highway, to the World Securities society, linked to Díaz, according to the record.

Payments were also made to Importadora Gulberung: one for $ 180,000 (Cinta Costera) in June 2008, and another in August of that same year, for $20,000 (Madden-Colón highway).

The company Beldent International Corp. was also the recipient -on June 6, 2008- of three payments totaling $ 600,000 for the Madden-Colón highway.

Between January and October 2009 - months before and after the general election, in which the Ricardo Martinelli-Juan Carlos Varela alliance was elected, another 11 payments were made, with amounts ranging between $200,000  and $ 450,000  against funds from the Madden-Colón highway and the coastal strip. A total of $3,150,000 received in full by the company Caribbean Holding Services.

Another company that benefited with eight payments totaling $1.3 million between March and May 2007- was Vernell Development Corp.



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Peru’s example for Panama


Posted 28/04/2019

While in Panama we hope that a court will find the time to meet the request of prosecutors to extend the investigation of the Odebrecht case, in Peru judges and prosecutors are tuned to do justice. While former presidents of the Republic and politicians of all varieties have fallen for their links with the Brazilian construction company, an insistent campaign has emerged that, taking advantage of the suicide of Alan García, begins to propose a kind of final point with a blur and new account for the Peruvian political class.

Part of this nefarious initiative points to the disqualification and intimidation of investigative journalism, in particular, Gustavo Gorriti and his group of researchers, who maintain a war without quarter against the corruption that eats up Latin America.

The role of investigative journalism is fundamental for the fight against corruption. It is not accidental that the mafias, the drug traffickers, the death squads and the participants in the large public funds deals are dedicated to persecuting, threatening, harassing and trying to silence the independent press. Today, the Peruvian justice system gives an example to the world.

What has not been achieved in many countries  including ours, is a fact recognized in Peru: an independent justice, which with courage and tenacity, unravels the worst theft of its history. harass and try to silence the independent press. Today, the Peruvian justice system gives an example to the world. What has not been achieved in many countries of the world, including ours, is a fact recognized in Peru: an independent justice, which with courage and tenacity, unravels the worst theft of its history -LA  PRENSA , Apl.29



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Judge denies prosecutors more time in Odebrecht probe


Posted 04/05/2019

A request by the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor's for  more time to complete investigations into  a group  of high rollers suspected  of receiving   bribes  from the Odebrecht construction company has been denied,

Twelfth criminal judge, Óscar Carrasquilla suggested that the  Prosecutor's Office open a "new instruction" based on the new procedural circumstances arising … a situation that would favor the Public Prosecutor's Office, to have new research terms. "

In  March, the prosecution had asked the court for an additional six months, based on the fact that, after the collaboration agreements reached with  Andrés Mozes Libedinsky, Jorge Espino, José Luis Saiz, Mauricio Cort, Gabriel Alvarado Far, and Olmedo Méndez, new data emerged that motivated the request.

The original term that the prosecutor's office had to investigate expired on April 25, so if it does not appeal to the Second Superior Court Judge Carrasquilla's decision, it must send the fiscal hearing of the process, whose file has 600 volumes and 81 people imputed.

The prosecution stated that, initially, the investigation was limited to the period 2010-2015, which includes part of the presidential administrations of  Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and   Juan Carlos Varela   (2014-2019), and then extended to the 2006 -2009, period when Odebrecht started operations in Panama during the government of  Martín Torrijos.

The prosecution indicated that it managed to prove that Odebrecht made payments, at least, to 11 other companies.

When analyzing the activities of the companies, the prosecution made charges to  Fotis Limberópulos, Aaron Mizrachi, Danna Harrick – who fled the country and face extradition requests -, Orlando Barraza, Winston Spadafora Gálvez, Carlos Espinoza and Guillermo Sáez-Llorens. None of them has yet been investigated by the prosecution 

The legal firm Guerra & Guerra Abogados, on behalf of Aaron Mizrachi, had opposed the request of the prosecution to extend the term of the investigation, arguing that this action violates the individual and constitutional guarantees of the accused. Mizrachi fled the country on the private jet of Ricardo Martinelli.



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$686,00 Odebrecht bribes suspect wriggles off the hook


Fotis Lymberópulos

Posted 20/05/2019

The Twelfth Criminal Court has annulled an order of inquiry and the correction to the document issued by the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office against Fotis Lymberópulos -who has fled Panamal- in the investigation of bribes paid by Odebrecht reports La Prensa.

In a  May 3, ruling  Judge Óscar Carrasquilla admitted an incident of controversy filed by the defense of Lymberópulos - which rendered void the order of investigation for the alleged commission of crimes against the economic order.

After receiving a new line of information from international judicial assistance, the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office issued an order of inquiry for businessmen Fotis Lymberópulos and Rodrigo 'Rod' Díaz. both linked to companies that, got bribes from Odebrecht from the Madden-Colón highway project and the coastal strip.

Error corrected
On November 21, 2018, the prosecutor's office ordered the investigation of  Lymberópulos, but made an error at the time of placing the legal basis, since it used as a rule, a law that at the time was not current.

It turns out that the law, of May 2017, by which the Criminal Code was adopted, would come into force one year after its promulgation, one year later than the events attributed to Lymberópulos.

Based on Article 999 of the Judicial Code - which allows corrections of errors committed in the resolutions - the prosecution made the correction and placed as foundation articles 389 and 390 of the Penal Code.

By mistake, the prosecution had stated that it was a crime against the economic order, when it was really a crime against the national economy and, therefore, was a case of corruption.

According to judge Carrasquilla, the correction of the investigation order to Lymberópulos by the prosecution established "as proven the existence of a crime of money laundering, as a crime precedent of international bribery, according to Article 389 of the Criminal Code, was not classified for the time of the occurrence of the facts investigated.

According to the judge, at the time of the facts charged to the defendant, " the figure of international bribery was not found, which was included as precedent "

The prosecution has announced that it will appeal the decision since it did not take into account the correction made by the investigation office.

The file states that Lymberópulos was linked to the investigation of the bribes based on the collaboration agreements that Odebrecht entered into with the prosecutor's office, in which relevant documentation was provided, such as payment orders by the Department of Structured Operations of the construction company to  Marpesca Seatrade ., for $686,000   in  2007.

Despite the evidence included by the prosecution, and the alleged payment of bribes to Panamanian officials, the judge overturned the order of inquiry.

More luck
In another proceeding, the Fifteenth Criminal Court revoked the order to investigate Lymberópulos,  for alleged overpricing in the rental of helicopters with funds from the now-defunct  National Assistance Program (PAN).

The fifteenth criminal judge, Leslie Loaiza, concluded that the audit of the Office of the Comptroller General  did not take into account aspects such as free supply and demand in the valuation of the costs of the flights did not locate technical personnel specialized in aeronautics to quantify the real cost of the services of the company Heliflight Panamá, SA, of Lymberópulos.

The prosecution filed an appeal but the Second Superior Court of Justice upheld the decision of Judge Loaiza. The Public Ministry filed an appeal before the Supreme Court which, decided to close the process In another case, the Court also declared null the investigation of Lymberópulos for alleged money laundering, an offense derived from  investigations of the former Minister of Social Development  Guillermo Ferrufino in an unjustified enrichment case 


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Nine  fugitives  dodge Odebrecht laundering probe


Posted 13/06/2019

At least nine high profile suspects people  including the two sons of Former president Ricardo Martinelli  facing money laundering  investigations linked  to the Odebrecht scandal have failed to appear  before the prosecution.  All have  preventive detention orders and/or red alerts  in place.

Among these are: Liz Elena Souza (preventive detention / red alert); Navin Mohan Bhatka (preventive detention / red alert); Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares , (preventive detention / extradition request); Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares , (preventive detention / extradition request); Danna Harrick Atie (pre-trial detention / extradition request); Barry William Herman (preventive detention / red alert); Hilberto Mascarenhas Alves Da Silva (preventive detention / red alert); Maya Cirukel Spiller (preventive detention / red alert); Aaron Mizrachi Malca, (preventive detention / red alert).

Prosecutor Zuleyka Moore said that - at least 13 accused have been ordered the measure of preventive detention, but  have benefited with bail  or habeas corpus by  the Judicial Branch.

These are: Federico Pepe Suárez (bail); Evelyn Vargas (periodic notification measure); José Domingo Arias (bail ) ; Humberto De León (notification); Olmedo Méndez (collaboration agreement); Andrés Mozes Libedrisky (collaboration agreement, Jaime Ford (notification), Carlos Ho González (preventive detention), José Luis Saiz Villanueva (collaboration agreement), Demetrio Papadimitriu , (notification), Frank De Lima (notification), Daisye Villarreal Zambrano ( notification) collaboration agreement and penalty; Daysi Rodríguez Villarreal (pre-trial detention).

A nti-corruption prosecutor Tania Sterling also revealed, on Thursday morning, June 13  in Telemetro Reporta , the apprehension of a person "in the south", without specifying more details. At this moment, “”we are in the process of extradition. “”.



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Odebrecht  seeking  $21 billion bankruptcy aidm busy in Panama


Posted 18/06/2019

Odebrecht, the Brazilian construction giant which still owes millions of dollars in reparations to Panama is seeking bankruptcy protection.

Meanwhile dozens of Panamanians, including the sons of Ricardo Martinelli. face criminal investigations linked to some $102 million in bribes by Odebrecht which won billions of dollars in contracts from successive Panama governments.

Facing massive debts and a  deteriorating reputation for its leading role in the corruption scandal known as Lava Jato which involved bribery of governments and individuals from Latin America to Angola the Odebrecht holding company on Monday, June 17 began a process of bankruptcy protection to find a way to restructure its debt.

The holding company, which has been part of a structured bribery scheme, is the core of a conglomerate that includes Constructora Odebrecht, with operations in Panama, and oil and gas companies.

With the declaration of bankruptcy, Odebrecht avoids being brought down by one of its debtors, and thus protects guarantees and loans between companies of a group of creditors, which includes Brazilian banks and investors of foreign bonds, according to information from Bloomberg.

Odebrecht suffers the consequences of an increasingly reduced cash flow, after revealing its role in the Lava Jato scandal and its former president  Marcelo Odebrecht, jailed.

It would be a corporate bankruptcy of $21,500 billion, in what would be one of the largest debt restructurings in Latin America, according to a company statement.

Trying to clean up the image of its his subsidiary companies, with the rebranding of the construction company, and to implement what it called an internal control system, which included the appointment of independent directors was not enough.

Paying debts was is increasingly complicated, so the holding Odebrecht moved to start a bankruptcy process.

The construction division of Odebrecht, along with 15 other Brazilian construction companies, led the biggest corruption scandal in the history of Latin America, participating in a network that diverted funds from Brazil's state-owned Petrobras, through inflated contracts and overpriced tenders. . The same scheme was used in other countries where it had operations.

Since that network was discovered in 2014, the group's companies have had limited access to credit and also restrictions on participating in public contracts in some countries, such as neighboring Colombia although Panama continues favoring the company.

With creditors seeking to seize assets pledged as collateral for unpaid loans, the bankruptcy move was the best way out to conclude debt restructuring.

The holding company received a blow in early June when the group's ethanol unit filed for bankruptcy protection, and the purchase talks with Lyondell Basell Industries NV over the petrochemical unit Braskem collapsed reports La Prensa.

Panama operations
The company said Monday that the moves in Brazil do not represent any change or affect the operations it maintains in Panama.

Currently At this moment, the construction company is involved in the final phase of the expansion of the Tocumen terminal, the renovation of the streets of the city of Colón, and the expansion of line 2 of the Metro, which runs from the Corredor Sur station To the Tocumen airport.

In addition, it bids for the contract to extend the first line of the Metro, from San Isidro to Villa Zaíta.

"OEC (the company’s new name in Panama is a company with government, structure and its own capital, and will continue to deliver projects on time and with quality (...)," the company said in a statement.

In the country, the company assured that it will also comply with the payment to its suppliers, subcontractors, and judicial obligations, after recognizing the bribes it paid to benefit from contracts.

So far, the payment by Odebrecht of more than $100 million in bribes in Panama has been counted says La Prensa.

Panama Bribes
Anticorruption prosecutors have detailed that in the administration of Martin Torrijos (2004-2009) more than $5.5 million would have been paid; in Ricardo Martinelli’s tome  (2009-2014) $ 96.7 million and in the one of Juan Carlos Varela five projects are investigated.



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Star witness in Martinelli sons Odebrecht bribery probe, detained


MAURICIO Cort arrives for lengthy interrogation

Posted 22/06/2019

A PROMINENT Panama lawyer a key witness in the Odebreht bribery investigation of the two sons of Ricardo Martinelli was arrested on Friday, June 21  and is in provisional detention on the orders of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor.

 Mauricio Cort was arrested  after a search of his offices and  Costa del Este home as part of an investigation into the alleged payment of bribes.hrough the Spanish company Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC),

FCC  was awarded the contract of section II of the Corredor-vía Brasil project, a during project awarded in the government of Martinelli (2009-2014) for $174.5 million, but it ended up costing $ 216.2 million.

On Friday morning of yesterday,  Cort was then taken to the Avesa building, headquarters of the prosecutor's office, in which he was interrogated for several hours. Subsequently, the measure of provisional detention was imposed.

 Odebrecht case
 Cort is a key witness in the case of the Odebrecht bribes. He returned to Panama last November, from Greece. After penalty and collaboration agreements, he gave key information about the payment of alleged bribes to the sons of the former president through the Aeon Group, of the Odebrecht Structured Operations sector.

The  current investigation dates from April 27, 2017 and is based on an audit of thr Corredor Sur-vía Brasil project, by the Comptroller General  which revealed a possible surcharge of $ 41.7 million.

 Cort is accused of f money laundering, while three others are accused of alleged crimes against the public administration, among them, former Public Works Minister Federico José Suárez , who is banned from leaving the country and must report periodically.

In the Odebrecht bribery, case e signed a collaboration agreement and a penalty agreement - the latter for 48 months in prison - both validated by the Twelfth Criminal Court in November.

After the agreements, the sentence was replaced by a 200-day fine, at a rate of $250 per day, for a total of $ 50,000, which he had to pay to the National Treasury i In addition, as part of the agreements, he returned $ 1.6 million and his testimony served the prosecutor's office to link former Minister Suárez and Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares with the bribes of Odebrecht.



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Civil Society demands revision of Odebrecht contracts


L to R: Andre Rabello (Odebrecht executive); Ricardo Martinelli, president 2009 - 2014, and  Metro director, Roberto Roy.

Posted 29/06/2019

Spokespersons of civil society are unanimous in their belief that there is no Odebrecht project in Panama, from the Cinta Costera to Panama Metro or the road works for the mayoralty in which the bribery activities of the company differed.

In the face of new published revelations, civil society demands full revision of the contracts.

"The Metro has never made or been aware of illegal payments that could have been made," said Roberto Roy, director of the Panama Metro , before a leak from Odebrecht, which revealed that through this flagship work of the last two government administrations, massive bribes were paid in Panama.

In 13,000  documents of the system that was used for the communications of the Structured Operations Sector the company admitted that "it effectively functioned as a bribery department" in a statement, as part of its agreement guilt with the United States Department of Justice.

"The Metro of Panama only pays a monthly account according to the progress of the contracted work and does not know the subsequent use that the contractor makes of such payments ... I have never received any payment from any contractor. Does not exist. They know me well, " said Roy  in a weekend statement.

The published  revelations by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) , , were a surprise for the country, said Gabriel Tribaldos, of the Independent Movement (Movin), because "it has been repeatedly said that the Metro was far from corrupt transactions. "

Organized crime
In the case of the Metro, we cannot presume that there are projects in which the company acted differently and projects in which it did not act with its usual pattern of organized crime. We cannot think that we have sacred cows or that people are above doubt, "said Olga de Obaldía, director of the Foundation for the Development of Citizen Liberty, Panamanian chapter of Transparency International.

Both Tribaldos and De Obaldía agreed that all that remains is for the authorities to review all contracts in the three administrations, so that there are no doubts. That the Public Prosecutor makes "a total sweep, that does not depend on the name [of the official] or the work, but that everyone is investigated," De Obaldía said.

"There are no works in which Odebrecht has been a part and will act differently," said Gustavo Adolfo Bernal, former president of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects. Since the award of the first project in Panama, the Remigio Rojas, to the sidewalks of Mayor Blandón, the costs are above reality, Bernal said.

In addition to bribes, "they [Odebrecht] are not saying the amount of money that a project will reasonably cost, which indicates that the costs in some cases doubled the values to maintain profitability.

"The Metro could have cost us 30% to 40% less,"  He added that the bids for better value -as happened in the case of the Metro- are "the most direct source of corruption.

The documentation revealed that about nine people had received money from the Metro, whose identities remain hidden under nicknames. The most benefited were: Cachaza and Aguia, but also Canario, Rato Roeu, Ratatouille, Burger King, Salario and Peao.

The total of bribes paid for  Panamanian works, amounts to $73 million, between 2007 and 2014, according to the payroll, which does not include invoices issued to give legitimacy to some transactions nor transactions of erased documents

There are some coincidences regarding the nicknames says La Prensa. For example, the payments received through the companies Herzone Overseas and Ralfim Ltd. have the nickname of Alemao, and according to Brazilian and local informers, the beneficiary was former Minister of Economy Frank De Lima.

The nickname Cachaza is linked to societies of politicians of the Panameñista Party and WestfallHolding, linked to former Minister Jaime Ford,  who carries the nickname of Explorer in the spreadsheets of. Odebrecht's secret messaging system.

$73 million is the conservative and proven amount of bribes in Panama in the spreadsheets. The figure does not include all the projects in which the company participated in Panama



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New report highlights Oderbrecht bribery through 3 administrations


The Cinta Costera one of Odebreckt's first major projects in Panama

Posted 28/06/2019

The Panama Metro, icon of the Martinelli Ns Varela and administrations, which changed the lives of thousands of Panamanians, was also a bargaining chip for bribes paid by Odebrecht. Of this project, at least $23 million would have been paid to local officials says an investigation by the  International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, (ICIJ) which sent shock waves through financial circles and governments around the world with the publication of the Panama Papers and the closing of the Mossack Fonseca network.

The latest claim  was corroborated by La Prensa when analyzing part of the 13,000 documents leaked from the communications of the Drousys system, as part of   Odebrecht’s Structured Operations Sector which  extracted millions of dollars of works awarded in Panama to Odebrecht. From the payment received by the company, this, through its Bribery Division, allocated a part to the Panamanian officials who participated in the crime.

La Prensa, like other publications in Latin America in countries embroiled in the Odebrecht bribery network, has published large sections of the investigation and brought under the spotlight dozens of prominent figures in the administrations of  Martin Torrijos, Ricardo Martinelli and Juan Carlos Varela, leading to moves  by the Public Ministry to extend investigations of Odebrecht’s Panama operations.

In the analysis presented it must be borne in mind that the calculation of what has been paid in bribes is partial because all the payment schedules are not present. In addition, there is evidence that the company destroyed information and documents mentioning works in Panama.

The nicknames used by some beneficiaries reveal the identities of some of them when relating to the money receiving companies. 

Simple, but effective. This was the strategy of Odebrecht to take over the mega projects in the countries where it decided to "compete". The bribe became currency and the construction company consolidated in the region ... until the mega-scandal broke.

Investigations rained in every country where Odebrecht had a presence, including Brazil, where its fall began in 2014, with the Lava Jato operation.

The ICIJ has had access to documents from the Drousys platform - the encrypted communications system used by Odebrecht's Structured Operations Sector to manage hundreds of millions in bribes.

In this new filtration -obtained by the Ecuadorian La Posta , and shared in the ICIJ- La Prensa has counted illegal payments from 2007 to 2014. It is not all, but the sum reaches  $73 million, not including invoices for the deviation of money to the  bribes division  nor the erased transactions, including  destruction of messages with mentions of works in Panama.

Bribery Sources
Th first project was the irrigation system Remigio Rojas, in 2006. His first  bribe recipients : Amigo da onca, Capitao y Salario. They received $136,000, The payment was ordered by AR, short for André Rabello , the then boss in Panama. The payment was ordered on Halloween day 2007.

But before - there had already been payments that continued during the rest of the Martin Torrijos' period (2004-09).

 Odebrecht payments
They were, in total,  10.5 million paid by the Structured Operations Sector (SOE) of Odebrecht, not including the payments of the first three.

The beneficiaries were hiding behind the Vernell Development Corp. ($ 1.3 million); Marpeach atrade Llc. ($1.4 million): World Values ($3 million); Beldent International Corp. ($600.000); Strategic Management Group ($150,000; Don James Foundation ($750,000; Caribbean Holding Services ($3.1 million) and Importadora Guiberug ($200,000). Only two projects fed these payments: the Madden-Colón highway and the Cinta Costera  (phase I).

The SOE used money from the Madden-Colón highway to pay about $11 million to 13 companies. Its recipient was the second most benefited by Odebrecht in Panama: “Cachaza.”

Mundial de Valores is related to businessman Rodrigo Díaz; Don James Foundation and Poseidon Enterprises, former Ambassador of Panama in South Korea and "lobbyist" of the Panameñista Party, Jaime Lasso; Marpeca Seatrade Llc, linked to the businessman Fotis Lymberópulos -recently released from investigation into this case- and Caribbean Holding Services Ltd., by fugitive Aaron Ronny Mizrachi, brother-in-law of Ricardo Martinelli.

Panama Metro
Most of the illicit payments in Panama, the SOE extracted it from the Metro, flagship project The Secretary of the Metro, and Canal  Minister, Roberto Roy, maintains that this work has been transparent. But, according to the data analyzed, money was extracted from this project to make illegal payments from 2011 to 2014.

The works of line 1, which ended up costing some $600 million over the award price, were in charge of the Odebrecht-FCC consortium. The Spanish authorities investigate whether FCC has obtained contracts in Panama and other countries through bribes. Odebrecht financial operator Rodrigo Tacla Durán said that he remembers "a bribe that Roberto Roy received from FCC." The official emphatically denies it.

In the data analyzed, nine people received the largest amount of funds from this work: Cachaza ($10 million); Aguia ($7 million); Canary ($3 million), Rato Roeu and Alemao ($1 million each), Ratatouille ($914000), Burger King ($105,000, Salary ($76 ,000 ) and Peao ($46,000 The same nicknames received funds from other works.

Cinta Costera 
The coastal strip was one of the main projects. The first phase was awarded to Odebrecht by the Torrijos government at a cost of $189 million, a work that Martinelli called the "coimera  (bribery)ribbon" .

From this project came multiple payments for, at least, $8 million, according to La Prensa  calculations

Some of the payments made by the SOE with funds from these projects date from 2009. Eight transactions, amounting to $2 million, went to the companies Importadora Guiberug, Caribbean Holding Services, Ltd., and the Don James Foundation. The forms do not detail the aliases of these recipients.

Cinta Costera III, awarded to Odebrecht in 2011 at an initial cost of $776 million, ended up costing, after four addenda, $782 million. Against their funds, payments were made for $6 million, between April 2012 and October 2014, although not all records are in.

It  benefited Sarawak, Idaho Holdings  Mext Trading, Ralfim, Poseidon and Westfall Holdings. The latter, linked to former Minister Jaime Ford, nicknamed Explorer in the spreadsheets.

 Westfall received $ 200,000 from the SOE in February 2014, from Cinta Costera  funds, and $1 million more from January to July 2014, taken from the historical heritage restoration project, in Casco Viejo



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